
September 19th, 2009 | 497 Entries

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497 Entries for “resist”

  1. Sometimes feelings aren’t meant to be resisted. You just have to capitulate. Whether it’s that ring at two in the morning or the coaxing smile in the hall, you know it’s futile. Life’s only lived once, and you can’t spend all your time rebelling against the mechanics of the universe.

    I’m done with my facade. I can’t resist you.

    by Helen on 09.20.2009
  2. weakness, fraility. We are never strong enough. Succumbing to temptations. WEAK.

    by Heather Syncellia on 09.20.2009
  3. resistance is futile. i know a lot of people say it–it’s in a lost of movies and such. but it’s true. to resist is exhausting and most of the time not worth it. for example–in the ocean. if you resist a wave, you’ll go down. if you go with it, you’ll go with it and be okay. i can’t think of a nicer feeling than letting go of your restistance to a wave–letting it wash over you. it’s beautiful. it’s acceptance.

    by Faith on 09.20.2009
  4. Sometimes it’s hard to resist the pull of emotions. This is why sometimes mood whiplash can be so desirable. And sometimes not.

    Mood whiplash is horrible. It makes you feel angry that you’re feeling sad, and then you hate yourself for feeling sad because you feel there’s nothing to feel sad about. Emotions are horrible, because they make you do terrible things.

    by Lindsey on 09.20.2009
  5. dfdfdfffdfgfgafgfg

    by dfadfgfgag on 09.20.2009
  6. I can’t resist his kisses as he can’t resist mine. <3

    by Vanessa on 09.20.2009
  7. what you know you don’t need.

    by aba on 09.20.2009
  8. temptation.
    what is it.
    is there one thing that links all temptations, one law, one mind, one person?

    can you resist temptation?
    do we have to restst?

    by Siobhan on 09.20.2009
  9. help!!
    oh, yeah that feels good!!
    oh yeah!!!
    cum, baby cum!!

    by on 09.20.2009
  10. you cant resist the things that come naturally to you in life. There are many things that people take for granted taht shouldnt be. so I say never resist the life that you are given … live to the fullest…

    by aryiel on 09.20.2009
  11. its hard to resists kissing you sometimes your lips are like candy in my mouth you make resisting food love and clothes so hard once I have some I can’t get enough you try to resist me and it confuses me I cannot say no yet you easily turn away from me like I mean nothing to you

    by Lauren on 09.20.2009
  12. I want to resist, but I can see no way to avoid it. she has me trapped. I need to do what she wants or die. Maybe death would be the better option. I want to resist, but she makes me feel safe. She will enslave me and hurt me and dominate my every action, but still she seems safer than going it alone.

    by ACK on 09.20.2009
  13. i can’t resist the urge to be jealous of you. i can’t resist the fact that i envy everything you have. your life to you looks like something terrible; to me it looks like heaven. i know you don’t understand because you haven’t lived it.

    by Alexis on 09.20.2009
  14. resist, what? Feelings of love? Violence? Why? Whats the point, something will always happen anyway? why should it matter if we stop one thing from happening to allow another too?

    by Cameron Scragg on 09.20.2009
  15. My uncle toled me n my cuzn to get in his car cause he had sum candy. And i said I had to play a the baseball practice. I resisted.

    by Cletus on 09.19.2009
  16. there are certain confines in this world which beckon the individual to question his surroundings, his motives and his desires. Good or bad. Right or wrong. Your mind runs back in forth between the duality between two conflicting ideals only to find an endpoint. To Resist.

    by Tristan on 09.19.2009
  17. i resisted the temptation to read all of the rules and just write. is that right? you resist everyday in forms of demonstration, protest, kids scream, adults complain, we all resist, a penchant toward depression

    by Justina Blakeney on 09.19.2009
  18. I couldn’t resist it anymore. I just needed to pick up that guitar and play. I didn’t care how lowsy I was; just putting my hands to the strings was all I needed. Strum, strum, strum. Whatever came out was good enough for me because I knew it came from my heart.

    by S on 09.19.2009
  19. can’t do it. can’t resist the urge to stay in this warm bubble. I must stay. There will be no world beyond if I don’t let there be. So I will stay. Inside here I can feel myself. Finally I have found a place in the universe to feel myself. Now I will know what to do.

    by Parker P. on 09.19.2009
  20. drengmrh ftgj,fmhrnegfbvceawrsedtjryftkh,mf nbfvcdsfvbgnhmj,khg bvccxvbnhmjk, nbv

    by me on 09.19.2009
  21. What does resist mean anyways? I know what it means. What I don’t know is what it means in practice. Why are emotions so stupid that even though I know it’s wrong and pointless and must never ever be, they still get in my way, and I convince myself that it’s not, but yet. . . the thoughts persist. Leave me alone; leave me in peace.

    by 109 on 09.19.2009
  22. I wanted to resist the temptation to have sex with my girlfriend.

    by Lolwut on 09.19.2009
  23. what the fuck is this shit? resisting like the god damn french resistance did back in WWII. Shit, I dont fucking know. I resist my god damn school work mother fucker. so I can be some kinf of rapping futher mucker. take what you read here and keep it locked in your ear because

    by Connor on 09.19.2009
  24. I cannot resist temptation to check out other females wherever I go. I love women and think they are beautiful creatures. I dont know what else to say

    by Enrique on 09.19.2009
  25. i cant resist love when it comes around. everywhere i turn its there and ii;m so tired of it. why cant i just stop loving and liking and lusting. If us humans didnt have love and like and lust we;d be happpier i think. well atleast some of us.

    by anna on 09.19.2009
  26. My fingers flexed and I reached out to the chocolate bar on the shelf. The clerk behind the counter scowled and I gave him an apologetic look. He tilted his head to the side and I returned to thinking about whether I should get the confectionery or not. In the end I couldn’t resist and bought the two dollar candy bar. Once I finished eating it and went home to weigh myself, I had gained three pounds….How sad…

    by Resist on 09.19.2009
  27. can bring them back from the dead. Wonder what will happen is no way to deal with it. Instead resist the urge to join, all in due time, “My Boy”. It rains when it shines through. Never could of seen what we wanted to do.

    by mac on 09.19.2009
  28. i can’t resist. honestly, i try. i’m trying. i’m trying really hard to. i can keep her off of my mind for hours at a time. hours! it’ll become days soon. but then, words like this pop up, and i can’t help, but think about her. i can’t resist. it’s getting better though.

    by kyle on 09.19.2009
  29. resisting is frankly a boring thing to do because if we resist anything it makes us want to do it more and more. resisting should be banned i tells ya, banned. help ican’t think of what to write now, oh no no!

    by ReddyRed on 09.19.2009
  30. never resist the world it can only take you over. Instead trying meeting the world neutrally. resisting brings the stress and pain of the things you cannot change. why suffer when you can learn to feel the flow of the energy

    by ariel on 09.19.2009
  31. but he didn’t want to go. instead he sat in his chair, waiting. The clouds finally opened up and it began to rain. He imagined her walking into the party, looking around to room, wondering where he was. He was lonely here, but lonelier there.

    by Tir on 09.19.2009
  32. I resist the structures of the system in order to determine what is best for myself and myself alone… The decisions I make in accordance with my own life affect/effect the livelihood of all of those around me. Existentially I am you as you are me.

    by -Aflakyan on 09.19.2009
  33. i can’t resist the urge to call you; to talk to you. you’ve been my best friend for five years, my husband for one year, and now you’ve gone disappearing. i can no longer just talk to you. there has to be some reason for it; some specific question or request. but i can’t resist. and i can’t resist missing you in these moments passing by.

    by Jennifer on 09.19.2009
  34. There isn’t a good way to say no to the various stops and go-aheads.
    Even if I could resist it, i couldn’t be with it
    or the knowledge that i had even left it’s side.
    revolution is easier than just saying no

    by on 09.19.2009
  35. i cant resist you my dearest lovce. why can you see my reasoning behind this decision. I think you should reconsider the reput of our sole connection. I enjoy your company more than any. my dear. goodnight.

    by on 09.19.2009
  36. I resist writing the story I was going to write.

    by awesome on 09.19.2009
  37. You must resist my charm otherwise you will end up sad and destroyed. I make them good girls go bad, and you do not want that. I know you really do want that, but deep down you know its wrong. Even though it feels sooo right… resist my charm!

    by ninja :D on 09.19.2009
  38. I was going for a long walk and thought I would get some food. Trying not to eat to much was so hard and it was so diffucult when I went into the shop. I was so hungry and could not resist all the food option

    by on 09.19.2009
  39. He pushed me up against the wall and held me there. I struggled, but he was too strong.

    “Say you love me,” he violently whispered into my ear.

    And I did, in a sort of strange way. I loved it when he controlled me.

    He held my shoulders against the wall as he pushed his body against me, kissing me.

    There was no way to let go of this. I couldn’t resist.

    by sdc on 09.19.2009
  40. i resist talking to alex. i love him so much, but i know it’s better to wait than to reply and make myself feel so alone and so dorky. i keep telling myself it’s for the better, but i’m not totally sure anymore. it hurts so bad that he doesn’t respond, but yet i still resist. i must not reply. i must be strong. a one woman stronghold. but i type them up and resist pressing send. i tell him i love him. i tell him i miss him. i tell him i cry every night.

    by on 09.19.2009