
April 17th, 2010 | 258 Entries

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258 Entries for “reflection”

  1. I thought and I thought. Until there was no time for thinking anymore, and until my brain had been emptied completely. There was a lack of anything of any value in there, and everything had been replaced by confusion and chaos.

    by Mareka Carter on 04.18.2010
  2. 桜の花Ö 反射している池のÖ蓮の葉Ö カエル

    by on 04.18.2010
  3. Reflections slept on the windowsill. Shadows danced watching the girl sleep. Smooth skin, flesh, soul, flowing through the sheets. Curves contained by silk. philosophy on the tip of the tongue tip of the brain. Reflections slept on the windowsill.

    by Arielle on 04.18.2010
  4. When you see a reflection of yourself, what is it, truly? Very little. A reflection captures everything and nothing – your physical features, perfect for posterity; your mind and soul erased as if they had never existed.

    by Richard on 04.18.2010
  5. Mirrors. Scared, pathetic reflection of my soul. I hate myself and my reflection shows just how nasty and pathetic I am. Reflections show the truth and the happiness, but can also show just how sad that we really are. They show no daydreams, wishes or dreams. Only the truth and the truth hurts.

    by Natalie on 04.18.2010
  6. when i look in the mirror, i dont always like what i see. Its not that i’m afraid of my refelction, i just miss seeing you with me. I miss looking in and seeing you looking back at me. Now you’re gone and that speace in my heart is too, im not sad or sorry. i dont want you back. i just miss your reflection in the mirror next to mine.

    by Dakota on 04.18.2010
  7. what is when where nowhere is then in honesty lies reflection of self again

    by W on 04.18.2010
  8. look in the mirror and there she is, she’s not pretty enough or thin enough or good enough, eyes too big for her round face, cascade of wild dark hair that never falls the right way, gangly long legs and breasts that aren’t as big as her roommate’s, waist too big, pale brown skin, eyes like last night’s espresso, who am i?

    by Kayla on 04.18.2010
  9. water sky trees river lake light incidence blue shines silver beautiful photography sparkling ripples image face narcissist

    by Rebecca on 04.18.2010
  10. reflection is something I do too often, I think. The eager mind is always thinking about something, and I have to say that this kind of reflection makes me the happiest.

    by Chris on 04.18.2010
  11. Something that you do when you have something on our mind and you need to confide in something. It doesn’t necessarily have to be told to anyone, you just need to get if off your chest. Or, it could be something that you do when you’ve just had a really good/bad experience and you want to relive it.

    by Bel on 04.18.2010
  12. I see my reflection. I don’t like it. There are parts I like, but not very many. I want to like it. I’m trying so hard to love the girl I see. But I can’t. I don’t see what everyone else sees in her. I don’t know her.

    by Sophia Maria on 04.18.2010
  13. I see my reflection in the mirror with the face i am tormented about every day, the horror of what it may come to be and I doubt I would ever enjoy the outcome. Will someone else enjoy it though? Those are my thoughts as I get ready for the day every morning.

    by Kaitlynn Nelson on 04.18.2010
  14. I was looking at my reflection, when it changed. Something was happening. It began as a rippling effect from the middle of my face. It was odd. Somewhat indescribable.

    I don’t know what happened, but I woke up three days later in the drunk tank at the police station. Joy.

    by Elsi on 04.18.2010
  15. mirror

    by Sriharsha on 04.17.2010
  16. I reflect on my thoughts often.. It helps me become mature and competent. I feel this activity is really necessary for people to mature as age progresses. Wow… the very word makes me happy a s the very purpose of human life is to reflect… This is also a process

    by yashas on 04.17.2010
  17. And so I could still taste you, leftover like the shattered glass that was broken by my reflection . Hideous with words of self hate , and that is why u were my bait , not my catch , just left there to be eaten by deception as I fish I’m a river by the bank and look at my reflection

    by Carina on 04.17.2010
  18. A puddle.
    A clear bottle.
    A mirror.


    by Jen on 04.17.2010
  19. this.

    by Grace on 04.17.2010
  20. I see my reflection in the mirror, in the water of a lake, in the shallow of a puddle, in the people around me. I don’t always like it, I often despise it, and it despises me as well. The disdain.

    by Becca Zeis on 04.17.2010
  21. reflection on the past, past times, past days, past experiences. sometimes i’m a reflection for others to look back at their mistakes and triumphs, a mirror or a sounding board, so to speak, and sometimes these people are my own little reality check. they are my personal reflecting pools in which i can gauge my successes and failures.

    by Kerry on 04.17.2010
  22. I am a turtle, where am I going in life? all i have done is move slowly and steady. gone nowhere while others have zoomed by. now my long slow life is at an end. and i have nothing to show for it besides my worn out shell and wrinkled face.

    by brett on 04.17.2010
  23. I saw him in the mirror. starring back at me. judging me. killing me with his gaze. fuck you fool. failure. Ahhh, the glass brakes shatters into a million pieces which turn into a thousand judging faces fuck you fuck fuck fuck fuck you you you…

    by brett on 04.17.2010
  24. i look into the mirror and hate everything i see. who is this person i’ve become? i want to be the happy, bright person i once was; instead, i’ve become a shell of who i once was, a recluse in this 8×10 room.

    by j on 04.17.2010
  25. I don’t have enough time to reflect. Unless, that is, I’m putting on make up in the morning. It’s then, and only then, that I take a step back and assess. I don’t have wrinkles, my face is certainly rounder. I’m wiser. Older. But still I’m me.

    by Odetta on 04.17.2010
  26. as i think, i think about him. he made me laugh, cry and happy. will i ever be like that again or will i stay here alone. i need to be with someone. help.

    by Brittany on 04.17.2010
  27. reflection is to some degree the thinking ang attidute of people for somrthing or somebody. it is very subjective and sensetive. So, in most cases, we can not easily judge things or people by the first reflection in our mind. We should also depend on our observation based on our ration and reason. of cause, something need not the reflection of such kind of unemotional reaction. It is called unhumaned if so. In all, reflection can be reasonal and emotional, which depends on the exact situation and circumstanse.

    by Cillena on 04.17.2010
  28. I hate grading myself, reflecting on my performance. I am so concerned about the mix between pride and incompetence that I might give off that I forget how I actually perform.

    by Kate on 04.17.2010
  29. something to think about. sleep on. give it some thought. go back in your mind and remember. good or bad. REALIZATION. COME TO TERMS WITH. MIRROR BNACK IMAGE

    by MIKE SAENZ on 04.17.2010
  30. My reflection is not something I’ve ever regretted. Each dark circle under my eye represents a night spent working hard or laughing with friends til four in the morning. Each wrinkle is a lesson learned or a smile held too long. Each blemish is a mark that I’m human. Every bit of my reflection is me.

    by Lynn on 04.17.2010
  31. I’m sitting across the room from a mirror. I told you at the beginning of the week that we should follow this band – I love the bassist and it turns out you want the drummer.

    In retrospect, it’s a great idea.

    It’s also after 1 AM on a Saturday and I can’t think straight.

    by r.a. on 04.17.2010
  32. I looked into a mirror and seen something I wish I didn’t. I hate seeing myself. I hate knowing that the reflection is me. I don’t like my face, nor my body. I am disgusting. Would you like someone like me? ‘No’.

    by Kaitlin Johnson on 04.17.2010
  33. Everytime i look into a mirror is see myself. Im always different. Everyday changes how i see myself and what my thoughts and ideas inside my head are. My reflection is never the same, ever.

    by Emily Madeira on 04.17.2010
  34. i guess i could spend all my days reflecting.
    where will that really get me?
    i just think that my entire life is leading up to one moment in time.
    that i’ve been waiting, biding my time, for something incredible to occur within a decade or so.
    then i’ve really got something to reflect on.
    something to be proud of.
    because if i died right now, i’d have nothing to reflect on.

    by aidan on 04.17.2010
  35. mirrors make reflections. you can also reflect upon what has been. but why would you want to reflect on what has been when you have a future infront of you? why reflect when you can do now.?

    by jessie on 04.17.2010
  36. i see his face. nothing like i’ve ever seen. he grabs me and pulls me in tight. he says I love you. she doesn’t matter anymore. i never thought that face would come to life. he is the love of my life. I want everything about him. he my everything.

    by kelly steinhauer on 04.17.2010
  37. Mirrors. Windows. Rain puddles. Award cases. When you’re self centered enough, everything becomes a reflection of you are.

    by Yamuna on 04.17.2010
  38. Her reflection was not one of a great beauty, nor one of even a pleasing appearance. It was simply ugly, a terrifying expression of one who has had to work too hard for something that no longer exists: love.

    by Dev on 04.17.2010
  39. Reflection in a mirror or in water rippling disturbing the reflection of your face or a camera taking a picture yourself in a mirror as a mirror image of a picture by a camera of a reflection of yourself in a store window when you want to buy what’s inside but you’re just a reflection.

    by Nick Smiley on 04.17.2010
  40. I saw my reflection in the mirror and I was…disappointed. I had been on this damn diet for WEEKS and I was STILL FAT. Maybe I wasn’t doing enough…eating too much, exercising too little. I needed to fix this. I needed to lose that weight on my hips, my ass, my thighs, my gut….I felt gross.

    by Jess on 04.17.2010