
April 17th, 2010 | 258 Entries

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258 Entries for “reflection”

  1. I like to reflect on a lot of things. Every night as I am about to go to sleep, I reflect on the day and think about what is to come the next day. I am in a Learn and Serve program at my school and we write reflections about projects we do. It is kind of annoying because we constantly write them. Oh well, continue reflecting people! I will too!

    by B. on 04.17.2010
  2. I’m standing
    in this store window
    and nearly opaque

    where are you
    on the sidewalk
    under our car
    a tire flattened

    by angie on 04.17.2010
  3. The mirror was a grand old thing, golden varnish cracked and peeling off the frame. The glass was warped, bending the images wonky, and making things a little less everyday.

    by Hanna on 04.17.2010
  4. I’ve been doing a a lot of that lately. My life is no where near where I want it to be at this time and I want to change it. I NEED to change it. I refuse to be the same person my mother is in 20 years. A failure. A complete epic failure. No. Not me.

    by Jeran on 04.17.2010
  5. mirror shiny shiny shiny. i see myself in it. my..face. with eyes, and hair. reflection, like in a lake. narcissus staring at the man beneath. adoring, loving. turns into a flower. reflection, like how you reflect what you’ve been doing with your life.

    by jay y on 04.17.2010
  6. I looked against that glass, staring deep into the eyes of the girl on the other side, trying to see what the big deal was about. What everyone loved her for when she had caused so much pain. Why was she not abandoned…because she gave her whole self to everyone all the time….

    by Krissy on 04.17.2010
  7. when i look at my reflection all i can see is my massive dong screaming for mercy. none is given. i can also see my reflection in it’s lustrous shine.

    by piss ass on 04.17.2010
  8. The girl stared into the pond and pondered her reflection. The girl she saw appeared to be so one- dimensional there in the water, but her thoughts and imagination were more complex than anything under the sun. she thought of the things she had been through.. the things that mode her the person she was.

    by kristen on 04.17.2010
  9. not me, avoid it, hate it, sometimes i love it and can’t stop looking. Want to change it. Is it me? compare you next to me. It’s always changing.

    by Kristen on 04.17.2010
  10. A reflection is the mirror image you see when you like in the mirror. it could also be your shadow. If you wanna talk metemorphically then i guess it could be like you dont recognize the reflection in the mirror meaining you dont really know who you are. Reflection. i like that word.

    by Courtney on 04.17.2010
  11. what i see in a pond is a reflection of the worl and the way we have made it. i feel that it should be a beautiful place but at time it’s not. just like god changes the weather we change our surrondings. sometime we should just leave it alone.

    by leann on 04.17.2010
  12. my reflection is so ugly to me that i hate to look at it, i just think others judge me way to much for being myself and for doing what i do. i feel like i can see my flaws in my reflection and i cant stand it, it scares me

    by suzanne on 04.17.2010
  13. reflect on the word reflect what a word to think about austin is a reflecion of me i am not making sense reflection reflection v for vendetta words are always in my mind what will come next reflection words worlds what have i done words words camoflauge words canvas.

    by michelle on 04.17.2010
  14. looking down in the water i cry. i cant stand to stare at the face that looks back as i dive in to the unknown, not wanting to look back.

    by Jess on 04.17.2010
  15. There is always time for reflection in our lives. It can be reflection on things past or present. Reflection can help us make important decisions. I think I reflect about something every single day. It’s just a natural part of life. It also helps me come up with things to write about.

    by sara on 04.17.2010
  16. i reflected what i look. i don’t like it. i’m scared. seeing myself scares me. i don’t want to see. i want the mirrors to die. i don’t want people to see me for who i really am. i like lies. i like being away from the world. i like being my own self each day without having to see what i’ve become.

    by Megan on 04.17.2010
  17. She sat back on her knees and felt a quiet calm spread over her very existence. In the stillness of the desert, under the pulsing heat of the sun, running a geophysical reflection survey, she was finally able to reflect. And not about the reflections of seismic waves, but about those things like grad school, careers, and boys who rode motorcycles. They were reflections of life.

    by jackie on 04.17.2010
  18. i look into the mirror.
    but i no longer see myself.
    what has come over me?
    i look harder and harder but i only see you.
    the very thing i hate.

    by haleyhaley on 04.17.2010
  19. Mirrors are like the reflection no one wants to see. Reflections are just the images others see of us. But what if the reflection lies? I don’t want to be portrayed as anything other than I see in the mirror. What monster could there be? Could they see the real me?

    by Nicole Norris on 04.17.2010
  20. The reflection in the mirror that is me, that is unlike anyone else I have seen before, that is smiling – is struggling from itself.

    by ac on 04.17.2010
  21. i once saw my reflection in the ice as I was passing by the porch. Little did I know that ice was looking back at me, with an image of me… evil me. The next moment I was on the ground facing the non-reflective sky where a throb was emanating from the back of my head.

    Damn you icy bastard

    by Colin on 04.17.2010
  22. Reflection. I reflect upon all that has happened. The ides of march saw the world fall apart. Not as much for me as for you. True. The day after our birthday, and it all came crashing down. She betrayed you. She lied to us all. It hurts. It still hurts I’m still mad. I hope I can forgive her one day. You have already. I hope you’ll be ok as I reflect on this.

    by sav on 04.17.2010
  23. Looking back at me and wonder what I am and who I am… Where did I come from, where will i go next, it confuses me really, but that is all just another part of life. My reflection is who I am on the inside, not out.

    by Gabby on 04.17.2010
  24. I saw a man today in a glass suit. Every piece of light that hit him bounced off. The reflection that came off him was a fractured multi-faceted thing. No part of me was as it was. Some bits were twice. Some were none.

    by stoush on 04.17.2010
  25. I will look into myself and find something that is more beautiful more righteous more truthy. Truthy isn’t the word I’m looking for, and I’m sure it’ll undermine the meaning of this post. But like looking in the water or mirror, sometimes the image you see is reversed and so not as accurate of reality as you may believe. In reality, reflection leads to an unhealthy self judgement.

    by Matthew Mosquera on 04.17.2010
  26. I see my reflection in a mirror/. Water is reflective. Lilypads float in water. There is a Pokemon shaped like a lilypad. it’s name is Lotad. Lotad evolves into Ludicolo. I like pokemon,. A Pokeball is tred and whitwe. red and white are on the american flag.

    by Nate on 04.17.2010
  27. My reflection shows someone who is not me, more the me I was. A me to refelct upon, an apparition of the past, for my outsides no longer aptly display my insides, however much i feel as though my insides are often on sisplay for th worls, as if i had done to school without my pant on. It is a singular sensation on horror.

    by Audrey F on 04.17.2010
  28. The mirror,
    the water,
    the sunlit window.
    All telling me how the world sees me, when all I want is to what you see.

    by alisa on 04.17.2010
  29. I reflect on my day, my year, my life. Like a ripple in a pond. Satisfaction spreads over me like the sun warming my skin.

    by Val on 04.17.2010
  30. look in the mirror see what you look like but its backwards. you see what you look like to yourself but not what you look like to the world. everyones impression of themselves is different from the worlds impression of them. if people could see what they look like to others everything in life would be different.

    by jordan on 04.17.2010
  31. A shakey hand reaches toward the mirror, grabs at the reflection. I desperately try to tear at the grotesque face before me. The mirror breaks. My face shatters and there’s nothing I can do.

    by Shiina on 04.17.2010
  32. i see my self in the mirror and i think about my past and my future. i think of where i have been and where i will end up. then i look away as i forget about thinking and just live life as it comes.

    by Ernie Martinez on 04.17.2010
  33. So far away. My image in the reflection doesn’t match my being. It feels like that person is miles from here. When did this happen? How could it? I used to be so closely related to her.

    by amanda on 04.17.2010
  34. she sees her reflection in the mirror. yes, she sees it. you don’t have to point it out. the shaved head, barely teeming with tiny auburn trees. the tired eyes, ringed with dark circles that tell of sleepless nights and coffee-induced bursts of productivity. the tiny wrinkles she shouldn’t have until she’s 40. she sees all these things, and they mean nothing.

    by litzi on 04.17.2010
  35. it is an image protruded back from an imitating surface. My reflection looks good. Who messed with my reflection. GAHHH that reflection word is getting to me. i dont know what else to write.

    by p on 04.17.2010
  36. Whenever I look in the mirror I see a different person. Sometimes she’s a woman, strong and happy. She sometimes looks lost and sad. She doesn’t seem to understand her beauty but it’s up to her to find it. She forgets and asks others to tell her and they never do it right.

    by Dana on 04.17.2010
  37. Without looking back at all of the experiences you’ve been through, whether good or bad, you will never learn from them. Only then will you see how much stronger you’ve become because of them.

    by stephanie on 04.17.2010
  38. Just give me a moment to reflect on why we are all here. Is it to be part of a happy celebration? Or to sneer at the unhappy, single people?

    by Lucy on 04.17.2010
  39. Today my eyes are flakey as I am still recovering from pink eye. Despite it all I can finally accept that there is somemone beautiful in there despite it all.

    by e on 04.17.2010
  40. back at ya. or still contemplation or both? is that possible? still yet returning. still yet self aware.

    by Paul on 04.17.2010