
August 11th, 2009 | 267 Entries

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267 Entries for “radio”

  1. On the radio we hear songs of sorrow, change the channel; we hear songs with thumping bass, change the channel; we hear folksy bluesy songs, songs with a twangy gee-tar, change the channel.

    Turn the radio off.

    Can you hear it? This is our moment.

    by Alyson on 08.11.2009
  2. He flipped on the radio, letting the music wash over him and bring him back to reality. Or maybe, he thought, as Radiohead came on, into a fantasy world. He enjoyed the beat and the almost whining voice before rolling onto his side and falling asleep.

    by Chimi on 08.11.2009
  3. the radio has always been one of my favorite things… no pictures, no images invading your brain or telling you what to think – just sounds and your mind reacting to them It is one of the purest forms of entertainment – well, mass entertainment anyway … it also evokes my love for music – a love that is both ridiculous and illogical … i love hearing what song comes on next, wondering why that dj chose it, and anticipating the next choice…

    by kari on 08.11.2009
  4. Radio listeners who listen to music going down the hill, now i’m wondering what the fuck is this about, anyways my friend had a radio once.. i mean he broadcasted somehow … i’ve allways wanted to do that… sounds cool…

    by Keza on 08.11.2009
  5. Radio Radio in this state of electro-mAGNETIC spheals.

    by Samantha on 08.11.2009
  6. Radio Radio in this state of electro-mAGNETIC spheals.

    by Samantha on 08.11.2009
  7. You hit the breaks
    I fall into the dash
    the seat belt pulls
    time after time

    by kellen on 08.11.2009
  8. he had an old radio from the 70s. that was his one source of entertainment/news. he relied on nature, the gods/god, to entertain him

    by b david on 08.11.2009
  9. a fun muical divice that make it so i can walk and go to school with out thinking anything important just get lost in the muisc. i do chorse to the radio and i have more fun doing that then anything eles.

    by shishi on 08.11.2009
  10. It’s playing our song again,
    love mixed with lust and
    a taste of cherry-tinted lipstick
    stuck to the mirror.

    I can’t find your voice
    in the jangles that startle me anymore;
    I think you might have faded
    into background noise
    and memories I’ll never drag back out
    of dusty boxes.

    by Beth on 08.11.2009
  11. “Radio, radio,” he heard the record sing. “Radio is the sound salvation.” He couldn’t remember anything but the last ten minutes, when somehow she’d been on his lap and he’d said something stupid, and she’d walked up, and that was when he realized she hadn’t even taken her shoes off. That was when he realized that her makeup was smudged, and he couldn’t even remember the feel of her face under his skin. The record skipped, “radio, radio, radio.”

    by Emily on 08.11.2009
  12. Radio is filled with magic, fantasy, adventure, horror. Whether it be music, talk, sports or news, the stories it tells are limitless.

    by Bobby Chandler on 08.11.2009
  13. Hark / what bellowing demagogues / dumb-sounding declamations disembogue?

    by putz on 08.11.2009
  14. I turned on the radio to hear the adorable sounds of puppy barks and kitten meows, causing my heart to fill with happiness!

    by Demi on 08.11.2009
  15. i listened to the radio with micah< not really but i was thinking about her while i was listening to the radio so it felt like she was there….right there in front of me hair falling down her back i was sad why was it just an illusion, the prettiest images becoming my minds dirtiest tricks

    by Justin on 08.11.2009
  16. It fills most of our days, the radio. It starts as a wake up, news and what not. Drifts into background noise for 8 hours, and then to the soundtrack of the journey home. At last it is background for dinner making.

    by Megan on 08.11.2009
  17. Is radiology the study if radios?

    by Joseph Leff on 08.11.2009
  18. the radio is nothing but a cultural waste- shoving the most processed garbage down our throats for the mere purpose of furthering business, never for our own good. we are slaves to the radio culture, to the culture of our time.

    by Emily on 08.11.2009
  19. disney we are kids
    102.7 kiis fm
    win prizes
    pay your pills
    ryan seacres???
    flowers sent
    repeating songs
    radio iran
    kirn 670am simi valley los angeles goosh meeconeen
    play it on my radio

    by Shan Non on 08.11.2009
  20. music,avoidance, in tune, lost, unaware, dissaccociate, be some where else. Driving in my car.what the hell?

    by Norma on 08.11.2009
  21. The radio’s on again and I can hear a song blaring so carelessly into the wind. I left my car windows open as I turned up the volume, so they can hear the song on the radio, our song. It was the one we used to sing to together everytime we drove around so aimlessly in the neighbourhood, stopping by consistently at every seven-eleven that came our way. That was our song. It was, and we were.

    by Rosceline on 08.11.2009
  22. TV on the Radio is a fabulous band. The radio helps creativity far more than television. Radio can let you develop a sense of self in just how you see what the talker is saying. Also, it teaches people to speak clearly, to be understood without reading lips.

    by Sarah Shirley on 08.11.2009
  23. The radio is a machine by which we can ensure that any and all good music is crushed underfoot by the colossus that is mass media and consumerist capitalist creations. We package to sell ad space. The radio takes art and whores it out.

    by Elliot Liebman on 08.11.2009
  24. A radio nowadays is an intriguing object but recieves terrible transmissions from local radio stations, the only good radio station is NPR. i don’t know what I’m thinking but I hate it, i hate my life and the terrible, stereotypical people in it…

    by Sarah on 08.11.2009
  25. I have my radio. I just moved to a new city and I don’t even know the radio stations down here. I want an alternative radio station, one that plays unknown local bands. Sacramento had 106.5 KWOD but the station went under. =( I’ve learned that 104.9 is the closest I will get to a alternative radio station.

    by Stephanie on 08.11.2009
  26. this lead to the beginning of connecting the world with all the events occuring across the world being aired to other parts of the world added a sense of connectivity among the people that they all are connected..

    by ashish on 08.11.2009
  27. Their voices were thick in my throat, singing my laughter out of my tears.

    by r.a. on 08.11.2009
  28. I shoot my voice across the city in sound waves that wash over everyone I know and more I don’t know. Most of them have never seen my, but they know my voice. Like the girl in the bakery who turns her head ever so slightly thinking about how she knows me. It doesn’t come to her right away, but later on tonight she’ll remember my voice.

    by Peter Soto on 08.11.2009
  29. i don’t really like listening to the radio. i find it a waste of time it just enables us commercialism to once again ruin our lives with all the fucking commercials about online wight loss programs and what not. all that stuff that we shouldn’t need but do because this country is so fat. JUST STOP EATING SO MUCH AND PUT US OUT OF OUR MISERY. i’m sick of those goddamn commercials. i mean really? like all you have to do is just change your ways but nooooo it’s too had for you. i mean don’t you wanna be healthy? sure there are those who are like genetically obese and i’ll cut them some slack but for everyone else who did it to themselves….well let’s just say i’m not happy with you and you shouldn’t be either.

    by Consuelo on 08.11.2009
  30. wow radios are so cool. i love how u can listen to ur favorite music every morning and learn about new artists and music. It is alot more convinient than carrying around cds.

    by a on 08.11.2009
  31. Who killed the radio star! ah Video :)
    And then there are radio waves
    I want to develop my own frequency
    But would then have to find people with similar tunings
    And communicate with them
    Difficult it is
    Even now i can say that
    Maybe all lines in that route would be busy

    by Sowmiya on 08.11.2009
  32. a small or large tele device that transmits sounds and frequinces over specified channels usally in Fm or AM can be used for communications

    by mason Lusk on 08.11.2009
  33. una sola parola? non basta, non ne bastano infinite per trasmettere la realtá

    by lorenzo on 08.11.2009
  34. I once stole 4 radios from a person. I wonder how they are taking it.

    by Peddler on 08.11.2009
  35. Swimming through the stereo
    Are the words to light the day alive
    and they speak of hurting hearts
    and silent strawberry kisses

    by kim on 08.11.2009
  36. Radios are no longer as large a part of our lives as they may have been many years ago. Sure, people still listen, but often only when they have nothing better to do to pass the time, for example in the car. Poor, poor radio, how you’ve grown old and useless, overtaken by more important mediums that will one day see their own end.

    by Phil on 08.11.2009
  37. I love listening to the radio on the way to work in the morning. I usually enjoy the local alternative station. Because they dont have the stupid commercial. I also hate when the hosts talk….I want to listen to music not your loud ass mouths so shut up allready.

    by DSisk on 08.11.2009
  38. Demons on the radio tell me what to do. Sometimes they say confusing things, but I cannot stop listening. They tell me new things. Exciting things. Things that make me glance around quickly, guiltily. But I want to keep hearing them. I cannot stop hearing.

    by Adam on 08.11.2009
  39. I don’t listen to the radio all that often anymore. It’s gotten to the point that when I do, I feel almost lost. Too much time has gone by-I don’t know the “trends” any longer. I guess that’s the way it goes. But, I do miss my singing in the shower days to the water proof radio I used to have in college. Those were the days…I was known officially as the singing in the shower tall chick. That was pretty awesome.

    by Charlie on 08.11.2009
  40. the sound of freedom coming through a box
    keeping me awake during all-nighters and
    insomniac dreams of olde. all these things
    i attribute to the radio. all these things
    i attribute to the radio.

    by V on 08.11.2009