
September 15th, 2008 | 1,323 Entries

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1,323 Entries for “proud”

  1. i am proud to be where i am today. everything i have achieved, all the people i’ve come to know, the man i have become. i’m proud

    by jas on 09.23.2008
  2. I am proud of my abilities as a writer and an indexer.

    by Prasanna M. Prabhu on 09.23.2008
  3. i’m proud to say that i know you. i’m proud to say that i got to know you. i’m proud to say that i can see how beautiful you’re heart really is. i’m proud to say that i once had you in my hands.

    by Chad on 09.23.2008
  4. what do I have to be proud of? I sit in a cubicle 8 hours a day staring at a screen looking at webpages similar to this one. It’s pretty boring if you ask me. I have the ability and knowledge to make life more interesting, but I lack the focus.

    by Mason on 09.23.2008
  5. It wasn’t silence which marked her pride. Instead, it was the faint smile which crossed her lips when someone made an inappropriate comment, the casual rolling of the eye when a plebe would ask for her number. She was the epitome of iciness, and she was proud of it.

    by Rubio on 09.23.2008
  6. i am proud of you. you follow all your dreams. i am proud to say i am the person you love. i am proud that you are not going to give up on me, and i am proud that i will never have to give up on you. i am proud that you are the most beautiful person i have ever seen and you have the best taste in music and clothes and i love you and i am so proud of you.

    by sara on 09.23.2008
  7. i am proud of my friend karl,he means alot 2 me,i hope hes proud of me.i hope he sees,

    by ken on 09.23.2008
  8. An emotion that stimulates the joyous and respective feeling of belonging to something greater than oneself. It encourages you and the rest of humanity to live on, to strive for another day. Our legacy will forever live on.

    by AJP on 09.23.2008
  9. I’m proud to be a part of the internet world. It’s amazing the things that one can learn from anywhere, and at anytime. I’m proud that I’m connected with people that otherwise would never cross my path.

    by fernando on 09.23.2008
  10. I’m not proud of where I’m at now. I’m the kind of person who always wishes he could go back and redo things. I’m not proud that I’m not in shape. I’m not proud that I stay up too late and sleep too little, that I sometimes miss classes because of it. I’m not proud that I have bad habits I can’t ever seem to shake. I’m not proud of what I’m doing to myself, to Stacie, to Emily. I’m not proud of much, but that much I know.

    by Nick Addison on 09.23.2008
  11. her ruddy fierce cheeks fumed as bright sharp words fell to his ears like lacerations to his tender open heart, now bleeding naked red blood, poools on ivory clean floors.

    by on 09.22.2008
  12. She was a girl with a dark secret, and had a dog with a past and was proud of it.

    by Debbi on 09.22.2008
  13. The=is simple but an awesome word remind me of the situation when my father felt proud about me and he will feel the same in the coming years . I feel proud when I achieve my goals and I am int the process of achieving them. We all feel proud of us and our achievements. Even when I was a little child or even when we grow old, we will feel the same.

    by rajiv on 09.22.2008
  14. a rod that means to be honor and feel happy with something.

    by anibal on 09.22.2008
  15. proud is the father who chasises my every flaw. I should be much more proud of my heritage. Well if you are my heritage then why would i want to be proud? Why would I want to be like you at all?

    by Weston on 09.22.2008
  16. right now i’m too proud to give in to by best friends stubbornness. i don’t know if we’ll talk again. he’s calling me tomorrow. he’s being a bad friend and i don’t know if i should let it slide or let him go.

    by whitney on 09.22.2008
  17. I am not a proud person. I don’t know why. I guess it’s just the way I am. But I remember pride being a sin in the Bible, or something along those lines… and it’s also a mode in Kingdom Hearts II. Proud Mode. It’s supposed to be really hard, and seemed like it from the way Tyler talked about it… I only got a few minutes into the game myself. I guess they just felt like being creative and using something different than what is normal, like “intermediate” and “hard” modes.

    by Ko on 09.22.2008
  18. it was the first time that hector felt any real pride in his work. He lay down his shovel and marveled in the craftsmanship and skill with which he had done the deed. Wiping the blood from his hands, he walked away.

    by george on 09.22.2008
  19. She was proud of the body she had created.
    Hard work and determination.
    Eating healthy and working like a horse.
    It worked.

    by Wibb. on 09.22.2008
  20. i am proud to be an american, a democrat, a college student makeing great progess toward a greater future for myself and my future generations. All these facts make my parents more proud of me then i could have hoped going off to college initialy. I take great pride in my work that i due both academically and socially.

    by pride on 09.22.2008
  21. i am not proud of the things i have done but i am proud of the person they’ve made me

    by miriam on 09.22.2008
  22. how i feel when i accomplish something. my niece’s first crawl. my fiance’s graduation from college. striving to be happy and content. I’m proud of it all. big or small.

    by Amy on 09.22.2008
  23. My pride was shattered the day he said all those things and took a flight away out of my life but I have shattered the pride of many others without knowing, and the shards flew into my eyes until I could see. I was proud to be loud and I’m proud of you for having everything you ever wanted and I’m happy

    by G on 09.22.2008
  24. i am proud that i just farted right now.

    by mandi on 09.22.2008
  25. I can’t say I’m proud of anyting. NOthing. I kind of wish I was. Everyone else is proud. Of their dog even. I mean they have nothing to do with their dog. Maybe its because I know I have nothing to do with anything. Maybe I’m proud that I know I have nothign to be proud of. Kind of like socrates I don’t know anything at least I know that. But I think being proud of something helps.

    by K on 09.22.2008
  26. I am proud of everybody in my family. I am proud of Breaking Benjamin and their new album. Rock on!

    by Jenna on 09.22.2008

    by derek on 09.22.2008
  28. I used to be proud of everything I did. Every little dance step. Every awkward movement of my fingers on the ivories. I produced sour note after sour note, but I thought it was precious. Just absolutely fucking amazing. And to me, it was. To everybody else it was annoying. Things changed after my mom grew sick. I was swallowed up by the big fat wall of negativity that everyone else embraced so easily.

    by paisley on 09.22.2008
  29. I am proud owner of a new computerscreen, I got it on sale! It’s 21′ and it’s bigger than my tv. I really need my new screen because I work in tv and movies.

    by samu on 09.22.2008
  30. It’s important to feel the feeling of having others be proud of us. To be proud of ourselves. But often times pride can get the best of us. If we’re too proud we create barriers and put up walls. In fact, pride can be the biggest creator of security and yet be the one thing that holds us back from being truly secure.

    by Darby on 09.22.2008
  31. I’m so proud to be her mom. She’s my world. The only person I can count on to be there when I need something to build me up. She’s my joy. Her smile can brighten any cloudy day, and change any bad mood. Her laughter is like the sweet song of a piano.

    by Sarah on 09.22.2008
  32. what i’m proud of, everything that I have accomplished to change myself in the past year have been astonishing. I’ve completely changed into a different person it’s crazy. Now what I want to do is to have people who saw in a different way before come and see me now.

    by jason liang on 09.22.2008
  33. you’re so fucking proud of your shiny new car and your kids and your home. What about me? I’m just the scummy punk next-door neighbor with no life, just breathing and working for the food I can put on the table. I’m sick of you and your “perfect” life. I’m sick of you. I don’t even despise or hate, just observe the lies and hate between your family.

    by Charli on 09.22.2008
  34. beaming.
    In a good way.
    I’m so proud of you
    Look at this pretty thing you made
    But don’t strut.

    It just ruins it.


    never mind.

    Now you’re just silly.

    by bunny on 09.22.2008
  35. happy, spite, me, cross country, track, team, assholes, falcons, life, friends, achievements, falling to pride, obsessed

    by Dakota on 09.22.2008
  36. of what? of what i’ve done? who else has uttered those words? probably every american who believes in the dream still. i haven’t given up on it yet but in the latter years of my generation it’s become slightly ambiguous.

    by James m. on 09.22.2008
  37. I’m proud that I’ve made it this far. Getting to college with a decent ACT was the first step. Now that I’m here and have a year under my belt its time to figure out what I’m gonna do with all this money I’ve put into this school. Well at least hope I make a lil before I have to give it all back- with interest.

    by tyler on 09.22.2008
  38. An affliction and a curse. It is weakness. No one ever needed more pride only less. Life is squandered on some many prideful things. Nation and God… …

    by Duncan Ward on 09.22.2008
  39. Its hard to say what this should mean. Everything about me should scream it but it all relative. Youd like to think that you made your self out of nothing but you look around and nothing is all you find. It feels like there are too many steps to follow up on but the meaning hasn’t lost its value I still know how to get it but its becomming harder and harder to feel…..

    by Courtney on 09.22.2008
  40. I’m so proud of my life accomplishments. I was able to have two jobs at one time and hold up them both. The word proud represents a lot to me because I have a lot of meaning from that word that reminds me of myself.

    by Shelby on 09.22.2008