
April 16th, 2010 | 247 Entries

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247 Entries for “potato”

  1. potato pancakes that my grandma used to make on saturday mornins……

    by wendy on 04.16.2010
  2. potato is for the heart and soul. heart, because it kills you, soul because sometimes it looks like faces of the dead. this is truly a vegatable from hell

    by tarrah on 04.16.2010
  3. Its a vicarious spud, a gargantuan fallacy created by alien beings. A famine induced, a joke concluded. A reason to make fun of the Irish. I never liked them baked, but fried? My favorite.

    by Nicolas Mattingley on 04.16.2010
  4. tastes like heaven, and even better butter. I enjoy it cooked in many ways. Probably the most versatile meal. twice baked, baked, cooked, mashed, for breakfast. any time. as fries. it’s magnificent. i could eat them forever, I wish the world good potatoe times. any one can eat them.

    by blaine on 04.16.2010
  5. yay idaho! These go so well with everything good in this world. Like garlic, cheese, and sour cream. Yea that was an oxford comma and potatos go with them too.

    by Megan on 04.16.2010
  6. Irish potato famine? how many generations back in my family? Probably three, maybe four? But lets be honest, I haven’t thought about it since that mismatched heritage project in the sixth grade. Historical ancestors are irrelevant in this allegedly multi-ethnic yet so terrifyingly conformed society of ours.

    by Liz on 04.16.2010
  7. po-tae-TOE!
    I pry it off the pudgy hands of an eager to be linguistically helpful four year old.
    “actually, this is a Kumara.”

    by Giles on 04.16.2010
  8. When I was young I hated potatoes for the sole reason that my sister loved them.
    I got over that quickly and moved to Ireland for five months when i was 17.
    upon returning to the states not having a form of potato in atleast one meal a day freaked me out
    never underestimate the potato and it’s forms

    by maxine on 04.16.2010
  9. potatoes grow in the ground and can hold heat for an extraordinarily long amount of time. people in the prarie times used these for heat on trips into town…at leas in the “little house on the prarie” they did. they also provided most of the food for the people of ireland for a while until they ran out. then thousands of people starved to death.

    by nelson on 04.16.2010
  10. I like the sweet ones… they are yummy. Mmmmm…. I am hungry now. I want to eat. Eat? I eat it without peeling the skin. That’s okay, right? Right? No? You think that is gross? Well, your face is gross. Yeah, that’s right. You don’t think so? Go look in the mirror. GO LOOK IN THE MIRROR. Wait, you don’t have a mirror? Well… I guess that’s too bad.

    by Sally on 04.16.2010
  11. why does it keep popping up as potato. i don’t want potato. i want to write about something else. it’s not fair. do i really have to submit this in order to write about something i care about. i already wrote about the potato. it was awful. i don’t like potato. potato sucks. i do like french fries. with ketchup. no

    by kelsey Storage on 04.16.2010
  12. A truly wonderful food. I have depended on it and to be frank it has never let me down. I like them most ways you can prepare them. I would like to grow them in my garden that does not exist yet. Ireland. Wanted to get that out of the way.

    by Christopher Levine on 04.16.2010
  13. It makes me think of the famine in Ireland before I was born. They use them to make French Fries today. Those help to kill a lot of people, just as the lack of potatoes killed a lot of Irish men, women, and children. Tasty.

    by Andy on 04.16.2010
  14. Mmmm, potatoes. So many possibilities! Mashed, baked, wedges, scallops, perogies… Plus you can add so many toppings that all go deliciously!

    by Kirsten on 04.16.2010
  15. chips. crisps. bake. salad. stuffed. boiled. hash brown. mashed. tater tots.


    by e on 04.16.2010
  16. the potato chips the bronze metal ear off my lucky bunny ring.
    “what a sharp potato that is!” i muttered.

    by chloe on 04.16.2010
  17. I am a potato. I live in the ground next to all of my other potato buddies. One day, the big guy in overalls will come by and pick us out of the ground, one by one, so that he may prepare us in any way that he likes. We are born to be eaten. Just like the carrots and strawberries.

    by Wyatt on 04.16.2010
  18. Immediately I think Ireland, and how gross it would have been to be constantly eating potatoes for so long. Potato…it sounds like a delicious word, but the actual food is gross. But words don’t change it, a potato is a potato, me describing it isn’t changing anything. Six letters, just a symbol for the actual substance. Potato.

    by Mary on 04.16.2010
  19. me. that is me. i am potato. there is no other. it’s the best nickname ever. no question. what a crazy random happenstance. <3

    by Brianna "Potato" on 04.16.2010
  20. I had a potato for lunch. It was very good. I put butter and cheese sauce on the potato. Many people added chili to their potatoes, but I didn’t. It could have used some salt, but I didn’t have any. Oh well. The potato bar was at the science class.

    by dawn on 04.16.2010
  21. Oh my sullen rose, brown with the fruit of my labor. Hidden deep under lush, The potato, a love a new age rose. hidden in layers of dirt.

    by Kunze on 04.16.2010
  22. potatoes. all i could eat for three days when i got my teeth pulled were mashed potatoes, that were made with some chip dip stuff, and so yummy. and they’re so easy to eat with braces, it’s exciting. i love them.

    by kassidy on 04.16.2010
  23. Oh potato. Potato. Lovely potato. Why don’t I eat you oh lovely potato? Just chop you up, and let you fry. Roast you up and eat you dry. Smash you and cut you, bake you and scrub you. Silly potato, don’t you see how I want you? I guess it’s not love, you silly spud. You’re just some random thing in the mud.

    by Jordan on 04.16.2010
  24. Potatoes are really strange, you know? People dig them up out of the ground to eat them. And then when we do eat them, we put all this stuff on top of them, even though we went to all effort to dig them up, they weren’t even good enough. That’s pathetic. It’s like those girls that try really hard for a good guy, then don’t realize how good he is and try to find something “better”. Stupid. Love the potatoes, okay?

    by Jordan on 04.16.2010
  25. Strangely I was considering the possibilities of potatoes today with a friend. I believe that the cheese burger chips that Dorritos makes would be much better if made with potato chips. I also don’t think that we have reached the end of what we will be able to do with a potato as far as replacing every day food items with it.

    by Sam Narud on 04.16.2010
  26. I know this potato, but he hates to be written about. He says stories about him always come out starchy, but I know him better than anyone else.

    by Heidi on 04.16.2010
  27. oh potato chips, you are so sinful and wonderful all at the same time. I love when you leave that fatty texture on my lips and taste buds making me feel bad and delighted all at the same time, how i wish you were better for me.

    by hannah on 04.16.2010
  28. Spuds. They look at you funny, with those dirty little eyes. It makes you wonder which hole they crawled out of and where they’re going to end up next.

    The last time I ran into a spud…

    by Rob on 04.16.2010
  29. Martha’s punishments are always cruel and unusual, and Yuusei sighs heavily as he skins the potato, sitting next to Jack who is doing the very same, while being seated next to Crow who is whistling, peeling the potatoes happily. Yuusei’s done this one too many times to really not be bothered by it anymore, but he doesn’t complain and grumble and whine like Jack does.

    “Dammit, why do we have to do this?”

    “Because you’re an ass,” Crow laughs. “And you just had to try to see if you could snatch some pie before dinner.”

    “It was worth the shot.”

    by Justine on 04.16.2010
  30. The irish potato famine is what caused my family to come to America. It seems so odd to me that a crop could have such an intense impact on a country and large amount of people. Now, I eat lots of potatoes. I probably don’t think about it that much either.

    by Suzanne on 04.16.2010
  31. The potato fell from the counter with a sickening thud. A thud he had heard once before in his life, that day that changed everything. He remembered it perfectly. However, the one thing he wanted to do was forget. That awful, sunny day in October had become a part of him the way that cancer was a part of its patient.

    by Andrew Blok on 04.16.2010
  32. you can make so many things with it! boiled potatoes, french freies, mashed potatoes, au gratin, the list goes on and on! PO-TAY-TOE!

    by breeeeeely on 04.16.2010
  33. Stacy wanted to eat a baked potato. Bill wanted a pizza. Stacy baked herself a potato. Bill microwaved a personal pizza. They ate their food and then walked outside. The mothership was hovering over their heads.

    by vladdytrout on 04.16.2010
  34. So good with cheese. Do we have potatoes? I should make them for dinner. I hate washing them tho…my hands get cold and I feel like they never get clean enough. I do love fries tho. I should try potato pancakes. I wonder if you are supposed to put syrup on them?

    by Honey on 04.16.2010
  35. she hates potatoes. he knows this. this is precisely why he keeps a large bag of potatoes in the kitchen, right under the sink, so when she gets angry at him she can chuck delicious, delicious potatoes at him instead of incredibly dangerous, harmful, and possibly sharp knick-knacks she inherited from her grandmother.

    by litzi on 04.16.2010
  36. patatoes are awsome they can be in almost anything, almost all the food i eat contains potatoes but even though its good its not good for you so thanks to that starch ive gained monumental amounts of weight but i still think ti was worth it!

    by tres on 04.16.2010
  37. You say potato, I say potato. Same difference? I don’t think so. Same meaning, completely different meaning. Just at people. People are potatoes. I just misspelled potatoes, perfect example.

    by Kyra on 04.16.2010
  38. Zapps Bar-b-que potato chips. I find myself writing (usually twitter) and thinking about food all too often.

    by Rachael on 04.16.2010
  39. potato. po-tah-to.
    our differ so greatly
    on so many things.
    maybe, someday,
    we’ll agree?

    by m on 04.16.2010
  40. I love potatos. I love perogies with potato and cheese cooked with onions and spinach and cherry tomatos… yumm. Now i’m hungry.

    by UndeadInk on 04.16.2010