
August 29th, 2009 | 290 Entries

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290 Entries for “pit”

  1. pit is a hole dug into the earth it is generally small and the word is of 3 letters it is p i angggggggggggggggggggggggggd tgfg jkg

    by hghjh on 08.30.2009
  2. I wouldn’t worry about it. She threatens with what she wants you to think is real as she convinces herself that it is….makes it all that more convincing.
    Hows Bradd?

    by RFI on 08.30.2009
  3. She stood there, two mallets in each hand, making everyone feel inferior in every way. She was better at playing, singing, dressing, talking, acting, speaking, hair dressing, everything. She was prettier, funnier and more interesting than anyone else would ever be.

    We hated her.

    by Kate on 08.30.2009
  4. Pit is a very short word indeed.

    by Jay on 08.30.2009
  5. Pit. Pitiful. Pit me against the world. It’s the pits. Armpits. The pit of the fruit. It’s the essence. I’m pitted against this word and I’m losing badly!

    by Canyon on 08.30.2009
  6. There was a pit down at the bad end of town, and sometimes you’d hear wails and yelps coming from it. Tim had always just supposed that the “bad kids” threw puppies and animals down there, and for the most part he was right. But when there’s a pit like that, there is always much more involved then a ten year old can fathom.

    by Ban. on 08.30.2009
  7. So I was walking down the street on a totally normal Monday, in the beginning of a totally normal week, in a totally normal- well, you get the picture. Anyway, I just happened to be walking down this one street, and all of a sudden I came to this pit. Right there, in the middle of the sidewalk.

    by Caroline on 08.30.2009
  8. walls of crumbling packed earth and a dirt floor, only as deep as my waist, a little pitifully miniscule for a word that bespeaks something so majestically yawning and terrifying, the abyss. where are the spikes? where are the red-hot pincers and the snarling darkness?

    instead there are falling green leaves and misty branches and vines, sparse grass and inoffensive earth in this whispering glade. lying down, i sink into my lovely little pit, and feel the forest murmur into being once more.

    by claire on 08.30.2009
  9. looks like the name of brad pitt. I remember that the place from the series beverly hills was called peach pit. nothing intelligent comes into my mind about this word.

    by Adela on 08.30.2009
  10. I wonder if the pit is truly bottomless. I mean, it seems pretty bottomless but I’ve been wrong before. I was wrong about hair metal coming back, I was wrong about Prince Charles and Lady Di and I was certainly wrong about diving into the pit being a good idea, but maybe I was right about this.

    by Damo on 08.30.2009
  11. i am in a deep pit where i only know agony.

    by vi on 08.30.2009
  12. brad pit

    by margit on 08.30.2009
  13. Sometimes I think i’ve fallen into one. A deep, dark hole that I can’t get out of. It sucks. It’s like this big, empty void that just circulates around like a hurricane – a hurricane of antimatter. It hurts so bad, and yet at the same time, it’s almost painless when I think about what it would be like to be gone.

    by Me on 08.30.2009
  14. Staring down into it, I couldn’t help but be curious. I liked how ridiculously deep it seemed, the beyond-blackness of it. I imagined inhabitants at the bottom, creatures in tuxedos with red enamel pitchforks, but that just made me sad, to think they never got to see clearly as they did their job of poking the unholy, and so I resolved to bring a flashlight.

    by Brian Slusher on 08.30.2009
  15. The pit was deep and dark. He stood near the edge peering down. Imagining all sorts of things, about what was down there. He wanted to drop something in, but hesitated because, what if someone was down there?
    “Hello”, he yelled. A slight echo. No answer. “Hello, anyone down in this pit”
    A strange, hollow laughter echoed up from below.
    “Come down and see”, said a voice.

    by Shawn on 08.30.2009
  16. I am teaching an online english class and they students are first level and i’m pulling my hair. I want to go .

    by Ernesto Gutierrez on 08.30.2009
  17. The pit in her stomach grew as she walked toward the double doors. She felt his hand on hers, as they walked down the hospital isle. He didn’t say anything, he just looked, with the most frightening stare she’d ever seen. He blamed her for the accident, even though he loved her more than anything. He hated himself for it, but his mind won his heart this time.

    by Hayley Ewart on 08.30.2009
  18. Pit makes me sick, for some awkward unknown reason , it gives me the feeling that i have no idea what i am writing about in this very moment, it`s silly and quite interesting at the same time and it makes me feel good that i don`t need to think about it. However it`s just a stupid game i play whenever i feel like.

    by Diana on 08.30.2009
  19. my arm pit smells like a mo fo. said brad pit. the one guy who’d yhou’d never find in a pit

    by jenn on 08.30.2009
  20. down, its bottomless and seemingly endless. It puts people lower than where they would want to be, if they were to fall into it. Be it emotionally, spiritually or physically, being in a pit simple connotes negativity and it leaves people with a general idea of being less.

    by Michelle on 08.30.2009
  21. Sitting, silently, in fear, the young child cried. Surrounded by darkness at the bottom of a very deep pit. He could still hear the faint whimper of his dog “Sam” from high above.

    by jon on 08.30.2009
  22. Oh my god, I’m falling! Somebody save me, damnit! Oh it’s too late… why didn’t I prepare in advance? Why didn’t I do more? I had so much time to say goodbye and do things with people but there’s no time for that anymore. Goodbye everyone. I’ll miss you.

    by Tom on 08.30.2009
  23. pit, hole, bull- a bull int the pit is hard to revived or rescued. the it was covered not by sand. pig’s blood smeared all over the top part of the ground. a machette laid lazily next to the pig’s opened belly. no sound no whisper no din.

    by rani on 08.30.2009
  24. the pit of an apple is hard and funny sometimes…it depends on the weather. not really…i’m not thinking right now. i fell into a pit once. it hurt.

    by rel on 08.30.2009
  25. the pit of an apple is hard and funny sometimes…it depends on the weather. not really…i’m not thinking right now. i fell into a pit once. it hurt.

    by rel on 08.30.2009
  26. the pit is a black hole. it’s dark, scary and lonely. I wished someone would come save me from my loneliness. someone hear my cry. someone, take me away from myself. i hate this pit.

    by andrea kong on 08.30.2009
  27. deep but shallow,
    in a way that few would understand
    it was shallow, but deep,
    and I was sinking in
    slowly slowly
    immersed in a so-called void
    I didn’t find what I was looking for
    I didn’t find devoid
    I found a lack
    of mistletoe
    but in that, memories.

    by daz on 08.30.2009
  28. still the same word! What can you think of any other words besides pit! I can sit, tip, kit , kite , soup blah blah blah!!!!

    by Jess on 08.30.2009
  29. its rymes with bit, sit , kit and many other this random website want me to write about the stupid word. what if i dont want to to!!! oh well

    by Jess on 08.30.2009
  30. I don’t want to write about the word “pit” anymore.
    Pit, pit, pit, pit, pit…

    Here’s an idea, change the word to tip, instead op pit.


    by John Doe on 08.30.2009
  31. My thought, you can read about Miracles!

    Copy and paste the address into your browser’s URL box: http://www.trf.org.au

    Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

    Kind regards,

    Russell Goodfellow.

    The Revival Fellowship.

    by Russell Goodfellow on 08.30.2009
  32. pit of a cherry, peach, avocado, seed of newness, seed of promise holding life holding the whole plan

    by NWartist on 08.30.2009
  33. so i love matt so much. it hurts sometimes. and im scared alot. because.. well. he dissapears. often actually. and he never tells me where to. and he always comes back with these scratches and wounds all over him.
    and he has a gun. and a knife.
    why the fuck did i pick the sketchiest guy i know to like.
    woah. the time is over but im still writting. i thought itd cut me off.

    by beatrice on 08.30.2009
  34. pit of my stomach aches with the thought of you leaving i am so sorry for what I have done to you you are the apple of my eye and I leave you in such despair, I need you to be close to that pit that I dug deep within my soul

    by Belinda Rodriguez on 08.30.2009
  35. the pit of an apple. a peach. a cherry. an armpit. a pitfall. pittifull. brad pit.

    by Nyssa on 08.30.2009
  36. She looked upwards, tall dark walls surrounding her. In the inescapable pit. The sun peaked out just barely and she stared at the one source of light until tears streamed from her eyes. But she ignored it. Here, she remained trapped.

    by Sammy on 08.30.2009
  37. I was so desperately, pitifully, lost. My mind was in a constant fog, and I lacked any real connection to the world around me. I felt as though I were in a pit of darkness. One that I could not escape from. One that I did not want to escape from.

    Without him, I was so alone.

    by Deidre on 08.30.2009
  38. this is the pitfall of my existance. every pore of my body screams that this girl is the one for me. the one i will be with forever. the one i meant to be with. my one. my only. and i can feel it in the pit of my stomach that this is it. the screams subside for a little while… for now.

    by Jeff on 08.30.2009
  39. trapped in a pit, thats all my life is. one incident after another, trapped. i cant seem to get out, as i get near the top, the ground gives, and i fall back. back into hell. i burn and burn and burn, my pain continues to run rampant, and i’m afraid it always will….

    by Kaleb Roy on 08.30.2009
  40. Alanna couldn’t think. She couldn’t fight. She couldn’t even move. All she could do was stare in horror as George threw himself before her, falling into the Spidren’s pit.

    by Jess on 08.30.2009