
August 29th, 2009 | 290 Entries

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290 Entries for “pit”

  1. There are pits of doom all over the world. There are pits we fall into because we don’t see them. There are pits we fall into because we’re self-destructive.

    There’s this pit of self-doubt; this pit of obstacles. Frustratingly, there’s this pit called “writer’s block.”


    by anonymous on 08.29.2009
  2. pit of snakes. a psychological thriller i saw once in a hospital room. black and white. nice looking lady sentenced to an asylum, i think because she wouldn’t do what her husband wanted. wanna say 1950’s.

    by jen on 08.29.2009
  3. Slowly I descended into the darkness. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck rise to meet the cold wind that blew from somewhere within the virtual maw of the darkness. Boldly I pulled the knife from beside my ankle and placed it against the rope. I slashed strongly and fell below into the pit.

    by Jordan Riley on 08.29.2009
  4. In the pit of despair I ate a hotdog. I wasn’t as much in despair as I thought I would be. Though, I don’t really enjoy hotdogs all that much. I bought something cool today, but that has nothing at all to do with hotdogs, or pit. Like arm pits.

    by Amanda on 08.29.2009
  5. pit, the pit of a nectarine? or a peach perhaps. reminds me of when i was young and ate peaches with my grandmother, the whole world revolved around that peach. life was swell. simple. oh what i’d give to go back. memories are fond, usually. sometimes they are stupid.

    by brie on 08.29.2009
  6. passion pit, the band. they’re okay. they remind me of branden. also justin’s arm pit smells like …dirty shoes. i wish he’d take a shower. passion pits a good band though…they’re on current tv.

    by yasmeen on 08.29.2009
  7. Pits exist throughout life. What defines us as a person, our character, is how we overcome these pits. As we progress we find life’s pits make it easier to overcome the next with each passing day.

    by Jake on 08.29.2009
  8. the pit of despair lies in the valley of regret right across from candy land and that place where all those people died Camp Crystal lake or something any who I hate it there to many stiffs like in the goonies that cave scene….. yeah

    by ashley rodriguez on 08.29.2009
  9. It was a bottomless pit that came once we reached the end of the tunnel. We rushed through the man made cavern, hoping for a tidal, but what we got was the great fall. As we fell through the infinite hole at what we thought was the end, we felt a new type of solace and let ourselves be engulfed by it.

    by Eriko Hattori on 08.29.2009
  10. puit cant spell it or type whatever want to know what thout ish weis nichtis eis ab and stupid laptops keep hitting the tapper pad thing moving around the cursor what finish my last sentence well thats rediculous it should stop right then. how dunb i could just sit here forever tyoig and it wouldnt even matter

    by Titus on 08.29.2009
  11. snit trit lit clit. Fifty seconds left to talk about a pit. I feel like I’m in a pit sometimes. LIfe is crazy and there are so many options but I never know what to do with them. It’s encaging. Daniel was thrown into a pit and tamed the lions. Maybe I should do that too. My fiance and I don’t have sex anymore. Pit, clit. I’m in a pit with my lonely clit.

    by Kelsey on 08.29.2009
  12. I wonder where everything goes when it is gone. The pit. I suppose that is the end of all things. Just like God, it cannot be explained. It is simply THE PIT. That is where everything goes when it is gone.

    by Rezil Scrumpnik on 08.29.2009
  13. Peach pits are poisonous, and yet few people in history have managed to swallow them.
    I supposed a natural way of suicide would be splitting a peach pit in half and swallowing them each. One by one. Two by two.

    Or I could just relish life and only eat the flesh.

    by Myona on 08.29.2009
  14. A pit of despair? Nah. Nothing so dramatic. A pit of self-pity or mild unhappiness. I guess those aren’t so much pits as trenches. Craters? Ditches. Small holes. Nothing very dramatic. I prefer those, really; drama’s exciting on TV, but in real life, you’re just likely to break something when you fall in.

    by Kristin on 08.29.2009
  15. Pits in peaches.
    Fruit of life.
    Lips don’t taste like peaches.

    Like they say they do.

    They don’t.

    by Megan on 08.29.2009
  16. I fell into a dark, deep pit. I broke my ankle and suffered a contusion to my face and arm. Snakes slithered out for every orifice. One bit me on the arm, another on the leg. They began to swell.

    by James on 08.29.2009
  17. The place the republican party is trying to get out of. The place Obama is sending American to.

    by Dee on 08.29.2009
  18. a pit is where you see a dark hole that deepens down below the earth.we can always see danger in pits.so pits are meant to be avoided in human life.a pit is usually circular in shape with a blackness representing its depth.pits are favourites among bgs bunny cartoons so that bugs use it to avoid his enemies.a pit is also a place where we can hide for safety.

    by Subin on 08.29.2009
  19. well i’ve got two pits and they’re pretty smelly, I call them armpits if you know what I mean hehe… I guess it’s also a PITy that this word isn’t used more than that… it really is the PITs when someone watch a Brad PITt movie…

    by Nick on 08.29.2009
  20. there it is! the jeep swerved violently to the left. inside, the mangled arms of prisoners reached out–of the pit, of the truck, I couldn’t tell behind my sweaty bangs. Oh Lord, this is what we’ve become, three days into our high school safari to Africa. Overtake by Indians (the geography boggles even me) chaos on the fields. The lion’s roar squelched the prisoner’s cry. But lo! our captor was still beautiful! I stifled my heart beneath my sleeve and trudged onward through the night.

    by bling bling on 08.29.2009
  21. i was walking and i fell into a pit. but it wasn’t just the physical aspect of being trapped. the dim, musky pit fit in perfectly with the way i felt. my life was kind of in a pit. everything was trapped. i wasn’t able to move anywhere really. i wanted to be so many things but i couldn’t move or change.

    by keirstin on 08.29.2009
  22. touch and go,
    the bull
    shit, pitted
    against pithy
    anorexia, sublime
    from the day’s rest:
    you would
    the difference, you
    would know
    where Mary
    led the way,
    ‘scaping Egypt,
    Pharaoh tailing,
    should we
    the fairest one
    of all, or
    the last
    truly first,
    in fractal

    by paschal on 08.29.2009
  23. A dozen centuries, it seemed. A dozen lifetimes, wallowing, toiling in the pit. One gives up looking up after a while. Up is meaningless. But then, it happened. And the whole world changed. I looked… up. And remembered that there was more than the pit. There was above.

    by jennifer on 08.29.2009
  24. pits like arm pits. stinky stink stink. touchy touch. let me see that booty. You dirty little monkey. you make my slacks a little tight, unfasten them if you like. bc your my big booty number one.

    by ash on 08.29.2009
  25. I fell into a pit one day. It was not where I expected it. I had heard one was in the area, that it was covered over and that other people had been working on it. Where would could it be? What would happen if I fell in?

    I worried so much about what I would do if I fell in that I didn’t avoid it.

    by Susan Mall on 08.29.2009
  26. The pit is the emptiness, the void, the fall. Somewhere you fell and that you can´t get out. The pit is black, devoid of light. The pit is

    by Federico on 08.29.2009
  27. I don’t know what pit means. If I knew what pit meant, I could write something useful. Well, I have a meaning for pit, it is the place where the f1 cars go to get fixed during the race, oh, the guys who change the tires are great.

    by Luis on 08.29.2009
  28. deep within the pit, the war ravaged on and on. Honestly, though, very few cared. Very few even knew it existed. Outside of the ants prominently involved in the fighting, the world passed by another outburst of violence unaware.

    by Kyle on 08.29.2009
  29. I don’t like when I bite into a fruit and my teeth smash against its pit. I want only sweet juicy fruit, but instead I get a touch object that doesn’t taste good. I wish I could make all my favorite fruits pitless, that would make me very happy. Except then it would be impossible to plant them, and that would be horrible.

    by Liliana on 08.29.2009
  30. the inside of a fruit. a avacado pit. a peach pit. a pit of despair. your armpit. a bottomless pit of doom. so many meanings, such a little word.

    by annie on 08.29.2009
  31. The pit of my stomach never seems to fill. It’s bottomless and greedy, always begging for more. However, the more it’s fed, the bigger and more spacious it gets. It seems just like my heart, yearning for love. The more that comes, the greedier I get. The more I ask for.

    by jenni on 08.29.2009
  32. This is the pits. Just found out I need a biopsy done on my left breast. I feel like I am in a pit; a very dark place. But I will not let it get me down! I will not let the darkness win. I am a woman of faith.

    by Doris Faye on 08.29.2009
  33. Pits. Armpits. Pits of Hell. Pittsburgh. Peach pits. Of all the pits, peach pits are the best.

    by Pete on 08.29.2009
  34. pit, a big hole, where satan lives. some people might just fall in. who knows when they will land. it probably smells down there. the people that land continue to grow hair for up to a week after they die. someone could make good money setting up a barber shop at the bottom of the pit.

    by B on 08.29.2009
  35. a hole where no one survives. my life,. can you feel how this is. dark. drery. small. a tunnel on which a little bird can not escape from the fox. will she survive, the rip and tear of life? no she will not. a little flightless bird in a muddy pit. flying, jumping, reaching, but cannot escape. pit.

    by theresa on 08.29.2009
  36. the pit of despair is where i’m climbing from and no one is going to stop me because I am strong. I will rise from the depths and become powerful, strong, and astonishing. I will prove myself. I will become the envy of those around me. I will become great.

    by Chelsey Baker on 08.29.2009
  37. this bottomless pit in my soul means it’s time to climb a mountain. first the gear and then the lesson on how to repel, safely. Extreme1 Gear, smear. I don’t need no stinking gear. That was more than 60 sec

    by kimberlee on 08.29.2009
  38. Somewhere I’ve been before…It’s dark and painful, hard to climb out of on your own. Men go crazy trying to escape on their own. Soon after burying themselves in their own dirt.

    by Jacob on 08.29.2009
  39. In the pit of my stomach, I feel the repulsive vibrations boiling. I cannot breath anymore for the pollutants that surround me, the vermin and swine. I am a broken man. I am an evil man. I am a wasteful man.

    by Jordan on 08.29.2009
  40. arm pit that is a stupid word and i dont get why i am writtting this like are you going to say wow i knew you were going to write that… liam stop

    by allison on 08.29.2009