
January 4th, 2011 | 266 Entries

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266 Entries for “phrase”

  1. One phrase is all that is needed in order to be complete. This writing of mine will never be complete unless I can find that phrase. It is imperative, it is life or death… Ok, maybe that is exaggerating too much, but seriously, it is that important, otherwise it will never be perfect.

  2. I was trying to think one day (tough, I know, for me at least). Anyway, I was trying to think of a certain phrase to use to brighten up Christmas.

    Then, I suddenly realized. I don’t need a phrase.

    What I need is a clause.

  3. A certain phrase popped into my mind the other day and I couldn’t help but utter it in front of the company that I was in. Two men and a woman. All of whom I have known for a few months now and said many an atrocious line to. The silence that ensued was excruciating.

    Finally, over a suppressed snicker, my buddy said: “Zach, that was horribly racist!”

  4. He told me when I asked him to tell me more about himself, trying to get to know him better. He used the phrase mentally illness. I almost started crying. Where does he get off telling me not to get involved? I think I could love him.

  5. phrases are sometimes very odd. i have a lot of friends who use weird phrases. some phrases they pick up from tv shows. my boyfriend uses a lot of phrases that are used on Tosh.O. it’s moments like that (because i absolutely hate that show) that i pretend t to know him.

  6. I got the game catchphrase for christmas and i love playing it, though my family was super skeptical at first because the game beeps for the duration of gameplay, but now they’re as hooked as I am.

  7. The phrase didn’t matter to me. Teacher’s told us phrases all the time. What really mattered to me was out side of this hell hole called school. What mattered was him. He was in trouble, but I was too far away to help him. He was doing drugs. Running away from home. Getting into fights. What happened to the sweet guy I knew? He was gone, that was for sure. And the next time I saw him, I was going to get himback. As much of him as I could anyway.

    by Kendra on 01.04.2011
  8. What can you say about a phrase? Sometimes it’s funny. Sometimes it’s meaningful. Sometimes it sums up a painful situation. Amazing how a few words can describe such great events.

  9. A phase is Carlos in a kitty hat and meowing at the stupid dog that he was force to babysit after Annabella got angry with him. He now in the phase of thinking he is a cat and eats cat food and meows at Bobby each time he walks past.

    by Jess on 01.04.2011
  10. so many phrases went through his head at that time. but which one was right? he couldn’t decide, instead only sit­ting, delib­er­at­ing which he should go with to accu­rately por­tray his emo­tions to her and his audience.

    he could see out of the cor­ners of his eyes that every­one was wait­ing. they shifted uncom­fort­ably as he sat, still deciding.

    in his head, he went over what he had said ear­lier before paus­ing to think. ‘we were just…’

    “hav­ing a good time.”

  11. so many phrases went through his head at that time. but which one was right? he couldn’t decide, instead only sitting, deliberating which he should go with to accurately portray his emotions to her and his audience.

    he could see out of the corners of his eyes that everyone was waiting. they shifted uncomfortably as he sat, still deciding.

    in his head, he went over what he had said earlier before pausing to think. ‘we were just…’

    “having a good time.”

    by pengwin on 01.04.2011
  12. He uttered the phrase in the darkest of dark rooms. THE phrase that all little girls long to hear spoken by their one true prince charming. This was the second time I have heard this phrase from my prince charming and it sounded so much better than the first.

    by Kate on 01.04.2011
  13. There welwaysc phraes used our home to tell mu

  14. A few words strung together. An idea. Maybe just a fragment, a glimpse of a lingering thought. How do I put it all together to let you know. How do I phrase the words to tell you goodbye.

  15. It’s easy to just let words fly out of my mouth, but have you ever noticed how difficult it is to phrase something perfectly? It’s so hard to find the right words to explain some things.

  16. I don’t really understand how to put my feelings down into words. Is there a good enough phrase to describe how you make me feel?

    You infuriate me but I love you.

  17. i love you. a phrase spoken too often. i look for a phrase to replace it, something to replace “love”. but just as there is no substitution for love in that phrase, there is no substitution for love in your life =)

    by layla on 01.04.2011
  18. It was suck a simple phrase. Three little words that can change everything in one single fell swoop. “I love you,” he said, making the other man stagger, no longer on the brink of jumping into the ocean and onto the rocks far below,

  19. A phrase. I’ve learned that only a few simple words can be so eye-opening and so insightful if you allow it. A few words can expand your mind and take your thoughts in a million different directions. A phrase is sometimes the most powerful means of communication.

  20. Constant companion may be one and it is and so is unforgettable turn in the road. I follow the phrase on a map I have written with my camera.

    by nannan on 01.04.2011
  21. it should have been easy. saying that simple phrase. ‘i love you.’ how could it be so hard to say such a small sentence? three syllables. eight letters. but somehow, it was easier to say ‘i love tacos.’ what? how can i love tacos more? what could i possibly mean by that when he means the world to me? I love him.

    by Leah on 01.04.2011
  22. Some people, like my friends, have phrases that we have made up during conversation. Like inside jokes. I know everyone else does it too. I wonder if people back in the oooold days did the same things when they spoke, too. Imagining a group of guys in ancient Greece talking the same way as me and my friends do trips me out.

    by Brian Crawford on 01.04.2011
  23. It’s the words you put together to create phrases; the phrases that you say turn into sentences; the sentences form what you’re saying. And what you’re saying is never the same thing as what you’re thinking.

    by on 01.04.2011
  24. The idea behind the ability to develop words into phrases comes from the networking ability of our society in developing charater that lives life through nostalgia that is passed on through generations, and for years to come.

    by Matt on 01.04.2011
  25. when i think of the word ‘phrase’ i wonder how to go about writing on it. Phrase. Hmm. I like phrases. Phrases is the plural form of phrase. Is de-phrase the opposite? Probably not. I hope my grammar is alright.

    by Supriya Joshi on 01.04.2011
  26. What do you mean you weren’t here yesterday I saw you and whats her name
    down on the docks.Your secretary or whats the phrase I am looking for that two faced back stabbing .

    by Linda Berryman on 01.04.2011
  27. Blues, the guitar speaks, slurring meandering pain.

  28. to talk, thinking, loving, words without bounds, books, magazines, finding words
    paraphrase, laughing at a phrase, talking, hearing, watching, catch, movie, time lapse, pictures are the words an eye sees through the lens of a camera

    by Carol on 01.04.2011
  29. when i think of a phrase i think of the words he used on me. i think to myself, how many of those ‘hard-thought phrases’ were actually thought of by him? did he just pick lines out of a novel? a website? did he ever care at all? i dont know. all i know is i fucking hate stupid, overused phrases.

    by sofia on 01.04.2011
  30. Phrase. I have no clue. This word does not leave me wondering about anything. In my humble opinion, its a a uninteresting word that does not inspire me. It does nothing but trigger bland emotions, not something to celebrate.

  31. Little words, or sometimes a phrase, will float through his mind at odd moments. It’s almost more than he can keep up with, and even though he learned quickly and is permanently armed with paper and pencil, still the walls of the music room are covered in light pencil marks and he has bits of paper and notebooks everywhere. But he doesn’t complain; he has no time to with that voice chattering away in his head.

    Someone will say something, and it sets his music blaring in her head, and she fights the urge to sing because people will look at her funny. Or else she’ll be reading, or watching TV, or just sitting and thinking. One phrase, one stray thought, and a song (usually his) will bloom through her brain.

  32. a group of words can mean anything. popular CATCHPHRASE wow what a game. in a song. sayings. famous sayings. “a bird in the hand” where am i going with this? i dont know its just a phrase im going through.

    by C on 01.04.2011
  33. something was said
    he said it. she said it. they said it together. then they stopped saying it. the phrase was said and the phrase was said no more. it started and it stopped, like a raindrop’s life, or the night sky when it reaches morning. it turned and dropped and faded away.

    by Amanda on 01.04.2011
  34. It was raining, but I didn’t care. That Morton salt girl had nothing when it came to who was trailing on like a blue little Eyore.

    I was Charlie Brownin’ and kicking any acorns I came across as I walked through that park.

    I loved you so much, but then my heart leapt into my throat like some kind of kamakazi frog.
    Because in your mind I only heard dark foreboding thoughts instead of the candy corn I thought I’d find. You’re demented like a dementor. But it’s not enough that you want to eat my soul, you want to slice and dice it before you sear and broil.

    Really, how was I supposed to feel?

    You took my yellow crayon and made it black.

    by on 01.04.2011
  35. I can’t say that I care for phrases all that much. They seem extremely unoriginal and tend to be overused. I wish people would come up with their own thoughts and stop using “phrases”.

  36. something i cant really use all the time because i dont know many. i would use them, im pretty sure they make you sound much more intelligent. i dont what to say anymore. this word is horrible to be a option on here. i like this.

    by Gabriella Schott on 01.04.2011
  37. phrase is an unexciting word. however, every idea i try to communicate is dependent on phrases. thus, it is rather ironic that the word to describe what i’m currently doing is rather dull.

    by Stephanie on 01.04.2011
  38. There is always a phase… the one you hear that triggers all those mixed emotions. The one you used to hear people say all the time? Maybe you’ve even said it a time or two. But then you hear it again, from someone new. And the feelings are all there… just more intense because it’s new. And there is so much hate for it now.

  39. a phrase doesn’t have a noun or a verb, we learned this in engglish yesterday. but a phrase can mean so much or so little. its just a hard thing to think of when its all over, my last wwords could be unfinished, could be a phrase, they could mean nothign or everything.

  40. He said the phrase ‘Oh, I’ll see her tomorrow! Her smile just lights up my day!’, when he really meant ‘I get to see that bitch tomorrow. With her bitchy friends, acting like a bitch and talking about bitchy bitch stuff like the bitch she is.’.

    by Adam Yan on 01.04.2011