
July 8th, 2008 | 348 Entries

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348 Entries for “memory”

  1. I think of the boradway show cats when i see this word. It is a theme song used in the play.

    Of course, othert than that I have many memories. My whole life is based on countless memories and they have shaped who I am. From boys and endless leementary crushes to high school drama, family issues, driving and college. Memories are everywhere and they have made me me. Memory is everything.

    by Christina on 07.08.2008
  2. i get so tangle up in the inricacies of this day to be bebebebebebebe!!!! i use you endlessly without permission slamming all your cares against the wall in the hallway. keep stru

    by christa on 07.08.2008
  3. I remember. I remember all of my memories, which makes sense, because I doubt I could remember anything else. It doesn’t matter. I can remember tastes and sights and locations and sometimes even faces. But I can’t remember non-memories. I can’t remember things I didn’t do. Unless I’m very very sick.
    And I’m not very very sick.
    I remember that much.

    by Peter Hildebrand on 07.08.2008
  4. Memory is who we are. Take it away and what are we left with? Nothing but our shell, hollowed out and bereft of personhood.

    I am my memories.

    by jamon on 07.08.2008
  5. Hey! This is the same one, again. Why does this happen to me? Why doesn’t this happen to me, or why not me? This is okay, too. I am not sure if it is certain, but it is there. And that is okay, too, I guess… It’s all the same.

    by David Egelhoff on 07.08.2008
  6. I am not sure what to write about this. Am I supposed to write about what memory is, or am I supposed to write about a specific memory. I always have trouble trying to recall something out of nothing.

    by David Egelhoff on 07.08.2008
  7. my memory hasn’t been functioning lately. I suppose it’s just another sign of old age, but I’m going to hope I have a disease or something like that. I suppose having cancer would be better than getting old and dying, because at least people would look at you and go, “oh, you have cancer, here, have my plasma TV.”

    by Felix the Cat on 07.08.2008
  8. memory is fleeting. once you loose it it’s gone. there are things that can stir your memory so that you can regain glimpses of your past, but can you gain glimpses of your future? is there a way to tap into your future memories?

    by melody on 07.08.2008
  9. I could remember so few things that I’m actually fond of. Makes you really think about and appreciate every instant that goes by and you think it’s worth remembering. It’s odd how there’s some things you wish you could just forget and your memory is more of a hinderance than a helpful tool.

    by on 07.08.2008
  10. I could remember so few things that I’m actually fond of. Makes you really think about and appreciate every instant that goes by and you think it’s worth remembering. It’s odd how there’s some things you wish you could just forget and your memory is more of a hinderance than a helpful tool.

    by on 07.08.2008
  11. I could remember so few things that I’m actually fond of. Makes you really think about and appreciate every instant that goes by and you think it’s worth remembering. It’s odd how there’s some things you wish you could just forget and your memory is more of a hinderance than a helpful tool.

    by on 07.08.2008
  12. a kiss under a tree .. on the most perfect day possible… yes were official… butterflies filled my stomach.. i was oblivious to everything around me

    by tara on 07.08.2008
  13. something that you can recall. Some memories are good, some bad. Memories whether good or bad can haunt you, hinder you – learn techniques to erase memories.

    Don’t live in the past – learn to erase your pasts – live for the future.

    by Darren Thatcher on 07.08.2008
  14. In my memory there have been many shining examples of the stupid things I’ve done that contradict older memories. If you don’t use memory for guidance, what is it for? What is it worth then?

    by t on 07.08.2008
  15. I remember I used to eat a lot of dirt when I was a kid. Not sure why. I don’t remember anything from school.

    by thea on 07.08.2008
  16. It’s like my mother was able to transmit her lost memories into my very genes. Though she can’t recall exactly what made her mute and crazy, she planted something within me that keeps me searching for the key to her past.

    by sb on 07.08.2008
  17. Memory…passing to oblivion,only to return with a vengence, or a sweetness perhaps.

    Do I recall…the things of my youth, the dreams of my future, or memories not quite my own.

    Am I a ‘memory keeper’ for those who can not recall the joys and trials of this life, so hard as they may try?

    Memories…a gift that can be reopened and enjoyed for the first time, over and over again…


    by Michael McLaughlin on 07.08.2008
  18. Running.

    She hates it now. But there were days when it was just her and the road, forty minutes, sometimes longer. The asphalt yawned beneath her feet. She loved the pounding, the gradual weakening in her knees. Weaker than any man had ever made them.

    by Steph Rahl on 07.08.2008
  19. It was just a memory, the way things used to be before she went crazy, before they split up and he had to grow up faster than a kid ever should have to. A distant memory, one that only glimmered every once in a while like a tiny star, millions of miles away. A painful memory, one so full of happiness it hurt.

    He wanted that time back. He didn’t just want it to be a memory- he wanted it to be real.

    by Ai on 07.08.2008
  20. oh, what is the best childhood memory in your mind? is a frequent question that many of your friends asks you. The memory types may vary. it can be your first time to do something, or a time with special feelings.

    by Nancy on 07.08.2008
  21. memory is precious and for some it is fleeting. There are so many memories that are cherished such as our family, our past relationships, places that we have lived, our pets, and even our purpose in life. If we do not have memory we have nothing…we have noting to live for because we cannot look back at our past or look forward to the future.

    by Danielle Blumer on 07.08.2008
  22. If my memory serves me correctly (is that how you say it?) then this should be ‘frequent’ but it’s not because it’s memory and there’s also RAM for computers and your brain and mind and oh shit do I even have a timer!?!? I think my flash is broken here at work so I can literally type forever……..I think this is some sort of glitch.


    Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ok I’m stopping, before I lose my mind. I mean my memory.

    by tolagarFriS on 07.08.2008
  23. memory is for losers. thats why alsheimers is amaaaahzing. muahahahahahahahahahahah idk what im doing yayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayaya hi chris. how are you i love youuuuu yeeeeheeeee.

    by kyrsten on 07.08.2008
  24. to rememeber something. to keep in you mind. store in your brain. the past. something you never forget. something you rememeber from your past.

    by danielle on 07.08.2008
  25. memory? all i get are key words popping up in my head neurobiology derek shepard brains grey matter i guess this means i have no memories of my own if all i get are keywords

    by christine on 07.08.2008
  26. as long as I’ve held on, not a moment has passed that I wished I could let you go.

    by n. on 07.08.2008
  27. Sometimes, it’s like putting your hand into the fridge and reaching deep deep deep inside, but not feeling anything. You can’t really use a light to look for it either, because the light has gone bust. You’ve only got your senses left to tell you what’s there.

    by Elaine on 07.08.2008
  28. i remember a lot. where to start? dunno. childhood maybe or my rats that died. I remember a lot of things. and there are many things that I don

    by suzy on 07.08.2008
  29. I can’t remember. What did I forget? Where are my shoes? What did I do with my keys? Is there any way to stop this timer? Please help me look.

    by David on 07.08.2008
  30. memory is better when u stop drinking, because when somebody take pills, could loose it, i remember a lot of thinks thanks to my memory,i always think about memory.

    by mac mac on 07.08.2008
  31. i have the worst memory in the history of like, well, ever!! I have the hugest case of adhd and memory, especially short term memory is so hard for me. It is a huge daily issue, but I can remember weird little things from like 30 plus years ago. Really weird, now I’m running out of things to say, I probably forgot what the topic was…ha ha ha! Anyway, it is a lot harder than I thought to just write for 60 seconds about a random word, which in this case, happens to be memory. This will be a memorable experience!! I can remember being as young as two years old, but couldn’t tell you what I wore yesterday, not that anyone would be interested in knowing. There are a lot of things that I wish other people didn’t remember. It would be cool if I could control other people’s memory. Muahhhahhahhah! Ok, is this being timed automatically, or am I just writing forever. This is the first time I’ve done this, and hope I will hold the site in my memory!! so that I can come back again. I have a lot of really funny memories.

    by Laura on 07.08.2008
  32. Remembering, even shitty radio songs about love that persist in my mind. I can’t really escape it since it’s inside of me.

    Part of it isn’t so bad, but mine’s worse than others, so maybe I’m just bitter. It doesn’t make a difference.

    …What was I talking about?

    by Adam on 07.08.2008
  33. memory is an interesting concept. one thinks that it is real however i know that it is forever linked to emotion. as one thinks and then feels about a certain time in place, one can remember threads that are not chronological just a mumble jumble. and only when one is very still and open to the process, can one actually remember whole segments of a particularly meaning-filled time. I always marvel at how memory is enhanced by recounting with someone who was there with you. then it flows on and on until you can’t even believe how much you remember suddenly of things that have been long locked away. memory can be both a friend and a foe, depending on the subject matter. some things are best left to lie undisturbed after so much micro-inspection.

    by CD on 07.08.2008
  34. I have so many memories of us together. I think of the ones from that summer where all you did was make me laugh, and you held me close with every gaze and every word. I miss you. I wish you would come back to me…I don’t know why I lost you in the first place.

    by S on 07.08.2008
  35. We were just laying there… and for a moment I felt just fine. I knew I could never have her, but I was happy just to lay with her and fall asleep with her in my arms.

    by CJC on 07.08.2008
  36. lots of memeories….some get lost some stay. old people live in their memories sometimes….young people try so hard to make them never knowing that’s what they are doing. memory is what makes us us….our emotions feed off our memories, good memories make us happy, bad ones not so good

    by ml on 07.08.2008
  37. Are important for me because I forget everything very fast! I try to remenber but it is hard I say to my self make memory but how can I make memory without…

    by Astrid on 07.08.2008
  38. one word one life one situation, thats the way the human mind just likes to think about certain things. It’s always one more this one more that, but what we don’t realize is that it’s all about more than one. Imagine, the ppulation of earth is just so massive, one problem, compared to the size of the Earth is nothing, it really is just nothing.

    by Krik on 07.08.2008
  39. Memory is in everything; the stars remember what they shine on, the tree feels its leaves touch the ground. Memory is not just in the mind, remember.

    by Stephen Y. on 07.08.2008
  40. In my fondest memory, I died.
    In a fiery explosion that nearly ended the world as all humans understand it.
    I was a time traveler; that’s how I am writing this now. I played with what shouldn’t be played with.

    by Garrett on 07.08.2008