
July 8th, 2008 | 348 Entries

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348 Entries for “memory”

  1. memory is something undefinible, sometimes you hear a story from a friend about your past, you were

    by roxane on 07.08.2008
  2. my mom,i wish i could have more good ones and thje bad ones were gone i recall pictures in my mind it feels good songs make me recall hard times

    by lauren on 07.08.2008
  3. i have very fond memories because at the end of it memories is all anyone ever has.All reality is perception, and fond memories is the perception that one was happy, thereby giving meaning to all existance.

    by Shine on 07.08.2008
  4. What is memory, if your thinking of memory is in the present. It could very well just be an illusion to the beauty of the present, clouding your mind from accepting truth. The truth of which- theres only NOW!

    by X on 07.08.2008
  5. memories are like sludge, sticking to the bottom of life without actually doing anything useful. Memories are sung about and sighed about but the good ones are cast aside; they’re boring and not worth our brain power.

    by SpiralSkies on 07.08.2008
  6. She thought about her many memories. dusty, faded, slowly loosing the gleam of freshness and taking on a new fur coat. a coat of candy, a coat of wax, a coat of old and days gone past. how strange it was, to loose something only belonging to yourself. something always kept in the same place. do memories die? were they ever living? why do we let them fade?

    by kira on 07.08.2008
  7. I remember that I used to be so much more afraid of the dark, the walks home from my friends’ homes, where television lights flickered on blue carpets, nightlights were plugged into every outlet for walks to the bathroom, the small glow of the microwave, the candles — everywhere

    by M on 07.08.2008
  8. memory is everlasting
    too bad that cant be you

    every time you upset me i
    recall all the days you made me cry
    not tears of hurt and pain
    but of love and joY

    just wish you could make me feel that way now..

    and i take my words back
    because memory seems to fade every
    one of those moments u make me recall..

    and im afraid that if those memories fade
    my love for you will also

    lets make more memories baby

    by iChaunice on 07.08.2008
  9. Memory is a fading dream that you can manipulate into what you want

    by Megan Byrne on 07.08.2008
  10. my memory is a river that runs through my head, leading me to the happy, mundane, bitter, precious moments in my life.

    by Susan on 07.08.2008
  11. Forget everything.

    by Kalle on 07.08.2008
  12. The memory of days and nights spent in your company and arms; the sweet smell of the soap on your skin; the taste of mint in your kiss. The soft touch of your hand grasping mine: We should have never let go. I cannot see you, your face, even in memory; I smell you, I taste you, I hear you and your song, I feel your touch, but I cannot see your face. It has been lost in the deep murky waters of memory.

    by Val on 07.08.2008
  13. memory.

    what I have of you.

    this town.

    these people.

    the music that ties it all in.

    the sounds and the sights and the thoughts in my head.

    the memories are flowing.

    the days are short now.

    the time is winding down.

    the memories are all I have now.

    by Corey Long on 07.08.2008
  14. i can remember the first time i tied my shoes, they were saddle shoes. my mom has a picture of it, even though i don’t remember how old i was. i have a pretty poor memory for things that don’t interest me now, and it’s kind of frustrating because of the fact that it’s always important to someone else.

    by rowena on 07.08.2008
  15. I wish I was less alone in my life. Consenquensly of life with no one.

    by lost on 07.08.2008
  16. I lost my thoughts somewhere a few years ago. I’ve searched for them but have never found them. My memory has never served me the purpose it was meant to. For this, it is my curse to always wonder what happened, when it happened and why it happened.

    My name, even eludes me, escaping from the tip of my tongue.

    by AJ Brown on 07.08.2008
  17. my first was when I was a child in Pakistan with my father, picking flowers in a meadow – it turned out we were visiting a grave. It seems cruel that my father’s grave is so barren, without anything to signify his amazing life. I was 3 at the time.

    by Eva on 07.08.2008
  18. From my memory I sense a thousand things. Most of them are useless, but I find some need for a few of them. Without my memory I would not remember the happy times in my past life, nor would I think of things that remind me of what could be great in the future.

    I like my memories, they keep me from going insane.

    by Carl H on 07.08.2008
  19. i remember my dad.
    we used to hang out togheter.
    And listen cool music. we used to go to the movies and the theater. i love him.

    by lola on 07.08.2008
  20. Memory. In my memory things are good, bad, ugly, beautiful. I love alot of my memories.. Some I can’t stand, others I love to revisit. Like the time the man I loved threatened to kill me after I had given him what he wanted. Or the good time where I met the love of my life, Eric Edward Evans.

    by Mary on 07.08.2008
  21. All that’s left is a memory. Sometimes, that’s all you need.

    by Andriano on 07.08.2008
  22. I wish I could bottle all of them… and drink them all from time to time.. bitter dregs for late stormy afternoons and bright cheerful ones that dance on my tongue on sunny afternoons…To sell them to those who have no way of relating to their spouse or sibling or parent or child this would be a great service to all of humanity

    by matt huett on 07.08.2008
  23. I just loved the memory of her, haunting my days as I lay in my bed day and night, in the heat of the summer. God I loved her.

    by Behrooz on 07.08.2008
  24. Your memory is what is keeping you alive day by day.
    It is what defines you and allows you to grow off of yourself. It is what makes you who you are and helps you determine what you want yourself to be, because without your memories would you be the same person? No you wouldn’t because you would have had nothing to grow off of, no sentimental values, no feelings of love or passion, just the present.

    by Mikala Kesselman on 07.08.2008
  25. A memory is something we keep forever. We can’t let certain thoughts go, we come across them in our mind. It may make us overjoyed or even upset. A memory is a never rotting experience. A piece that never demolishes.

    by alicia on 07.08.2008
  26. Memory is a vital part of living, without it we dont learn as fast, we’d have to depend more on instinct, its a tricky thing i really love

    by David Vela-lopez on 07.08.2008
  27. One day, as I was searching through my things, I found an old picture of me and my girlfriend. We had ice cream on our faces and were grinning ear to ear. I didn’t remember when or where the photo was taken, but I looked on the back where I found “Only in a Dream.”

    by Jackie on 07.08.2008
  28. In memory of all those that have been passed I’m asking you to read this in silence.. Say nothing, just dedicate this to everyone you ever known to die, to many more who you didn’t know.. I RULE

    by Ward Cauwenberghs on 07.08.2008
  29. One word? Whats the meaning of that? is it possible! Of course it is! We are all humans! With the same feelings, with the same mind and capability!
    We are all one
    thats what i believe

    by thur on 07.08.2008
  30. memory is a funny thing. it can play tricks on you. sometimes you’ll remember something fondly that, at the time, wasn’t fond at all. and sometimes… well sometimes things may seem worse then they were at the time. like that guy you dated. memory is something that can help us to look back and contemplate.

    by heather on 07.08.2008
  31. In my memory you kissed me as though there would be no tomorrow. In my memory you were perfect and I was all you needed to be happy. In my memory we were wonderful and never fought or disagreed. In my memory we lived happily ever after as though our lives were those of a fairy tale.

    I love you Jimmy Edward.

    by Noelle on 07.08.2008
  32. One time I was eating a bomb pop jr. and then I looked like a clown from it melting all over my face, you should see the picture. (actually I purposely rubbed it all over my face) XD

    by woozlez on 07.08.2008
  33. memories of you. memories of you and me. so many. we’ve been hanging out for over 8 years now. pretty amazing. and not once have we ever crossed any lines. i love you. come home. i want to make more memories with you. i love tt!!

    by ~anna on 07.08.2008
  34. memory of my childhood is full of love by my family, playfulness around friends and love is which that happens and didn’t happen.i wouldn’t trade it for anything.

    by zul on 07.08.2008
  35. its hard to remember and once i figure it out it immediatly escapes me… funny how that works, that thing that you wish you knew about but find it nowhere… not even a trace… a brief hint, or incling… ever escaping and as fleating as it is fashionable

    by rafael de la lama on 07.08.2008
  36. photos providing recollections of faded memories; smiles from years ago; childhood innocence captured in a snap; black and white nostalgia; sepia moments from history

    by Jen M on 07.08.2008
  37. memory is peace of shit many peaople get brain washed so they lost their memory so all i can say about it its crap roflmao WoW(World Of Warcraft) FTW!!!cant u feel it biTch

    by HoLoGraM on 07.08.2008
  38. i miss mine.

    by laurie on 07.08.2008
  39. I remember flipping the cards, one by one, trying to match the elephant with the elephant and the sailboat with the sailboat. I wasn’t very good. I’d flip the hat and the coat, the car and the motorcycle, always close, but not close enough. Still, I’m always close, but not close enough.

    by Katie on 07.08.2008
  40. That curtained wall fell gracefully in heaps at their feet next to the mangled clothes they used to carry.

    by Jordan on 07.08.2008