
June 16th, 2010 | 282 Entries

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282 Entries for “matching”

  1. They were the perfect pair of twins. Green eyes,the same Irish accent and the same witty, biting humor. their minds were even connected in the most literal fashion. they were perfect for each other so when they hit puberty together, it only made sense for this one-of-a-kind match to sleep together.

  2. They matched. Not in how they looked or how they spoke or how they acted. But there was something about them. Something undescribable. They just were. together.

    by Cherylle on 06.16.2010
  3. matching socks.

    by Dolly on 06.16.2010
  4. We are like a perfect matching pair of socks, where one sock is longing to find the other. Which sock am I?

  5. She could never find them when she was ready. Filed through black ones, red even purple. But she could never find her favorite matching rainbow socks.

  6. “matchaker matchmaker make me a match……” hooking someone up with someone else. matching a pair of socks. matching a fire.

    by Caroline on 06.16.2010
  7. people that match are strange. especially couples. why do they choose to match? I think clothing that matches is also so… boring. Not that you need to wear stripes with flowers with polka dots, but having every piece of your clothing match is odd. it shows such an OCD like tendency it’s so strange.

    by Claudia on 06.16.2010
  8. I arrived at the party with palms sweating and heart thumping. I knew I had to make a good impression if Brad, the Hot Guy, was ever going to screw me that night. Unfortunately, as soon as I arrived I noticed some other chick – a hideous raven haired slut – wearing a matching outfit to mine!

  9. they matched like matches in a small box, perfect, cylindrical and with just enough friction to set anything ablaze, but that was the problem, they set everything ablaze, even them selfs.

    by Sparky on 06.16.2010
  10. twins . same color and style. pairs. soul mates . love. nature. knowign what belongs to one another.

    by jelisa on 06.16.2010
  11. não combinavam mais. eram como meias sem par. sempre que se encontravam, havia aquele silêncio incômodo. as pessoas pareciam saber que não eram mais uma só coisa, thyla, mate. preferiram então se separar.

    by maíra on 06.16.2010
  12. Matching couples. Pairs. Fire. Marajuana. Missmatched socks. Cigarettes <3 Sandwhiches.

    by on 06.16.2010
  13. I’m going to light this town on fire.
    Set match, run.

  14. In the living world, I only thought of matching when it dealt with pairs. Now that I’m dead and rotting, I see it comes in threes. My neighbor proved it to me, living by the number six and duplicating it twice, providing a three of a kind collection.

  15. I love it when we match. I think of it as the gods’ way of telling us we should be together. And when other girls match you, too, well, I just ignore that.

  16. wearing matching clothes for a guy is a simple process of looking at what’s in the drawer and grabbing what you can see. I never wear matching things, yet a pair of jeans and a somewhat tight fitting shirt for my bigger arms makes me happy :).

    by Jake on 06.16.2010
  17. socks, ties, pants, and shoes. it’s so much better to be a couple that actually looks good when they start to dress alike. gay boys match.

  18. Matching hearts
    Same size, same shape, same color.
    The color of love,
    dripping from the trees in sunlight.
    Matching hearts
    The color of love,
    shining on my skin,
    into our bright souls.
    Matching souls
    woven together
    by prismatic music
    of eternity.

  19. friends are fun i like friends girls are good too. I would like to meet friends that are girls. ummm yeah I would like to be matched.

    by mat on 06.16.2010
  20. pairs that look alike or a very weird way of saying a sporting event that takes place in great Breton.

    by Matthew Macdonald on 06.16.2010
  21. i have nothing better to say than
    we match
    at least for a little while
    i’ll write in on leaves and stalls
    until we fall apart
    and strike

    by laura on 06.16.2010
  22. my clothes dont ussally match but thats ok apprently its my look. and a lot of time people dont match, which ca be cute, or really gross depending on how they look. and then theres match. com.

  23. Matching socks, matching kids to colors. This was my life while my 4 kids were young. I got sick of matching socks about once a year and threw away all the socks in the house and started over with 4 or 5 packs of new ones that were all the same. No matching hassles then. With 4 kids it was difficult to keep straight who had which of what. So I got our green eyed son green and the blue eyed son blue and our daughter pink or purple and our brown eyed son yellow or red. So Mr. Green Eyes had a green toothbrush, towel, pool bag, cup in the camper, and green everything. Made my life easier but probably made them develop a saturation distaste for that color.

    by Barbara on 06.16.2010
  24. Socks. It was always the socks. They never matched, no matter what. One would be green, one would be red, one would be striped, one not. It was like he didn’t pay any attention to what he was wearing when he dressed in the morning.

    by Lindsay on 06.16.2010
  25. we are matching, like two socks in the sock drawer of life ♥

    by mallery on 06.16.2010
  26. Matching.. Well I don’t know. Do we ever know properly how to match? It’s like every human being is trying to find that puzzle piece that matches theirs, but inevitably, they only suffice for the best they can find. Does this mean that even at the height of happiness? Most are not as happy as they can be? Maybe I’m just being overly philosophical, but I think that folk nowadays are taking the time to be happy. Instead they are trying to match what is wrong to essentially make a right. Realistically, I believe that all of us are simply odd shaped puzzle pieces and we got a little frustrated kid trying to shove us in to match another piece, but just ends up making us broke.

    by Tanner on 06.16.2010
  27. synchronized and parallel
    here we stand almost identical
    as our bodies pose vertically
    matching in weather
    whether externally or internally
    it’s at this moment
    our beings pair peacefully

  28. she thought she was perfect but it just wasn`t so. Her love left her after the show. she seemed more alone.

    by Cruz on 06.16.2010
  29. Matching. this SUCKs i wish my matching skills with guys were better. you know what sucks? feeling like this. why doesn’t he like me. why don’t we match up?
    I WANT TO DATE HIM SO BAD. i want to hug him. kiss him. hold him. IT”S NOT FAIR> is he blind? is he oblivious…ugh!

    by Ash on 06.16.2010
  30. Matching, what come to mind when it pops into your brain. Like the sneakers matching the shirt, matching the hat, matching the watch. Some people spend their entire lives looking for their perfect ‘match’. I believe matching gives people a false sense of security; dare to be the guy at the party with different socks.

    by Chris on 06.16.2010
  31. she flipped a card and thought about the others she had flipped. images of animals and shapes passed through but the orientation was wrong. everything was mixed like the cupboards in the kitchen had been switched around by a mischievous hand.

    by paul on 06.16.2010
  32. They were against matching. Being identical was bad enough; they wouldn’t wear the same clothes, or have the same haircuts. They were two different people with two distinct personalities.

  33. there is someone out there for everyone. and if there isn’t and someone never find that person, theyll have the best friends ever and their family to fall back on.

    by Leah on 06.16.2010
  34. matching socks. i dont liek that. my socks never match. i dont really care for them too. i do like them to match texture and general style though, but i dont mind if they are not an original pair. no need to match. be original. matching smatching.

    by Stephanie on 06.16.2010
  35. Matching faces here and there. What to you hope for while looking out the window? What are you trying to see that is not already in front of you? There is no reason to deprive yourself. Run, break free, do the things I cannot. Escape and throw your hands to the air, feel that divine recourse. You will Prevail.

  36. Matching cars their matchbox cars,
    young toys made for useless boys,
    can’t they see they’re all the same,
    its all a senseless game.

    by Nick on 06.16.2010
  37. i think that humans are matching. There is that one person who matches with us. It actually is not one person but i believe we are compatible with someone. matching makes us human

    by council on 06.16.2010
  38. Damnit I just had this word D:

    How much is there to write about matching?! The colours of that little growing bar don’t even match. Shades of colour. Taunting me. Not matching. We done yet? Doodi doodi.

    by True Valhalla on 06.16.2010
  39. whispers

  40. Matching siblings is really a sickening concept. When they’r grown they’ll hate you for it, but parents due it anyway. What’s the point, especially with twins? You can’t tell the kids appart! :/ I hate it, I have little sisters who do it.I hate it for them, the pictures taken especially! :/

    by Scarlett Peterson on 06.16.2010