
June 16th, 2010 | 282 Entries

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282 Entries for “matching”

  1. Well, matching makes me think of dating services. Ive never used a dating service, and the idea of one makes me feel a little wierd. Matching = matches = fire. Fire is cool =) Ever lit a fire It’s great fun. Eh, what else. Matching….matching….DNa matching? Im done :D

    by True Valhalla on 06.16.2010
  2. Relationships are hard stuff, guys. Like, no kidding. There’s problems and problems, and sometimes you don’t think you’re good enough, but you know what? Sometimes, it’s better NOT to think, and just do, cause believe it or not, you ARE good enough, gosh dangit.

    by lmn on 06.16.2010
  3. cards match. people match. people match clothes with their shoes. matches catch fire, but only you can stop forest fires. my socks always match

    by Johnny on 06.16.2010
  4. everything has to not match. nothing has to match. why would you want it to match life is best in chaos and eclectic tones and undertones and philosophical meanings. fuck matching. fuck highlights. go crazy

  5. matching solks. matching shoes. everything has to be matching! i just dont get why?! i mean why cant we wear different colored sols each day? why not spice up like a little bit and do something out of the norm. i mean i would love to wear non matching solks. if only…

    by sarah on 06.16.2010
  6. i love matching, i cant stand chaos. i dont know what i would do if i could never match agian. i think of twins and my sister. fourth of july outfits and christmas.

    by sara on 06.16.2010
  7. The glass shimmer and shook, throwing off the identical image for only a moment. Her reflection’s eyes burrowed into her. Matching.

    How very strange.

  8. matching hats. maybe a moustache. and a beard too.

    by Sian Joan on 06.16.2010
  9. matching socks have always proved to be a difficult task. One always seems to be missing, lodged behind a curtain, stuck in the dryer, or even behind it. They are always never together. If that makes any sense, matching socks are never matching. They are rather orphans.

    by Kaitlin on 06.16.2010
  10. Matching socks. I don’t have enough of those. Maybe I should go to the store sometime and get really awesome ones. Argyle… hmmm. I went to

    by asdfgaer on 06.16.2010
  11. She stared quietly at his chest. Tubes shot out and covered him like a necklace would, but she knew that they were keeping him alive. Smiling, she looked at her identically-medicated chest. The were matching.

  12. Ready? I’m not ready. Ok, go!
    Matching. We match! How does this happen? Matching doesn’t change anything. Originality doesn’t exist. We match because we are human. You aren’t human? Oh.

    by nat on 06.16.2010
  13. I wish i wasn’t going out with someone with a matching personality. We are both too stubborn and we get in too many fights because of it. I still love him though :[ .

  14. things that are the same, or at least appear to be.

    by Joanne on 06.16.2010
  15. working towards matching anything is going to be a difficult task. but a necessary one. for we are alone, until we are matched with what we desire, who we desire. desire is a funny thing, but one we can never pin down until we see everything in one other person that we do truly desire. we can’t define it until we know exactly what it is

    by Jordan on 06.16.2010
  16. they went together like you would never imagine. hair, clothes, personality, mannerisms. but how can a person truly match another without trying? they didn’t. it was love.

    by Joanne on 06.16.2010
  17. sticks with fire to leafs unkempt. middle fingers flying so bright and high. do your worst!

    by kirk on 06.16.2010
  18. Matching the light with the sound is my dream. Having you by my side, God has shown me what love can really be. Have I found the one matched perfect for me? Yes. Yes I have. I love you so much, Nathan. I hope you are the best person you want to be! Always and forever.

    by D'Esta on 06.16.2010
  19. Heh…matching. Been doing a lot of it lately. Studying up on puzzle games that involve matching. You know, like Bejeweled. It’s more interesting then you would think, looking at deeper mechanics.

  20. matching ones clothes seems to me like a waste of time. Sure, you can look snazzy, but I’m like a firecracker. I’m gonna burn fast, burn bright, burn out, but not before making a bang! If that means wearing plaid with polka dots on my flight to the top, then so be it!

    by Danger on 06.16.2010
  21. things shouldn’t need to be matching. i like things that complement much better. for example, what would the world be without complementary colors or those pairs of people who complement each other perfectly? matching is nice is you want to be a clone. but to stand out on your own is even better.

    by erica on 06.16.2010
  22. Sometimes, I like to wear things that don’t match very well; matching socks are overrated. What if I felt like wearing one blue, one red, one long, one short, one wool, one cotton? Who says I’m wrong to wear socks that aren’t matching?

    Now shoes, well, that’s a different story.

    by Loren on 06.16.2010
  23. i’ve always wanted someone to match with. couple shirts, couple rings, couple phones? maybe it’s the part of belonging to something. dear future boyfriend, will you buy us matching shirts and phones? i’d really like that. love, me.

    by stephanie on 06.16.2010
  24. I’m not good at matching colors. I just don’t have an eye for it. My roommate is really talented at making jewelry. She knows exactly what colors and shapes to combine into necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. I wish I was as talented as she is.

  25. i’m playing a game of matching things, thoughts, red with red, blue with blue, an impossibly long time has passed but i feel that i’m only getting started.

    by a on 06.16.2010
  26. it’s a rare thing for everythin to match. People don’t match. They shouldn’t. They really shouldn’t because then individuality wouldn’t work. It just wouldn’t exist, now would it? No. Matching socks. Haven’t had matching socks in months. More fun that way. spontaneous. yes.

  27. one day will come when you realized your mistake. i made mine in november. you made yours last night. we are, were meant to be. you always sucked at matching.

    by raye on 06.16.2010
  28. They had matching tattoos–not exact, but in theme. “Aces” MacMullen and “Hearts” Heartigan. On their tricep, a heart and an ace. They were brothers, maybe not by blood, but by ink.

  29. we were a mismatch. but i wish i werent so.

  30. some socks match some outfits match sometimes its better if they don’t
    hearts don’t match they complement or complete

    by saconner68 on 06.16.2010
  31. matching the lies with the truths
    you said we had nothing to lose
    I think I’ve matched your words
    with something I did before
    tell me I’m wrong to think that
    my trust in you is at an all time low

    by KayKay on 06.16.2010
  32. Matching……matching….MaTChing……maTCHing…..match ing……match……ing……..MatcHING…….mATching.

    by Berenice on 06.16.2010
  33. The matching blouses on the toddler sisters were beyond nauseating. I know that pictures exist where my mother dressed me and my brother up in matching outfits when we were two years and five years old respectively, but seriously, how lazy can a parent get?

  34. You know what? I think we fit. We fit together like a hand in a glove. Too bad you don’t want to be the glove, and too bad my hand is already being held. Sucks.

  35. Matching pants. Purple, green. They were a symbol of our crazy friendship. Too bad her’s broke. I wonder if it’s an omen of our crazy friendship. UNLIKELY. She’s my best friend, and we’re super cool.

    by Lady Diva on 06.16.2010
  36. penises match often. people like penis a lot. teresa loves penis a lot, esp when it belong to will farnsthworth. i think i miss spelled his name but who cares, he’s a boy with a penis. penises should grow on trees. i often dream of penis, says teresa. she lays awake at night thinking about penises matching with other penises.

    by teresa on 06.16.2010
  37. Together we stood matching up people that we thought would be perfect together all the while ignoring the tension in the moment, realizing that we too were perfect for each other.

  38. My mom is a style guru. She really like clothes. She worked in the fash ion dis trict of NYC for almost 25 years. I was walking out of the house one day after eat ing a deli cious and nutri tious break fast con sist ing of a whole wheat bagel and some organic orange juice. She stopped me dead in my tracks and instead of say ing a warm “good bye honey” or “have fun at school” she said, “Your clothes are not match ing. Get back in your room and change them right now or you are grounded.” What a lovely mom I have. So I changed in my room. I put on a nice lovely pink blouse with light green flowers on it. I matched it with brown crop pants and a light yellow bracelet. My mom was very proud.

  39. My mom is a style guru. She really like clothes. She worked in the fashion district of NYC for almost 25 years. I was walking out of the house one day after eating a delicious and nutritious breakfast consisting of a whole wheat bagel and some organic orange juice. She stopped me dead in my tracks and instead of saying a warm “goodbye honey” or “have fun at school” she said, “Your clothes are not matching. Get back in your room and change them right now or you are grounded.” What a lovely mom have I.

    by Madeline on 06.16.2010
  40. i wish i found a match i found one but he hurt me. i though he loved me but nopee. i freak when things dont have a math. always even numbers. my ocd.

    by hailey_mae on 06.16.2010