
June 16th, 2010 | 282 Entries

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282 Entries for “matching”

  1. like pairs of socks or couples’ sweaters i feel stifled in the exhaustible heat of patterns outlying the near unsymmetrical truth of human beings

  2. I am thinking it’s a sign that the freckles
    In our eyes are mirror images and when
    We kiss they’re perfectly aligned
    And I have to speculate that God himself
    Did make us into corresponding shapes like
    Puzzle pieces from the clay..

    by tannor on 06.16.2010
  3. I’ve found a stone, or more like a pebble. down on the beach. it’s round and flat, but got a crack right through it, or not through it, it’s more like a sharp edge, somewhere out there i know there is a matching piece that will fit right in to it.

    by joel L on 06.16.2010
  4. “This is so weird,” said Regan, staring at Roberto with awe. Twin cable-knit, navy sweaters, identical black corduroys, and extremely similar blue-and-white striped galoshes. “We’re matching.”

  5. I was gapped mouth as I peered into the silver box he had given to me. Inside was a blue saphire and diamond necklace witha matching pair of earings.

  6. die Teile in mir passen nicht zueinander. Wer weiß. Wer? Mh. Also: Die Teile in mir passen nicht zueinander. Ich bin nichts zu 100%. Das muss nicht schlecht sein.

  7. They wore matching shirts so that every one knew they were in love. However, despite their seemingly perfect appearance, on the inside they were struggling. The matching shirts ended up in the trash, along with their dreams of a happy life.

    by alexandria on 06.16.2010
  8. all the colours were the same but we could not replace the original
    the perfect stint at the perfect time and the perfect you
    to accompany what was mine

    by Darien on 06.16.2010
  9. so, our problem was that we weren’t matching, not like all those other couples, not like those pairs with their bodies like puzzle pieces and their eyes that understood. we were just two people, forced together without a second thought. see, that just doesn’t work.

  10. green orange, do they go together? damn it damn so confused throwing tearing, hissing… this isn’t working, this isn’t working… im going to be so late. can’t do it

  11. i think that matching is great because it gives you a chance to meet up with someone. If you think about it, its a wonderful idea considering that in the world everyone wants to be matched up. dont you think. as a matter of fact, everything in this crazy world is matchable and customizable.

    by test on 06.16.2010
  12. Puzzles are really hard because you have to find the exact right match to the other piece, and when they’re really small pieces you have to try each one that’s the same color to try to figure it out.

  13. “All right, so what you do is you look at the cards, you see what shape is on them, and then you lay them on top of the pile with the matching shape,” he said, slapping down a pair. “Right, so tell me you understand.”
    “Pretty colors,” his little daughter gurgled, revealing her hand.

  14. I could never get my socks to match. You put so much energy into sorting them all out and you have to throw them on anyway at the last moment. No prep time. Then one day I got some pretty socks for my birthday and it was all over. I love stupid looking socks now, don’t care if they match.

    by X on 06.16.2010
  15. Matching. I used to think that the best part of being in a relationship is that you would match. You’d be so connected that you would just…completely be on the same page. I’m realizing lately that it doesn’t necessarily need to be like that. Also, my mom dressed up my sister and me to match a lot when I was younger. We were cute. And our faces match, too.

    by Victoria on 06.16.2010
  16. who can ever be sure if things match? matching is in the eye of the beholder. a bright yellow shirt on a cloudy day is matching to me. makes things even out.

  17. it looks the same perfect love romance similar compatible twins soul mates

    by kelly on 06.16.2010
  18. they wore matching shoes and laces and matching bows in their hair. twins in every way that appearances could show, but while one was light the other was dark in mind. and the darkness crept in more every day.

  19. Matching clothes, matching people, matchy matchy, does it ever work? Explore a little, who wants a perfect match? Try putting on two different socks; no matter what anyone says they still work perfect together.

  20. we had matching clogs. light brown, a little mouldy, but that was okay. we walked together across seemingly endless fields of daisies for days, just to get back home. i would do it all over again. just to see…

  21. Sometimes things aren’t meant to be. You can try to make things work out, but if it wasn’t supposed to happen it won’t. Not everything or everyone has a pair. We’re not socks. We don’t have to match.

  22. So this kid and me joe matched shirts for and entire 2 weeks. Our math class thought we were dating. It really freaked them out. We said it was accidental.

    by Lindsay on 06.16.2010
  23. Look, I’m matching.

    Your color blind.

    by Adam on 06.16.2010
  24. he raced forward. he was almost matching his apponent. just. one. more. stride. and he would please the crowd. the crowd with his over zealous parents, his sister who was too cool to be there, and the girl he wanted nothing more than to marry in the future.

  25. I don’t know why you do this to me. Did you honestly thikn you could steal my other sock and get away with it? I knew you would eventuallym though. you always were the type. I’m hoping that this won’t get between us, though. You always wee the good one. I have to admit I’ve always trusted you. We…we were like a pair of socks ourselves, weren’t we? Is this minute really not up, by the way? I don’t know what’s going on.

    by Allison on 06.16.2010
  26. the boy was mathcing his father as they sat slumped on the cata bus. he didn;t want to go. why did he have to leave everything he new to go to college? and of all places, penn state. here he sat wondering why no one had listened to continuous banteringa bout art school.

    by kelsey on 06.16.2010
  27. There’s always that one odd sock that never has it’s partner. Lost in the wash, hidden under hte bed. Anywhere but with it’s other half. But then again, who wants matching socks after all? Nothing like a stripe with a spot, or a pink with a purple.

  28. matching is when you have two things that go together. it could be like socks that are a pair and they come together when you buy them, or it could be like clothes. they could be in the same color family or they don’t have to be the same color at all they could just go together, they match. all neutral colors match every color.

    by jct on 06.16.2010
  29. I poop to much while wearing my raincoat.

    by BigDingleberry on 06.16.2010
  30. Her clothing was so NOT matching! HellOOO! Bright yellow top and a striped black-and-green skirt? GADDAA!! I’m out…

    by Anne on 06.16.2010
  31. I love collecting pictures of Jesus and just handing them out to people in public places.

    by Fag on 06.16.2010
  32. Whirling,
    Spinning just out-of-reach enough
    For us to match.

    We turn in our separate orbits;
    We never quite touch.

    by moomoo on 06.16.2010
  33. I love it when my boys match. When I was younger, my mom always used to dress me and my sister like twins. I loved nothing more than to be just like my older sister.

  34. I stopped. She stopped. All around us, people kept walking. I didn’t want them to. I wanted the rest of the world to stop as I had; to freeze, because this was impossible. How could two people, I wondered, live in two different countries and look exactly the same? She mirrored my disbelief, and it was the oddest experience I had ever had to watch myself look flabbergasted…

  35. She watched the couples walking in the mall. Their matching wind suits making swishing noises and conflicting with the brain trauma from last night’s Stoli and sodas.

  36. my mom is the ultimate match maker. everything has to match- my clothes, my socks, my shoes, my hair
    and then theres the boyfriend part in the mix. or lack thereof.
    i can not count the times we have walked by a boy and she has said “he looks nice”
    i just think she tries to hard. she thinks i dont try hard enough. i gave up a long time ago on that aspect of my life. unfortunately, she won’t give up on me. or the thought of me with a boy.

    by garbs on 06.16.2010
  37. You have to match with your partner in bed and in every day activities. If not, you have a problem. If you are smart and caring you can fix it.

    by dariana on 06.16.2010
  38. One day we were told we were matching. We were both wearing forest green- his favorite color, and something black on our legs. We had never meant to do this.

    by Kerrin on 06.16.2010
  39. Andrew knew that the bomb and the money had to do something with each other. Why else woul Pavlov run away so quickly? It didn’t make any sense.

    by Micah Temple on 06.16.2010
  40. two things that match look similar, or go together in some way; twins
    my best friend and I don’t match
    but i like it that way.
    she’s down to earth; i’m diva