
June 16th, 2010 | 282 Entries

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282 Entries for “matching”

  1. My socks are always matching. They didn’t use to, but then I thought, am I wear mis-matched socks just so I stand out or because I genuinely think they should be worn like that…?

    by J on 06.16.2010
  2. I like my clothes to match, but not the same colors. I like them to flow like the summer River that runs through my toes.

    by Hailey on 06.16.2010
  3. Matching people up can be a hard subject. How? Well, you definitely have the personality differences that can harm a relationship. Can it be fixed? Yes, of course it can. Another reason would be to have fun and enjoy each others company.

    by D'Esta on 06.16.2010
  4. He was wearing matching socks. That was the first real giveaway that something was seriously wrong …

  5. Paul was sitting on the floor after a long day putting together the panda puzzle. He was almost done and only had a few pieces left. As he sat there trying to match up all the grooves he began to think about his relationship with Kelly and where it had gone wrong. Were they a good match? Or just two pieces from two different puzzles?

  6. Irene looked throughout her closets for a scarf that matched her outrageous outfit. But how can you match a hideous plaid with dancing purple penguins on it? But there it was. The perfect match.

    by Rodney on 06.16.2010
  7. I hate when I am folding clothes from the dryer and I see one sock that has no other half and it is not matching. They always look so sad. I put them on the counter and hope that I will find its matching one next time.

  8. Matching days, weeks, years? All the colors of my life… Matching. Maybe I don’t want to match anymore. Maybe I just want to break free from the monotony!

    by Jen on 06.16.2010
  9. Socks say a lot about what a person does, or what they believe their status in society is. The proverbial jock will wear athletic, low-ankled socks, and the nerd will wear long black socks, often with sandals.

    by Ait Fetterolf on 06.16.2010
  10. Matching shirts and pants are my friends families favorite thing to wear when they go on a vacation. The pictures are always priceless, especially when the shirts are especially terrible and hawaiian.

    by Molly on 06.16.2010
  11. Matching people together is a hard thing to do. You never know who is the best match for who. Everyone has a preference. Everyone has a soul-mate. So, everyone has that one match out there that is perfect in every way for them. Matching them together is the hard part.
    How do you find that one, perfect person? Where do you meet them, when and how? All these questions are hard to answer; even harder to figure out.
    And, an even more puzzling question. If there is only that one person who is perfect for you in this world, the one you’re supposed to be with for the rest of your happy lives, why do you go through all of the others before them?
    You need to learn from mistakes, grow as a person, become who you are meant to be. I am a prime example of this. Actually, I bet everyone is. But I feel as though I’ve made my share and more of mistakes in my life. Which is all supposed to be good and rewarding. But, sometimes, I look back, and think to myself “why was I such an idiot? what the hell was I thinking?” It’s all supposed to be good and dandy. Making mistakes is a part of life – get used to it. You’ll make tons of them in your lifetime. And the whole point is to learn from them and grow from them. If you don’t learn from a mistake, it’s not a mistake. It’s a repeated problem.
    But the whole point of that is, you go through tons of boyfriends/girlfriends. You learn what your preference is. You make mistakes with them, grow from those mistakes, and then you know when you’re with that perfect person – the one that will give you butterflies everytime you hear their voice, that you’ll do anything for, that you love with your whole being, that you can’t possibly be without – you won’t make those mistakes twice with them. You’ll be that person, the one you’ve learned to become all your life, and you’ll be the match for them. The flame that grows and grows between you two – the match that strikes when you meet each other – will never burn out. You will be forever embedded into each other’s lives. You will be perfect in every direction, shape, form, and spirit for each other. You will love each other like there is no tomorrow. A match made in heaven.
    And the matching that was done somewhere in this world, when that higher power decided that you would be the couple matched together for eternity, will never break apart.

    You will be matching not only in love for one another, but in everything you needed in that person.

    Just wait. Know that that person is out there somewhere. Know that the longer you wait, it will be more and more special. It will be worth it in the end to find that one person. The one that will love you for YOU. The one that will be the perfect match.

    by Molly on 06.16.2010
  12. ksjjvskdhvklhvefjkbjkdfbkfbs i was matching the llower case and uer case letters of the alphabet huhuhuh we are wearing matching clothes we hahin

    by z on 06.16.2010
  13. Matching personalities don’t work. Opposites–that’s what it takes. One balances the other: When I’m down, you’re up, and you help pull me up. That’s what works.

  14. Paul was sitting on the floor putting the panda puzzle together. he had been working for a few hours now and was down to only a few more pieces. As he sat matching the grooves together he began to think about his life and the way his realtionship with Kelly had turned out. Were they really a perfect match? Or were they just two pieces from two different puzzles?

    by Lindsay on 06.16.2010
  15. They wore matching outfits. That was the first thing I noticed. What is it about people that makes them want to do such foolish things?
    They looked so bizarre. I just couldn’t believe it.

    by Karen on 06.16.2010
  16. matching, match-making – matching two people together perfectly – and it can never really happen can it? we just match the best we can. you’ll never match anyone perfectly. matching, yeah, running out of time

    by mimi on 06.16.2010
  17. Matching people must be the most complicated thing. For instance, firstly I am all and \i chose someone small.

    by BelBel on 06.16.2010
  18. I wore a shirt that was matching my other cloths, I also put on some matching accesories. Matching up things is actually kinda difficult but it looks good in the end, I hate wearing something though and some people in my school are matching me, it really sucks!

    by dawn on 06.16.2010
  19. Matching. Matschen. Spielen. Mal so richtig die Sau rauslassen. Mit Schlamm schmeißen. Mich von oben bis unten beschmieren. Besonders zwischen den Zehen und unter den Fingernägeln, wo ich dann eine …

    by EliEli on 06.16.2010
  20. me and my best friend have this one yellow nail polish that’s the same exact color. we’ve never worn it at the same time but if we did then we would have matching nails.

  21. Everone has a pair, will you find your match?

    by Hazel on 06.16.2010
  22. Mark and Alice walked, matches held high, as they made their way deeper into the forest.

    The animals had long since stopped their chirping and the two children had visited this quiet area in the forest often enough that they were no longer unnerved by the silence; it comforted them.

    As the path, comprised of tramplings and rocks of earlier visits, led to the clearing, the two looked at one another. With silent determination, they broke through the clearing.

    Seven torches lay evenly placed around a central depression. Bits of metal, twine, plastic, and a whole assortment of debris lay scattered outside of the torches; within the confines of the torches, evenly cut grass lay low and a small breeze blew the grass leaves back and forth.

    Halfway from the entrance to the clearing, Mark and Alice split; each walked toward a torch stand and lit their torch. The moment Alice finished lighting her torch the circle became complete; a gentle rumbling from beneath the depression seemed to cause the grass to vibrate. Bits of dirt, gravel, and rocks were vibrated away from the center of the depression.

    Alice backed away from her torch; Mark turned toward her and caught her as she nudged toward where he stood.

    “What is happening,” asked Alice, as her eyes looked into Mark’s.

    “I don’t know,” replied Mark, as he held her closer. “We can but wait. The ancient left us scrolls and today is the day we finally completed the last step. They promised answers.”

  23. memory. I loved it. Baby lamb with the momma sheep. piglets with momma pig. i’d play memory with my mom all the time when i was little. Always looking for the match.

    by Richard Braithwaite on 06.16.2010
  24. I need you to walk with me, hand in hand, with our footsteps matching the rhythm of our heartbeats.

    by Rose on 06.16.2010
  25. Matching! I fucking love matching! I love making gorgeous color palettes and whatnot. I just love matching colors for things.. clothes, scrapbooking, webpages, whatever. :D Yaaay.

    by :) on 06.16.2010
  26. please don’t let me bled into your bedsheets but the Persian carpets match our patterns of my belly slashed and you protecting me from a blade wielded by your own hand

    by Athelas on 06.16.2010
  27. couples looking for people like them. a memory game. matching clothes with similar patterns. twins. matches? matching shoes.

    by Danielle on 06.16.2010
  28. “Your socks don’t match.” I looked up, the comment came from my mother. I had bloodshot eyes, punctured arms and spotty skin and all she could say was “Your socks don’t match.”

  29. Who knew matching a purse with shoes could bring such happiness.

    by tina on 06.16.2010
  30. She was never one for match­ing. No, her socks were always dif­fer­ent from each other, and her pants never seemed to quite go with the shirt she had so hur­riedly put on that morn­ing, but those things were not impor­tant to her. She had always had some­thing bet­ter to con­cen­trate on, some­thing more…imminent. The dead­line.
    And her ever impend­ing dead­lines could not be avoided; they were always com­ing at her, and fast. She couldn’t fall through this time.

  31. She was never one for matching. No, her socks were always different from each other, and her pants never seemed to quite go with the shirt she had so hurriedly put on that morning, but those things were not important to her. She had always had something better to concentrate on, something more…imminent. The deadline.
    And her ever impending deadlines could not be avoided…they were always coming at her, and fast. She couldn’t fall through this time.

    by Catastrophe on 06.16.2010
  32. meaning matching, a way people learn things, match things up when trying to understand media, the information superhighway, movie ratings are fascist, there’s too much information so we have to turn our brains off and only select certain things to pay attention to, so what are we missing?

    by stefanie on 06.16.2010
  33. why do I have the same word, no worries, just write. But I have a wirters block that’s why i’m looking on this kind of sites… I’m writing about a girl who cheated on Harry, from McFly.

    by floorxmcfly on 06.16.2010
  34. Sometimes you can never find matching socks. I wonder why. Maybe one sock had a secret affair with another color. So why can’t they love each other on your feet?

  35. All the matching of the world. Tell me when it’s gong to stop, this sameness about the world. Differences are what make people.

    by Brit on 06.16.2010
  36. We all match in some way, whether it’s opinions, clothes, age, gender or where we live. Sometimes we match in many aspects, sometimes only in one or two. What’s it like when you find someone you match in almost every respect? Is it a good or bad thing?

    by Heather on 06.16.2010
  37. “Identical cousins?”

    “I know it sounds ridiculous, but you can’t argue with what’s in front of you.”

    “I guess that’s true. This is sort of exciting, you know? We match!”

    “Not for long.” And then she pulled out the shovel.

  38. Matching coulpes… matching colors or clothes.. Its a good thing when you don’t get criticized for it… it’s a bad thing when others match you in an attempt at superiority.

    by Addie on 06.16.2010
  39. socks. always. twinkies! samsies. i like to. gay to be. homophobes.

    by aaron on 06.16.2010
  40. the woman and her son were walking down the isle of the supermarket and they were wearing matching outfits. I was working at the counter and i could not stop laughing. I had to have a manager come over and relieve me in order to compose myself