
September 11th, 2009 | 395 Entries

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395 Entries for “logical”

  1. Any logical person would have turned and walked away. Any logical person might have just…decided a higher road. But I was never logical…and the only logic I could conceive was jumping. Jumping off the cliff into the tumbling waves below. I didn’t think about the rocks or rip tides. Only the rush. Only the fear in his eyes when he realized I’d jumped…

    by on 09.12.2009
  2. Logical is something that isn’t far-fetched. It is more so the proper idea then rather, the crazy one. Most people on earth aren’t logical most of the time. But, sometimes the most useful thing is to be un-logical. How could science be so far ahead if scientists were always logical?

    by katy on 09.12.2009
  3. logical thoughts are often the most illogical in nature… logical does not necessary mean real and true… reality is sometimes more bazzare than fiction…

    by hit on 09.12.2009
  4. The thing is part of my life now.. I have seen it through, researched on it.. Discussed it alot.. N found out that logical is real & everything is logical or else it doesn’t exist at all.. So it is an essential part of my life now.. Logical..

    by Adnan Ahmed Khan on 09.12.2009
  5. Logical. Without a doubt, I have so many friends that can be described as such. As much as I admire the quality, I suppose it is why so many have respect for a character such as Spock from Star Trek, I can’t help but reflect on how often it also leads to conversations that can lead to the path of annoying.

    by on 09.12.2009
  6. it is a word that is strange and i don’t know what it means. it looks nice like a peice of cake and a cup of tea.

    by isobel on 09.12.2009
  7. Thinking. It’s only when one thinks that things are created and without the process of creation what have you but the blank suspension of nothingness? If nothing were ever created where would humanity be in it’s advance, it’s evolution? We would be sorely behind, in more ways than just technology.

    by TJD on 09.12.2009
  8. Not me!!! Clinical, clean, straightforward. Creatively stifled. Vulcans LOL

    by Juju on 09.12.2009
  9. Stop thinking. Start doing. Ready, Set, Go.

    by Andrea on 09.12.2009
  10. An argument or person following a set rule of logical discourse.

    by antonio on 09.12.2009
  11. sinceable smart problem solving

    by odoucit on 09.12.2009
  12. to be logical is to consider your surroundings in a skeptical light. when one is illogical, you;re giving in to the faith based system of living. when you fail to sue logic in every day situations, tyhings can become muddled and drawn out beyond theere ordinary meanings. when one uses logic in everyday life, you are helping yourself think.

    by Michael A on 09.12.2009
  13. i dont like logical

    by on 09.12.2009
  14. Funny what crosses your mind during those times which needs you to be logical.

    by iNEVER on 09.12.2009
  15. Logical?
    Who knows really.

    by Tyler. on 09.12.2009
  16. something that only makes sense to the beholder. your heart tries to say no, but your head tries to take over. the most logical decision isnt always the one you want to made. logic is only perception.

    by catherine on 09.12.2009
  17. Life is illogial. Actually, my old Logic class was illogical. Which brings me to my grades. My grades are illogical. Why is it that if I love a subject, I tend to fail it? Is it because I love it so much I want to do my own stuff instead of sticking to the curriculum? Psh, because if that’s the case, then GRADES SUCK!!! Ha ha ha.

    by oddstar3@yahoo.com on 09.12.2009
  18. There is no logical reasoning that can explain why I’m with him. He’s a college drop-out, a smoker, a drinker, a fighter, everything that I preach against. Why did I choose him? There are many more people deserving of my love. Why can’t I get away? Why don’t I want to?

    by sdc on 09.11.2009
  19. Is what the brain thinks is possible, but some know that logical things aren’t that logical.

    by alex on 09.11.2009
  20. Nothing is logical anymore. Relationships aren’t logical, life isn’t logical. What is logical are your own thoughts and actions. They are the only things that make sense in the world anymore. I don’t think I’ll ever understand the logic of a relationship because they never end up how you want them. It’s all too confusing to me.

    by Katie on 09.11.2009
  21. hello! very sexy!

    by norasun on 09.11.2009
  22. Logical/Emotional
    it’s the fork at the crossroads,
    I’ve chosen the left.

    Never looking back,
    about to explode,
    my logic has committed a theft.

    It hid away my heart,
    leaving only my thought,
    my passion left away to rot.

    Goodbye my empathy.
    Climb on-board to a plane forever on auto-pilot.

    by C.L. Bain on 09.11.2009
  23. Spock was so logical it was maddening. loosen up the tie and kick up the wing tips buddy.

    by Christian on 09.11.2009
  24. being able to write about logic it`s a proof the you have no logic. I think logic it`s just a notion that someone invented in order to make us align to one rule.

    by Adela on 09.11.2009
  25. It’s not logical. Nothing ever is. My parents claimed that life was full of logic, I must search for it and learn it. But I don’t think I want to. I’m okay with how it works to me. It’s not logical.

    by elaina on 09.11.2009
  26. logical is not a terribly efficient way of expressing how well thought a good idea is. it seems like there should be a shorter word for that sort of thing. like “gorp”.

    by on 09.11.2009
  27. I can’t believe you’re being this way. For what it’s worth, I still love you. The dreams, my hopes, my troubles. You left me there that December afternoon right after you shattered my word. I want you like you used to want me. Please, be logical.

    by Femme Fatale. on 09.11.2009
  28. its hard to understand why I can seemingly see things in a nonobjective way, but everyone else’s mind is subjective to themselves, in a selfish, stubborn, unforgiving way. there is no sense in how things seem to go everyone else’s way, even though I try my hardest to be a good person, while everyone else goes about their lives in a very narcissistic fashion, and everything is perfect for them. if there’s a god, I feel s/he has things very backwards sometimes.

    by Josh on 09.11.2009
  29. Logic, from the Greek λογική (logiké)[1] is the art and science of reasoning.[2] More specifically, it is defined by the Penguin Encyclopedia to be “The formal systematic study of the principles of valid inference and correct reasoning”.[3] As a discipline

    by on 09.11.2009
  30. tasfdasdfasdasdfasdffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

    by dasasd on 09.11.2009
  31. i dont want to think about it right now. i believe it is the right thing to do right now sicne it is 2 oclock in the morning. so please understand me on this. i mean it is getting better but i think irhgt now i m ghoing to stio and let other people now that i am kind of getting bored and sick. so pls now that.

    by Ronin on 09.11.2009
  32. I am very logical. I have to spend time thinking things out and how they will best be handled. Oh well! I’ve been working on that by taking classes like philosophy and such.

    by Matt on 09.11.2009
  33. I’m not logical. I simply come into situations hoping for the meriest of times. The more fantastical the people, the better time i have. To much logic makes me depressed.

    by on 09.11.2009
  34. Spock. Cold. Cerebral. The opposite of human. Missing emotion and nuance. No child was ever produced logicallly. Except in the creepiest of circumstances.

    by Paul on 09.11.2009
  35. Of all things I can be, being logical takes the cake.
    I mean I can find sense and meaning and comprehension even in madness. In chaos. A theory for everything. Why am i this way? why are you this way? everything.
    Its fun. Its absurd. Its madness.

    by Sowmiya on 09.11.2009
  36. making sense. I enjoy people that make sense. Instead of blabbing on and on about nothing they get right to the chase and make it simple for someone to comprehend. This is an important quality. Being logical.

    by M on 09.11.2009
  37. Drinking too much and being extremely happy about the reulting evening is extremely illogical.
    Logical would be not drinking at all and going to work sober/not hugover tomorrow.
    however I love this.
    and logic doesn’t factor into love.
    I can still type/think well enough drunk, apparently.

    by name. on 09.11.2009
  38. what is logical…. it’s coming up with a meaning to a word or situation which most would agree upon as being the best choice or outcome. It’s a popular vote if you will. Everyone has a different view on what is actually logical. My thought of logical could be something completely different! For example I think clear lip gloss is more logical than wearing red lipstick. If you accidentally wipe you lip with your shirt or scarf while wearing red lipstick you have just ruined your outfit but if you are wearing clear lip gloss… NO WORRIES…. IT’s CLEAR!!!!

    by Breanne on 09.11.2009
  39. The Logical nature of one to look beyond the looks and beauty one has for a woman is not that which is common. There is little to do with the actual matter of the Logic in why men look for these things.

    by Randall on 09.11.2009
  40. I am logical because I’m left brained. I love it. Puzzles are amazing! Logical thinking is so useful.

    by Kate on 09.11.2009