
September 11th, 2009 | 395 Entries

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395 Entries for “logical”

  1. It is logical to think that you are illogical. But does that make any sense? Is logic really necessary when all you want to do is be happy? Was Einstein happy?

    by Jay on 09.11.2009
  2. not me apparently…

    by val on 09.11.2009
  3. I try to be logical, but not always, because logic is subjective anyway. If one strives always for logic, then one will slam against the organic wall of illogic. Life is formed on art, breathing, changing, unaware of people’s demand for step-by-step understanding.

    by Ann (of Shadows in Mind) on 09.11.2009
  4. me. methodical. going not by intuition but by reason. i wish i wasn’t so logical. i wish i was a free spirit but i am

    by melissa on 09.11.2009
  5. That which makes sense to me might not make sense to you. My logic isn’t yours, no matter which way you look at it.

    by MArina on 09.11.2009
  6. “Don’t even think. Just say yes.”
    She bit her lip, a worried look on her sweet face. “I don’t know…”
    He cupped her cheeks, making her look him in the eyes. “Come on. Haven’t you always wanted to do something crazy?”
    She closed her eyes for a moment, taking in a calming breath. “Well…”
    He leaned his forehead against hers. “Please.” He whispered.
    She opened her dark eyes and stared into his light blue ones, and nodded.
    And the two left everything they’ve ever known, not knowing exactly where they were going.
    But they didn’t care.

    by Tawny Larsen on 09.11.2009
  7. I am thinking too logically. Finding the meaning of every broken moment. The moment that wonders through the wonderful bliss of time, and bringing it to a flashing halt.

    by Kati on 09.11.2009
  8. I’ve always been logical; paper tiger, keep the stoic facade, don’t let anything through without deep consideration and days of contemplation. It was only when I realized that logic was not the entire world did I let the world seep through the stone wall I have built.

    by on 09.11.2009
  9. it would be logical to think most situations through before actually coming to some agreement on how you will be approaching the situation at hand. there are many people that jump the gun and act on impulse, especially during the situations that seem to be the most intense.

    by amanda on 09.11.2009
  10. He always makes sense. Anyone can ask him a question about anything and he will give you the most rational answer you could think of. His life is organized and he is a true realist. There’s nothing about him that you could doubt and his outward appearance is very neat and clean.His appearance may be clean but his mind certainly isn’t.

    by loqical on 09.11.2009
  11. It isn’t logical to believe that life is happening without your knowledge. Everything you say, you do, you omit and you ignore all have an impact on your life and the life of everyone around you. Therefore it is logical to be constantly aware of your thoughts, actions and the people around you.

    by TMass TMasschronicles.blogspot.com on 09.11.2009
  12. i am not. it does not seem so. i try to be smart and to think with my brain, but i think mostly with the softness in my chest where thought refuses to go. i love the logic of happenstance instead. it is not fair.

    by nicole on 09.11.2009
  13. Something that is true and makes sense. It can be literal depending the content of the words used to explain something. It’s is the opposite of imagination. They are opposites. It’s that simple. Like hot and cold,

    by heidi on 09.11.2009
  14. everything about her has to be logical

    by Priya on 09.11.2009
  15. James tried to think of a logical solution, but he was overcome with emotion. Before him lay his sister’s body, motionless and bloodied. There was no solution to this senseless violence, he thought. Only vengeance.

    by CY on 09.11.2009
  16. thinking left brain skill reading analytical math knowledge wisdom

    by lauren on 09.11.2009
  17. left brain, right brain. math versus art. duality. in reality, duality doesn’t exist. if everything’s relative, how can there be a duality? a good and a bad?

    by Jo Johnston on 09.11.2009
  18. logic is what runs the world. Without there would only be the illogical. Corruption and instability would run rampant. There would be no method behind any of our madness, though maybe that would be a good thing. Because with logic, we justify some of the most atrocious acts of humanity.

    by rawr on 09.11.2009
  19. Oh. Not now please. It’s too late to think logically. I just want to dream of a world were all my goals are achieved and my vision is fulfilled. No logic in that. It’s pure spirit.

    by twitter.com/WillCreates on 09.11.2009
  20. Logical. How was I supposed to be logical? There was no way I could be celebrating my fifth brithday. I was twenty-nine, for god’s sakes! I was supposed to be giving a business presanation, and now I was

    by King Rat on 09.11.2009
  21. Oh you sir who she says is so logical, sometimes lacking in emotion so much so that she has a nickname for your indicating that you are a robot, you sir I despise without knowing.

    by Kirk on 09.11.2009
  22. the most logical think is not being logical because this will easen the appearance of logic and distinguish it from non logical

    by Motayam on 09.11.2009

    by ADAM on 09.11.2009
  24. It’s completely logical if you really think hard about. Every person needs to love and every person needs to be loved. The only issue is finding the one who needs to love you, the one you need to love. It’s like a=b and if you ignore everything else, it just works…

    by Zozo on 09.11.2009
  25. logical is word that means to think. hmm to think is to use your brian in a way that makes sense to other people the “logical” thnk nto do would be to do something that OTHER people think is correct.

    by on 09.11.2009
  26. sometimes it is not required to be logical. we shoul not be logical.

    by balu on 09.11.2009
  27. The practical and pragmatic form of the most intreguing part of human nature – the complete refutation of the arts in a suffocating blanket of complete conformity. The secret to life lies in the ability to construct our own ideals out of perception beyond that which we only see.

    by Kurt on 09.11.2009
  28. I believe logically, it is logical to conclude the only logical answer here. However, as there is nothing to conclude, I cannot logically find any answer to this question.

    by UsagiOchya on 09.11.2009
  29. Logical, that which I’m not. Logcal to think straight, that which I cant. My mind is such a blur, everything is just unlogical.

    by ??? on 09.11.2009
  30. Sitting in the window seat Dave looked over the puzzle again. SUDUKO was supposed to be a logical puzzel but he knew the truth it was the cause for insanity…

    by elise on 09.11.2009
  31. logical is what some people are, i wish i were. but im not. and thats the end of that.

    by Savannah on 09.11.2009
  32. logical, they said. i was nothing but an octopus spiraling liquid unable to pull together. logical. i was a wind gathering leaves and wreathing the gutters

    by saturngreene on 09.11.2009
  33. …natural, sensible way of thinking and acting. Things as they should be.

    by !!! on 09.11.2009
  34. it is only logical to think that man would someday transcend himself. In fact, it would only be illogical to think otherwise. For if man has evolved from ape, then what is to stop man from evolving beyond man. The Superman cannot be stopped. It is an inevitability. Friedrich Nietzsche was right. God is dead and we have killed him, now we must become god’s ourselves.

    by Luke Hendrick on 09.11.2009
  35. clear, sound reasoning. Peanut butter and Jelly…

    by hungry on 09.11.2009
  36. Logic is odd logic is pointless logic is nothing it limits creativity and bounds the creativty. no my cup of tea.

    by Helen on 09.11.2009
  37. maybe logical is not a good word to start a discussion that lasts only 60 seconds. : )

    by today on 09.11.2009
  38. I like the word logical. Someone needs to tell Mr. Billings the definition of this word. A lot of people follow logical thinking.

    by Jenny Cobb on 09.11.2009
  39. illogical non sensical poop pee penis poop bap ball bing skmnd boooooooooooooooop beep sing song sang slick slide slip slop glop bob bip dick ding dong ping pong sing song

    by dingding on 09.11.2009
  40. I am so logical. I’m always wondering why I didn’t go to law school. It’s who I am. It’s how I think. I wish I would have understood more about myself and some of these characteristics of me. Logical. Straightforward. Obvious.

    by Kara on 09.11.2009