
January 19th, 2012 | 283 Entries

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283 Entries for “liberty”

  1. Smartly chosen word for this SOPA thing going around. Liberty. That’s what makes our country. Freedom. That is who we are.

    by on 01.19.2012
  2. I took the only way that i could imagine a severed lane leading across the gap of many that would one day become the only way that a man couold survive wihout the hint of irony

    by gskgsk on 01.19.2012
  3. Liberty is the freedom that our government has given us. It allows us to be ourselves, different from one another. Our. Own. Unique. Self. Allows us to do what we want to do without being burdened. Allows us to speak whats on our mind, whatever that might be. Just takes away the worries.

    by Rebecca Reardon on 01.19.2012
  4. Konečně se chvíli usnul a já doufala, že mohu konečně uprchnout. Trochu jsem se však té svobody bála. Přeci jen jsem byla uvězně opravdu dlouho. Náhle se však prudce zvedl. Nespal už několik dní. Nemohla jsem uvěřit, jak to dokáže. Vždyť musel být už šíleně unavený! Vstal z postele a šel až ke mě. Bála jsem se. Už jsem ani nekřičela, protože mi bylo jasné, že mi to v ničem nepomůže. Chytil mě za ruku a začal mi kontrolovat pouta. Byla jsem pevně uvězněna v želízkách. Nakonec odešel zpátky do postele a viděla jsem, jak zapíjí vodou nějakou pilulku. Nejspíš už nemohl bez spánku být a tak si vzal prášek na spaní. Určitě jsem měla pravdu, protože za pár minut jsem slyšela klidné chrápání. Bála jsem se, že to na mě jen zkouší, a tak jsem ještě chvíli čekala, ale vypadalo to, že se už opravdu oddal spánku. Vytáhla jsem si sponku, kterou jsem měla schovanou ve vlasech a začala jsem pomalu a potichu otvírat pouta. Nakonec to cvaklo a já byla vysvobozena. Vydala jsem se potichu k otevřenému oknu. Po očku jsem sledovala, jestli stále spí, ale už jsem se ani nebála. Rychle jsem vyskočila z okna. Bylo to první patro, takže docela výška, ale věděla jsem, že pokud neuteču, tak zemřu. Konečně jsem byla na svobodě. Rozběhla jsem se a utíkala jsem a utíkala, dokud mi síly stačily.

  5. John laid his head in his palm with a sigh. “So run this by me one more time. We have to break into the Yard WHY? I mean, aren’t they under your jurisdiction?”
    Mycroft crossed his legs and leaned back with a stern look at John. “You know I’m not at liberty to say. Just see to it that Sherlock doesn’t go overboard and get himself into trouble, would you? Your deadline is 3am tomorrow.”
    John was starting to see why Sherlock hated dealing with his brother so much.

  6. Taking liberties like
    when you kept all my things
    and said I should be
    more responsible
    and then behaved
    most irresponsibly
    And when you said
    when you said
    you still love me

    by Becky on 01.19.2012
  7. She climbs to the top of the mountain and she can feel the violence in her hair. There’s you and there’s me and there’s this freedom that we would kill for. How do you know you’ll live past this hour of brokenness? I don’, I say. Don’t touch me, don’t hate me. Just be the winging tripe of the fish in the sea.

  8. What does it mean to be free? You have every right to hate me, and I have every right to hold it against you. I can love freely, and you can reject or take me. Freedom is joy, pain, a blessing, and a curse.

    by on 01.19.2012
  9. Liberty is the aim of all democratic society, or should be. But as Margaret Atwood put it: ‘There is more than one kind of freedom. Freedom to and freedom from.’

  10. It is hard to understand the concept of liberty. What is considered FREE to some is like wearing shackles to another.

    by Tim Nelson on 01.19.2012
  11. i am so free. i cum so hard while hurtling through te statue of liberty. i feel athome in my mothr country. the declaration of indpendcend. cfreedom.
    french fries.


    baseball and monster trucks.

    a good o lf fun time for all. fun times 2 be had by everyone. family friendly. freedom.

    by a free american on 01.19.2012
  12. freedom america constitution choice ability to do your thing fashion fabric print french revolution bell america

    by e on 01.19.2012
  13. Liberty is the name of a dog I have met. she is a golden retriever show dog. Very sweet. I have also met one of her puppies recently. she made me understand what makes a show dog. . . .

    by RR on 01.19.2012
  14. freedom

  15. That was the time to reclaim it. Reclaim our FREEDOM !
    Those words were the last one I’ve heard, as I rushed with my rifle against the enemy army. I wasn’t expecting to survive, i was striving to reclaim liberty for my kids, even if they will be fatherless, they will live in a free country.

  16. Feel the grass under your toes.
    You have been waiting for this for years.
    Run, run, run like you never have before.
    It has been worth the wait.

    by Caleb on 01.19.2012
  17. What does it mean? Really. Freedom. Freedom isn’t free. Free Willy! The Statue of Liberty. Liberation. All the cliches. But do we really know what it means? Have we ever experienced it? It is for freedom that Christ set us free. Free from sin, free from shame. Free to live with our soul alive, confident in the eternal love of God. Liberty that does not devolve into licentiousness. Liberty that does not depend on our external circumstances but on the state of our heart. This is what God offers you through Christ. Will you accept it?

    by Heidi Wilde on 01.19.2012
  18. “When liberty comes with hands dabbled in blood it is hard to shake hands with her.”
    “Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.”
    “”The liberties of our country, the freedoms of our civil Constitution are worth defending at all hazards; it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors. They purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood. It will bring a mark of everlasting infamy on the present generation – enlightened as it is – if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of designing men.” -Samuel Adams”

  19. Liberty is freedom for all. There is a statue of Liberty in New York State. The word liberty makes me think of America and its Government. It makes me think of Red, White and Blue.

    by Ruth Mckendrick on 01.19.2012
  20. If I had a bell I would call I liberty, Amplify it. Let it ring, let it sing, scream and cry.

    A heart shaped bell made of copper, made of iron, made of sweat.

  21. He used to think that liberty was doing whatever you wanted. Now, though, he believes that it means being free to leave other people alone. And to be left alone.

  22. Freedom, to be yourself, to be at peace, freedom of expression, feedom to feel all your feelings, the good good, the bad and the downright awful, freedom to be yourself and not give a toss what anyone else thinks abou you.

    by Liz on 01.19.2012
  23. Liberty is what every one fights for, intentionaly and unintentionaly. Liberty defines our lives; without it life has no meaning. Liberty is a must to every human being. Liberty is a given right to every human being since birth. Liberty is essential and it’s everything.

    by Salma Elkhamy on 01.19.2012
  24. Liberty Belle, legs akimbo and fat breasts, riddled his internet browsing history and wet dreams.

  25. In liberty she dreams of what she would do to take away her liberty.

    by Cristina on 01.19.2012
  26. Nelson Mandela, he embodies Liberty. He suffered so that his people, his country,, his nation could be liberated and face a new future. Wow, amazing. Thanks Madiba.

  27. oh i love the word liberty. perhaps as much as freedom. but what’s the definition? if someone has liberty, what do they get? i wonder.

    by kaorita on 01.19.2012
  28. She stares at the sky, his crumpled note in her hand. He’s probably in another city by now.

    She waits for the loneliness to come. Crush her, smother her.

    It doesn’t. Instead, the sun continues to shine and the world doesn’t fall apart.

    She throws the note away and makes a cup of coffee.

    by AA on 01.19.2012
  29. She stared at the sky, with his crumpled note in her hand. He’s probably in another city by now.

    She waits for the loneliness to come. Crush her, smother her.

    It doesnt. Instead, the sun continues to shine and the world doesnt fall apart.

    She throws the note away and makes a cup of coffee.

    by Akshara on 01.19.2012
  30. You wouldn’t have thought a little koala bear could have swallowed such a big coin. And now we would just have to wait.

  31. Scratching the back of my head and staring out the window, I pondered the word of today. Liberty. Did any of us even have any liberty? We couldn’t do all we wanted, and there was a reason for that

  32. is like a statue, it is green and has a torch, I have never seen it because liberty is on the other side of the world, which makes liberty stingy and annoying as well because not everyone can have liberty. Why can’t we all have liberty.

    by Jazz on 01.19.2012
  33. There was a man standing on a boat approximately 20 years of age given by the youth in his smile and the style of his dress; the aroma of salt wafted up from the gentle lapping the caressing waves created. Desperately longing to reach the shore, he looked up at the brilliant, looming figure of a woman finely clad in what was reminiscent of Roman garb and felt the minute drop in temperature as her silhouette began slowly to shroud the vessel.

  34. Sleep, the word was seductive. It curled about her tongue, reflecting the coils of its founding letter. She craved it, crooned for it with breathy and battered sighs, coveting the liberty found only in one’s dreams. But alas…there was still more to do.

  35. i took too much liberty in what i wanted to say but never did. it was as if every other word from my mouth was invisible, unspoken. i woke too tangled in all the fighting.

  36. I wanted to be free. I wanted my parents to grant me liberty. My goal is to live my own life, unchained from the nuisances of being watched over by parents. I’m not a child, let me live. Give me liberty.

  37. I want her to be free.
    Give her liberty and let her be free.
    So that she can live out her dreams and achieve her goals.
    The strength to rule the world and the wisdom to let it be
    Please, just let her be.

  38. …with liberty and justice for all. mornings always brought these words from my mouth without really thinking about what they meant. it’s sad mainly because now when i’m old enough to really reflect on them, i still don’t have a clear definition of the pledge.

    by kim on 01.19.2012
  39. libertarian is the first variation of the word that i think of and i’m not even sure what that means. i’m not exactly sure what liberty means and most of what i’ve been thinking about today is more along the lines of freedom especially with the threat of SOPA and liberty doesn’t fit into my head right now all too well, and i’m not sure how to define it or go about writing it. i profusely apologize.

  40. give me liberty or give me death, I bet about 75% of respondents started with that because haven’t we all been trained to think about it. Right now in our town there is a tax prep company called Liberty. They pay someone to dress up in a green statue of liberty costume, stand on a street corner, and wave a sign: Honk if you (heart) Liberty?

    by BarbN on 01.19.2012