
March 3rd, 2010 | 328 Entries

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328 Entries for “letters”

  1. i just want to tell you
    i think we should call it off
    it feels more compassionate
    in a letter

    by dani on 03.04.2010
  2. put me in the mail and send me to yourself three years later. i’m not ready just quite yet, so fold me up nice and square and put me in the post. when you open me someday i’ll be mature and grown up and jaded just enough to love you right.

    by sunburst on 03.04.2010
  3. a b c its easy as one two three
    something something something
    baby you and me

    by kristi on 03.04.2010
  4. I like letters. I mainly like cursive handwriting, and I think the word letters is a very straight word. It’s hard to be straight in a crooked world.
    S’s always remind me of snakes, and the word snakes I think is a very sharp word because of the K. I like K’s, especially lower case K’s. I like the sharpness and the high top line that’s vertical.

    by Scythe42 on 03.04.2010
  5. Here’s to every letter that I wrote,
    this is another I won’t send.

    by Richelle on 03.04.2010
  6. lexicon. orthography. correspondence. alphabet.

    by joface on 03.04.2010
  7. Letters, something you write to someone you care about. Letters are personal. They are way better than emails. They show how much you care in your simple elegant handwriting. You can send gifts with your letter as well. Letters are perfect for showing how much you love someone.

    by linda on 03.04.2010
  8. letters are fun, they build words and are building blocks

    by Aaron Rowe on 03.04.2010
  9. I never write letters, I should write more of them. I don’t know what I would write about in them. Maybe I could finally send one to Eddie since I’ve been talking about that for a while now. But I suck at jotting down my thoughts. Maybe I could improve.

    by Tanya on 03.04.2010
  10. If I wrote you a letter, would you read it? Would you bask in the glory of my words? Would you love me more, or loathe me for the arogance?
    Read my letter. Read it and ignore.

    by Alissa on 03.04.2010
  11. Letters make up words. Which are very imprortant. Words are just symbols for thoughts. I guess letters are symbols for sunds. Eitther way these symbols dont do our thoughts justice. This is one of the main paradoxes of humanity.

    by Patrick Bentley on 03.04.2010
  12. Love letters are the best!!! What other kind is there anymore in our digitally enhanced world?

    by Tina Maguire on 03.04.2010
  13. i wrote you a love letter the other day. i didn’t know that it was for you, but i realized that it is. I can’t wait to give it to you one day. maybe i will, maybe i won’t but i do know that its for you.

    by allie on 03.04.2010
  14. Letters are the things that make up words. In the english language, they make up every sentence and phrase. Another meaning of the word letters could be notes written on paper sent across the world in envelopes.

    by Tim Blair on 03.04.2010
  15. letters. My girlfriend complains that I dont write letters to her like I used to before, although my first thought when i saw this word was the alphabet…..IRS letters? lol…

    by carl on 03.04.2010
  16. letters. My girlfriend complains that I dont write letters to her like I used to before, although my first thought when i saw this word was the alphabet…..IRS letters? lol…

    by carl on 03.04.2010
  17. Letters. I wrote him a letter yesterday. I told him that I love him. I told him that I care. I told him that we can’t be together… and I think he understands. If we love each other, why waste it on a teenage sob story? Love can wait. And when we’re ready, we’ll still be here. Forever and always. I won’t forget.

    by rachel on 03.04.2010
  18. i send them out but only get a few in return. I like to think i send them to make someone else’s day…because i know how much i love to get mail. but in reality it is my own form of therapy knowing that someone out there is getting a piece of me. so that even if im gone to tomorrow ill stay with them on paper.

    by Emerald on 03.04.2010
  19. Letters are vain, they want to say too much and be too important…but words, words can only strive to be as beautiful as letters…

    by Andres Escobar on 03.04.2010
  20. Letters are great as long as they’re the kind that don’t suck to read. Oh, did you mean letters of the alphabet. Those are good too. Without them letters wouldn’t be possible. Neither would the alphabet. Wait, what are we talking about. This subject is too ambiguous.

    by Alex on 03.04.2010
  21. I write and write. I write late into these lonely, dark nights. Yet, no matter how much I wish. How desperately I pray, your letters are never returned to me. I miss you.

    by Nick on 03.04.2010
  22. the filled the box, bulging out over the sides and from under the cover. Some were lose papers, others were stuffed envelops, none had been read in years. As she took them out, one my one, she examined them, slowly, reading the addresses, the stamps, scrutinizing the writing,

    by dixie on 03.04.2010
  23. rabbits are cute and fluffy they have white tails

    by Colleen Morgan on 03.04.2010
  24. ALPHABET IS WHAT I’ve always thought about with letters. They go together so will. b follows a ,l d follws c. it’s all so orderly. and you can use letters to write letters. thatls not irony ieth

    by Rick Gondella on 03.04.2010
  25. she told me it would give me closure. i burnt them all. she told me it wasn’t healthy to live in these memories. now they’re all gone. i have one letter, and one picture. i keep them under my pillow. every word is a piece of you, and i threw so many away.

    by gabatron on 03.04.2010
  26. i love to read other people’s love letters. they make my heart turn over. it’s so interesting to see how people word something that can’t be worded. i love to read books of love letters and love to find them on the ground.

    by Meghan Brown on 03.04.2010
  27. She reread the letters from her foxhole. She smiled at each of them, and tucked them back into her uniform, and picked up her gun. She knew that she would probably not make it out of this battle alive, but she knew she must try. She felt that pull towards her lady back home, her life, out of fatigues. She put on her helmet, and set out, the letters by her heart.

    by haruka on 03.04.2010
  28. Well theres lots of letters on the keyboard. All ranging from a all the way to Z. We see letters everyday… like alll the time, if were not looking at letters of some sort wer’er probally asleep. like rtight now its just loads of letters on the screen!

    by Mat on 03.04.2010
  29. So, I really like letters because they’re awesome. They spell out fun words, like the ones I’m typing now. I love the alphabet because it’s full of twenty-six glorious and beautiful letters. Someday I wish I could grow up to be a letter. They’re my heroes, really. They’re like superheroes in disguise because they save my life on a daily basis. I love you, letters, be my valentine.

    by Jackie on 03.04.2010
  30. when joined together words are formed..use it wisely..

    by kermin.balawis on 03.04.2010
  31. i dont like letters. i dont like words. i dont like these things because i dont like writing. i dont express myself well. i dont speak well. i cant get the words to come out of my mouth and at times i left staring at people. i stare people in the eyes too. it’s wierd. i dont know why i can stare right into someones eyes so easily.

    by tory on 03.04.2010
  32. letters are in made from mixing different shapes together and they together turn into words. the words can have diffrent meanings. Words, made upf of letters can hurt or feel good.

    by tory on 03.04.2010
  33. My letters are put into their PLACES only when I think.

    by Roberta SchulbergGoro on 03.04.2010
  34. heavy piles of memories in front of me on the table,
    atavism method of expressing one’s feelings

    by ann on 03.04.2010
  35. Letters are put into their place only when I think.

    by Roberta SchulbergGoro on 03.04.2010
  36. Are amazing. It’s also nice to receive letters… better than e-mail really, cuz e-mail has no scent. So that’s about it for me. Letters. I dig ’em.

    by Whizzman on 03.04.2010
  37. Letters are the best way to show someone you love them. They connect the globe and mean so much more exciting to get than an email or facebook message. Letters connect the past, the present and future. They are written emblems of love from days past and hope of tomorrows.

    by Kaitlyn on 03.04.2010
  38. letters turn sideways and make acrylics like they looks like paintings shit i could be van gogh. Or maybe like the parohs said i could be making cave mans stories, things mothers, sons, brothers, husbands, friends, children, adults, animals, things that breathe would follow, i write letters and they write in me, i write letters and then wait to see if letters want to talk over tea.

    by Emily Harris on 03.04.2010
  39. letters make up words and words make up sentences. Senteces send messages from one another and people can understand each other. It all comes from letters.

    by Dong Yob LEe on 03.04.2010
  40. Letters are becoming a thing of the past, but opening the mail box to receive a piece of mail is still so exciting, especially for little ones. My son still sends letters to his little friend, it’s a special relationship.

    by Annemarie on 03.04.2010