
May 22nd, 2010 | 251 Entries

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251 Entries for “lantern”

  1. The lantern went out, but the jack-o-lantern stayed lit. As long as the path is not completely dark, there will always be candy.

  2. chinese children frolic across the concrete slabs, tangoing with the fire as these bulbs hang over them . it has been banned in he country – fire will cause the wood to burn. but they don’t care, and only play innocently with the flames of life and their youth; until a strong wind comes, wanting to play.

  3. Once there was a bug, and it flew
    to the lantern
    it was lighted
    the bug
    the end.

    by haylee on 05.22.2010
  4. the little latern blew a lightbulb, pablo bought a light bulb to replace it, but the porn store was closed. then again pablo had problems, his alcoholic dad passed down the latern and ofcourse it came with baggage.

    by Diego on 05.22.2010
  5. this is the third time i have gotten the word lantern it is really annoyinh the heck out of me. when i go camping with my girl scout troop we ususally bring lanterns with us. we dont like when animal sneak up unexpectedly.

  6. it is the light
    very old
    quite old
    nobody has one like that one
    it is the best of the world
    does it remind you of him?
    of her?
    yes it does
    and fuck him
    and her

    by Mariana on 05.22.2010
  7. apple

    by jp on 05.22.2010
  8. i like laterns becuase they produce light in far away places. you use them when you are camping. the ones i have are remote controlled. but they do not work. in the oldern times they used to use oil inside them instead of electricity

    by caty on 05.22.2010
  9. The lantern was bright, almost glaring compared to the sleekness of the night. It barely lit 5 feet of space, engulfed in fog the way that it was. But it’s brightness was still something to admire.

  10. Julia lifted the rusty lantern with a trembling hand, her eyes straining to penetrate the deep gloom of the attic. Dusty boards creaked underfoot as she tiptoed her way across the room.

    by Christina on 05.22.2010
  11. harry potter in the forbidden section in the library of hogwarts. chinese paper ones, so beautiful want them at my wedding. if i ever get married. i guess we’ll see about that…

    by Sarah on 05.22.2010
  12. My first lantern is green. I got it from a small little cute giftshop in San Francisco. It is now stayed in my living room warming up my tired soul after I got home from outside world.

    by KioKio on 05.22.2010
  13. i held a lantern in front of our
    trembling bodies, looking frantically
    for our mother.

    we were young.

    out in the woods, i found her.
    your eyes were shut to the encroaching
    there she lay, head bleeding,
    legs spread.

    when a little girl screams in the woods
    that her mother is dead,
    no one hears.

    by rachel. on 05.22.2010
  14. Lantern reminds me of camping. My sister is camping this weekend, and I am jealous. Lanterns lead the way in the dark. So symbolic. Why is a torch(which serves the same purpose) always used to represent lighting the dark? Usually referring to knowledge. Because it is more classic? More appealing?

    by Caroline on 05.22.2010
  15. Tommy took the lantern and headed into the cave. Water was dripping from the top on to his helmet and down the back of his neck. Mellisa had to be here and he was determined to find her.

  16. a latnern is like a flashlight and when i think of flshlights i think about my dad walking around completly drunk, swinging a flshlight, looking for me in the woods to “teach me a lesson”.

    by MeMe on 05.22.2010
  17. A lantern is a light. I remember once my friend and i had a picnic out in a field at night and we brought like six lanterns and bugs swarmed us. I havent seen her in a while, i miss her

    by MeMe on 05.22.2010
  18. A lantern is an object used for casting light, typically in dark places, that is carried rather than pointed (as a flashlight is), and although traditionally powered non-electronically, nowadays has made use of the lightbulb and

    by milo on 05.22.2010
  19. It was cold. And the light burned so golden. It was under that lit street lantern that we fell in love, collided under a sweet kiss, fought, and fell out of love. It burnt out last week. I miss you.

    by AnjAnj on 05.22.2010
  20. Light my path for the moon is shielded
    Like my heart, so open up,
    Raise your sword and cut me down
    By the lantern-light we walked hand in hand
    Yet the trees still whistle and blow in the night,

  21. The light from Papa’s lantern swung drunkenly as he hobbled down the path from our house to the Smith’s. The baby was coming, coming quick, and Papa’s crippled leg kept him from walking quickly.
    “By the time he gets there, the baby will have popped out already.” Sarah whispered in my ear.

    by audrey Treib on 05.22.2010
  22. The light from Papa’s lantern swung drunkenly as he hobbled down the path from our house to the Smith’s. The baby was coming, coming quick, and Papa’s leg was taking him so slowly to help.

    by audrey Treib on 05.22.2010
  23. One if by land, two if by sea. Or is it the other way around? In Chalmette , every year they offer lantern tours of the Battle of New Orleans feild. And it is usually the on the coldest and wettest night in January to trudge with strangely dressed amatuer re-enactors through the mud.

  24. The light blinked as an eye in the moonlight. The boy watched it, attentive, receptive. His hair glistened in the dimness. He and the lantern were all I could see.

    by Mary-Beth on 05.22.2010
  25. it was a dark night and we had just left the party. I could see the lantern burning brightly as we walked along in the warm summer air. We were alive. We were young. It was over. I’m not sure if we knew it then or not.

    by Morgan on 05.22.2010
  26. a lantern is something that guides you in the dark. we all look for something to guide us. weather it be a person or a thing. for me, God is my light in the darkness, the light guiding my path. he shines His light on me during my times of darkness.

    by Rebecca Capo on 05.22.2010
  27. I awakened to a bright lantern reflection in my eyes. Hooded, I peered across the room to see who was awakening me. It is the lover of my night life…the man of my dreams. Why does he visit me in the nocturne and depart at dawn’s light?

    by LunarStandstill on 05.22.2010
  28. I think of fire and paper lanterns. Lanterns remind me of chinese new year. I have never really had any experiences with lanterns. This is kinda hard, maybe its the word. All I’m thinking is stream of consciousness. virginia woolfe. I wish I did more reading in high school. Wow. Oops, i accidently hit the wrong button so now I get another 60 seconds to write, but lantern really does not conjure up much. New word please? This is a very interesting concept though. I am quite amused. I think i will do more.

    by Mary on 05.22.2010
  29. my friend is making me a party next year. it’s going to be cirque du soleil themed. she’s undertaking a big task, she is. the lanterns she’s making are wire frames with red and white paper over them. they’re going to be amazing.

    by melissa on 05.22.2010
  30. They sat cross legged across from each other. He lit the lantern, and when he looked at her, she was beautiful.

    by Mary Lou Wynegar on 05.22.2010
  31. She lit the lantern before she walked out to the path that led to the lake. As she got close to the lake, she saw him standing there.

    by Mary Lou Wynegar on 05.22.2010
  32. A quiet light in the distance like a fading star. It wavers ever so slightly in the gentle wind of night, illuminating the door with it’s shivering light.

    by on 05.22.2010
  33. I want there to be a light at the end of this tunnel
    but your face is the only light i can see
    it also happens to be the one thing i can’t have
    you tell me i’ll be fine and you have hope for my life
    well i’m sorry i can’t share that because you were my hope for life.

    by Girl on 05.22.2010
  34. mAKES ME think of early school days and making lanterns at the spring fair then walking around in all differnt shapes and spirals it was really fun it makes me think of light and love and steiner the early days making them like fairy wings and painting them all different colours. They were beautiful and I loved doing the spiral walk it was brilliant.

    by Kaya-Ra Edwards on 05.22.2010
  35. I find my light by the
    and in it you can dance like the moths
    the little fireflies
    or slump down and out of the
    into the

  36. I sit in the middle of my rag-rug raft, drifting in the valleys of clothes mountains. I can still hear my music shining on the horizon.

  37. like a bright light shinning in the present night your eyes a strange hope leading me from the wolves

    by mike on 05.22.2010
  38. It’s glow shot back at me
    off of the lake
    Dark with crawfish creeping
    Net hovering,
    in for the swoop
    Raccoons looking for their
    next meal by moon.

    by Dina Spice on 05.22.2010
  39. laterns are used at halloween and can be spooky. old victorian people used them to walk in their houses at light. new modern laterns can be seen in many gardens, maybe solar powered or something. what else i don’t know.

    by ben on 05.22.2010
  40. Green Lantern. Make things with a ring. Anything you want. Crush your foes with anything you want. Hammer, dino, anything! :)