
March 15th, 2010 | 241 Entries

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241 Entries for “keychain”

  1. my sister collects keychains. they are usually in gift shops of Museums, or in corner stores sometimes.

    by S.Rene` on 03.16.2010
  2. he’d loved her deeply, and spent time with her, slowing winning her attention, her affection, her love in return.

    “i give you my heart.”, she said… smiling into his eyes.

    with that phrase, he took that heart… used the proper chemicals to shrink and preserve it, and eventually put it on his keychain–joining the others already there.

    by quin browne on 03.16.2010
  3. Right now, I have a ShowStopper keychain on my keys. My boyfriend gave it to me so I won’t forget him while he’s at work! It’s a double platinum, the best honor you can receive : ) It isn’t real, of course. But it’s special all the same!

    by Allison on 03.16.2010
  4. keychains are for wossys
    i remember in the secound grade they had a cup full of key chains big and small
    but i could never and still have never figured out how to put them on something
    that little loop thing is the worst thing in the world
    ah keychains i had a daniel radcliffe keychain and i wonder were that went

    by Elizabeth on 03.16.2010
  5. I used to have a keychain that my Grandmother gave me. It was a lucky rabbit’s foot. I thought it was so wonderful at the time. Now I would not like to have a rabbit’s foot on a keychain. I would let the rabbit keep it.

    by Susan Montgomery on 03.16.2010
  6. one word can make you cry. one word can make you laugh. one word can change your life. one word can take your breath away. one word can make you smile. one word can brighten your day. one word can change the world. one word can change everything.
    so choose wisely.

    by maike on 03.16.2010
  7. Monsters don’t need keychains, do they? Well, this one did, so I assumed it had a car. Or at least ate someone that did and kept their keychain. Either way, I watched it from a distance. Keys dangled as it strutted toward the parking lot.

    by Luke on 03.16.2010
  8. Keychain:

    Object which holds keys – keeps keys in place, makes keys easier to use.

    Keychain. Links. Ties. Knit. Together.

    Weakest link. Strength there. Not in the strongest, but in the weakest. Make sure your weakest is strong enough.

    Blather but fodder for future writing, perhaps.


    by Julie Jordan Scott on 03.16.2010
  9. Here they dangle. The keys to my house. Keys to my car. Keys my office. Oh these little metal doodads, are my life. What would I do without this pressed metal?

    by Adam on 03.16.2010
  10. Keychain. It hangs from a persons jeans or rests in a women’s purse. It holds the entry to the most of the important things in a person’s life: car, house, locker, etc. Without it, a person would be stranded.

    by Adam on 03.16.2010
  11. Her keychain has a long skeleton key from Alice in Wonderland. It’s totally her.

    by john on 03.16.2010
  12. The keychain jingled at his side, a constant reminder of the promise he’d made, and his failure to pull through. Looking at the vast expanse of destruction, he grabbed the chain. This time, he wouldn’t fail.

    by crazy on 03.16.2010
  13. thing that holds keys

    many things upon
    hard to find

    to many sets of keys on one ring

    by Katherine Parsons on 03.16.2010
  14. I had this awsome keychain one time. It was an hour glass. When I would tip it over and watch the grains of sand fall, It would make me thinkg about my past and my future. As I go off to college in two years I hope that I can continue to think about these things daily to keep myself in check. The keychain was broken by my friend Michael but either way i think about the grains of sand falling everday adn I amd reminded of where I have been and where I want to go.

    by Danni on 03.16.2010
  15. a chain that hang off your keys
    so amazing as you can see
    it’s perfect fo me
    it hangs there as quiet as can be

    by Dustin Gettys on 03.16.2010
  16. A thing of the past. It brings back memories of going to Claire’s and finding the “coolest” of the cool keychains and attaching millions of them onto the back of my pink jansport so it made that annoying click-clack anytime I moved; meanwhile those dumb rectangular sayings were smashing some poor glitter-dipped animal in the face. Creepy.

    by annette on 03.16.2010
  17. i had this keychain once. it meant so much to me. and my sister broke it. i was sooo mad at her for it. but the next day she finally bought me a new one. she really made my day with it.

    by sydney on 03.16.2010
  18. I heard the rattle of his keychain and knew he was getting close. He liked the rattle. He liked to taunt his victims, and right now, he was taunting me. I looked for an avenue of escape. There wasn’t one. He rattled his keychain again.

    by Doug McIntire on 03.16.2010
  19. keychain is the word I’ve been trying to come up with for the longest time. I don’t even know that that is the word that I was looking for but it found me as it was written in the stars. The jingle jangle of the clanky keys opens the doors and lets me in. the mind is cluttered when the keys are scattered and the doors remain closed. keep my keys and maintain my freedom to lock myself in.

    by c0lin on 03.16.2010
  20. it is the sweetest thing in the world to give as a gift without much pain. it helps us to spot the key easily. They are made in large varieties of desifgns. Its nice to have a mercedez benz’s key chain.

    by knight on 03.16.2010
  21. on my keychain is a dove, it reminds me of the times where i felt safe. you were always there and now to be without you is strange. a lack of comfort, not knowing where to turn. the silver clings together, tinkling like a birdsong. too many keychains, remnants of the old lives we’ve led. bring me back to you.

    by H2 on 03.16.2010
  22. where the hell is it…i need to go…help..damn it, has any one seen my keys…i hate this about myself…why doesn’t anybody help me..i’m going to
    be late…oh, never mind, here they are? did you let the cat out? see you later!

    by sgray on 03.16.2010
  23. A keychain holds keys. Many are designed to resemble various other, distinctly non-keychainy, objects, particularly landmarks and people.

    It is also the term for a set of encryption keys on a computer, though these are more often called keyrings.

    by PSquid on 03.16.2010
  24. i have a keychain on my neckalace at home. i got it from my dogs collar when shes passed away. i miss my dog but the keychain is amazing memory of her.

    by brittany on 03.16.2010

    by RUMELA GUPTA on 03.16.2010
  26. Plastic sayings, for a cheap laugh. Clink and Clank as I drive my way home. I have them all, “I’m so great, I’m…” and “How do you…” I got them by the dozens, carebears, and shortcakes.

    by Kunze on 03.16.2010
  27. keychain. What is a keychain? My keys are on a metal circle with a large gold clip that I used to hook them onto the side of my purse. Keychain. Really that inspires nothing. When nothing is inspired, life becomes a dull apple and no one is happy.

    by slb2 on 03.16.2010
  28. You’re like my keychain. Holds everything I need, always around, the first thing I grab. You are my personalized key to my heart.

    by Jess on 03.16.2010
  29. oh keychain. I collect these. I have so many, all displayed on racks in my room. Of course, Olivia found these interesting. I’m glad that somebody took interest, but a drunk girl plus a rack of probably hundreds of keychains isn’t the best combination.

    by Bridget on 03.16.2010
  30. He

    by ThomG on 03.16.2010
  31. Compass, whistle, and lazerlight, ALL IN ONE! Of course, “UNCG Student Health Center” is scrawled across its translucent blue plastic, but it’s free and I don’t care.

    by Kendra on 03.16.2010
  32. the thing that connects,
    strings, obligation, harmony, conection, happy times, love, desire,

    by romana on 03.16.2010
  33. On my keychain, well I have two really and they’re both carebeners, but I digress. On my keychain(s) are keys, trees, a planned parenthood bottleopener, USB named the Artful Dodger. I get everywhere with them.

    by RB Axtell on 03.16.2010
  34. Keychains are entirely useless. Gigapets, Tamagotchis, and Nanos all had their reign, which is respectable, but these mere decorations have no place in a society of murderous intent and unruly children.

    by Jessica on 03.16.2010
  35. nothing but a
    night lost to,

    just lost.

    by FTS on 03.16.2010
  36. the keychain was elaborately fashioned and shone under the moonlight sky, as she got down from the car.

    by tahsin on 03.16.2010
  37. I have a Tigger keychain. No surprises there. I’ve always tried to keep one. I’ve had several over the years. Now I have a Tigger and Pooh key one for the front and one for the back doors of my house.

    by Nancy* on 03.16.2010
  38. I have a Tigger keychain. No surprises there. I’ve always tried to keep one. I’ve had several over the years. Now I have a Tigger and Pooh key one for the front and one for the back doors of my house.

    by Nancy* on 03.16.2010
  39. Keychain. I hate having my own set of keys. It’s supposed to represent freedom, a bit of independence but keys just frustrate me. I loose them, and then find them week’s later in the bottom of my bag. Frustrating, annoying and so small.

    by Bekki Ramsay on 03.16.2010
  40. A keychain, useful to find your keys when they’re lost. Have you ever tried finding them without you?

    Mine was lousy, but I think most are. You know those with your name on it? Those are the worst. I never find my name on it anyway.

    by F on 03.16.2010