
August 5th, 2009 | 333 Entries

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333 Entries for “idle”

  1. by an stay with me for a little bit only if you want to be capable of eating with the fisherman who can catch the rest of us from being lonely in the summertime and if you don’t seem to have the gushy out of your mixbowl then take the staple and make a pork stew for me and you.

    by Daniel on 08.05.2009
  2. i like to eat alot of banannas and i have a hord on for narwhals my faec turned yellow on a saturday night i think i have a tumor in my soul, lol. blah banhammer.

    by nick lawton on 08.05.2009
  3. i dont fuckin know what to do to be idle thats the way i am all the time, ildele sitting in front of my soup, idely wasting my life away with all of my, ill be free when…s.

    by soopafukka on 08.05.2009
  4. simple word. cuted but readable

    by Pavel on 08.05.2009
  5. alone. not moving. at a state of complete still.
    The idleness of the girl struck a complete shock through the boy and he was left in the still of t

    by mariel Garcia on 08.05.2009
  6. My eyes wander across the landscape, and pick out the speckled trees that pepper the hills. I trace the scratches in the worn table with my hand, dreaming about ancient civilizations, dreaming about what must have been.

    by Catherine C. on 08.05.2009
  7. The idle brain is the devil’s playground.

    Okay, so I didn’t come up with that particular line by myself, but I can back it up with personal experience. If I find myself bored and my mind begins to wander, well, that’s where the trouble begins, doesn’t it. There’s nothing like a little idleness to stir up trouble with my morals and leave me begging for forgiveness in the early morning hours.

    by Amy Jones on 08.05.2009
  8. idle stopped not going anywhere a car on traffic over a bridge. it’s only ten miles, why should it take two hours to get there? it’s literally so close yet so far away. all because the cars are idle. they’re stopped. why? why would they stop? who stopped them?

    by erica on 08.05.2009
  9. idle not doing anything devils workshopp sitting around fiddling like what im doing now playing mahjong idle is what facebook users are whole day bored lazyyy nothing tooo dooo completely free.

    by Neha on 08.05.2009
  10. One word, so little time, what could I say about this one? Idle? The …well I dont know, I am having a blank moment.I have suddenly become retarded and I cannot think of a way to explain the word idle…

    by Sarah on 08.05.2009
  11. this is the time to prevent idle chatter from taking over. this is the time to act. to think. to o. to run. to write. but most imposrtantly (and of you forget this, uve lost it all), this is the time to be. to be. to breathe. to invite ur friends over for dinner and serve them ur finest meal. do not be idle. do not sit by and watch the world. be the world. be it. be not idle

    by steve on 08.05.2009
  12. cars in the streets. stuck in limbo. frozen in place. no sense of time. lasts only for a moment, but feels like eternity. inaction.

    by angela on 08.05.2009
  13. i often feel idle when i see a blank page in front of me, for lack of interesting things to say or to share, are they worthy of even putting on paper? but i can’t be idle anymore. idle=wasted potential. motion could be happening, but doesn’t. must keep moving or we will rot in place.

    by Allison on 08.05.2009
  14. still, paused, at rest.

    doing nothing.

    american idol. kelly clarkson, ruben studdard, fantasia barrino, carrie underwood

    by molly on 08.05.2009
  15. when i was a child. my life seemed to be pure. now i seem to be stuck. idle between two parallel universes. holden once told me that he would have wanted to catch the children in the field of rye. i would do the same thing but the fact that im idle sucks

    by herro on 08.05.2009
  16. idle reminds me of idol. like american idol, which SUCKS. or a moorish idol, the cool little fist. i love snorkeling. but not masks or bathing suits or salty skin. i love sun. and cookies!

    by Kelly on 08.05.2009
  17. i have an idle mind. it never really does much… that’s productive. when i say what’s on my mind, i sound like i’m on an acid trip. i really have to rein it in to get anything done.

    by Kelly on 08.05.2009
  18. car idleing, gas, pollution, electric car, environmentally friendly, my future, recycle, my children, nothing, nothing to do, bored, not interested,

    by Jen Coyne on 08.05.2009
  19. lazy. sitting. nothing.



    an empty page, about which I will do nothing.

    by asymptote on 08.05.2009
  20. this is the time i spend, sitting here, all of the things to do, but none of them worth doing. perched atop the hill, neither backward or forward. all of those “doers” milling about in the world, filling the streets with tales to tell others.

    by andy on 08.05.2009
  21. idle idle one is idle,
    nothing to do or say or think.
    just watch the hands of the clock move.
    painfully slowly.
    telling you that –
    so what if you are not doing anything,
    time still will pass you by.
    and it will not come back..
    ever again.

    by Sowmiya on 08.05.2009
  22. “Idle hands may be the Devil’s work, but idle minds, you see, are so much worse…” -Type O Negative

    by Sp00n on 08.05.2009
  23. The engine sat there and idled as the two teenagers made their way to backseat. Neither of them knew what they were doing. But they didn’t care. They just wanted to forget all the stress anyway they could, and this seemed to be the easiest way.

    by Kaduck Novak on 08.05.2009
  24. idle hands are the devil’s workshop..but it’s really an idle mind that is the workplace of satan…evil thoughts when the mind idle…much pollution when the cars idle

    by btripp on 08.05.2009
  25. idle hands are the devil’s playthings.

    by Ashlee on 08.05.2009
  26. the way we are now at days. I think we must think about do more in our home and communities =)

    by Daniel García on 08.05.2009
  27. i hate how this word is spelt.

    by krismari on 08.05.2009
  28. so i was sitting in a car one day and the engine was running idle. i didn’t realize it at the time how much pollution we all cause when we all sit in our cars..waiting for someone..lost in thought,, just idling

    by alvina on 08.05.2009
  29. idle hands was one of my favorite movies as a kid. my best friend and i used to rent it all the time, and laugh our asses off. we still watch it now, just for kicks. to remember the old times, even though its a horrible movie to us now. kind of like drop dead fred.

    by melissa on 08.05.2009
  30. idle what does that mean? I see it on ym a lot thoo my friend told me it means like your gone like for 10 mins or something WHATS UP WIT DAT!!HAHA

    in accordance with prophecy

    by tarcy on 08.05.2009
  31. some people say I’m idle but they don’t know what I’m doing. I’m taking it all in. I’m taking it all in so I can write about it later. I’ll write about them later. I’ll write about them and their foolish belief that you have to be doing something all the time. I’ll prove them wrong. I’m not idle.

    by Taylor on 08.05.2009
  32. the way i’m sitting here now when the world around stops but keeps going outside of my head, and I’m eaeting a sandwich and that’s all I could think to do, because that’s it, that was the highlight of my day, that pb&j, and it was the best.

    by Jade on 08.05.2009
  33. And I used to be an idle, I used to be a freak… the rain falling down, the windows blurred, moist to the bones, my ideas were dripping wet. And while I was awaiting the watch tower to become late.. I was writing some lost letters in the yellowish paper of your soul, the taste of your lips, idling with the idea of kissing you… Kissing you despite you’re dead… Dead and bloated in the deep of the dirt, in the void of my dreams… yes, the gray clouds over my head… the puddles and the children, and myself, so alone… in middle of the street we used to walk together, under the rain… splashing our souls with warm kisses… with murmurs and smiles… with a hot cup of chocolate and a hug… but now… you are there, sleeping beauty, and no kisses can make you wake up… nevermore… nevermind…

    by Christian Madriz on 08.05.2009
  34. i am idle here in my bed, but then again, I am thinking . Maybe that makes me active, but if that is the case, then when am I ever idle? Is there a moment when I am not thinking? If I’m to believe Descartes and I think therefore I am, then at those non-idle moments, i guess I dont exist.

    by Ethan on 08.05.2009
  35. idle rich is the name of a bar. it’s kind of fun, but who wants to be idle more than necessary? the term has become associated with a car state and IM status. No one really wants to be idle.

    by elissa on 08.05.2009
  36. She turned the ingition and the engine roared to life. She listened to it idle for a moment, and then shifted into gear. She felt her toe of her boot as is depressed the gas pedal, and she was off. To where? She didn’t know. But she was ready.

    by Sherry on 08.05.2009
  37. idle…that was me today. Physically, that is. I was quite active mentally and emotionally, thinking of my son who committed suicide. I was feeling so alone, with my thoughts my only companion. So alone, so far away from my children.

    by Paula on 08.05.2009
  38. I hate being idle. Having nothing to do makes me depressed, lonely, afraid…of myself. Of my thoughts and where my mind will wander. There is something so dark about being idle, or about having idle time. The thought scares me.

    by Kellie on 08.05.2009
  39. I sat there with my car idling and I didn’t know what to do. What had I done? How could I have let this happen? Who knows…I just feel so hopeless now. I mean…it was my fault. I know it was. But could I bring myself to tell everyone else that too? They deserved to know the truth right? But he wasn’t here to disagree…so maybe I wouldn’t tell.

    by Katie on 08.05.2009
  40. we sat carelessly and without any regrets of the crime we had just commited. we sat idly by waiting for the cops to arrive. we knew they would be coming shortly. the neighbors must have hear the gunshots and the oiercing screams of our parents.

    by dara on 08.05.2009