
August 3rd, 2009 | 387 Entries

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387 Entries for “humid”


    by aNU on 08.04.2009
  2. moisture; thick and heavy on your skin, in your hair, and in your mood. humidity makes it hard to walk, hard to think, and hard to breathe. humidity goes well with fireworks, sprinklers, and the streets of new york in the summer.

    by carrie on 08.04.2009
  3. hot. murky. hot and murky. omg, it’s so humid outside. it’s gross. STOP BEING LIKE THIS. GIVE ME A BREEZE. this sucks. there’s nothing but nasty humid weather in the desert. on top of it being scorching hot. ugh.

    by tofu-tron on 08.04.2009
  4. Condensation drips from the walls. Mossy colonies build their way to light and escape. My turgid brain is a soft lump in the humid cave of my skull.

    by ilili on 08.04.2009
  5. it feels wet and sticky but i love it because i feel very home then

    by paula on 08.04.2009
  6. it’s humid where I live, I hate it though it makes my hair frizzy. I’m not good in humid weather though, Probably cause i’m not good when my hair looks like crap but who knows who knows. I’m watching conan. He doesn’t have any frizz to his hair. I wonder if it’s because of his wonderful hair dressers. I wish I had a personal hair dresser… but I do not wish to have conans hair.

    by Sabrina on 08.04.2009
  7. it’s so humid this morning I don’t know why I even woke up

    by Augusta on 08.03.2009
  8. hot weather, wet, I can’t breath, there is sweat running down my back, why did I wear my sports bra, back acne, I need to change out of my denim shorts, “oh no, I forgot to put sunscreen on”, I will get wrinkles, I want to swim in the lake, green water

    by Lanna on 08.03.2009
  9. hot weather, wet, I can’t breath, their is sweat running down my back, why did I wear my sports bra, back acne, I need to change out of my denim shorts, “oh no, I forgot to put sunscreen on, I will get wrinkles, I want to swim in the lake, green water

    by Lanna on 08.03.2009
  10. the outside was humid, her hair sticking out on the ends, frizzy like she had put her finger into a light socket. it stood out of the ends, her red hair against the pale freckles of her porcelain skin.

    by meranda on 08.03.2009
  11. hot stinking hot again! It’s always too hot here in the central dessert. Whilst Jim sat there sipping his whiskey, I was left again with just my bottle of red wine. Too damned hot in this heat to sip red wine I can tell you! I’d like to smack his insignificant

    by joycie on 08.03.2009
  12. it’s very humid in Brasil. the humidity seems to be ever present, sneaking into places where you least expect it, making everything stickily damp. Everything smells humid, too. Except….there are a few things that stay dry. Cake, for example. When you leave it out, it gets DRY. Or my skin. It gets dry too.

    by julia on 08.03.2009
  13. sticky bodies and static from your television hair.

    by Sab on 08.03.2009
  14. hot muggy day keeping sleep at bay

    by jj on 08.03.2009
  15. warm. moist. encloses you. like walking out of an air conditioned airport into a tropical south east asian country. wet season and thunderstorms.

    by james on 08.03.2009
  16. As I walked out the doors, I could feel that today was going to be a humid day. I felt the warm air blow on my face and I knew I was in for a hot day.

    by alice on 08.03.2009
  17. holy crap it is so humid out. like 45% humidity. and this is portland. this is not okay. it should be raining or thunderstorminging. yeah you heard me. thunderstormingING. i mean it. i miss wondering why the hell i don’t have an umbrella. i have umbrellas. i just don’t use them. and now it’s so freaking hot i can’t think of why i would ever need one.

    by ravyn on 08.03.2009
  18. the way that summers used to be. the way that my body feels for the first 5 seconds out of the shower before the fan kicks in. sticky hot but content because when i’m humid it means it is summer. humid is my time in new orleans and a good way to be

    by megan o'reilly on 08.03.2009
  19. It was incredibly humid today. So much so as to be unpleasant. I would have to say it was about 105 degrees in the kitchen at work. You know what I did though? Sex outside in the summer. It’s such a beautiful, free thing. When the breeze hits you every now and then, it’s as if the universe is kissing you.

    by J on 08.03.2009
  20. makes my hair frizzy. makes me sweat. icky. PANCAKES. water in the air. hazy. makes me wanna go swimming. air conditioning. RAWR.

    by Chrissy on 08.03.2009
  21. ‘precipitationhumidaridfahrenheit’, the weatherman blabs.

    ‘papercopyfilebossattachment’, the secretary sayss.

    ‘deoxyribonucleicacidrocketstuff’, the scientist studies.

    They’re all the same to me.

    by Myona on 08.03.2009
  22. The hot, heavy air weighed down on Callie Madison. She looked around her. At the beach, the trees, the people. She kept thinking “I shouldn’t have left Colorado.

    by Samantha on 08.03.2009
  23. it’s hot outside and i’m at ease. i’m inside and they’re all outside… sweaty pigs

    by rachel on 08.03.2009
  24. The room was hot and sticky, but I didn’t care. No amount of humidity was going to keep me away from her. I needed her. My body craved to be up against hers.

    by Kaduck Novak on 08.03.2009
  25. Humid is such a weird word. But I guess it serves it’s purpose. Humid is just when the air is a little wet and it’s a little hot. Humidity is a weird thing really. I wonder why so many people decided make it humidity instead of humidness.

    by Alex on 08.03.2009
  26. Sticky, wet
    it doesn’t feel

    My hair is frizzy
    sharp, jagged, pointy curves in each strand
    frizz, frizz, frizz

    I think, perhaps, that he feels it too
    but would not say
    no, would not dare say.

    by Kassandra on 08.03.2009
  27. I live in Nebraska, which is so incredibly humid. Other places may be hotter, but I’m almost sure no place is more humid than here. I’m pretty I’m going to move somewhere else where it isn’t so humid.

    by Erica on 08.03.2009
  28. i hate the humidity more than anything else in the world. it makes my hair look like crap. it makes me sweat. it is gross. i am trying to make rice right now and this is very distracting. it’s probably done… actually it’s probably burning now. thanks stumble upon for ruining my midnight snack. i’m not sure why i haven’t stopped yet… anyway thats besides the point.

    by pia on 08.03.2009
  29. “Why should I?”
    “You make me humid.”
    “What is that supposed to mean?”
    “It means you make me hot and sticky.”
    “Is that a good thing?”
    “That depends…”
    “On what?”
    “Do you like the winter or the summer?”
    “Then stay with me.”

    by missxperkii on 08.03.2009
  30. the weather in Florida is always humid, makes me hair frizzy, makes me want to scream my head off. makes me feel like I’m damp all the time, why can’t you just be dry? the sun is already hot enough, leave me alone to be, don’t mess up this day. i can’t wait for the day when my hair will stay straight in the winter time when the air is down to sixty degrees all the time.

    by stephanie on 08.03.2009
  31. it sucks when it’s humid. you sweat alot. mosquitos like to breed in humid conditions.

    by sara on 08.03.2009
  32. Humid. It the way my clothes stuck to my body the way my face felt greasy and dirty. Summer hadn’t been this hot since I was a little kid.

    by Sam on 08.03.2009
  33. he stepped outside into the sweet summer air. The day was nice; sunny, but not hot. Moist, but not too humid. And to top it off, there was a light breeze blowing past every few seconds that would make the day seem cool and bright.

    by Tori on 08.03.2009
  34. hot maui muggy mushi atsui desu snoopy hell sweat sticky hawaii florida sucky weather i hate humidity rain and overcast plus heat=sucks

    by mary on 08.03.2009
  35. it’s sticky hot humid wet warm. buzz from the fans. even the birds have trouble finding their chirps in the wet blanket of humidity.

    by molls on 08.03.2009
  36. ha! humid? i live in east texas1 thats the definition of humid1 140 degrees in the midwest aint shit compared to 110 in texas. i mean come on, sure its hot up there but my balls are stickin to my legs as we speak!!1

    by BJ RAmbo on 08.03.2009
  37. It is very hot out today, not the nice kind of hot the horrible kind that’s not fun, the kind that makes you turn on the ac. It’s also the kind of weather where you go to the beach, the beach is fun, I like swimming. The whole bikini thing though

    by kelsey on 08.03.2009
  38. sweaty. like the side of a kettle on a cold winter morning. condensation slides down the windows of my life. it’s like watching.. the world scroll past from a click of my mousebutton.

    by sp on 08.03.2009
  39. The backs of my legs stick to the school bus seats. Brown plastic-coated alligator thrones of summertime. My sweat pools when I get off at my stop. Thank god tomorrow’s Saturday.

    by r.a. on 08.03.2009
  40. Jesus, you say you don’t want to go to the freaking bonfire because it’d be humid and gross on the beach. Have you BEEN the the beach? It’s nice, and sweet, and cool. And the breeze is perfect, and the waves are smooth. And yet you’d rather be at a bonfire at school, with people you don’t know or like, which you hate. You hate those situations, so why are you putting yourself in one, and avoiding the good one?

    by Phoenix on 08.03.2009