
August 3rd, 2009 | 387 Entries

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387 Entries for “humid”

  1. humid almost wet,
    the weather is heavy.
    with anticipation and glory,
    that is to come.
    the smiles
    through the sweat
    the glistening
    through the dark
    beautiful it is
    fullfilling it is
    alive i am.

    by Sowmiya on 08.03.2009
  2. A girl walked by me, the confused expression on her face still haunts me to this day. I remember how humid it was when I saw her. But yet the humidity, as miserable as it made me feel, just made her seem so much more beautiful. And now, I love her confused expression. It reminds me of that nasty humid day that changed the rest of my life. Why? Because I love her.

    by Tyler Babbitt on 08.03.2009
  3. Dreamy drifting, sultry, sweaty. Overwhelming heat and cloudless skies. Moisture running down backs and necks and arms. True summertime honesty.

    by Shay on 08.03.2009
  4. I don’t need to think too much to write on this word. The weather outside the room I am sitting in now is exactly that – “humid”. It is perhaps the worst kind of weather u hcan have. It’s neither depressingly hot. It’s just sticky!

    by ishan mahajan on 08.03.2009
  5. the air is thick.
    the moisture clings to me.
    my mind is swirling fog.
    i can’t think.
    i want to run from the heat.
    everything around me is too familiar.
    it reminds me of it all.
    of how everything went down.
    and i’d rather not think about it any longer.

    by Rawkstar on 08.03.2009
  6. Humid and dreary in the sun of another summer’s afternoon, the water cools the skin and reminds us that the sun isn’t all we need to survive. Fire, water, earth, and air; all are needed and all are contained in each saturated summer breath.

    by Luke B on 08.03.2009
  7. If I had a choice, any choice, I wouldn’t be here stuck in this god awful desert. Not even this icy concoction my Grandmother whipped up for me is helping. My hair is curling again and my clothes are sticking uncomfortably to my chest. Days like this make me wish for snow.

    by Marilyn on 08.03.2009
  8. humid weather can be the absolute worst. It fucks with your hair, it makes you sweat and overall it simply makes you miserable. Heat is bad enough, but the combination of heat and humidity can absolutely kill you…really. A humid day is the perfect day to be at the beach, especially a nice clean beach away from NYC. Boy, do I wish I was on a nice, pretty, clean beach with sparkling blue water and fish you can see swimming around your feet. It would be wonderful to go snorkeling right now….I know that I moved away from humid, but thinking of humid made me think of hot and thinking of being hot makes me wish I was the beach.

    by Blkgrl71 on 08.03.2009
  9. penso nos meus filhos… muitos… na comida da minha vô, e nos meus pais e familiares… saudade… é essa a palavra.

    quanta saudade…

    by Luciano Santos on 08.03.2009
  10. steam, water, hot, jungle, bach, water sand green leaves buggy sweat muggy mosquito mold 90 rain forest amazon brazil

    by Jon on 08.03.2009
  11. Sweat comes premade in the air–lucky you.

    by Qui on 08.03.2009
  12. Out here in rio Grande city it is always humid. It makes my hair frizz. I hate it, really. My hair is naturally wavy but with the humidity of a place like this it gets huge. Not the best thing…

    by michelle on 08.03.2009
  13. humid made her think of the beach, of a hot day next to the water, on the white sand. she could handle the heat because she had an icecold drink in her hand, a large brimmed hat covering her hair and eyes, and she had lost herself in the newest novel to take her into that imaginary place. Humid didn’t seem so bad when there were distractions around to keep her mind off of things…especially the heat

    by janel on 08.03.2009
  14. it was a humid day. the hot stickiness made the roof of her mouth stick like hot cement to a pair of feet. she tried to breathe, but felt the breathe sucked back into her lungs, the same breath, not fresh…but sticky, cause her to cough and try to gasp for more air. her skin prespired

    by Janel on 08.03.2009
  15. And it was humid. And it was empty. That’s how you left me. That’s how it felt when my heart shattered into irreparable pieces. I wish we just married and had kids, by now I would’ve hated you already.

    by ladycaela on 08.03.2009
  16. humid is sticky and wet. It is damp and it is mostly humid in the summertime. There are lots of bugs when its humid. I do not like the humidity. Its gross.

    by Connor on 08.03.2009
  17. stickiness…but it doesn’t matter because I’m with you.

    by bearynice on 08.03.2009
  18. It is certainly humid here today in my town It has been raining steadily for days and the greenery is remarkable We are not accustomed to the humidity here. Mould is forming on decks and also there is a flood of mushrooms growing on lawns. Bring on the sun please

    by Jay on 08.03.2009
  19. It was humid outside she could barely stand it. The second she stepped off the plane, it hit her like a wet blanket that wasn’t quite done in the dryer. It was difficult for her to breath, and her clothes felt unnecessarily heavy and cumbersome. She knew she wouldn’t like Florida. She was much more accustomed to the temperate climate of the northeast.

    by Maura on 08.03.2009
  20. I was given sixty seconds. And then I gave myself a second chance. I didn’t deserve it. Humid.

    by Not Sahar Arabi on 08.03.2009
  21. hot, gross, sticky, uncomfortable weather.
    wanting to take a shower right when you get home after a long day out in the sun. long hair sticking to your shoulders and back.

    by crystal on 08.03.2009
  22. it was so humid out side i couldn’t understand it. so i went to the beach and sat in the cold water and let it wash over my body cooling it and refreshing it. it felt amazing and wonderful it was a wonderful day. i was happy about it being hot that day.

    by Summer on 08.03.2009
  23. Humidity is the most horrid kind of air possible. It’s hot, its sticky, and somehow wet while refusing to cool you down. There’s no worse fate than those of the people who live in humid places. What? You dont beleive me?

    by molly on 08.03.2009
  24. Houston weather mucky gross sweat lame bike rides horrible hair wetness in the air waste of space funny that this was my one word… do you know me? i’m suspicious… don’t kill me.

    by Sahar Arabi on 08.03.2009
  25. i hate this weather more than you could possibly know. summer with nice breezes please. keep your sweltering heat to yourself.

    by Kassie on 08.03.2009
  26. it’s been humid out for the past few days, and i don’t know if i like it. i mean, it’s nice because it’s sunny out and stuff, but i don’t want my shirt sticking to me and stuff like that. that’s just gross. but me and my dad are going to comic-con next year, and uh, we’re obviously gonna be wicked sweaty because it’s gonna be so humid in san diego. but so awesome, too.

    by allison on 08.03.2009
  27. god i hate this weather it makes my hair frizz we have the ac on and i freeze all day summer isnt meant for sweaters its meant for being too hot and eating icecream

    by amy on 08.03.2009
  28. this summer has been so humid. like what the fuck. i hate humid weather. it makes so yucky in the summer. humid humid humid. i hate it when the club is humid too.

    by Darnell on 08.03.2009
  29. Theres nothing in the world more humid than my heart when I listen to your voice

    by Luke on 08.03.2009
  30. I hate it when it’s humid. Everything feels all muggy and sticky. Imagine making out with someone on a couch in a very humid room ? Ugh, disgusting ! It’s like you become really tired and groggy.

    by Anthony Cedeno on 08.03.2009
  31. Damp, Heavy, thoughts weighing on my mind. The air doesnt do much to relieve these thoughts. It weighs down on me to. It’s tearing me down; I’m falling down. The pressure is much too great for me to take. It’s unbearable. They said the weather was supposed to be nice.

    by Brenna on 08.03.2009
  32. Humid. Heat. U sitting there being hot. Many hot things are humid. Intense Heat. Desert. Humid.

    by pidgewidgeon on 08.03.2009
  33. it is hot and miserable I hate the humidity of kentucky it is the worst it is weather you can wear I want to live somewhere without humididyt like by the ocean they have little humididt maybe I will live in New York it can’t be that humid there can it.

    by kristin on 08.03.2009
  34. My what a humid day it is. I’ve been sitting here this whole time thinking about all of the humidity that exists in this room. I could’ve sworn that the heat was within an oven. Now I must rest and find a fridge to sleep in.

    by Jon on 08.03.2009
  35. the night was humid. the night was sultry, the night was moist. the heat had started to get to billy but the humidity was what really got him. it seemed that he was in a sauna just baking away into a pile of sweaty water.

    by robbir on 08.03.2009
  36. It’s humid out today but I don’t really have the time to stop and think about it; if I’m late for work again my boss will kill me. Or rather, fire me, which is pretty much just as bad in this economy. The air’s so sticky. I wish my AC was working right now but alas, no luck.
    Great. Traffic jam. I’m going to be late again. No more stacking oversized tires for me…. Starving to death? Fun.

    by Bookhobbit on 08.03.2009
  37. The sky look humid when the clouds are soft and blured enought to make you dream about cold days, those times when the rain seems

    by claire on 08.03.2009
  38. it was very hot and humid today. we had thunderstorms last night that shook the house. i love them but they scare me too. i hate it when it’s humid, i feel sticky and dirty. i love taking showers to cool down.

    by Jessica on 08.03.2009
  39. Houston heat is very humid. Frizzy hair, legs stuck to leather seats, need for fresh breeze, I could squeeze the water of out of the air, humid.

    by Houstonian on 08.03.2009
  40. It was humid outside. I had just been to the beauty shop to have my hair done. It looked perfect. But once I stepped into the heat, it started going crazy! It frizzed up and I couldn’t get it to calm down! I wanted to scream and pull it all out. It was driving me crazy!

    by merri on 08.03.2009