
August 22nd, 2009 | 275 Entries

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275 Entries for “gym”

  1. i never go to the gym. i would rather be on the computer. playing wow. talking on skype. reading harry potter. hanging with jake. the gym is for people who are not me. anyways, im not fat. im underweight for my age. and all i do is sit on the computer all day.

    by maz on 08.22.2009
  2. I hate going to the gym. As fight club put it. Self improvement is masturbation. You should sculpt your body with hard work. Not lookin at yourself pick up wieghts in the mirror at a gay gymn for 50 bux a month. Fuck that. unless your fat.

    by JAH on 08.22.2009
  3. gym is where i was picked last. i was picked last and ran down the court to be called a ‘girl,’ as if girls could not run down a gym in a satisfactory manner. gyms are places i don’t want to be, full of people who are so into their bodies that they notice little else. i want to go into my own gym, that’s just for me, and i guess that’s my body. my body is a gym, where i can workout my thoughts, my systems, and my…life

    by shayne on 08.22.2009
  4. gym: my first and only home, where my biggest losses are actually my greatest strenghs. My heart beats faster only for you. Thank you for making me a better person :)

    by brittany <3bc on 08.22.2009
  5. I used to hate all things done in the gym. Then one day, I got a little good at gymnastics, square dancing, and encouraging others. Now, I’m older, and dread gym again.

    by Joan! on 08.22.2009
  6. a place we used to have “gym” in school. It had a lot of lines on the slippery floor. I got scared when someone fell down and hit their head on the flo

    by kathieb on 08.22.2009
  7. i really hate gym. it’s this horrible thing where they grade you based on how fast you can fucking run. its stupid and some people may not be fat. but they cant run. it’s so fucking stupid. and then the sports. the sports suck because no one fucking cares. and if you do care. they always put you on a team with people who dont care. gym can go die in a fire.

    by emily weston on 08.22.2009
  8. the gym makes me think of a place you go to work out, or maybe a place to play basketball i played basketball in high school and that was a lot of fun i kinda miss basketball i havent played it in a reallyt long time. maybe i’ll get a chance to play sometime soon.

    by jake Sapp on 08.22.2009
  9. god, the gym, i make plans i make resolutions and still… never it works out.. God, a bit like my relationships, but thats another thing all together.. Is it just that i cant stick to something? Or i wont? What’s the deal.? I’ve tried so many times, and still the motivation just… goes… where does it go to? Under the couch?

    by Jayne Wallace on 08.22.2009
  10. Gym! A centre of fitness and effort. For the prospect of better bodies, people willingly endure pain and travails. Good for them I say, I still prefer my couch, soft drink, one-pack and television. Comfort is preferable to all else, hedonistic beliefs for the considerable win.

    by Name on 08.22.2009
  11. I hated gym, pulling my body around and having my peers stare at me. It was humilating. I wasn’t fat then but I think it helped to create the fat girl in me. I was always clumsy. Never sports oriented. I blame that on my dad. He never role modeled sports. Plus with my mom being absent then I never knew what it was to accept my body. To love my body and feel strong. I envy those that can. I want to teach my daughter how to be strong, to love her body and maybe love the gym!

    by Tabatha on 08.22.2009
  12. school, gym class heroes, sports, ball, climbing, run, trap, tough, endurance, speed, energy, bleachers, shout, motivation,

    by Melissa on 08.22.2009
  13. I was never a fan of gym class. The teacher was a borderline neo-nazi. I’ve seen her at the local rallies with her flannel jacket and buck teeth. She never really took a liking to anyone in my class. That was the worst class I’ve ever had

    by jeff on 08.22.2009
  14. I have been thinking of joining my institute gym for over two years now. However, the irony is I have never even been inside it as yet. Somehow, the motivation of going to the gym is hard to find. You always believe you need a better physique and all that. However, when you need that final push… damn it isn;t there!

    by ishan mahajan on 08.22.2009
  15. i hate gym. in school its just awful. and it makes me feel really really stressed. like just the very thought of gym is an ominous horror. and like i see ropes up on the ceiling and everything. and i see a whole bunch of fit people just bieng annoying.

    by jackie on 08.22.2009
  16. Ugh, I can’t believe I’m doing this again
    Two months, no results. I hate myself.
    Why do I keep doing this to myself?
    I’d much rather sit at home watching Mthbusters and eating ice cream. Not here, watching people more fit than me making me look bad.

    Damn you, man with the bulging biceps! Damn you, woman with the firm glutes!

    by John E. on 08.22.2009
  17. Shiny floors sticking to my shoes… everything is waxy and hateful here. I’m no good at running and jumping yet. I’m just a little girl. I never played jump rope beforeIcan’tclimbaropeikeeptrippingovertheladdersknockingdownhurdlescantclimbcantruncantjump.

    I’m not good enough.

    They’ll laugh at me.

    by alyson on 08.22.2009
  18. this is the place where they tell you that fitness is everything. i disagree. as an asthmetic, i may seem biased, but i say otherwise

    by Bob on 08.22.2009
  19. GYM CLASS IS THE WORST THING IN THE WORLD i dont understand why kids have to take it. if they didnt have to take it kids would stop being so humiliated by the fact that they cant run as fast as the next kid or play basketball like the intense player

    by nathalia on 08.22.2009
  20. gym gym do you go to the gym no i do not i don’t like being visible there i like the trainers i like the rides and the pool i enjoy that but people look at me and i don’t like that it makes me nervous and unhappy with the end result being i don’t go to the gym, no, not the gym.

    by jan on 08.22.2009
  21. gym….nasium? Nasium…. uhhh huh, I should probably go there more often but at least I’m done with high school gym classes. Phew man my teacher was rally… really tough, it was really crazy and he was kinda mean although I think I admittedly learned a good amount from him. I guess i kinda miss him but SENIOR YEAR and I’m psyched.

    Sorry this wasn’t more poetic for ya XD hah.

    by Riku on 08.22.2009
  22. Inever go to the gym it’s a waist waste of time and money i could walk to it around it and home again and get the same benefit if only i’d sctually do that but i don’t i hate the gym or i hate being visible at the gym the training machines are kind of nice and i like cycling and the pool

    by jan on 08.22.2009
  23. sweat and a putrid smell as fats bounce up and down and up and down and up and down on fat women who think they’re oh so attractive and then there are over-made up thin women who’re out looking for lurrveee as well, eyes wide open and scouring for hunky men with rippling muscles that they can coo over.

    by chloé on 08.22.2009
  24. off i go to the gym and get back my healthy, happy, relaxed, and focused self. unfortunately, the work of home and “work” get in the way of health plans!

    by kim on 08.22.2009
  25. i hate going to the gym. it’s not like i don’t like working out, it’s that the gym is full of sweaty guys who over-do it…

    i mean, have you ever been trying to stretch out your hamstrings while a guy is screaming bloody murder while bench pressing? not fun.

    by Odessa on 08.22.2009
  26. A place where people have an excuse to punish themselves and experience pain in a controlled and socially acceptable environment. Cavemen lifting weights in order to impress the pack.

    by Blackhand on 08.22.2009
  27. i live in a gym.
    my life is dodgeball and my fear is soccer.
    my love is a sweaty gymsock.
    i hate tennis.
    the racquete feels foreign in my hand.
    my highest aspiration is to climb to the top of the knotted rope and

    by Rhiannon Temple on 08.22.2009
  28. sweaty smelly locker room. showering naked sucks. loved volleyball and gymnastics. I love watci

    by mike on 08.22.2009
  29. haha so i’m with my friend claire and she went to the gym today. i sort of partly feel like i should be working out or doing something healthy but then i think, screw it! i dont give a damn. im not fat, i dont have any friends who are seriously fat or even close to it. what the hell. i have more productive things to do.

    by danaë on 08.22.2009
  30. This is where all of his troubles started, and he knew it.

    by Conan on 08.22.2009
  31. weight, excersize, proud, change, metamorphisis, healthy, friendship, sweat, runners, money, trainer, gymstrip

    by Kaylene on 08.22.2009
  32. that was supposed to say me too.

    by carolyn on 08.22.2009
  33. i do too.

    by carolyn on 08.22.2009
  34. i don’t really know what to say except that i am living in a world that is overrun by level headed hipsters running our lives in greed and desperately trying to keep a dream alive is becoming such and struggle and all our problems are causing pain and suffering and tears and death and it never ends

    but i love you

    by nicolas on 08.22.2009
  35. My fitness place it is… I joined it day before and i am really liking it. It has all the machinery to sweat the hell out of me and the feeling of having a cold bath after this gives a ecstatic feel to me. Wow! Thats what can be far more rewarding than it seemed to be…I love it and I like it

    by Ashok B on 08.22.2009
  36. the girls in my high school gym class always depressed me. I took my time to note that they were everything that I was not, and that no man would ever be as satisfied watching me undress had they been me in the locker room.

    by Martha on 08.22.2009
  37. gym class and i lose to you at tether ball
    science and i drop the beaker of acid
    math and i can’t add two and five
    but one and one doesn’t seem to work either.
    what is there to be graded
    but the slope of the hill
    that is life,
    and is it up or down?
    it depends on which direction we’re traveling.

    by carolyn on 08.22.2009
  38. Me and tony were at the gym on 49th street today. Fucking musty, sweat, and smelly, just like all gyms. The stench keeps you going. It makes you feel strong and able. Like a drug. A small radio was playing some classic hair metal rock in the corner of the room. There were Machines everywhere. I wish I was dead.

    by Dylan Herman on 08.22.2009
  39. My gym membership may not apply once I move out of my parents’ house… I’ve been thinking about it too much. I just can’t wait to finally be in charge of my life. I’m almost ready and move-in day is in one week!

    by Kelsey on 08.22.2009
  40. The gym is a shitty place to gain weight.

    by Tori on 08.22.2009