
August 22nd, 2009 | 275 Entries

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275 Entries for “gym”

  1. I grab my towel and run out the door
    to go to where the sneakers rule the floor
    water reigns and sweat drips
    man, I love these little trips
    racing hearts and smiling faces
    makes the gym one of my favorite places

    by Hannah on 08.22.2009
  2. On most days, Coach Yawes seemed to be preoccupied with other thoughts, as if he existed in another, faraway place and on these days he almost forgot even to whistle or to reprimand the pubescent boys who were goofing off under his stop-watch. But there were other times when Coach Yawes got so angry his face went red and, for no good reason and without warning, he would line all the kids up in the locker room for a surprise jock strap inspection. He’d go down the row and each kid had to thumb one of the elastic straps out of the bottom of their pants for him to see as he walked by. And if his mood hadn’t improved by the end of the hour, he would also touch their backs to make sure everyone had remembered to hit the shower. The boys who failed either test had to drop and give the tyrant twenty as their peers gathered around and pointed and laughed.

    by jethro on 08.22.2009
  3. The gymnasium was much fuller when she was standing at the front of it. A pin drop could be heard from either side.. As she opem

    by Lease on 08.22.2009
  4. if i went to the gym right now i’d die. like legit, i can’t run i am in so much painn. when i think of gym class i think of ms. lusina who was a lesbian and she always wanted us to be “Roasted Chickens” at the end of gym class. i always thought that was a funny way to put it. but i kind of liked that she said that, too

    by idam on 08.22.2009
  5. I like gym class i get hit by dodge balls occasionally but overall it like sucking dicks jk but my teacher was pretty gay i want to skip gym next year not sure how, oh well i like the sky na nenenenenenennnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh

    by Zane on 08.22.2009
  6. gym is a cool place. it is also a very cool place to hang out it. i got good grades in gym by doing nothing even though that’s kinda ironic but ok. gym is a cool subject. no one does anything in it and that is so cool. so haha so there. is it done yet. sheesh. goodness gracious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    by Shushu on 08.22.2009
  7. i pushed the kid over to the next wall of the gym there was nothing between us but a thin layer of sweat and the air. He didn’t know what I wanted, i didn’t know what i wanted. It was just a moment in time where all power was stripped from the teachers and handed to us kids.

    by Oj on 08.22.2009
  8. the rotting seats seem to heave in the same motion as the hulking figure performing repetitions of lifts. metal discs of uncountable weight. pumping the iron until time to head home to his trailer shack with his mother. he is the example for the teenagers and he is their respect. he is 31, single, bodybuilding ever since high school

    by kuri on 08.22.2009
  9. I wish I would just get off my ass and get to the gym. What in the world makes me think I can be fit for life without getting out from behind my computer? Just buying fruits and veggies and eating them isn’t enough. My Mom and Dad are almost 70 for chrissakes and they get to the gym every day on Rice Street! Why is that kind of discipline not genetic????? Well maybe I can be inspired instead of insipid. Or not.

    by Mary on 08.22.2009
  10. I went to the gym today. I worked on my deltoids and triceps. It’s hard to type right now due to the tiredness I am feeling within. But alas, here I am, typing away.

    by E Farmer on 08.22.2009
  11. i used to take gym in Junior High…actually it was called P.E. but whatever…our schools kinda weird cause we have 9th grade in the junior high building instead of the high school…i really didn’t like my Pe teacher either actually he

    by Caleb Hennington on 08.22.2009
  12. the place where you work out get in shape abut for me it is where i bust my ass for a strength to prgress in sports and physical appearance it is benfical to go here with a friend gym is another spellin gof my fathers name and my grandfathers and my would be name also reminds of me of rare stones

    by joel on 08.22.2009
  13. don’t like the place. people running. backs against the wall. throw ball. sweat workout anger stinky really don’t like the place. coaches. mean teacher won’t let me sit out for the day. weight lifting guys class across the hall. running laps. dodge ball. excercise

    by megan on 08.22.2009
  14. work out the bends and grinds of the metal heights
    much will gravitate
    planes cars and autos races fly to dunes spoons and eating
    no more food.

    by cristina on 08.22.2009
  15. Untaken, ununderstood, unbelieved, unworked.

    All the iron and the missteps and the steel of the worlds and they are all untaken. Who and why and how were they forgotten?

    All of us are danger now. All of us are the untaken path. All of us are unworked plastic bodies, like a melted butter.

    by Matt on 08.22.2009
  16. The gym. I hate going to the gym. Used to like it. Hate it now. It’s a meat market more than anything else. I’m not a piece of meat, I’m a human being. I’d rather not train and be treated as a person rather than being devored by the eyes of perverts in the gym.

    by Tiger on 08.22.2009
  17. It’s a place i need to be. hahaha

    by Jenny on 08.22.2009
  18. the whim of the gym,
    is a slipery slope.
    all dopes and know one knows their true hopes.
    always in a daze, cuz this strength training is messing with my seratonin.
    a drug high for sure.

    by sprouts on 08.22.2009
  19. I haven’t been to the gym in years. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever been. I associate it with a place where the already glamorous go to show off their bodies and scorn the overweight. Just the subtle glances. I’d rather stay at home thank you.

    by nabi on 08.22.2009
  20. very fun to play in and run around to get exercise for my health that i am concerned about. helps me to let go and

    by ashlege on 08.22.2009
  21. never go to the gym alone. it is scary. always go with a friend. people look at you funny in the gym. and they don’t move out of the way at the water fountain. it is because their muscles are so big, hehe.

    by Jamal on 08.22.2009
  22. hot sweaty feet at a cheezy place to meet
    make up and fack up drips down my nose
    another wait for a weight for the weight
    huff, puff enuff

    by Bright on 08.22.2009
  23. I used to love gym in school especially when we got to choose which kind to take. I was a gymnast at the time so I took gymnastics gym naturally. To this day I remember some of the work outs and stretching routines we did. There were several in the class that had never taken gymnastics, but thought this gym would be a fun one. It worked out well for all involved I think. I really dont remember anyone not enjoying that class.

    by Juliet on 08.22.2009
  24. gym is a very interesting subject. Getting an A based on physical performance? This is not fair for a lot of people, but it actually helps some people to get a better GPA. Honestly, I think gym is an amazing class, getting an A for running around? Getting an A for showing guys (and other girls) that you can kick their butt is awesome.

    by Janet on 08.22.2009
  25. A gym reminds me of gum, and I like gum. I blow bubbles with gum. Gyms are fun, especially if they have racketball courts. We never play by the rules, just because it’s more fun that way. I think I’m running out of time. Gym gym gym gym.

    by Steohanie on 08.22.2009
  26. Hit it up. The gym, I mean. I gotta get in shape, yo! Don’t wanna be flabby for the hotties on the beaches. Nope. Not an option. Gotta get hot for ’em. And score man. Gonna score with these guns, bro!

    by Claire on 08.22.2009
  27. “You’re a high school teacher? Me too. It’s quite a good, isn’t it?”


    “I mean, it’s great working with kids and all, but teaching at a high school has all of that grading. Especially grading essays….”


    “What did you say you teach?”



    by josebachachicken on 08.22.2009
  28. Fumbling to tie shoes then run without having the breath catch and burn in your chest. Embarrassing to see how clumsy you are compared to all of the others. Just finish the best you can. They will still talk to you and be your friend despite your nonathletic skills.

    by Sheila on 08.22.2009
  29. the gym. god i haven’t gone since i had surgery and boy do i need to go. i can’t wait to go the gym, i am actualy looking forward to it. my goal this year is to actually make time for the gym while i am at school. i need to stay in shape and get in shape.

    by natalie on 08.22.2009
  30. My boyfriend always wants to go to the gym, but it’s always such a hurdle. The gym bag, the preparation, the thinking about which muscle groups to exercise, the locker rentals, and so on. Also, you wind up seeing various other people at the gym, and these people may not be people who you would like to have seeing you exercise. So, he doesn’t go very often even though his

    by Cecily on 08.22.2009
  31. Gym is a horrible class. It’s full of dodge ball, mile runs, and fat kids who jiggle whenever they make the most minor movement. It’s almost sickening. Ugh, I wish that I didn’t have to go to this class. It’s great that school cares about your health, but honestly, I don’t think that they have a right to discriminate against the inactive students. It’s actually kind of cruel. Sure, promoting a healthy life style is great. But if it includes forcing kids to do something they don’t want to do (be active), then it’s not something good for your name.

    by Cookie on 08.22.2009
  32. Working out sucks.

    by Joseph on 08.22.2009
  33. Lol i remember that, its like a gym and at school theres new gym, its full of a new floor, but this timer is really making me nervous and lwhatever i think im typing weird. Ok back to gym, kinda like bally total fitness gym membership, ya that place is full of people. I dont reall yknow what that meant, but im not thinking, justt writing, man that is such a lame word.

    by arthur on 08.22.2009
  34. I enter the gym like a sly cobra and flick my tongue out at the mustangs that gallop around the gym. Each herd gathers together to plan their attack on the others. We then slither over to the center of the gym as the mustangs trot over to. A whistle blows and we jump for the ball as the basketball game begins.

    by Tori on 08.22.2009
  35. I walked into the gym, high ceilings, wood floor; Shiny floor. It was empty and my voice echoed quietly in the cold air, underneath florescent lights, shining down on my blonde hair. It was so deathly peaceful.

    by Walter on 08.22.2009
  36. some place i should so i dont get fat if i get fat no one will fuck me, and fall in love with me. ill be alone forever and ever and ever and i wil die alone and forgotten leaving nothing but an old broken shell of something that may have once been human.

    by rory on 08.22.2009
  37. fuck that shit. anybody who goes to the gym just has no idea what the hell they are doing. like whatever i dont really know but gym in school is okay because u dont have to do any work and just play games.

    by ian g on 08.22.2009
  38. the gym is where jim and jill ate jam… wait, no… the gym is where i got slammed.

    by ben on 08.22.2009
  39. hate it…sweaty…too much effort. Big muscle head guys. Girls in skimpy outfits trying to get thin. Fake boobs. Gross showers. Dumb bells. too much money every month.

    by kelly on 08.22.2009
  40. The gym. Workouts. Dips. Push-ups. Planks. I should go more – I know I should. And I tell myself “I know I will”. Next year. It’s always later. Always at the next change – the next opportunity- when it really should be now.

    by Jeff on 08.22.2009