
June 2nd, 2008 | 210 Entries

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210 Entries for “guilty”

  1. i feel guilty when i sent out on a project but i never finish. Writing drawing, general excersise, it will never get done because i’m so easily destracted and lazy.

    by Anthea West on 06.02.2008
  2. cultivated and nurtured over time, i was the caretaker to a mind satisfied only when chasing. running. trying too hard to conquer something i had no business fighting for.

    relearning how to live, breathe and pine for something more than cat and mouse… this lioness is weary.

    i see myself still perpetuating the pattern. and after the high wears off, i am left guilty knowing that i have merely pushed what i really need farther away from me.

    by lizziface on 06.02.2008
  3. guilty of what, sins, dirgressions, abstaining from table salt? The man was frozen to the seat trying to remember.

    by Rat Revere on 06.02.2008
  4. jesus. what a word to get on my first go. i would tell you of things i feel guilty about but i am too scard my girlfriend will read this at some pont, unlikely as it may seem. there are a few, the worst of which she knows about, but it;s always difficult to gague what things will piss her off more – the things she knows about that i know aerw a big deal or the things i don;t think matter that much.

    captain jack

    by jack on 06.02.2008
  5. His mind was in a turmoil. Thoughts rushed back and forth in his mind, tumbling over each other in a random, incomprehensible manner. The realisations of his actions were now coming to him, and he knew he was guilty.

    by Akane on 06.02.2008
  6. He was guilty of the crime and he knew it. He didn’t want to face the ramifications of what he had done. But he knew that someday she would come back and make him pay. That someday his credit would be over and he would have to pay for all the things he had done wrong over the years. When that happened was just a matter of time. For now, he relaxed in his manor and tried to enjoy the last remaining days of freedom that he knew he had.

    by Kiran on 06.02.2008
  7. I live my life constantly thinking of my shortcomings… Things I could have done differently… All

    by Michael on 06.02.2008
  8. good things make me feel guilty.
    was i a pariah, an evil spirit, a sinner before i was born?
    you shouldn’t feel bad about living.
    but i do.

    by eva xiao on 06.02.2008
  9. Guilty for inaction. Guilty for non-perfection. I started to push a guilt trip on my daughter this weekend and caught myself – what’s the benefit from that – creating a girl who is worried about disappointing her father – she’s couldn’t possibly do that, I can’t let her feel like she might…

    by AC on 06.02.2008
  10. The main thing that swayed opinion in the jury was a blank sock suspended from a fishing line. “Sir,” said distinguished lawyer Jason McGingley, “If you had not, in fact, made millions off counterfitting charges, then why would you suspend a single sock off some kind of pole apparatus?” Applause filled the hall – it was well agreed that Jason was at the top of his game that evening.

    by crabmuffins on 06.02.2008
  11. guilt is the inability to change your facial expression when you see your significant other for the first time after your screw up. Its the frowning mouth and drooping eyes. Why did you not smile broadly like you usually do? She knows the instant you see her.

    by Sam on 06.02.2008
  12. To have done something wrong, something which wracks your soul and heart with the pain of it. To be driven to act to restore what you have made wrong or to pay the consiquences of being wrong. to be an asshole

    by Drew on 06.02.2008
  13. IT had been two years to the day since I’d ‘made the first move.’ I’ve never quite forgotten the awkward silences, the botched attempts to talk, or the way you fumbled with the condom immediately after I’d made that fateful move.

    by colleen on 06.02.2008
  14. Seconds tick by, one after the other, and I still don’t feel guilty. I never did, not really… maybe if there is some afterlife, some judge waiting at the other end of that long, twilight tunnel, I will.

    Maybe I’ll look back and realize that I should have done things differently. Maybe after the gunshot I’ll know.

    But right now, I don’t feel guilty at all.

    by Jeremy Borders on 06.02.2008
  15. I felt so god damned guilty. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do since the lawyer definately wasn’t going to believe that I had nothing to do with it. He barely even had a case as it is and now this happened? I sat quietly under the tree in the garden trying to somehow write my own eulogy. I knew that was what it would come down to in the end anyways.

    by Adham on 06.02.2008
  16. I always feel this way.
    At the end of the day, I try to convince myself that I’m a good person, but there’s always a feeling of lying.
    Not to God specifically,
    but to myself.
    I wish I could get rid of this guilt.

    by Allison M. on 06.02.2008
  17. oj simpson speeding down the highway in his white suv bronco.

    by blaine pearson on 06.02.2008
  18. i feel guilty that I am sitting here and not applying for jobs.

    by traci on 06.02.2008
  19. yeah, thats right. i did it. so what? it doesn’t even matter. hey, what’s your problem, man? you’re just as guilty as i am. yeah, ok, well go fuck yourself. yeah. ok.

    by tyler on 06.02.2008
  20. pleasures are fun. i don’t let myself feel guilty. it’s fun.

    by louisiana on 06.02.2008
  21. I am guilty of trying to get out of jury duty. You see, I’m self-employed. And though I’d love to get my chance to be one of those 12 angry men (or women), I don’t have the option to risk losing business while I’m sitting on a jury. is that a crime? I don’t think so.

    by Andrea on 06.02.2008
  22. It’s the most awful feeling ever.
    It’s haunts you before going to sleep..
    ..and threatens you when you wake up in the morning.

    by jannxp on 06.02.2008
  23. i am guilty
    we are all guilty for one reason or another
    all i did was follow orders
    and for that i’m guilty
    and i will be until my death

    by damienc on 06.02.2008
  24. i feel guilty

    by test on 06.02.2008
  25. sometimes i feel guilty that I go to church even tho i’m pretty sure that I don’t believe in god… everyone assumes they know me and that I’m as spiritual as they are. it just isn’t true.

    by Erin on 06.02.2008
  26. guilty, it means a person is responsible for a crime of some sort, it is often used in the court of law. A person can plea ‘guilty’ for a crime, or they can be found guilty if the court judges that they are in fact responsible. If people are said to be caught red handed they are guilty.

    by Sean on 06.02.2008
  27. i feel guilty about all the things that are wrong, always…nothings right. why can’t shit be right? i hate feeling like this, i can’t control anything, i feel so guilty.

    by josh on 06.02.2008
  28. I found myself desperately trying to explain away the situation. There is no doubt that I am guilty. Both of us can feel it.

    Its like I would rather pretend that this had never happened. In fact I am trying to make it sound like it never did. Convince myself that I am right.

    Eventually the look on his face tells me that I am not going to escape from this.

    by sara on 06.02.2008
  29. Torn inbetween choices and decissions, should I have told you the truth and hurt you or change the story so everything looked okay… I chose to hide the truth and not let you know my mistakes, however everyday now I run it through my mind, wishing you could know what really happened. Everyday now I wonder if youll ever know the truth. One day you may know and never look at me the same…

    by Lynn on 06.02.2008
  30. I feel guilty about being that girl who makes out with the jerk who chooses to cheat on his girlfriend. I hate that i am that girl- but I can’t stop fantasizing about him… I just want him to grab my ass, push me up against a wall and make out with me.

    by S on 06.02.2008
  31. Oh what an awful feeling, to be guilty of something. I am not a criminal so my guilt would be for my behaviour to others. How can I say the things I say? My shame…sometimes it is choking.

    by AP on 06.02.2008
  32. He wasn’t guilty, but the verdict was the same anyway. Twelve men, good and true had sentenced him to life for a crime he didn’t commit. Despite the seriousness of his predicament he still felt that he was a walking cliche. What now? Escape and live undercover like the A-team? He was delirious now, those hours alone in his cell destroying his sense of reality.

    by Sam on 06.02.2008
  33. I feel guilty that I let my roommate cut my hair instead of going to my regular hair man. I miss him! I guess i will go get a trim sometime soon…

    by C on 06.02.2008
  34. basically i’m not a good person. and i feel a little bit guilty for that. i might have good intentions but it is very rare taht those intentions work out to be goo dthings.

    i’m guilty because i don’t help other people the way that i could.

    maybe i should stop being self-serving.

    that’s why i’m guilty.

    i should be asking myself what i can do to sotp feeling this way. stop feeling guilty.

    by esor on 06.02.2008
  35. guilty like the time that i ate all of the marshmellow fluff and none was left when my dad tried to make his brown paperbag lunch at 6 am today. or guilty like the time i ate all of my grandma’s xanax to make myself lesss anxious about my homework, when she needed it to make herself less anxious about her terminal lung condition.

    by esor on 06.02.2008
  36. I feel guilty for a lot of things. thing I do. things I don’t do. mornings at the gym. missing coffee with my dad. choices I make that are more for me or less for me or for no one at all. coming into work late, leaving early. it’s self-saddled, it’s my own to bear. no one lays guilt better than you.

    by margo on 06.02.2008
  37. I feel guilty that I have not kept up with calling Ben while he is living with his uncle. I promised that I would call often, but I usually feel like I’m disturbing him because he is doing things with his friends. When I write to him on myspace I am lucky if I get a 1 sentence response to anything I write and it just makes me feel like he’d rather not hear from me.

    by Karyn on 06.02.2008
  38. Never believed, never sought a better redemption than the one she felt today. Taking a sip at her afternoon coffee she thought of how ironic it was to lie on the sofa her sister once in

    by Raisa on 06.02.2008
  39. Guilty as charged! Caught red-handed! You make me feel guilty. Man, I have commited some hardcore sins to feel guilty about. Secrets secrets are no fun, secrets secrets hurt everyone. Guilt is like regret – let that shit go.

    by Michelle on 06.02.2008
  40. Unpleasurable suspense that hold its captive in the pit of worry. Unable to break through it the victim attempts to reconcile wrongs done even if the perceived wrongs are completely fictional.

    by Fera on 06.02.2008