
June 2nd, 2008 | 210 Entries

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210 Entries for “guilty”

  1. The blame lay heavy on his shoulders and he bowed to it until his head touched the floor, his body quaking with grief. In all the things he had done this was the most painful, the worst.

    The guilt destroyed him. Consumed him. It ate away at his insides.

    by lore on 06.02.2008
  2. i am guilty of lust, of missing feeling my exgirlfriend love me… thoughts run through her hair over and over again, hands wandering, loving….i am guilty of losing this love…..

    by JGC on 06.02.2008
  3. I feel guilty when I think about the baby. I know it wasnt my fault that I lost it, but I still feel guilty.

    by K. on 06.02.2008
  4. I am guily of many things, Ive been mean against others I have been hurt myself I have seen peoples ture ways and their wrpongdoings. I ddont think anymore that I am a moral gudingstar now I just real

    by Karl Adolfsson on 06.02.2008
  5. Guilt is like a pitcher of water that flows and stains my shirt. I am covered in guilt. And yet, guilt is refreshing on a quiet, summer’s day. Guilt is the shining liquid that flows and burns like acid. It is so hot, it is cold and vice versa. I am drenched with guilt. I am guilty.

    by kp on 06.02.2008
  6. GUILTY, EVERYONE I KNOW IS GUILTY OF SOMETHING. BEING MEAN, BEING FUCKING STUPID. IT DOESN’T MATTER. i HAVE plenty to be guilty about. that i let my mom take my dogs to the pound. that i never cryed at my g-pas funneral.. everyone is guilty. guilty of lies, guilty of cheating, guilty of stealing.

    by miss green on 06.02.2008
  7. I rarely feel guilty about things. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m a Christianand my faith brings all that into place or if it’s because I don’t often step out and do things I shouldn’t. I’m a bit straight laced so to say. What does make me feel the most guilty is when I inadvertently offend or upset family and friends. That one is tough, because even if I’ve apologized or taken steps to make it right, it’s still out there.

    by Jennifer on 06.02.2008
  8. i feel guilty when i think that she looks at me because i wish that it were a look not just the look of hi or hit this pipe but the look of yo bitch lets do this shit. so i really just want to grab her but i feel so cliche every time i think about it. why is it that god made pretty girls. w

    by IW on 06.02.2008
  9. its your fault its not nice its hard it gets you in to trouble it could make you go to court and then maybe prison you will find it haard to get a job nobody we like you you wont have any freinds your family will be ashamed of you you will get upset

    by tina on 06.02.2008
  10. Guilty. The word rang in my ears and rattled my brain. I could not believe it. I sat there, beads of sweat ran across my forehead. How could I have committed such a crime? It wasn’t in my character.

    by Noelle on 06.02.2008
  11. Don’t you think it’s dumb? The way we’re all so consumed by all of this? Yes, she thinks so. As does he. It’s strange how we’re all thinking the same things but never say them. We just sit. Guilty of not sharing.

    by Saskia on 06.02.2008
  12. he glanced to either side, looking desperately for a way out, but she had him cornered, and she knew it. she watched him with one eyebrow raised and her hand on her hip as a single bead of sweat rolled down his face. he licked his lips nervously.

    by Rene on 06.02.2008
  13. there’s a lot of guilty people in the world, some who just feel guilty cuz they do stupid shit like watch tv about killers and some who have been programmed to feel guilty. fuck tv

    by penis on 01.01.1970
  14. Not…until proven innocent. There’s always hope that you will be proven innocent as opposed to let off on a technicality. Catholics constantly feel

    by geeheh on 01.01.1970
  15. guilt is an awful feeling. that was guilt. it consumed me. i couldnt speak, it made me ill. i just sat on his doorstep and cried floods and floods of tears until i realised. the only way to get rid of guilt is to confront it.

    by Felicity on 01.01.1970
  16. crime scene, someone with a gun. Empty handed but with a gun in the pocket. Dead body, broken relationship, someone betrayed. I don’t think it was love it was revenge, betrayal, decimated completely. No need for sorry, they deserved it. No need for apologies they wanted to do it. It is not time for sorrow but for rejoice. Enjoy this moment, you have power. Enjoy it immensely

    by hmmmm. on 01.01.1970
  17. not hiding now found is what I am

    by Chud on 01.01.1970
  18. Guilt isn’t something that can be measured. It can be given, taken, stolen, forsaken, but never amount to anything.

    by Life247 on 01.01.1970
  19. I feel guilty about the time I walked out on my parents. I was very small, maybe less than 5 years old.

    I don’t remember what we fought about. It doesn’t matter.

    I walked all the way down the building, out to the main parking lot, and would have kept walking out of the gate if my father hadn’t run down and carried me back.

    That doesn’t matter either. I still cringe every time I think about it.

    by Daffius on 01.01.1970
  20. i feel guilty all the time…. and then i try to take a step back and understand why i am feeling like this… where is this guilt coming from? what have i done wrong? was it the money i stole as a kid? was it the nasty letter i wrote to the little girl? was it the porn i was caught reading?was it the nasty text messages i sent?

    by Abhi on 01.01.1970
  21. oh my god. please let the past be gone. let it never have happened. i love you so much but for no reason i cannot stop loving others. guilt is the burden of the happy. i cannot be happy without feeling guilt that i am ignoring my love for you.

    by sarah brown on 01.01.1970
  22. guilt not doing something that you should? Parents always make me feel guilty suxx! Not doing what your suppose to. Doing bad at school. Break the law and get convicted

    by leea on 01.01.1970
  23. guilty of crime from doing something wrong but probably not probably just doing something anything something that you were thinking of or not thinking of in a s asense but doing and it was proven ubeknownst to you that you were guilty or you knew and were worried and anxious for the weeks or days that you sat waiting

    by na on 01.01.1970
  24. I’m always guilty of something, but only I know what that is. As long as it stays that way I can’t see anything wrong with that. I’ve never been found out for some terrible things, and I’m okay with that. Sometimes I think that’s wrong, but most often I’m happy with that situation. Is that terrible?

    by Waddo on 01.01.1970
  25. I felt guilty for what I did. I fucked up big this weekend. The worst part about this guilt – it made me happy. I was in. I was the talk of the town. I sold my soul to the vulchers in the high school community and didn’t regret a thing.

    by Matt P on 01.01.1970
  26. I am. Always have been. Thank you

    by amj on 01.01.1970
  27. i am guilty of a crime i didn#t commit and as i watch the sentenc carried throgh i feel the cold sweat popur down the back of my already froen neck. there#s no way i can come back from this one now, the jury is totally/ convinced and i lok guilty…i look guilty don#t i. damn this stupid face.

    by meesha on 01.01.1970
  28. if i thought all the world were guilty, I’d be sorry to think it, but glad to have realized i was sorry. guilt is relative to action not consequence.

    by Shannon Horne on 01.01.1970
  29. I am not, nor have I ever been considered guilty of this crime! Further, I am appaled that you would even consider me as a suspect. Of course I will answer any questions you may have concerning the events in question.

    by Justin Parnell on 01.01.1970
  30. guilty pleasures are the gold mine of the current age people have these when they see other people having a bad day or they choose to cut out on work for their own amusement.

    by Norm on 01.01.1970
  31. I am. I am. My mother. She is too. We do it. We are.

    by switchsky on 01.01.1970
  32. She stared guiltily at the floor. The cookie jar was empty. What was there to say?

    Mother knew. Mother always knew. Even when no-one snitched, mother ALWAYS knew.

    Alyssa knew that tonight was going to be sleepless — cold, locked in the closet…

    by Kaydee on 01.01.1970
  33. i feel it when i fall into temptation but even though it last forever the temptation often gets the better half of me. so here I stray hoping for permanence but constantly falling into the crowd of those all the same. my guilt is my own but for reasons of this world if only i could not be tied down by want’s and desires but live as righteously as those have before and some do now.

    by eden on 01.01.1970
  34. Im not guilty you’re guilty. You did it, did this to me. Criminal, Thief, Vandal!

    I find you guilty, and there will be no mercy. You don’t deserve my mercy. The wreck you’ve turned me into.

    by Gurn on 01.01.1970
  35. is a nice sort of feeling but to be guilty is really a selfish thing; to be guilty is to think that your own meddling in the flesh, sweet sin o life is more important than the universe’s own simple independent issues. Guilt though can be fun; it can be a way of life

    by ernest zeidman on 01.01.1970
  36. sex, shame, pregnancy, guilt is a way to raise your children. Guilt is what keeps you moral. Morality is guilt.

    by rain on 01.01.1970
  37. how you feel when you break up with someone. how you feel when somethings not really your fault.

    by chelsa on 01.01.1970
  38. Guilty for all the things I’ve done, for all the things that have yet to come, or that can come at one point or other. Guilt is consuming, all devouring.

    by Nom De Plum on 01.01.1970
  39. we are all so guilty. Everything we do is wrong. How about we all just sit at home and stay away from each other….then we can’t hurt each other. But I think we’d find a way – we’re good like that.

    by Tia on 01.01.1970
  40. guilt is a very strange emotion. it is the only thing that keeps people from doing whatever the hell they want. People may do things and enjoy them as they happen, yet at the same time, this strange emotion is the same reason you dont come back to do the same thing the next day. being guilty can make you feel bad about the most ridiculous things. guilt is also used to manipulate people. In my opinion, guilt is like your conscience. It is what keeps everyone in order.

    by Tristan Riddell on 01.01.1970