
March 6th, 2010 | 189 Entries

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189 Entries for “growth”

  1. The growth is to be little and to know it.

    by Iacopo on 03.07.2010
  2. I’ve grown so much during college. For reals, guys: my perspective on life and my goals for happy living have changed so drastically that it’s grown hard to associate with some of the old crowd.

    I can barely imagine those silly goals I carried in the past: programming, marriage at an early age, dogs and stationary living.

    Now I just want to travel. I want to talk, to see, to breathe and to smell, and I want to do it until the end of my days.

    So long, old me.

    by M on 03.07.2010
  3. growth like a flower opening its shoots, growth in the economy the expansion as a result of buying and selling, growth of a little baby into a man/woman, growth of ones skills over time be it athletics, jumping, growth hormone chemical

    by carlsen magnus on 03.07.2010
  4. growth is the most important thing. it helps us be who we become and makes us more mature people. the people who don’t grow are the people you see still acting like they did in high school. it’s the most depressing thing in the world. knowing you could have helped make them grow, but didn’t.

    by annie gabel on 03.07.2010
  5. growth inspires change, creates life. growth is what all humans, plants, animals need to become and to be. growth is of nature, and of nuture.

    by bree on 03.07.2010
  6. Insane. Impossible. To grow is to be great, and that is not all it is. To say that to grow is to hate is absolutely, uncontrollably wrong. It seems clear to me why people would go so far as to grow themselves in a positive way.

    by :pk? on 03.07.2010
  7. growth, is basically what humnas look forward to, always… the one who desires to become stronger, richer, more intelligent, more attractive, more powerful, more spiritual, etc etc… this is the kind of word that could define the purpose in life of the mankind..

    by Aru on 03.07.2010
  8. When faced with a chance to grow, you must think “what is this growth, and what am I growing towards?” not all growth is good. You must choose your development towards what goals you wish to accomplish. Focus on growing as well as you can, not as much as you can.

    by noel on 03.07.2010
  9. growth

    by john on 03.07.2010
  10. roots in the ground, limbs of genealogy spreading forth, across sky and water and time

    by jtr on 03.07.2010
  11. Happens to chickens in the spring and stupid kids all the time all people all your life until you’re dead always dogs do it everyone does it grow grow grow bean, sprouts pods baby elephants old people still growing till they die always always growing never stop.

    (I took the instruction “don’t think” so seriously and look what happened)

    by Marlena Chrzanowski on 03.07.2010
  12. everyone grows. i’m scared to get old because when you’re an old bastard lying in bed you stop growing. when you stop growing you die. who the fuck wants to stop growing then? grow or die people, grow or die. the growth of all of us happens somewhere, who knows how.

    by liz Chrzanowski on 03.07.2010
  13. it starts so small like a seed, but soon it’s out of controll. it keeps changing, getting taller and stronger….soon it will strangle me.
    I shrink in the corner cowering below the growth.

    by mike o on 03.07.2010
  14. growth reminds me of flowers and lots of other stuff idk i like growing mind body soul spiritual growth is good i want to grow a garden and eat what i grow you reap what you sew la la la growing knowing flowing showing. growth is magnificent. the timer is almost running out this is whats in my head time for bed i love you all goodnight

    by spenser schott on 03.07.2010
  15. growing is something that everyone and everything chooses to go through, but forced. growing is done in all ways imaginable; physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. as we grow, we must ask ourselves, are we choosing the direction of our growth ourselves, or are we just growing through the regiment of nature? do we have freewill? or are we just the result of the pre-determined laws, rules and structure of nature?

    by mr.E on 03.07.2010
  16. growth of trees, plants, young spirits! There is no forward movement without growth, no progress without growth. Isn’t that the whole point of our existence? To grow in spirit!

    by Ginger on 03.07.2010
  17. Growing individually was so easy, but growing within a marriage is the most difficult thing I’ve been faced with in this life. At time it feels impossible. And I’m so deathly afraid that it will always feel like this. This is the brink.

    by ashley on 03.07.2010
  18. the seed, waiting for the last bit of nourishment to sprout, to start that moment, reaching to the surface, to the sky. Stretching higher and higher till it breaches the surface and smiles up toward the sun. Growth.

    by Katlizirt on 03.07.2010
  19. almost like a blade of grass after a fire’s breath
    I grow from a new root, to a new place,
    Though I am the same, still I am anew.

    by Thomas Smith on 03.07.2010
  20. For some reason, after 3 years of living in Iowa, I have finally felt normal. I don’t know how are why it has taken so long, what I did this week that suddenly made me a normal person. More than twelve people actually noticed me, even commented on something I might have said under my breath or in a conversation. It’s amazing what you can do when you feel normal.

    by Scythe42 on 03.07.2010
  21. Growth of oneslf starts with depression about the present. Therefore now becomes a noun pushing the boundaries of tomorrow.

    by Alan on 03.07.2010
  22. It’s exponential, they said. It’s unstoppable. Overpowering. It would be heroic, if it wasn’t so tragic. Malignant growth. The definiton of cancer. Growth is normal. But this type is malignant.

    by Mary on 03.07.2010
  23. There’s never room for growth anymore.
    For years we’ve been trying to overcome this obstacle, and for years we’ve been struggling.

    There’s no where to go from here,
    we’ve reached

    by Richelle on 03.07.2010
  24. A produt of nurishment, stength and. It will always end eventulay with the growing ines death. growth ends in death of the growing object.n

    by Jill Starling on 03.07.2010
  25. Growth is all about an acumulation of atoms, knowlage and experience? Mayble no. But don’t sto grwing! And don’t grow to fast

    by OriginalBBB on 03.07.2010
  26. Growth is inevitable and irreversible, yet endless. No matter how mature you think you are and how much you know, there is always room for more. It’s a journey without destination, a path with no chance for regret.

    by ac on 03.07.2010
  27. This is a test, only a test.

    by j on 03.07.2010
  28. Growth is continuous. You experience growth from birth to death. As a child to a geezer. Whether you grow up or backwards.

    by Alana on 03.07.2010
  29. It reminds me of green stuff. Of grass and medieaval Ireland, with stone castles and windy weather.
    It reminds me of Earth, life and my grandma’s garden.
    It reminds me of life.
    Cause it is that-life.

    by Lilith. on 03.07.2010
  30. growth reminds me of the color green, of springtime and flowers. Also of growing older, growing up. But sometimes, it makes me think of urban sprawl and how people just kill everything green! I’m learning about sustainable growth…not all growth is good growth, so that’s probably influencing my answer.

    by Meagan Wilkinson on 03.07.2010
  31. It is what happens to human beings or else everyone will stay babies and nothing will ever happen. The world will be chaos. There will be no money, food, and other vital resources because babies cannot obtain those things by their selves.

    by Madison Wood on 03.07.2010
  32. governed by love and hate and truth and all that other bullshit. but still, humanity will go on and all we can do is sit back, strap in, and enjoy(or at least try to) the ride. they say that you always hurt the ones you love, so for that i am sorry jacob i really do love you. and i would marry you.

    by R. Webb on 03.07.2010
  33. Growth is the ability to change and transform through both learning from others, and about yourself. Growth can be thought of as both an way to get better, but also a way to learn more about one another.

    by Colleen on 03.07.2010
  34. What a concept. i am always growing, learning, seeing, it broadens my view and helps to understand others. I love growth. Sometimes it is painful. Growing new teeth for instance …

    by Michelle on 03.07.2010
  35. don’t know why I don’t feel any. Cant seem to move from this place that i am in. Don’t feel like I am gaining any knowledge, nor character. Growth is at a standstill. ONly thing growing is my relationship. That is a positive, I suppose

    by Haley on 03.07.2010
  36. Again, I’ve had this one twice, But it only makes the word BIGGER, and TALLER and FATTER, Growth..growth…growth, STOP!

    by squibbby on 03.07.2010
  37. growth, Growth, GRowth, GROwth, GROWth, GROWT, GROWTH

    by big on 03.07.2010
  38. there are times when i want to stretch on my toes to see some place on the shelf i feel like i am compelled to see, but when i finally do peer up at it, with the tip of my nose resting on the shelf, i realize it’s a “grass is always greener” and i sink back down to my comfortable height.

    by Danielle on 03.07.2010
  39. Interesting concept. The idea of progress seems inherent, but so often isn’t. Growth says Spring. But ‘a growth’ says diseased. Ambiguity makes the world go round.

    by Themanwithnoname on 03.07.2010
  40. A long sigh like breeze swept the curtain of the willow trees branches out like hundreds of green, thin octopus tentacles. The sparrows who had known this tree since its youth so many hundreds of years ago sang wistfully to the surrounding meadow.

    by Chewy on 03.07.2010