
February 19th, 2010 | 164 Entries

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164 Entries for “globe”

  1. It turned with apathetic frenzy, a sphere in the darkness, a hole, a nothingness. Full yet empty. The entity in orbit pulsating with the stench of life and sick disease. A mistake, an intent. Everything.

    by Angus Martin on 02.20.2010
  2. I cut my finger last night and thought I had staunched the flow of blood from the tiny wound on my finger tip. Looking down at the keyboard this morning, I see smears of red from the evening’s work. That’s what it’s like, sometimes, this writing thing. Staring at the globe of my awareness, writing down it’s code, I don’t even realize it’s juiciness is pouring out my hands, covering my keyboard, filling the screen.

    by Linda on 02.20.2010
  3. A little boy spun the globe out of curiosity. The globe did not stop spinning. It spun continuously at first, then faster and faster. Finally, the damn thing exploded and everyone was very confused.

    by qwerty on 02.20.2010
  4. I used to have one of those old school standard globes that kids had on that spinny stand… am I right, didn’t all kids have that globe? Or maybe not. Anyway, we used to spin the globe with our finger on top and wherever it landed we said we would move to. Ironically, I rarely ever even leave my home, let alone travel.

    by lauren on 02.20.2010
  5. I perform the ‘Seal Dribble’ with the globe, I let it fall to my swinging left boot and smash it home. The world was at my feet, the world stands on their’s.

    by Martyn on 02.20.2010
  6. i spun it with my finger, watching countries wiz by without any real meaning. I was six and Africa wasn’t anywhere I’d ever go, it was a shape on a ball and that was all it would ever be to me.

    by betty wolfanger on 02.20.2010
  7. Where am I? Where are we? We spin around and around. There is no “home” we stay here for a little while and float away. Oceans and mountains…..dust in the wind. all we are is dust in the wind. :^)

    by mikeO on 02.20.2010
  8. Globes have always meant a lot to me. A small world sitting on my desk. All I ever had to do was walk over and touch it, and a part of me would be in Spain, France, Italy or whatever.

    That’s why I became a collector of globes. They’re all over my house. There’s a pattern across them though.

    by Pseudonym on 02.20.2010
  9. She searched the globe
    For answers
    Over the mountain
    Down the canyon
    Deep in the ocean
    Up into the clouds
    And it was only
    When she stopped looking
    When she stopping running
    That she realized
    She was the prize
    She had been seeking
    All along

    by teal on 02.20.2010
  10. Hello good day

    by Mbuikiya on 02.20.2010
  11. the globe fell to the floor and immediately caught fire. holding turpentine it was empty now and none of the flammable liquid was left behind.

    by Shafaq on 02.20.2010
  12. She put down her bag and looked up at the tall facade of the building in front of her. After a journey around the globe and back it still looked the same though it seemed like ages since she had last seen it.

    by traveler on 02.20.2010
  13. A symbol of opportunity, of disparity, of inequality. Once a symbol of beauty, now she bleeds.

    by kreeate on 02.20.2010
  14. it’s a round thing, such as a fear. it represents our world. it shows us that life isn’t all about hardships or any corners, that is continues and we can all just follow it. that things will be all right in the end. whether we want them to or not.

    by Maria on 02.20.2010
  15. my light globe is busted. that sucks.

    by ben evans on 02.20.2010
  16. Jonny was here

    by Orivekma on 02.20.2010
  17. Its my goal to travel more places around the globe.

    by Emily on 02.20.2010
  18. the globe is big. I live on one side and my family live on the other. a time ago I choose to travel to the other side of the big globe to start a new life at a place I never visited before. I wanted a new beginning.. an adventure.

    by timothei on 02.20.2010
  19. I’ve travelled around the globe, but I’ve never seen anything like this. This woman was willing to prostitute her teen-aged daughter out so that she could get drugs. And the daughter was perfectly willing. I suspected that she also partook of the drugs her mom obtained. My contract was only for the mother. I shot the daughter for free.

    by Doug McIntire on 02.20.2010
  20. It’s where we live. It’s the most important thing in all of our lives yet we’re killing it slowly with our greedy ways. It’s so easy to forget the importance of our globe. Most of us only see a minute fraction of it but it’s so wonderful and diverse and can teach us so much.

    by charlotte on 02.20.2010
  21. Best Site Good Work

    by Kgoqdtlq on 02.20.2010
  22. The antique globe sat, on the Victorian writing desk nonchalantly. You could swear the sprawling mass of Europe was watching you.

    by Megan on 02.20.2010
  23. I bought J a globe for a present because he wanted one beside where he sits. It’s too small for me to read it properly and he already knows loads about geography. I would like to get him a big free-standing one but they cost a fortune.

    by A Weir on 02.20.2010
  24. The object in his line of sight was a globe, sitting on the edge of the desk. He strolled over to it and gave it a spin. He remembered his older brother had one the two of them fought over, knocking to the floor, and denting Africa.

    by gino on 02.20.2010
  25. full of light
    illuminating a short area around it
    dimming out stress and leaving inner peace
    eyes relaxed and soft
    i am a globe
    and this is my job
    to light out door parties
    and serve as a map
    to calm and sooth

    by Seriphima on 02.20.2010
  26. It’s funny that the globe has changed. I mean the one that you have in a classroom. Ours has the USSR on it, well the one my parents have at their house. They just keep changing everything, but I guess that’s for the best? Btw we are kicking Russia’s ass in the Olympics… Such a change from a few years ago. I like that Canada’s winning some too.

    by Laurel on 02.20.2010
  27. A round ball that sits on the shelf! It is a picture of the world as we can see it from space. We all think that is what the world is but surely there is more. Is not the world the people and the spirit of the people that live on the brown parts of that blue globe? The only blue globe in the solar system! It must be different to the other planets and it is life that makes if different. Just imagine if all the souls and consciousness of the people who live on the globe combined to one purpose and one dream……. a dream of peace and joy and mindfulness. Wouldn’t it be amazing to see what the globe could do for itself with all that power combined to a single purpose.

    by lesley Brown on 02.20.2010
  28. A round ball that sits on the shelf! It is a picture of the world as we can see it from space. We all think that is what the world is but surely there is more. Is not the world the people and the spirit of the people that live on the brown parts of that blue globe? The only blue globe in the solar system! It must be different to the other planets and it is life that makes if different. Just imagine if all the souls and consciousness of the people who live on the globe combined to one purpose and one dream……. a dream of peace and joy and mindfulness. Wouldn’t it be amazing to see what the globe could do for itself with all that power combined to a single purpose.

    by lesley Brown on 02.20.2010
  29. Globe shlobe. This globe, our world, is fucked.

    by Jenny on 02.20.2010
  30. faith, people, crimes, extinction

    by Sorin on 02.20.2010
  31. round and colorful
    patterns are forming
    I see the place where I long to be
    as a feeling of calm rushes over me
    I want to travel the world in a year
    I Long to be free and away from here
    living like this days my last

    by Lilly-Ray on 02.20.2010
  32. [parte dos]II

    I am not sure which field to pursue though, since I have many skills and interests. I’ll probably flip a coin or pick the highest paying position available. Still, I’d like to stay a civilian if I can get a good job and discount college prices. I want to leave the USA and live somewhere else on the GLOBE for awhile. I might be on TV too as an extra or in small parts, but it’s hard since I have a conscience and like intelligent roles/programming which are so rare today. Agents don’t like a picky rookie, but someone might meet me and like my stand-out qualities, so I take the risk. It’s too easy to follow the beaten path of sell-outs and inferior role models. As a kid, I thought no one was good enough to be my role-model. Playing a sport well or singing is just not that important and is only one skill apiece. Society acts surprised by lewdness or other flaws of persons like Tiger. I’m too smart to not expect those things. I know I can be a near perfect role model, like the Jun-Zi or Shangren of Confucius. The kind that wasn’t there for me, nor demanded by any of you others in the world. Raise the bar- lowering it further is weaker and trite!

    by L'Apotheosiseur on 02.20.2010
  33. The globe is a spherical representation of the earth, well kind of – except it’s not actually a sphere, kind of like a squashed sphere or a melon. Infact, I’m not entirely sure the origins of it, maybe it wasn’t always to do with the planet, perhaps one day it was something else.

    by Gavin Earnshaw on 02.20.2010
  34. To [molly] below,

    You refer to usual maps like mercurials, but actually there is a map style called polyconic that represents the distances and curves of the meridians accurately; therefore, the map surpasses the bulky globe. Ship navigators know what I mean. Check the NOAA or OCS government websites about maps for reference. I might join the Coast Guard or Air Force, so I’ve been learning a lot about power supplies, navigation and Military terms.


    by El Apotheosio on 02.20.2010
  35. Round and curved, orbs of light, light in the shape of continents, cities and dark countryside. I’d rather have the dark, I think. Light is too loud.

    by Sherri on 01.01.1970
  36. i wish i had a globe. i love geography, so a globe would be awesome to have in my room. i’d look at it all the time and learn new things about different places. i love learning new things. it feels sooo amazing to be able to expand yourself and know that you’re making yourself better. you find out so many fascinating things that way, about other things and also about yourself.

    by Jannat on 01.01.1970
  37. The globe is a big and wonderful place, round, green, beautiful, filled with love, admiration, and lots of different, wonderful things. But there are just as many bad things as there are good. Death, Murder, Rape, evil. I wished that maybe, one day, I owuld find a place not filled with such bad, but unfortunately, for now. I had nothing.

    by Bernadette Nolan on 01.01.1970
  38. the world is not a globe, but pieces of a puzzle, mismatched and left in disarray. fragments of gossamer memories whispering when the moon is a waning crescent, silent like the blooming star-gazer lilies bobbing up in down with the winter wind. Broken like a mirror unable to bear the strain of reflecting masses of writhing souls, blackened and withered with age.

    by Mary Kuro on 01.01.1970
  39. a small ball telling you where the man thinks land and water is. fuck the man. fuck globes.

    by alalalana on 01.01.1970
  40. thinking about the globe, sal was baffled. how could one structure of gas, rock, metal, magma contain so many different people and things? how was it even possible for one planet to have amazingly rich people and depressingly poor people living hundreds of miles away? how?

    by lalala on 01.01.1970