
July 9th, 2010 | 198 Entries

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198 Entries for “generate”

  1. Generate. Like generations. Is that the only purpose of life? To generate generations? Must one procreate and have children? What if I don’t want children? What if I can’t have children? Does that mean that I am not achieving the purpose of life – generating and ongoing generation.

    by AMS on 07.10.2010
  2. I don’t really know what to say here. When I hear the word “generate” I think of my old math teacher who once worked for general electrics. She acted like a dinosaur. Hmmm.

  3. hubba bubba
    im horny

  4. Gen er ate makes me think of the word gyrate. Which makes me think of danc ing in my room with my friends. We’re an inter est ing bunch. We enjoy booty danc ing on chat roulette and crawl ing sexually. ;)

    ps this is not me i copied and pasted some wierdos answer

    by LENI on 07.10.2010
  5. “what the hell does generate mean” says my 11 year old best friend izzi.
    “u idiot” i reply.

    by LENI on 07.10.2010
  6. produce, create; electricity is generated from water, heat and atomic energy

  7. its amazing to see how much power it takes to generate all the lights in the house because its not just the lights that need to be working but along with the water and other appliances like microwaves and sinks. whoa its because with all the lights going it takes a lot of power to generate the lights, can you imagine what its like without lights? i sure can’t, i mean i would be in complete darkness

    by sylvia on 07.10.2010
  8. The heat generated between there bodies made it impossible for her to want to let go. She knew this day would come, as did he, but neither of them expected it to be so difficult. Her room was finally packed and the moving van was there, and as the reality of her move set in she couldn’t hold back her tears.

  9. Every minute generates a new thought, a new love, a new idea, and a new dream.

  10. regenerate… what if we could plug directly into walls at night to charge up for the following day. it would make sleep so much more worthwile and you wouldn’t even need to eat anymore

    by Matt on 07.10.2010
  11. Generate makes me think of the word gyrate. Which makes me think of dancing in my room with my friends. We’re an interesting bunch. We enjoy booty dancing on chat roulette and crawling sexually. ;)

  12. Eight letters.

    Random order?

    But meaning..
    ..yes, meaning..

    ..behind strokes of a pen.

  13. It was long, dark, and cold. I ran down the hallway without looking back. I knew they were on my heels. I rounded the corner and–there it was. I flung open the door and the generator was right in front of me. With this, I could rule the world. I reached out to touch it as I sat up in bed, shaking off my dream.

    by Madison on 07.10.2010
  14. Generate is a word that means create. More or less. Generate is what you do to make something that wasn’t there before. You can create absolutely anything. Anything that you can think of. The first thing that comes to your mind is a thought generated by you.

    by Eddie Huerts on 07.09.2010
  15. with every bit of my feeling, equally human and animal body and soul can generate, i care for you genuinely.

  16. Generate. He tried to regenerate. I can do that, he can’t. It’s weird. I just think about it, and it’s fixed. A paper cut, a splinter, a broken wrist.. Even a broken heart.

    by Cassandra on 07.09.2010
  17. everything i have ever done
    am doing
    will do
    is something i generate,
    humans are creatures of generation,
    creation, physical manifestation.

  18. They continue to generate new animals. Of course with so many regenerations mutations occured. This was where the new species came from, right within this factory. Holden said we would pay heavily for this and we are. They’re everywhere, taking over the world. we refer to them, the mutations, as the gentiles. Not sure why.

    by Banana on 07.09.2010
  19. in this life, we must generate possibilites
    generate hate
    or love
    generate ourselves to fit
    or flaunt in society
    we generate new generations
    who generate
    and generate.

    by Sydney M'kay on 07.09.2010
  20. generate meas to create or make something, like power plants generate power and cars generate co2 emmitions,

    by hi on 07.09.2010
  21. I generate a lot: love, trash, laughter, fun, heat…

  22. The generator wouldn’t last, and it was imperitive that the building have electricity. Their only option was to travel through the storm to get the powerplant up and running.

  23. how do i generate the words that i propogate /like other raps every day you ‘playa hate’/ eating pringles lays/ stax them on a tray

    by tom on 07.09.2010
  24. me and other women ‘generate’ babies often

    kid cudi can ‘generate’ some okay raps but soundtrack 2 my life was cool yeah

    by tom on 07.09.2010
  25. In order to generate a baby you must have sex. Also hospitals have babies in them, but they don’t generate them. Well, test tube babies, but the stupid republicans keep those under raps. I like Democrats but i find Obama unhelpful to the cause. Not to be racist.

  26. How were they going to generate heat when the snow was falling in thick layers around them? Danielle was shivering beneath her huge winter coat as the dogs wimpered a few yards away. Michael had no idea how to build a fire when the air was so damp.

  27. Paper after paper hit the wastebasket, crumpled into a ball, the ink still fresh. Tom sat at his desk, pen poised above one of his last sheets of paper. His brainstorming, which had seemed so bountiful in the car, had ceased once he’d been seated at his desk.

    by Elizabeth on 07.09.2010
  28. A generator is something you would need for a zombie apocalypse. I would use it for powering a massive porno festival for remaining survivors and interested zombies. I don’t think there would be any interested zombies. Cuz their dead ya know? yEAH.

    by Lucas on 07.09.2010
  29. GEnerating love is an easy thing. It was as hard as I thought it would be. Its the most amazing feeling in the world and It happeneed before I even knew i

    by stephanie on 07.09.2010
  30. the generator in the first floor where we made our babies and the babies first steps were there that we built during the war. our ancestors loved us even this day when everything is going to shit and we need to generate hope from one another to make things not suck so badly. generate fear in others when the oil spill ruins our oceans generate light in our homes when the sun dies generate energy in our bodies when we forget how to function. the world is a sad place and i just want to generate happiness throughout it once again. thats all i want. happiness for everyone.

    by alexis on 07.09.2010
  31. generation. dystopia. babies in the closet. a closet love affair.

  32. Machines don’t casually generate heat, and so we don’t love machines. Machines only create heat when rubbed and blocked and used until nothing is left, until they’ve done all they can do and are left, tired and worn. The closest they get to generating anything human besides heat is breath.

    by naomi on 07.09.2010
  33. Friction generates heat,
    and your hand in my hand,
    walking ‘cross the street,
    with lips that tend to meet,
    surely fosters heat.

    by naomi on 07.09.2010
  34. We all tend to generate good ideas once in a while.
    It’s remembering them that’s the problem.

    by Lauren Armstrong on 07.09.2010
  35. Can we generate energy from ourselves the way that machines can? I believe that as humans, we have the power to generate any kind of energy that we can put out into the world. That’s why I’m careful of the vibes that I send out.

    by Jessica on 07.09.2010
  36. make rip tear trash recycle resurrect kill breathe throw

  37. Generate thought: the simplest of tasks, and yet I always seem at a loss for words when I need them moth. Generate emotion and truth. Generate love. Move.

  38. Generate. Generation. Let’s go. get up and go. Make a change. Create. Start. Move. It’s a motion. Creation. Love. GENERATE.

  39. “sweetie, calm down,” is what she whispered in my ear, “you just need time, love, time.”
    “For what?” My voice sounded hoarse, like I hadn’t used it in years, months.
    “To regenerate—–” and her voice went off for miles.

    by on 07.09.2010
  40. come up with a new. this places feelings in your blood. you generate life. life does not generate you.

    by nicole on 07.09.2010