
July 9th, 2010 | 198 Entries

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198 Entries for “generate”

  1. generation is the greatest form of art. we still don’t know exactly how universe was generated. generators are the most important machines nowadays

    by Sudeep on 07.09.2010
  2. this is the thick black smoke of a new generation. look through the haze of this unholy creation and become more aware of the inevitable end – the pumping and beating of a new and destructive order.

    by a on 07.09.2010
  3. Gerneration of love takes nothing more than a breathe and look. One glance in the wrong direction to the wrong peroson and you’re done. You generate your own demise by simply breathing.

  4. Generate isn’t a word I like very much. It’s too metal, too machine, too organized. Why generate when you can create, when you can invent, when you can discover?

  5. Oh dear, the heat wave generated more than a nervous sweat in this typist.

  6. She screamed at him across the city. Awakening those just falling through their drunken stupor. She howled into all the dark corners of death and thrashed at his miserable memory.

  7. generate this sentence and hope my writer’s block will go away.

    by Cheyenne on 07.09.2010
  8. i would generate many things. generators are good when the light’s out. like our neighbors from texas have a generator. i think it’s because in texas there were storms. so generators are good. generating anything could be interesting.

    by Yussre on 07.09.2010
  9. I generate more and more cells every day. I do not tell my body to do it, it does it on its own. I enjoy having the cells, as they generate more and more of themselves. The body is an amazing thing.

  10. to make something new. the new generation was different from the last. one from the future, one from the past. make, produce, conjure anew. me, i’ve been generated and i’m different from you. see, spell, look, hear.

    by meredith on 07.09.2010
  11. I moved quickly, typing quickly, wondering incessantly. Trying to motivate myself to generate a thought. There it was. Worship. They flocked to worship as many do in that small town. They called it generate for their generation.

    by Elly Higgins on 07.09.2010
  12. The nameless machine beeped again. “Persona. generated.” it told Matthias.

    “Sweet!” he cried. He took out the piece of paper the machine had spat out.

    On it was a picture and a list of character attributes. Matthias took the time to read each of these and then smiled. He had the character for his next novel.

  13. Generate excuses to cover your lies. That’s all you do. That’s all you’ll ever do.

    by AJSpindle on 07.09.2010
  14. She could barely generate the energy to turn the steering wheel. After months of goals, claims and hopes she had finally started down the road to reclaim her body and climb mountains without being weighted down with knee problems and heaving lungs; but what a hard road it would be.

  15. I twas a rare event that could generate such a unique blend of rage and frustration in her. It ate away at the inside of her chest, laid pound of pressure on her lungs and heart, and made every moment a walking, drowning, fuming struggle.

  16. How do I generate ideas? Well, these days I don’t. I used to be flooded with story ideas, but now whenever I think of one, it seems like it’s been done… It can’t all have been done can it? I mean, 100 years ago they thought everything that could be invented had been, and boy were they wrong. I just don’t want to write something generic, cliche. I want to stand out.

    by JenJen on 07.09.2010
  17. It didn’t take long for her to realize what was going on. The heat generated between them was enough to warm and entire room. She didn’t want to let go and neither did he, but when reality hit her she knew it was time to leave. Her things had been packed for weeks before and although they both knew this day would come it didn’t make it any easier. They cried on the phone for hours the night before, and there were still dried tears on her face from that morning they spent together.

    by Catherine on 07.09.2010
  18. to create. to form something out of whatever is there. to fuel. to bring light. to give energy. electricity. currents. motor. light.

    by jessicabreezy on 07.09.2010
  19. generate. to generate, to create; to make something. generating sounds so…artificial, like something fake. something that isn’t natural. it doesn’t sound at all as beautiful as what it could be…or as what you may be generating.

  20. He stood, the wires restricting his movement. She could see the artificial light that glowed behind his eyes and powered his nerves. The colourful array of wires generated his newly found life force. This was once a man. The thought frightened her, How could they do this?

  21. Generate. Generate what? Regenerate. I don’t know. That’s all I ever do. I have to make something.. and make it again. What is my life coming to? Regenerate. I can’t even think straight. It’s all “You made that? Make it again.” Regenerate. My life is a Catch-22. All of it. I want to and can’t.. or don’t and have to. Regenerate. I am infinity.

  22. “Let’s be happy,” she said, sitting passenger side to a monster brewing at the steering wheel. “Instead of being degenerate fucks.”

  23. whrrr whrrrr whrrrr
    clik clik clik

  24. The silence of the stars seemed to generate a magic. A magic that only could be felt within the beleiving heart. Sally never beleived in anything. Her life was marred with pain amd anquish. Who could understand the loss of family. Who could understand the loss of home. Only the heart that generates love.

    by regina roman on 07.09.2010
  25. Dammitt Throckmorton couldn’t you wait for Intel to generate her whole profile!?
    Jame looked down again at the dimeo images of the twins. He had killed one of them alright but it was the wrong one.The commander slammed his fist down again Jame sat thinking that dumb bitch is still wandering around out there. Get back on her trail and don’t fuck it up this tyme. The Commander left him standing in the rain,Jame jumped on the public glider heading back to his haunts.
    Creating chaos and bedlam was all that dumb bitch knew how to do. Funny part is that in her moronic mind she wasn’t even aware what she was doing.Assistant Galatic Fire Boss my ass Jame whispered. not for long, not for long.

    by philipe gold richard on 07.09.2010
  26. What should I write with the word “generate”? Ummm…. well right now I’m multi-tasking so i cant think straight. I should’ve came here earlier but this is the only time i can come. Plus, “generate” could be used in meaningful sentences. ^.^ sowry “generate”

  27. generate? really? what a random word. i mean, what can you write about generate? do you want me to write about how oil spills generate huge problems? or about how..darn. i dont even know what this word really means.

    by AV on 07.09.2010
  28. to begin anew as creating a new beginning and new project a new you to create something from nothing. to create heat money energy love.

    by Dennis on 07.09.2010
  29. Brainstorm ideas? Look, I’ve already given you all the things I could possibly think of. If you don’t like them, fucking come up with something on your own.

    by Lauren Scharf on 07.09.2010
  30. Lust can generate a lot of emotions. A lot of falsery and misery, if you ask me. It can take something so simple, and make it into a complex mess of questionable love and companionship. Lies.

    by Christa on 07.09.2010
  31. to generate. it means to create, right? to make something happen. a simple world to say the least. but so hard to apply. to put energy into something requires work, which goes against what humans have created to be their condition. it requires beyond creating. it requires constant energy.

    by Nathalie on 07.09.2010
  32. The generator started to generate a lot of electricity when the monkey with the purple wrench started to bang on it. Needless to say, the monkey was quite shocked.

  33. When the power goes out in winter during an ice storm, you have to cuddle to generate enough heat to live.

    by zoe on 07.09.2010
  34. It’s a cycle, really. We’re born, we grow up, we generate offspring who do the same, we become grandparents and care for our cooing grandchildren. Everyone goes through it — is there really ever uniqueness in life?

  35. And then came the third one. And the fourth. From the trees they fell, enveloping the ground around me in their filth. I tried to step away, but to no avail. They clawed at my feet, preventing any movement. This sucks.

    by John Bell on 07.09.2010
  36. create. machine. spit out. baby making. imaginative. productive. new. done

  37. There was a great presence as the machine began to vibrate the floor boards beneath us and I knew that whatever the machine did generate it could never replace what I had lost earlier that day. A lover, a friend, a fellow compatriot. But this was war and there was never a happy ending where blood has been shed.

  38. It would be great to get into the habbit of generating one piece of good writing every day.

  39. to create, to fill a gap, to see whats missing and be constructive, to build effectively,

    by oonions on 07.09.2010
  40. generate. we just make stuff up. what does it mean? what does any of this shit mean? we dont know, do we? we have no idea. none whatsoever. but we keep on going. why? we dont know. we have no idea.