
March 8th, 2010 | 238 Entries

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238 Entries for “found”

  1. I found Dave sitting in a coffee shop in Soho. What a surprise! I did not expect to see him again. He recognised me instantly. I walked towards him and he offered me a seat next to him. I sat down and he said in a slow breath, “Coffee”.

    by Jeanette on 03.09.2010
  2. I found i had more inner strength time. I did not cry, I found myself. I am not going to cry ever again.

    by I am on 03.09.2010
  3. I was lost, all alone. I despised not only myself, not only the world, but all the people who came into my life and left just as they came.

    But you were different, you were the light I desperately sought in dark places. You were the sound I looked for in musical pieces of unsung melodies.

    You found me. I found you.

    by Joy on 03.09.2010
  4. I found a ginger stray in my basement. True. It’s right ear was chewed. His fur, as if he had been in a fight. I saw blood on his paws. I leaned forward and he grunted. I wanted to pick him up and stroke away his pain.

    by Jeanette on 03.09.2010
  5. I found my doll the other day. Worn fabric covered with dust and random stains. It’s red string hair was tangled up in a nest on top of it’s head. The left eye was barely hanging on by a string, the stitched mouth was about to unravel. It hits a part of me deep inside, a raw nerve. It was my favorite doll.

    by Katie Mae on 03.09.2010
  6. Godfrey found out that he won a million on The National Lottery. His eyes rolled back in his head. He had a list of treats. First the posh house, then the Rolls Royce, a villa in Spain, something for his missis and of course his dog, Jasper.

    by Jeanette on 03.09.2010
  7. today I found a cat in my window. It was a gray cat, with white on the nose. It meowed, and when I found it in my window, it made me smile. I named her Caroline.

    by Boe on 03.09.2010
  8. Tess found out she was pregnant. Her first born. The miracle of creation has kissed her brow. She was excited. Pete smiled and pulled on his whiskers, “Now you will be a mama”.

    by Jeanette on 03.09.2010
  9. I found the church service so holy. All the priests were present, even The Arch Bishop.
    I went up and took the bread and wine. The church stunk of Jasmine. I followed an elderly couple who walked side by side to the tune of “Take My Moments”.

    by Jeanette on 03.09.2010
  10. I found a note book which I thought I lost. I was so excited that I slept with it under my pillow. Did I expect fairies to gather, bringing me a sixpence, or angels with blessings?

    by Jeanette on 03.09.2010
  11. I found a peanut uinderneath the lemon tree. I planted said found peantu and it grew into a flea. Life is odd when I am in a found state. Have you ever found the meaning of life? Your car keys? You passion?

    by slb2 on 03.09.2010
  12. It’s lost and found, and finders keepers. What we loose we forget, but others find, and it becomes a part of them. When find ourselves, we search, but the moment we think we have it we have found it, we realize we haven’t really found all of ourselves at all.

    by Sara on 03.09.2010
  13. by ThomG on 03.09.2010
  14. its a risky business to be in
    the loss of one’s world
    simple pleasures that fade
    and leave nothing to recomponsate
    i hope you have not given up
    i hope you will be found

    by benny b on 03.09.2010
  15. I found you, then lost you, then found you again. When will this miserable cycle end?

    Searching, and losing, only goes so far. But don’t you know that by now? Don’t you know how much it hurts to lose you again?

    by Mimi on 03.09.2010
  16. Simon found a beautiful broach on Sunday. It lay at the side of the kerb. A red ruby winked at him. He turned it over in his hands. Who did it belong to? He saw the initials, P.D. He placed it back on the kerb and walked away.

    by Jeanette on 03.09.2010
  17. I found you. It was sophomore year and you were always right in front of me weren’t you? And we had no idea, which makes this find that much more special. I love you, and I’m so glad that we found each other.

    by tna on 03.09.2010
  18. I found him absolutely charming. The way he spoke about his New Frontier Mission like a General. I sat back, watching him, in awe. His green eyes were so magical. I did not want the moment to end.

    by Jeanette on 03.09.2010
  19. George found the history exam difficult. The multiple choice was tricky. Which one? He racked his mind, going back through his text books to find the answers which escaped him. Tim and Joe were frantically ticking boxes.

    by Jeanette on 03.09.2010
  20. I found a faded photo of him in an old trunk in Notting Hill at some auction. How did it arrive in the UK? Those same haunting blue eyes. The moustache was even more square. I held it briefly and was surprised to see his mouth twist into a smile.

    by Jeanette on 03.09.2010
  21. I found out that I am related to an African prince. Suddenly I felt strange. I wanted to take the first jet to the Ghana village. I could imagine the welcome. A group of smiling Africans cheering my arrival with flowers and peacock feathers.

    by Jeanette on 03.09.2010
  22. It’s interesting. Sometimes you think you’ve found everything. You think you’ve found love, truth, faith, everything. And you look at your life, and you’re disgusted. You’re bored. Because let’s be honest. Some things aren’t meant to be found.

    by Cara on 03.09.2010
  23. I found a peanut.. but was it rotten?

    by Dominique on 03.09.2010
  24. Discovered. Having located something that you may or may not have been seeking. To espy something. Alternatively to begin something as in to be the founder. Perhaps those concepts are related insofar as founding something is much like a process of discovery. Deep? It’s what I’ve found.

    by Darrell on 03.09.2010
  25. Beth found out she was pregnant one month after she married Hans. It was a typical Bavarian wedding. Fresh beer and wine were flowing. Visitors had flown in from Austria. She got so many bouquets.

    by Jeanette on 03.09.2010
  26. I found out I’m still in love with you. But without you. I thought I was over it, but I found old photos of you and me. And I’m back on square one. I found out I miss you.

    I miss you, I miss you.

    by hannah n stuff on 03.09.2010
  27. I can’t believe my daughter found her book. She had been looking for it for months. It was under her brothers dresser! I love found money. Especially in the washer. If they don’t clean their pockets its mine.

    by Christina on 03.09.2010
  28. it had been gone for so long. i never thought i’d see it again. i was shocked and amazed when it reappeared. and what a beautiful messenger…. hello hope. i’m glad i found you.

    by mike o on 03.09.2010
  29. something on the street the other day – it bit me – so i put it back

    by laura on 03.09.2010
  30. It was just yesterday that I found out that she left me out of the question. We were driving on the interstate, singing along to music of the wind. The desert zooming alongside past us. She left me today. She just got up and left. I will never know why.

    by merq on 03.09.2010
  31. Yesterday she found his love letters, stuffed at the back of her bed. They were mostly yellow pages, so crispy that a press could tear the page to shreds. She saw his strong male handwriting and a tear rolled down her cheek.

    by Jeanette on 03.09.2010
  32. I found something useful to say to him. All my words babbled out. I wanted to sound really intelligent but he was already grinning. When you are standing in front of a good looking man my knees start to shake like a plate full of jelly.

    by Jeanette on 03.09.2010
  33. Last night I found a shoe I’d lost for over a year, it’s funny cause it was at the bottom of the stairs with my other shoes, but I could have sworn it wasn’t there the day before. I have a theory that my wife was hding it, she never liked those shoes, and she’d been eyeing them for quite some time

    by Mark on 03.09.2010
  34. Walking on the edge of reality, one step away from never to be found land, he took a last look back on his old identity.

    by gino on 03.09.2010
  35. things washed up on the beach, gifts from the world, or cast-offs; someone else’s detritus, their life’s dandruff. All around are thing sthat haven’tbeen seen yet, haven’t been found.; Everything;’s lost, and lifei sthe process of finding

    by dr_mabeuse on 03.09.2010
  36. I found a 20 pound note Today, and as usual faced the moral dilemma of whether to hand it to the police as I knew I should or spend it on something nice. It wasn’t like it was 5 or 10 pounds though, this was 20. It sort of makes this new iPod speaker bittersweet.

    by Harry on 03.09.2010
  37. I think I found something — an accomplished night that is. Nothing profound, but nevertheless meaningful. If I work hard now, I will further discover the limitless abilities this society has in store for me. I’m a zombie… following the trends of this world.

    by One Journey on 03.09.2010
  38. He gathered me up in his arms, squeezing me, holding me tightly, just as he had been holding his ratty old bear moments before. But now, it had been cast away unceremoniously, and I had replaced it. I was the one he wanted. I was his. I belonged to him wholeheartedly. I looked up at his face to see his childish, lopsided grin, the missing baby teeth, the dimples in both cheeks. I had found him. He had found me. I was found.

    by Bronte on 03.09.2010
  39. I am so happy i found this page. It is not every day you find pages as good as this one. And you try to find things every day.

    by Martin Toresson on 03.09.2010
  40. lost and. City of Angels. Don’t know why I do it this way. Associations, but never oh never the word itself.

    by PJD on 03.09.2010