
May 1st, 2011 | 537 Entries

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537 Entries for “fluorescent”

  1. the lights burning, consumerism bearing down
    escape is impossible
    held down by the culture
    i need. i want
    new look
    never enough.

    by Morgan on 05.01.2011
  2. Fluorescent green glow worms. Much larger than any grub I had ever seen or imagined. It looked like a giant, radoactive maggot. A creamy white body, surrounded by the fluorescent green aura, magical.

    by secret on 05.01.2011
  3. How brightly it shown in the background, and how devilishly it called my name. Just beyond the street I could see the swirling lights of the club calling me forward, enticing me with all its familiar tricks and temptations.

  4. AS the day droned on, he became weary of the fluorescent glare. It reminded him of all things related to his work in a stuffy office loaded with equally stuffy people.

  5. the light reflecting off his glasses seems fluorescent. she wonders if his irises are the sky and his pupils a sun. the ship anchors in and she has no time to tell him that her heart is vast as space and ever so open to him.

  6. It is very bright. I don’t know why it is so bright and shiney. I really don’t care for fluorescent things. I wonder if there is a word in spanish for it. Hmm. I really should look it up and use it in a conversation with my best friend so she can be like what thefuck. I don’t know what else to say about this word. It kinda is lame.

    by Kyle on 05.01.2011
  7. my heart has a fluorescent glow
    shining bright within my chest
    it glows only or one person
    the attractive light only wants one

    like the fluorescent signs in cafes
    it attracts the attention of my one and only
    his name glowing in a fluorescent light
    the sign glows bright, wanting to be seen.

    the fluorescent glow shines bright
    my heart wanting all to see his name
    the one who belongs to be is the only one
    and will be the only one allowed into my heart.

    by Gabby on 05.01.2011
  8. Lucioles. Soir d’été.Découverte d’odeurs de ma nuit et des petites lumières.
    Noir sous la couette. Enfance, enfant. Gadget.
    Le tombeau des lucioles.

    by Sophie on 05.01.2011
  9. The plastic of his arms glows fluorescent beneath the blacklight. She misses reality, but not as much as she missed holding her dollies between her arms and chest. They are alive here, and they love her.

  10. fluorescent, what an interesting word
    shining lights, making me even more
    wanting to see the world out there
    whether it’s far or nowhere
    I wanna go somewhere
    dazzle me and surprise
    with your fluorescent blue eyes

    by JJ on 05.01.2011
  11. neon pink and lots of floatin fireflies. kids markers glow in the dark books that have black pages an magic markers that only write on those pages. green. loud. highlight. light

    by JourneyBeyondSurvival on 05.01.2011
  12. flueroscent lights take over the world just as your smile takes over my heart. fluorescent is all that you are in everything you are. You can take over the damn world if you wanted to and change everything, making me want to be with you even more than I ever have.

    by Jessica J on 05.01.2011
  13. your fluorescent spirit, I’ve known no greater pain than looking in a light too bright; and you receded into the distance by your own will, a suicidal sunset, I knew you too briefly, the comfort in tragedies.

  14. Pale and fake, the lights that shine on you while you look at yourself in some store mirror. They accentuate every flaw, blemish, scar on your skin. Giving you a weak pallor. Not something to admire. Making you wonder, “Do I always look like this?”

  15. The flourescent lights were flickering and buzzing in the run-down convenience store as she made her way to the back of the store.

  16. The lights hurt my eyes, but it was a good kind of hurt, the kind that made me feel drunk and sane at the same time. If they had been strobe lights, it would have been too disorienting, but in the case they were just bright enough that I could dance and not worry about seeing anyone else. I think nightclubs should always be fluorescent, never dark.

    by Veronica on 05.01.2011
  17. The size of the lights didn’t matter, it was the colour. They made everything so beautiful and exciting, and I couldn’t help but stare and stare. Under their loving gaze, the whole world looked better, more intriguing, and I didn’t want anything more than to stare at them all night long.

    by Emma on 05.01.2011
  18. The sun shone through the break on the horizon, but it wasn’t an ordinary shining. The sky was lit by an eerie green and purple fluorescent glow the likes Jensen hadn’t seen since his last acid trip in 1982 as he sat at the end of his driveway smoking Balkan Sobranie’s and listening to Phillip Glass while tripping the wild side.

  19. the way the lights in schools, and store bathrooms make your skin appear disgusting and aged. always accentuating your flaws. as if getting better grades or buying their product will make you look better. i hate those lights. so fake. like the materialism that surrounds us.

    by Cristiana on 05.01.2011
  20. a bright hue of color that effects the eyes in a way that gives positive feedback and either puts you in a bad mood because of blindness or gives you a happy mood. :)

    by Nicole on 05.01.2011
  21. The shadows in the corner, the unthinking bug. Bright, bold and forever gleaming in the soft darkness that is the night. Tomorrow will be another day, another bug to zap.

    by Johnathan Morris on 05.01.2011
  22. I associate this with light bulbs. This isn’t a word just for an inanimate object but an adjective for a persons’ emotions. The woman was fluorescent with hope and love. perfect.

    by Liz on 05.01.2011
  23. The sudden blinding light, and the sound of dust falling from the fans, just turned on, wake me from my doze on the library table. My arms have wrinkles from my face and my face has wrinkles from my arms. It must be 6 AM.

    by smrsmr on 05.01.2011
  24. That pale, lifeless glow surrounded him has he sat at the bench, slouched over his lunch. With each stale, tasteless bite, the expression on his face grew louder and louder- the one that said, “Am I ever going to be able to leave this building for good?”

  25. The light bulb in the middle of the darkened room seemed to be a beacon of hope. Every inch of the room seemed to have that one shred of light that made you think “Maybe. Just Maybe.”

    by Daphne on 05.01.2011
  26. flourescent lights permeate the room as the hero walks in only to find his damsel in distress is gone. instead there is a little piece of paper on the chair she was sitting in.

    it says…hey buddy,

    by Cha on 05.01.2011
  27. The neon museum, spacious yet teaming with fluorescent blues, pinks, charcoal grays, yellows and myriad spectrum of colors in between. The fragile glass which chambered the glowing energy seemed to twist and turn in infinite shapes.

    by Paul Bean on 05.01.2011
  28. The flouresent bulbs on the ceiling reminded me of those in my grandmothers basement.
    It was cold dark and damp, there were flies buzzing around the lights, and the cold metal on my back made the temperature of the room seem even worse. The thin sheet the covered my freshly dissected body did nothing to warm my bloodless skin that had been drained of all colour and feeling. I miss the warmth of the blood that used to rush through my face as I ran, the same blood that covered me head to toe the day I died.

    by Dani on 05.01.2011
  29. The fluorescent light bounced of the bald spot on his head. It gave the man an alien like appearance. But he didn’t seem to mind much. He was to preoccupied with staring at my breast. I realized I should have been more careful in the picking of my clothes for tonight. But it was to late for that now. And this was probably the least of the mistakes I had made that evening. I should have told someone were I was going. I should not have come alone, like he asked me to. I should have charged the battery of my cellphone. Now there was no way out and nobody to help me. It was just me and him. The alien look the flourescent spot on his scalp gave him didn’t make him look less like the predator I knew he was. Why did I always have to get myself into this kind of things?

    by Tylena on 05.01.2011
  30. The screen glowed fluorescent in the darkened room. Carol could not keep her eyes from it. Had he rung her and she’d missed his call or had he still not had a chance in the busy-ness of his working day?

    by Shelma on 05.01.2011
  31. Damn. Look at that shit, all lit up. Fuckin’ incredible. No, don’t lick it, you asshole. It’s pretty, not edible. Do you have any idea what’s in that shit? You’re endochrines are gonna get disrupted as fuck.

    by Anna on 05.01.2011
  32. Next to the button on his shirt there was a stain. Fluorescent lights will tend do that…manifest stains.

    “Hey…turn that light off!”

  33. The lights are bright above him, and his eyes snap open. Left, right they go. White room, walls. Cold. Bright. Where are the lights coming from? His shoulders jerk; they are restrained. Fuck. FUCK. He screams, his throat opening up and blood pouring out, staining the walls, staining everywhere and everything. HELP ME. HELP ME. PLEASE.

    by Steph on 05.01.2011
  34. Fluorescent.

    I think about glow in the dark tubes. Also lightbulbs of course. The long ones, the circular ones…

    I think of hospitals. Cold white fluorescent lighting. And sometimes I like hospitals. But when I picture one with that lighting…. it’s absence of all living anything.

    by Noisy Quiet on 05.01.2011
  35. Fluorescent reminds me of neon lights. Which reminds me of Vegas. I want to go to Vegas again because the last time I was there I didnt get to leave the airport. I just remember seeing the blueman group poster. And at the time I didnt know who they were but my mom told me about them!

  36. You know…there’s nothing as tempting as a locked door. We found a way to open it and much to our surprise we found 200 old fluorescent light bulbs. We stood there and broke every last one of them. Hehe.

  37. The lights on the outside of the chippy were far to bright – they were burning black spots into the back of her eyes every time she looked away. She was waiting for him as usual. He was late. Again. She shouldn’t be surprised, it wasn’t the first time after all. She shrugged her coat back over her wrist turning her face away from the young couple staggering through the chippy doors in search of a late night snack to eat on their way home. She hoped she didn’t look desperate. She hoped it didn’t seem that she was alone, or worse still, loitering, waiting for someone to pick her up, to take her home, to make her feel loved.

    by Rebecca Elliott on 05.01.2011
  38. tv screens use fluroscent material…
    Word meaning is Visible, Shining etc.
    Fluroscent smel

    by Dickson on 05.01.2011
  39. Eerie fluorescent light flooded the building. Sandy looked up from her position crouched on the dusty floor, past the crates of goods. Brown acknowledged her look with a curt grunt and looked down at his watch: 820pm, time to roll.

  40. okay i m writing, what do i write about? oh this is a bit intense. im going to write about trees.Trees are beautiful, trees are green, i love autumn. when the leaves fall and all of the ground sounds like someone biting into a potatoe chip. I love the colours they leave.

    by sarah jane cleary on 05.01.2011