
August 3rd, 2010 | 250 Entries

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250 Entries for “fences”

  1. Fences keep everything out. Sometimes a dog is protecting a fence. or then there is the typical all american white picket fence that everyone wants. How did this become an america dream? Americans hide behind this idealism that a fence will be able to protect us, that it will be able to make us feel secure. we need to leave this ideal behind, so that we can grow.

    by alyssa on 08.03.2010
  2. The art of jumping fences is something I envy. I’m not entirely inept at it; I can leap over short-to-medium length fences with a smidgen of finesse, and maybe even a bit of flair. But the parkour artists of this world put me to shame, with their incredible vaults and fence-climbing abilities. I’d love to be like them, but I don’t think I have the perseverance or athleticism for that goal.

  3. The wooden fences placed a boundary that only the others could see. Nothing would stop up from meeting up in the middle of it all. I only hope that she will not find his belt before I have set out to retrieve it.

    by xanithxculsha48 on 08.03.2010
  4. an old broken fence can tell many stories. it can tell tales of the happiness of a family in a home, it can tell stories of sadness of people who were shut out and alone. a broken fence is a beauty within itself. not because it is broken, but because of the myth that surrounds it.

    by Jessica Woolfson on 08.03.2010
  5. Across those white fences I used to see my love, to love him, kiss him, touch him. We used to escape the world, to live our life, until….

  6. The boy stood watchings the fences he would soon have to paint. He was angry that his mother would make him spend his free time painting stupid fences. So he just sat there, waiting until it was dark.

  7. everything is in it’s place. or is it? fences = order, grouped in, following the rules and motions of the world. perfect white fences symbolize tradition and morals and perfection. at least to me.

    by Nadia on 08.03.2010
  8. Fences. Sie fen­cen durch die Nacht. Sie sind leicht und weißlich grün. Sie kön­nen fliegen und hüpfen und machen dabei ein trock­enes Geräusch, so wie Schilf, trock­enes Schilf in einer ganz leichten Brise.

    by EliEli on 08.03.2010
  9. Fences keep things out and they’re tall.
    They’re like guards i guess. Eyeless, stoic guards. They seem unfriendly, too. Made of hard things. They don’t let anything in.

    by Ayoola White on 08.03.2010
  10. Fences. Sie fencen durch die Nacht. Sie sind leicht und weißlich grün. Sie können fliegen und hüpfen und machen dabei ein trockenes Geräusch, so wie Schilf, trockenes Schilf in einer ganz leichten Brise.

    by Lisa on 08.03.2010
  11. Constraint activity never bearing the right to be let loose cause of a simple bridge that needs be built to actually give a reputable foreground on ones belief and livelihood needs to be taken down in order to enjoy life.

  12. So many ways to keep others out. In therapy we are asked to visualize building walls or tearing them down. We place feelings in boxes and seal them away in the psyche, the closet or the dusty attic. To place a fence around our uncertainty always seemed less permanent and allowed someone to continue glimpsing to remind themselves to deal with the issue eventually.

    by Misty on 08.03.2010
  13. Also known as picket fences. They are either made of wood or metal. They keep dogs in and people out. They are found around back yards surrounding pools of houses.

    by ron on 08.03.2010
  14. jumping higher than I had before
    is the only way I’ll smile with
    newly greened feet-
    landing in the fresh cut beauty
    of a New Love.

  15. are for hopping. they keep people in but they also keep people out. a fence is okay, just make sure to leave the gate unlocked.a

    by ally on 08.03.2010
  16. So what if I jump the fence? I pulled my hair out wondering and then I chased a bug and wrote about butterflies. Ponies make me happy. Why shouldn’t I jump the fence? I don’t know..

    by Ron on 08.03.2010
  17. A yard surrounded by fences

    in the center

    a mind

    surrounded by fences


    keeping in


    keeping out


    protecting–in terror

    by Clementine on 08.03.2010
  18. i told her to come find me, where the white fences hold me in. across the sea of bladed grass and dewdrops of glitter and fresh chances. it is there that i’m waiting; a velveteen nuzzle in exchange for a carrot and a lifetime of love.

  19. I jump the fences to make it through the backyards of the houses on my street. I jump the fences because he’s chasing me again. A dog jumps over a neighboring fence, scaring me. Am I really jumping these fences or is just that dream again?

  20. The white picket fence didn’t stand too much in this neighborhood, everyone seemed to have one. But inside the white picket fence, there was a little yellow house, and in that little yellow house there was a grave secret.

    by Jamie on 08.03.2010
  21. I like to jump over fences. Its really fun. I dont like dark fences. They scare me. Also wired fences are scary. Oh well, you cant really do anything about them, right? White Fences!

    by Cristina on 08.03.2010
  22. There are fences nearby
    They keep some things in
    Or do they keep other things out
    Sometimes I feel fenced in
    Needed to be let out
    But then everyone can get in
    Keep the fences

    by Dani on 08.03.2010
  23. do you fence me out or are you fencing me in? is there a difference?

    by anna on 08.03.2010
  24. The fences are all white and gold. Just like the world. Badfinger said it right, along with all those other GOOD musicians. That’s how it works… 60s and 70s, those are the great times of music.

    by MAP on 08.03.2010
  25. He smiled, though the tears glistened in his eyes. He just wanted to mend fences, he said. I just wanted to leave.

  26. Ive always wondered about fences, do they really make good neighbors? what is a good neighbor, that guy from home improvement?

    by josh on 08.03.2010
  27. Fences. Are they truly meant to confine? Like cows in the pasture? Or are they meant to encourage people to think outside the box, to think on the other side of the fence, where the grass is greener and the ideas bigger.

    by Kat. on 08.03.2010
  28. i am tangled within a web of lies,
    with barbs poking into my skin
    drawing blood to the surface.
    ironic, really.

    by stix on 08.03.2010
  29. No fences will hold me back. No chains will weigh down my feet. I’ll be like a free bird, soaring above the trees.

  30. I see fences…..long and straight. The cold wind is blowing down off the mountains runs right through my very soul. I feel barbed, just like those fences my eyes rest on. Cut through without regret from the weather or anyone else for that matter.

    by Kandis on 08.03.2010
  31. These fences all around me, I just can’t seem to see…my neighbor…my friend…is this how we live? With fences around us? Around our houses, our minds, our bodies? Can we not open up our defenses and let people come into our minds, be warm and welcoming, with a big hearty smile?

    by Alyssa on 08.03.2010
  32. Fences. White fences, rose covered fences. Fences make me think of farmville since I was just buying and arranging fences. Theresa and Rachel have a fence separating their houses.

    by Not worth it on 08.03.2010
  33. The fence in my backyard always falls over during the windy October season. Some of the only activities we have as a family include making sure our place doesn’t fall apart. We gather with our fence neighbors and jerryrigg the fences with ropes. There are no block party potlucks, no neighborhood fireworks. Only the fences keep us together when they’re job is to separate.

  34. i dont exactly know what does it mean i just dont understand i,m not american or englishman but i think it is something about windows or sky or something like that but i like this word i think i have got good memories about that it s just intuition so what will you tell me i wanna know realy

    by Janko on 08.03.2010
  35. We always had one to separate ourselves from the world although with a gate to let them in when we were of a mind too. I feel safer knowing it’s there though easily breached. It makes a statement, not mean, but firmly rooted in concrete that says here’s where I begin and end if you are of sound mind enter at your risk or amusement.

    by Nancy O'Neill on 08.03.2010
  36. the white fences seem to hold me into this world that is everything i have ever known.
    i’m not allowed to step outside of them and i’m not allowed to imagine what goes beyound them
    i spend all my time dreaming of what i can;t have beyond these white fences.

    by on 08.03.2010
  37. fences are meant to keep things in or keep things out . some are purely for decoration. either way, you can get over them, or simply remove them. i used to jump a lot of fences as a kid.. i like to think i was setting the bar for my life.

  38. they keep you out of places you don’t belong, or, better yet, in them. i like to think of cute white picket fences, but too often i can only come up with huge chainlink fences. i have a fence around my mind right now.. its as though i have nothing left to write about fences?

    by Heather on 08.03.2010
  39. Fences box the inside in but they can be climbed over (unless, of course, they are topped with barbed wire, but even that is surmountable). Fences are merely obstacles.

    by Kayla Hannigan on 08.03.2010
  40. during the time dad lived at home, he would often make fences, bending and weaving up the wires, tying special knots and ties, he would look up at me his arms and hands clenched holding his tools to the new fence, his face seemed soft and kind then, his thick lips speaking good words.

    by caroline on 08.03.2010