
July 1st, 2008 | 141 Entries

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141 Entries for “favor”

  1. Privilege and special treatment form the core of the “old boy” network.

    by Rob Field on 07.01.2008
  2. She asked me for a favor.
    At the time, I didn’t know what to think.
    She seemed harmless enough.
    So I agreed.
    She scribbled furiously on a small sheet of paper, keeping it to herself. She folded it up, and handed it to me.

    On the sheet of paper it read the name, “Wallace Shey.”

    “Kill him.” She said.

    I agreed.
    And the next morning, Wallace Shey lay in a puddle of his own blood.

    by Claire Rementilla on 07.01.2008
  3. its a favor from the gods
    but yet we sit watching the mud form into clods
    we look around and see no one else
    no one to save us from this favor
    this gladly given hell.

    its a favor we need to return
    but never will we
    because we belive our
    lives are free.

    by jonny on 07.01.2008
  4. I need one right now! Please, someone out there help me. Security, money, hope. Let the Gods that be take care of me because today I can not help myself.

    by no name on 07.01.2008
  5. I need one right now! Please, someone out there help me. Security, money, hope. Let the Gods that be take care of me because today I can not help myself.

    by no name on 07.01.2008
  6. I need one right now! Please, someone out there help me. Security, money, hope. Let the Gods that be take care of me because today I can not help myself.

    by no name on 07.01.2008
  7. can you do me a favor? thats all i ever hear. so many people are yearning for my time. ive been trying to give it to them. but it has wore me thin. i cannot please everyone. people tell me i should be able to please myself first, before pleasing others, but sometimes i cannot even do that. i want to help everyone that i can, whenever i can.

    by Jonny Liff on 07.01.2008
  8. Could I ask you a favor? I asked the man standing behind me casually?

    “Sure, what did you need?”

    “I can’t find my pet elephant. Have you seen him?”

    “A what?”

    “Yeah, my elephant. I lost him. He broke out of his

    by Shari on 07.01.2008
  9. It seems like i am ALWAYS the one to go to if you need a favor done without any questions. I’m not saying i would rather have it another way. I love being that trust-worthy guy anyone can come up to. Maybe what I’m trying to say is, maybe you should just try to solve the problem yourself

    by Nolan on 07.01.2008
  10. Favor? I dunno if I have anything on favor but i can try i guess….favor. i do favors for ppl. not really…not recently. I haven’t met anyone lately who needed a favor. But id like to think i would do it if it was needed.

    by Janah R. Adams on 07.01.2008
  11. Do yourself a favor- listen to some Amy Winehouse. Or some James Taylor.

    by S on 07.01.2008
  12. Do yourself a favor- listen to some Amy Winehouse. Or some James Taylor.

    by S on 07.01.2008
  13. Please do just this one favor for me! I begged by friend. I have never once asked her to do anything for me; but this was important, and I needed to make sure it got done. Just one little favor. That’s all I’m asking of you, I kept pushing, hoping she would agree.

    by Krys on 07.01.2008
  14. sometimes you ask for one, and then it is given to you and you don’t want it anymore

    by moi on 07.01.2008
  15. would you do me a favor, please, sir? could you hand me that phone over there? the one right next to you, sir. i accidentally left it on that table when i moved seats to get away from your noxious fumes. thank you, sir. have a great day!

    by curvy on 07.01.2008
  16. would you do me a favor? would you please just lose my number? no phone calls in the middle of the night because you’re longing for my body to be next to yours. no more calls in the middle of the day when you’re recalling a sweet memory of the past and you just had to call to share. with every call you deliver a new break to my heart that i can no longer bear; i must move on and your calls don’t allow me to

    by Jen M on 07.01.2008
  17. Gypsy. I hope people slap you.
    I really do.
    Go away
    Stinky git.
    Leave! LEAVE!
    No, stop touching me…Get the hell out of there!

    by Alex Sinclair on 07.01.2008
  18. can you do me a favor?
    aww, c’mon.

    well, what can i say, i don’t do people favors. they should do it thereselves.

    by Betty on 07.01.2008
  19. I’m not good with favors. People do favors with me all the time and I have this tendency to give back anything. It’s not necessarily my fault; people just never tell me what they want and I’m far too shy to ask. Generally, when I do a favor for someone, it’s not that big of a deal in the first place. There’s not a lot to it. I’m just bad with favors.

    I receive and never have to give back, I guess. No one’s yelled at me yet.

    by Jaclyn on 07.01.2008
  20. people do each other favours every day some ttry not to snore while the partner is asleep. while ohters try not to shout in fornt ofothers
    some do finacial favurs some help out with life’s problems.favours can be initated or uninitated

    by ram on 07.01.2008
  21. Preference is a strange thing. What makes a person favor one person or thing or place over another? How do our favorites come about? Are they ingrained in us from birth, just waiting for opportunity to reveal themselves, or does ever little moment that we experience influence us? Think about all the big and miniscule things that we subconsciously rate everyday. Every moment. Milk chocolate over dark chocolate. This movie instead of that one. Cotton or silk. Chicken or burger. We don’t even realize half the choices we make, they come and go too quickly. But they are all dictated by our preferences. What we favor.

    by Brenna on 07.01.2008
  22. Favor – Ahhh…finally!!! I have won the favor of the universe. It bestows on me all of the good that I have every dreamed. Blessings rain down on me all day and all night. And my only job is to feel good. Because the better I fell, the more blessings pour forth from the heaven. “It is God’s good pleasure to give me the kingdom.”

    by Trudi on 07.01.2008
  23. Favors are what you do in Animal Crossing, a game on the nintendo gamecube and DS. If you do a favor sometimes you may feel good…or feel like crap…depends on what the favor is. Most of the time people will reward you for labor doing their favor.

    by jessica on 07.01.2008
  24. it’s the last thing i could ask for. just TALK to me. but that was too big of a favor to ask. i didn’t expect much, and it was something i thought came pretty much readily with a friendship, but i guess not. i wasn’t asking for your money, or rides. just a friend to talk to.

    by hugarbol on 07.01.2008
  25. could you do me a favor? i’m trying to get that can off the top shelf, but my shoe got stuck in the space here. chould you just grab my baby for a second so i can get this damn shoe out? i knew i shouldn’t have worn stillettos to the grocery store.

    by white horse on 07.01.2008
  26. the street had shards of glass strewn everywhere. i stared incredulously at sam and said, “and you want me to walk across this barefoot?” he smiled.

    by addie on 07.01.2008
  27. one word what it brings instantly to d mind is what many good speakers use to catch d attention of the listeners

    by Akansha on 07.01.2008
  28. when someone does me a favor, i can only appreciate it if i know it’s done with some benefit to the other person as well. i think that the world has three options: one, apocalypse, two, we all kill each other and three, that we all figure this shit out and become functional beings that can possibly make this world last longer.

    by addie on 07.01.2008
  29. He hasn’t talked to him in ages, and he hasn’t wanted to.

    Well, that’s a lie. He misses his brother like hell, and wants him back, RIGHT NOW. But he’s way too proud and stubborn and afraid of rejection to just ASK.

    So he sends a note. “Rose is gone. Need to move her stuff out of my room. Come help?”

    And then he waits.

    by Bee Davis on 07.01.2008
  30. The red sun hanging in the sky burned Bobby’s skin.

    “David, are you sure this is a great idea?” he asked.

    The man with him replied, “Don’t matter. You owe me.”

    “But, come on, that was years ago..”

    “I don’t give a shit if it was ages ago. You still owe me.”

    Together they threw the stiff body into the ditch.

    by Shanna Wynne on 07.01.2008
  31. this is something that we cna give to each oter. or something that we can use to get something off others. i usually like to build up alot of favors and then mass them up into one big favor such as – i’ve done all of your homework for the last year, now suck my penis. that sort of stuff usually works. a hard years work for 10 lousy minutes.

    by sav on 07.01.2008
  32. He came across the street with a card in his hand. One favor he said. Then he’d
    never ask me for anything again. Of course I said yes. Even against my better judgment. I was to deliver the card to a Mrs. Pettigrew on shard street.

    by hmmm on 07.01.2008
  33. Asking someont something that probably he wouldn’t want to do. Well, that’s about it. Something you can do for someone if he asks you to. A proof of love.

    by Caro on 07.01.2008
  34. do me a favor. my moms always needs a favor. party favor.

    by dsy* on 07.01.2008
  35. doing a favor to a friend, is a good thing but many people like Rafel Caldera approfits to use you and talk too much untill he die. he is silly but

    by Climent on 07.01.2008
  36. Could you lend me a favor?
    Imagine if favors came in little cans, like Arizona iced tea and double shots at Starbucks.
    Imagine if you could buy a whole pallet of them?
    Like, imagine if you could do that with memories too?

    I’d buy a whole pallet of the most unimportant memory; savor that shit, it’s going out of stock soon.

    by drin on 07.01.2008
  37. I have known you favored him since my life began, the first, the golden child who could do no wrong. Why was I not blessed with that placement in the order? How much more must I do to gain favor in your heart?

    by Tina on 07.01.2008
  38. i never really like asking for favours as that means that i am in somebody’s debt and feel obligated to do something in return. i wouldn’t expect somebody to do something for me in return if they asked me to do them a favour.

    by M on 07.01.2008
  39. the word that inspires me the most is freedom..i just love 2 see a life where everyone has the minimal freedom to lead their life..where no one rules others without any reason..

    by suraj on 07.01.2008
  40. Could you do me a favor?
    Could you disappear forever
    and never
    return until you change things for the better
    so I actually have nostalgia
    instead of regret
    for things I did in the past
    but you wouldn’t let me forget
    the laughs and the stares
    and I just pretend that no one cares
    I have a new arch enemy
    So once again, can you see
    if you can do me a favor?

    by NobodySpecial on 07.01.2008