
May 4th, 2008 | 194 Entries

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194 Entries for “dry”

  1. Everything around me is dry like the sand untouched by the ocean. My mind was crusted with suicidal ideas and my mouth a desert.

    by Xil SaNe on 05.04.2008
  2. I hate feeling so very dry It burns my skin and takes away my color which reminds me of my days living in the anorexic world. I suppose the word dry reminds me of anorexia. My features looked reptilian. That is a problem

    by Posh on 05.04.2008
  3. I like to be dry. Being wet gives me the willies. I also prefer non-alcoholic bereverages. This gives me a greatter sense of security when I drive,

    by tom on 05.04.2008
  4. I’m always dry. I don’t get wet in the rain like you do, if the rain is our relationship. You stand and dance, reveling in all we have together. I’m dry. I’m still waiting for the big moment, the lighting, when I realize that I mean it when I say, “I love you”.

    by Trista on 05.04.2008
  5. The dessert was very dry. I water from the canteen was all gone. I looked up and cursed at the sun; the source of the menacing heat which was paining us so. We have been long for 3 days, and we are left with no supplies. Sure we can drink our own urine, but why would we do that? I cannot grapple with the fact that we may be dead by the end of the day. What is going to happen? The thought stays with us as we continue our last day.

    by Julian Gindi on 05.04.2008
  6. Parched. Cracked. Craving moisture…morning dew

    by heidi on 05.04.2008
  7. dry was the one thing it wasn’t after i fell in the ocean that day, cold and wet, anxty and deprived of all things warm and comforting. All i could think of was how being cold, wet, and sandy, was actually worse than being cold and wet by them selves. However, after a few hours of being cuddled up to my friends and closer by a fire, all was well… except for that sand. Damn the beach, damn the beach to hell.

    by Casper Writings on 05.04.2008
  8. dry and your mouth crackles with empty snow.
    the feilds are worn and the bland colour of corn cereals.
    the water, sweet and wet, moistening the earth and sky hangs in the atmosphere, dry as a kinder. dry as timber.

    by ellie on 05.04.2008
  9. a dry place to rest my feet. a nice and warm arm to lean on. dry your eye, tender pray, dry your eye.

    by Andrea on 05.04.2008
  10. The desert was as dry as could be. But what would you expect. I was even drier from having crawled the length of an entire culvert on my stomach. My horse died much earlier than I could have expected. I suppose it would have been smart to water up at Borrego

    by Don on 05.04.2008
  11. it is constantly dry outside now. The world has ceased to nurse itself; were done, were done, it’s over.

    by beth wimmermark on 05.04.2008
  12. its wet outside.
    but im sitting inside.
    in the warm.
    watching people dying outside
    i however am safe
    this is because i have protected my heart form any form of hurt
    however i still feel hurt.
    and alone
    why does it feel like a terrible thing to be dry?
    when i want to be out there loved with all the rest of the heartless people

    by rob on 05.04.2008
  13. Hard, biting
    I feel the wind.
    Its crisp cool touch
    It burns with power.
    Its dry touch
    Chills me to the bone.

    by Lenguin on 05.04.2008
  14. Sense the world around you, and what obliges? Nothing. You are dry, your sense, worlds and feelings live in an empty waste, nothing to lvie for and lacks all that is needed. We call it water, sometimes, but here, life is our burden. Live to love, drink to quench.

    by Mark on 05.04.2008
  15. Still dry. I don’t believe how hard it is to get wet these days. No, really. I mean, getting wet is like the most natural thing to do, right? Because if it rains, which it does quite often, really, you get wet. But I always seem to have a roof or umbrella oder my head – sucks.

    by Kim on 05.04.2008
  16. dry is like the end of the space between forgiveness and forgetfulness. are you ready to accept these words, cleft from my lips like the softness of a body broken and drained? they will stick to your damp surface, for they will want to adhere to something wet and cool, they are tired of your broken requests and ending setences

    by LIZ WACHTLER on 05.04.2008
  17. it’s when sometimes you aren’t wet anymore. You just kind of.. well I don’t know.. you’re completely not full of water. you can easily get like this when you use a towel or the classic shaking of the hand. It’s quite amazing, actually. Wow. Sometimes I wonder.

    by Jamie on 05.04.2008
  18. “Master,I have wiped the car off with this towel,now,twice times!Yet,it still is wet!!!”
    “Grasshopper,if first you don’t succeed,you must,dry,dry,and dry again.”

    by a false terl on 05.04.2008
  19. “Master,I have wiped the car off with this towel,now,twice times!Yet,it still is wet!!!”
    “Grasshopper,if first you don’t succeed,you must,dry,dry,and dry again.”

    by a false terl on 05.04.2008
  20. my head is dry, i feel alone … i feel cold when i think of this dry world

    by luci on 05.04.2008
  21. dry is the heat outside. dry is the feeling of my skin after climbing. when things are dry, they are dead, things need wetness for life. dry are the tears of my long lost friend. and wet are the words of my new found love. with dryness we lose touch, with wetness we gain hope, like a far off rain cloud after a long heavy drought. we need the wetness to give us difference in the dry spells.

    by Samuel Triplett on 05.04.2008
  22. rub soft dull wet boring laundry

    by jonthedude on 05.04.2008
  23. dry. The weather.
    Like a distant summer.
    A cool jazz breeze,
    beneath the knees.
    The open ended, inuendo
    of dry white wine
    in summer breeze.
    Twisted dreams.
    Dry heat.
    Summers beat;
    Jazz street.

    by Grace on 05.04.2008
  24. My eyes are dry right now, I just woke up and it’s killing me. I hate how I have to wear contacts and then you have totally undeserving snobbish people who are perfect in every way. I wish I didn’t have bad eye sight, there are so many limitations I have because of it. I can’t wait till I get older and can get some eye surgery to fix it.

    by Laura on 05.04.2008
  25. it can be a weather which is very hot. it can be skin, hair. Peaple who dont respond are also termed as dry.

    by Namisha on 05.04.2008
  26. hot, crackly, gross, summer, tongue, smoking pot, dicks, drug dealers, towels, throwing up, toilets, waffles, couches, the stars, staplers, deserts, antarctica, the arctic, jak and daxter, cell phones, noses, feet, hair, oranges, lemons, sponges, dreads,

    by steve on 05.04.2008
  27. the place was windy and hot and i hated it. the heat was rising from the ground, burning through my sneaker soles and I couldn’t turn away from the sun. my friend told me, in a very dry and mock-serious voice, that we should just leave right now because nothing was worth this sort’ve weather. and i said too bad, because we live here anyway, and there’s nowhere we can go. and she told me, all right, but you hate it, it’s dry and our skins are cracking.

    by elice on 05.04.2008
  28. ha! I live in the desert. I know dry and I love it.

    by KJ on 05.04.2008
  29. oh dry! Better than wet — low humidity is dry — much nicer than soggy mositure! Without moisture!

    by Paula on 05.04.2008
  30. In a place where there is no wind, I lay down by the sand, contemplating about the sweat as it runs down my skin. I cannot stand the image of water bullets dripping on my face. This place was DRY.

    by Jose Flavio on 05.04.2008
  31. my mouth, oh god, my mouth. i feel like i just ate sand. did i? i can’t remember. i can’t. fucking. remember.

    by Disintegrate into Retardedness on 05.04.2008
  32. My throat feels dry. I need a drink of water…anything wet. I don’t know why I’m so thirsty today. Maybe it was something I ate yesterday or today. I can’t keep drinking or I’ll have to use the bathroom all day and I may not be close to one. I always have to use the bathroom and if I drink a lot I’ll keep having to go, as usual. I wish I had something else to drink like a cool glass of lemonade that might quench my thirst and I won’t be so thirsty and my throat won’t be so dry.

    by Anne on 05.04.2008
  33. The air was dry and thick with dust. Emaline could feel it creeping in between the cracks in the door of the truck, blowing in through the vents. In the seat ahead of her, her father drove forward, for what seemed like eternity.

    In truth, they’d been on the road for almost a day, stopping at

    by amber on 05.04.2008
  34. nothing. one word might make huge difference, and one word might make no difference at all.

    by neo on 05.04.2008
  35. Dried up like a nasty old prune. That’s how people will become if they succumb to the boringness of the world, to the apparent norms and to the way things appear to be. The lack of something more. The lack of life. So many people are dry. We need water, lots of water. And imagination!

    by Cerapter on 05.04.2008
  36. deserts leaking dry mescaline flowers into every open jaw
    mystic menstruation like a mother telling her son “hush, hush, it is only the air”
    allergies, january
    David Sedaris

    by Anna on 05.04.2008
  37. I don’t like the feeling of dry sand in my belly button. It makes me feel dirty and it hurts and I don’t like it. Its like sand in your vagina no one wants it there but it gets there and thats why I hate the beach.

    by Leslie on 05.04.2008
  38. is my skin, yet i simply don’t give a damn to do anything about it today. the whole thing seems so insignificant when compared to the problems today.

    by shawsta on 05.04.2008
  39. I woke up in the morning with a dry horrible tasting mouth. My head was pounding. If I could only vomit I would feel better. How much did i drink last night? did it matter? today was going to be tense, i could tell. i basically ditched L when i went to P’s. J will be mad at me. maybe i’ll stay in my room with the door closed. was it worth it? maybe. as horrible as that sounds…maybe it was.

    by Dana on 05.04.2008
  40. we were walking in the rain for two hours. we were soaking wet by the time we got home. i would’ve given anything for dry clothes. i won’t even shower anymore…

    by naomi on 05.04.2008