
July 28th, 2009 | 309 Entries

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309 Entries for “drive”

  1. A drive is a primal desire, a need, a consuming want. We will do anything to satisfy a drive, in accordance with its magnitude. I am driven to be loved. I am driven to eat. I am driven to do well in school. I am driven to have sex. I am driven to be beautiful.

    by Emma J. on 07.29.2009
  2. Drive me to the moon. The sound of tire on road – the hum. Drive to be something we aren’t. Drive away from what we are. driven. Drivel. Driven to Drivel. A push, an effort, the work.

    by Queue on 07.29.2009
  3. What’s the farthest you have ever driven? The most dangerous place you ever drove through or over? What’s the nicest car you ever drove?
    The worst accident you ever had the luck to drive by, instead of participating in?

    by wigout on 07.29.2009
  4. If i could just drive i would. if there was an open road out there in fromt of me, there would be no stopping me. too bad i have a wall infront of my driveway. called procrastination

    by Jonny S on 07.29.2009
  5. it’s something that takes you place weather it be an emotional or literal transportation. I have heart, i have drive

    by brittany <3bc on 07.29.2009
  6. Ich fahre lange Auto, ich liebe es zu fahren. manchmal schlafe ich, wenn wir wieder zurückkommen. Aber ich merke es dennoch. Ich würde am liebsten die ganze Zeit Auto fahren, kann es jedoch nicht. Es macht mir Spaß, jedoch besitze ich selber keines. Das amcht mir kein Spaß, nur bei Videospielen. Wenn wir fahren, bin ich fast immer glücklich. Aber nur wenn es auch schöne langen Strecken sind, welche man genießen kann.

    by Michele on 07.29.2009
  7. I love to drive. It calms me. Why earlier, I went for a drive. Actually I was going to McDonalds, but the one I went to was closed. So I decided to go the long way down the back roads to the only McDonalds I know is 24 hours in this area. I had the windows down, the air was cool, jazz was coming from the radio. Twas a good drive.

    by El Brend-O on 07.29.2009
  8. one day, just take some clothes and drive to everywhere you want too, stop think, just drive….

    by indianaindah on 07.29.2009
  9. I was driving slowly, not because there was traffic but rather because I wanted to enjoy the ride. I knew that when I stopped driving and reached my destination the problems would start.

    by Tara on 07.29.2009
  10. Drive far away. I have a drive to drive. Drive so far that my sadness can’t keep up. So far that neither can anything else. I have a drive to start new.

    by sara on 07.29.2009
  11. I drive a black MINI Cooper S.

    by Muneerah on 07.29.2009
  12. something you feel when you lack an inner achievement.
    a an of travelling in a vehicle.
    a mechanical component which generates force.
    desire, motivation or compulsion to achieve or gain an outcome.

    by Ben Minal on 07.29.2009
  13. drive my whore’s ass like the fleshy chunk of meat it is. dont stop

    by 10x on 07.29.2009
  14. Oliver. to school. singing in the car. I ain’t too proud to beg…moose. wildlife. that turtle that shouldn’t have been so far from water. stalling. laughing with friends. crying at goodbyes. traffic.

    by Deidre on 07.29.2009
  15. Who’s going to drive you home tonight. Driving is fun specially when there is no traffic on the road. You should not drive when u are sleepy it could lead to disastrous consequences. Driving with a nagging backseat driver is even more dangerous

    by Dheeraj on 07.29.2009
  16. I really need to get my drivers licence. I have a car and everything. Then I wouldn’t have to take the bus to school anymore with forty irritating 10-14 year olds for half an hour. Phew, that would be nice. Yeah, had my learners for almost 2 years now. Ugh. Amusing though.

    by Caitlin on 07.29.2009
  17. How often do we take the same route, and suddenly awake at the end of the journey, without any memory of the sights between A and B? I have often sat there in the Now, gripping the wheel and wondering if I even got in the car, if only at that moment did I wake and appear like a magic trick.

    by Brian Slusher on 07.29.2009
  18. lets go for aa drive and enjoy ourselves…..if we had a neat ass convertible we’d play some sweet music and go for a smooth and long drive wile the sun sets and it gets dark….and have the best evening ever.

    by taha aqdas on 07.29.2009
  19. drive faster is all he could think. but somehow he wasnt thinking at all. somehow he was just moving, the car weaving its way through the traffic, which was all a blur. tyres squealed, horns blared but he didn’t care.

    by siobhan on 07.29.2009
  20. it was a long drive from the murder scene back to the station and i have time to think. how many more could there be in just such a short time? I couldn’t take it anymore, this job was getting to me. After 10 years you’d think i was used to it but no, every day horrifyed me more than the last.

    by daphne saint on 07.29.2009
  21. driving zoom flash motivation high spirited moving

    by noel on 07.29.2009
  22. I hate to drive… I used to drive to much in california… I liked it for the first two years almost but now it’s more of a burden… I’m glad I live in a place with great public transit… maybe at some point in the future I’d get a car again… but it seems less than likely… I’ll be in a car for five hours tomorrow… driving to my friend’s cottage… I’ll hate it.

    by Daniel on 07.29.2009
  23. over the hills and through the woods I work my way faster and faster around every twist and turn making my car slide into every corner the machine and I are one the road is mine.

    by richard prosser on 07.29.2009
  24. We have to drive to end of the world, to see it is true that it suddenly dips into the void and disappear. Then we will plunge into nothingness (and zero gravity), holding hands, the best roller-coaster ride ever.

    by Nathalie (Spacedlaw) on 07.29.2009
  25. Drive
    drive me to new heights
    bring me to new lows
    drive my eyes to new sights
    and my lips to new prose
    drive my mind to do what is right
    and speak whatever flows
    drive her into my arms tonight
    so I may love like no one knows…

    by Rick Veloz on 07.29.2009
  26. …in my car anywhere i want to go.
    …what makes you do what you do

    by ruclvr on 07.29.2009
  27. I wanna learn how to drive. But my parents won’t teach me. Apparently, my younger brother will learn first. Is it because I’m a girl? I always thought men and women are equal. Why are you treating me like this? Why are you being overprotective? I can handle myself. I’m a strong, independent woman.

    by Christine on 07.29.2009

    by Neil on 07.29.2009
  29. freedom. passing. night. music. laughter. quiet. silence. alone. together. air. fresh air. wind. lights. dark. smiling. content. fulfillment.

    by des on 07.29.2009
  30. Sure, I’ll play along. We just go for a drive and smoke. The night is ours, no one else is watching. The radio is almost non existant as we try to make conversation. It’s still so awkward, and it would be from here on out.

    by jfiu on 07.29.2009
  31. The other day I hadn’t been thinking. I didn’t mean the words I had said – the ones that had come out bitter, and cold and dark. A long silence fell between us, our torsos pulled back in aloofness. “I need to take a drive”

    by Austin on 07.29.2009
  32. this is the most enjoyable thing on earth. As much as I can i indulge in doing so. it gives a rush. i even wrote a blog on this. it seems powerful to control a dangeros machine.
    what else can overtke the high we get from ower and from driving

    by namitoj on 07.29.2009
  33. In the car this morning with my mother, I have to admit I was rather tired. I’d like to think that excused the way I reacted when she tried to tell me vital details about the day.

    “I don’t care.”

    “No need to snap at me, I don’t deserve that.”

    She was right, of course.

    by Brian on 07.28.2009
  34. Something I did not do a lot of in Oregon these last two years. I walked, and walking saw so much more than I had seen in years past, in San Francisco. Now, being back I drive more, and I do more, but I don’t feel as if I really see as much. Or smell the way the

    by Colleen on 07.28.2009
  35. Eveything is faster driving.

    by Grady on 07.28.2009
  36. fry kit tinker tank mouse cow love land tip top red rod dine

    by andrea on 07.28.2009
  37. My drive is what makes me unstoppable. It makes me annoying to some, impressive to others, intimidating to yet more. I don’t like to leave things undone. It simply doesn’t feel right. I don’t like to not take on a challenge. I have to see if I can do it. I ask for help when I need it, but I never stop. I can’t help it. I’m driven.

    by Michelle on 07.28.2009
  38. Drive me home.
    Take me down.
    Dream My Thoughts.
    Don’t MisThink

    Path winding.
    Spinning from side to side.
    Love me tender.
    Take me under.

    Dance between the stars.
    Jupiter. Venus. Mars.
    Hold your breath.
    Let loose the sound.

    by Brianna Barber on 07.28.2009
  39. i cant say enough about how much i love driving. the word the feeling the rush of getting away and just finally being able to breathe, even if its not really breathing just a cheap excuse for a breath its freedom and its you and the music or the cheap smoke in your interlaced fingers hanging out the window, its all you and its pure like boxing you against you and you feel it and you’re finally away from everything, from the bother of the world. you’re you.

    by alex on 07.28.2009
  40. It was a dark and lonely night. She was on her way home, but the moon was at an angle just so in the sky…she had to drive to the beach. Well, not too the beach–it closed at dusk. But she still drove along the top of the bluff, all the windows down, sunroof open, radio off, rolling along at five miles an hour and listening to the wind.

    by Mikkyayaya on 07.28.2009