
July 28th, 2009 | 309 Entries

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309 Entries for “drive”

  1. i like to drive. i just got my permit. i am kind of scared for my drivers test though because i really want to pass it. i wonder if i will get a female or a male driving instructer for my second lesson. my mother is out of town so i was hoping to do it this week

    by Liz on 07.28.2009
  2. I drove off the cliff with the intent of making a name for myself.

    by Stackpot on 07.28.2009
  3. See the world. Get from place to place. Meet new people, see new things.

    by Lindsay on 07.28.2009
  4. Occorre guidare con amore, rispetto, pazienza. Guidare è come parlare con gli altri, insieme, intorno ad un tavolo, la strada, e non significa farsi la guerra.

    by orkney on 07.28.2009
  5. drive — how much I feel to do something — or one feels to do something — it’s an urge? a desire — a force, a hunger? Do you feel your drives less when driving — you’re intent on where you’re going, on moving down the road, driving

    by louis Durra on 07.28.2009
  6. vrooming, moving, people, smiling, stupid, i hate it, never going to do it, i don’t want my license, i just want the freedom to ride a bike wherever the hell i want to go, trips to the beach, long car rides, motivation.

    by Helena on 07.28.2009
  7. I drive to school and work .. but i rather ride a bike or walk. Driving uses gas that polutes the enviroment. Plus by driving you have to use gas which means you are spending money. Money you could use for the great good. I am struggling with money oh well. However, driving with the windows down and the music load is the best thing ever!!!!

    by Caitlin on 07.28.2009
  8. drive your care
    drive your mind
    drive your world
    don’t let it drive you

    by argentumblack on 07.28.2009
  9. I told you to drive.
    Anyway away from here.
    You listened.
    But you didn’t understand.
    The white flowers
    Or what I had forgotten.
    But you know.
    The only way out of this
    Labyrinth is
    Straight and fast.
    You never forgave me,
    Did you?

    by r on 07.28.2009
  10. nagger killed my cat y? i need to get liscence and i cant spell lol i gotta go to skool lol

    by nagger naggerevich on 07.28.2009
  11. 3 and a half hours.
    the drive took forever.
    i wish he hadn’t driven me back to my home town
    i miss him and it has barely been a moment.
    so far.
    i miss his scent.
    my heart is his
    i love him
    i’m to scared to say so
    what i realized on the drive

    by quyen on 07.28.2009
  12. flagrant
    this bend curves through
    green waves
    the mind’s own
    wave, as if
    feynman had
    nothing better to
    do than invent
    the rest of your life
    in one quick flurry.

    by paschal on 07.28.2009
  13. again, i drove befor, again? why not driven, passionated, janking your soul off a mountencliff. but hey, driving’ s fine already

    by El on 07.28.2009
  14. I can’t see where I’m going, I just know I’m going there. Serene, calm, just and fair. The engine halts and the veil over my eyes is lifted, releif. I can breathe

    by Crystal on 07.28.2009
  15. makes you go crazy in a meadow. pull your hair out, take the car to your madness

    by Elf on 07.28.2009
  16. sometimes i drive a very long way, too long of a way sometimes. distance drives me insane. everything in my life is defined by this distance, and the easiest thing to do, is drive.

    by lola on 07.28.2009
  17. makes you go crazy in a meadow. pull your hear out, take the car to your madness

    by Elf on 07.28.2009
  18. I am driven. I cant drive though. Funny how that works out. Words meaning two things, and you can apply such vagueness to it. Im driven to write music. Im driven to use drugs and avoid my problems. But im not driven to drive a car..?

    by track on 07.28.2009
  19. i love to drive places all the time sometimes with my self sometimes withy my parents. Drive cand make some one to do some thing drive can be good or bad my computer has a drive drive drive

    by Jordan on 07.28.2009
  20. forward. move down the street. wake up. drop the phone.

    Understand we are going somewhere and its a privilege to be on the road operating an automobile. There are people in this world, on this continent and in the same country as you who will never have the pleasure of operating an automobile so do it well for christ’s sake.

    by Zorch. on 07.28.2009
  21. Oh, what a loaded word.
    Driving is the bane of my existance. I can’t do it and it holds me back from everything. I can’t go anywhere, do anything, be anything because I’m not independantly mobile. I’m starting to lose friends over it. It’s going to hurt my college chances because I won’t have any experience in anything because i’m stuck in this house all because I find it incredibly difficult to back a mini-van out of my driveway!!!
    Driving. Hah.

    by Samantha on 07.28.2009
  22. Driving is scary. So much power. Afraid I’ll get fat, from not walking as much. But it can take me places. New jobs, new experiences, more money, less money, drive, go, job, work, play, crash.


    by Taylor on 07.28.2009
  23. I took my car and drove down the supermarket. There was a really weird guy there. I think he was buying flying oranges. Then I drove home again and found my back seat filled with winged oranges…

    by Megan on 07.28.2009
  24. fast and far, without a destination, to a Trans-siberian chicken dance where five thousand people will worship your sloth-like cheeks from a distance communicating respect but also curiosity.

    by Bernard on 07.28.2009
  25. i drove to the end of a boggy marsh and my feet like lead sunk in the pete. my blood boiled to beer and cognac. i stumble through the files in my bank of treason, reason, and existentialism. I fight I was fighitng.

    by matthew pedersen on 07.28.2009
  26. I love to drive. Driving puts people in the worst of moods into the best of moods. Seriously driving on the highway is the best of the simplest joys in life. Especially on a fall day when it’s just warm enough to roll the windows down with the heat on at your feet. There is nothing the road cannot cure.

    by Casey on 07.28.2009
  27. sometimes driving is the scariest thing I have to do and it feels strange that i’m trusted with such a responsibility. but i love the feeling of just being able to go wherever i want to go without anyone stopping me. of course i will have to go the speed limit and what not, just i love the freedom.
    i have a drive to succeed.

    by Daphne on 07.28.2009
  28. I remember that night drive more than any other drive of my life. There I was, driving two hours home. Two hours away from the boy I had loved for almost two years. Half an hour ago, I had been right there. Right in his town, right next door. And he didn’t even care enough to come to see me. I remember that night drive more than any other drive of my life. I was devastated.

    by Marla on 07.28.2009
  29. Drive and ambition only gets you so far, the Gods also have to be on your side. Are they?

    by cathy on 07.28.2009
  30. The drive twisted and turned until it straightened out, leading to a large brick house. Ivy climbed its way up the sides, covering everything except the windows and the flamboyantly red door. She knocked hearing the shuffling of feet somewhere behind the door.

    by Bry on 07.28.2009
  31. drive through the tree lined road on the edge of town. See the headlights coming toward you at an uncomfortably fast speed. Move slightly to the side of the road to avoid collision. Hit a pot hole on the side of the road, drive into the forest and hit a tree.

    by ag on 07.28.2009
  32. I lack the drive, of late, to accomplish anything. It’s hot. Hot enough to suck every last drop of energy from my mind, body and soul. The grass is no longer green. The roses have long since shriveled and faded. And it’s only July.

    by Kathy on 07.28.2009
  33. drive on a sunday afternoon is a nice way to drive if you liek to drive. sunday afternoon drives are a fun way to drive. driving on a sunny day is also fun if you like to drive. drive a car drive a bus drive a truck drive a mothercycle drive a bi

    by truivia on 07.28.2009
  34. drive away for the rest of forever take you with me we’ll meet and go we can take our lives and forget what we haven’t gotten yet, come with me please, come with me please

    by nicole on 07.28.2009
  35. I will drive to the store to pick up some fresh fruit. Juicy and sweet. Melon. Apples. Oranges. Then I’ll drive to the farmer’s market and pick up some fresh and fragrant veggies. The drive to cook and slice up the tasty fruit and veggies is with me now.

    by Dot on 07.28.2009
  36. “Just drive damn it!” she screamed at him. He gave her a mean look and continued fingering his handphone, completing the message he was typing while sipping on his Slurpy and picking at the stubble that was irritating him, with his knee steering the car.

    by weiyein on 07.28.2009
  37. sometimes, it is best to just go get in the car and drive to someplace where you did not want to go and look her in the eye and say, “i’m back…”

    sometimes you shouldn’t drive anywhere…

    by j on 07.28.2009
  38. And i got on the highway and i just went. The cool breeze ran past my face and the radio was up and she was so far from my mind it wasn’t even funny. Cacti littered the side of the road, and my mind was blank. my mind, my mind… its funny how on a long drive you think more than you really expect to. it’s just you and the road and you feel like the destination and the scenery will disappear and you’ll just forget and move on.

    by Karl on 07.28.2009
  39. Sometimes I love to drive, other times I hate it. It’s weird how driving can tire you out. All you do is sit on your ass and press your right foot up and down. Sometimes I like to exercise my left foot by turning my ankle back and forth. Sometimes it cracks, other times there’s this soundless pop. I can’t ever stretch out my right foot, though; that’s frustrating.

    by Kristina on 07.28.2009

    by Leesie on 07.28.2009