
April 29th, 2009 | 206 Entries

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206 Entries for “dislike”

  1. I dislike alot of things. Usually do to some highly suppressed memory I try to keep buried in the back of my mind; hoping that it will never resurface, for if it did I would hate myself for a few mintues.

    by Zus on 04.30.2009

    by HM on 04.30.2009
  3. dislike. i really dislike, people and emotions. that’s the thing. we are all graduating, and are a small class of 12, and everyone is sentimental. the problem is, im not. i dont care im glad to escaep. i hate that i dont relate, and all the effort that was put into these prelationships seems stupid becuase it went no where.

    by phantom on 04.30.2009
  4. I have no desire to dislike much, other than the things that prevent people from living full and happy lives. The more things we find to like, the better our lives become, by allowing us to accept the things that are evident in the world around us.

    by Kevin on 04.30.2009
  5. unhappy, ppl that talk bad about you, middle school. The icky feeling u get when u see someone that you don’t like but other ppl do so you hang out with them anyway. Some foods that make you gag.

    by Kira on 04.30.2009
  6. I do not dislike anyone but myself, sometimes, And certain tasks, all house-hold or taxes-related… If I do them, I like myself a lot as soon as I’m finished.

    by Katha on 04.30.2009
  7. i disliked a girl called vicci at secondary school, my boyfriend had cheated on me with her, and she was supposed to be my bestfriend. but hate is such a big word, so dislike it was

    by L on 04.30.2009
  8. i dislike everything about what this website stands for. i do not mind the fact that i have to write endlessly, but i do mind the fact that i have to write about such a boring word as “dislike” why couldnt i have gotten an interesting word, a word that makes you really stop and think. a word that rhymes with orange maybe. yeah thats what i think i should really write about a word that rhymes with orange not the word dislike. so there.

    by Roger on 04.30.2009
  9. i dislike dislikeness very little much well boom

    by aka on 04.30.2009
  10. I kinda dislike the purple. I really dislike all of the ads all over this page. Oneword, you make me sad, a little

    by Me on 04.30.2009
  11. In that moment, as I watched hm tear down everything I ever believed in with a dazzling, plastic pageant smile on his face, I realized just how much I disliked this man. More than dislike, I loathed every fiber of his being. And somehow, that made it easier to deal with the loss of my freedom, the loss of my world. One day, he would get what was coming to him, and as his very soul was feasted on by his bigoted ideas, I would smile that very same plastic smile.

    by Charlie Rose on 04.30.2009
  12. i dislike trees uprooted. i won’t leave the flat without a iron. we cannot know who or what we dislike until we explore. when we do there is so much to learn about ourselves

    by mara on 04.30.2009
  13. He slid an ice cube down my back!
    Loved it, til I found out he was my brother…

    by @ on 04.30.2009
  14. dislike… Well, there are a lot of things to dislike in the world, but that seems rather negative.

    by courtney on 04.30.2009
  15. I dislike waiting. I’ve been trying for ages to get a job and had two job interviews in one week. I want an offer and they said I’d have to wait 2 weeks. Waiting…

    by Nk on 04.30.2009
  16. dislike of red roads that are tired and roll over our bodies, so dry and dead and dusty those roads. I don’t like walking over them. I jump down, fall and land under a bridge. Alone, I smoke pot. It has been ages.

    by bob on 04.30.2009
  17. scrivo perche non sono capace a pensare a qulunque cosa mi tiri su da questo caldo pavimento di feci e orrori scaturiti dalla mia mente..scrivo pensando al mio corpo freddo nella foresta

    by tommaso on 04.30.2009
  18. I dislike mayonaisse(sp?) to point of utter disgust. It makes me uncomfortable to even think about. Eating mayonnaisse is probably worse than chinese water tortue
    (or any torture for that matter…)

    by Madeline on 04.30.2009
  19. I really dislike when people don’t respect other people. We have to respect each other to be able to live in a society that is the way we want to but some people don’t seem to think that. I try to respect others most of the times but sometimes I realize that it’s not always that easy.

    by Emilie on 04.30.2009
  20. I dislike school. school is bad. and evil. and boring. I like fish. they taste good. yum!!!!!!!!!!

    by yort on 04.30.2009
  21. I dislike being here. This plane of existence is boring and dull. All these feelings are getting annoying and painful. I would rather not be undergoing this sensation of being unloved and unwanted. Elsewhere i can be free. Elsewhere I can do as I please. Elsewhere I can be whatever I want.

    by Listen on 04.30.2009
  22. I dislike rude people, people who have no regard for anyone else in the world, people who have lost all sense of simply courtesy and manners. I dislike that people don’t take personal responsibility for any of their actions. Life is simple if we are simply responsible and when we infringe upon another person we simply say “I’m sorry”
    I don’t hate anyone, I simply dislike bad / rude behavior.

    by Robin on 04.30.2009
  23. I dislike pain and suffering
    Ignorance that suffocates caring
    Arrogance disguised as self-confidence
    Selfishness that only hurts

    by LynnArts (Jen M) on 04.30.2009
  24. I dislike stuffed noses and the toenail clippings that lie scattered on my floor courtesy of my filthy roommate. I dislike the Miss America pageant especially because they replaced the Q&A with “Casual Wear.” Apparently that’s more important.

    by Kate on 04.30.2009
  25. what i dislike most is my inability to be content. Wanting more, changing more, it seems to be a race against happiness. Its almost like in “a doll’s house”, where the bareness of ignorance preserves the happiness of its characters. Well, i want the bareness of contentedness and little ambition to shelter my joy.

    by ian on 04.30.2009
  26. So many things, so little time. Without dislike, what would there be to like? Everything would be simply average. And what a boring life we would lead.

    Having said all this, dislike is a pretty average word. Something more passionate would certainly do the job.

    by Emma Whiteman on 04.30.2009
  27. How greatly is my distraght, when those unlike me thus state that most distrusted opinion,
    how can they understand that which I cannot know,
    fall thus the beauty of our forgotten world,
    let it entangle us. Our crown.

    by Tyler Herrick on 04.30.2009
  28. Not to lie someone….for eg- i dislike mangoes very very very very very very much. Can also apply to movies, people, songs, clothes, jewellery…and mostly everything else on the planet!

    by Nix on 04.30.2009
  29. Ugh, so many things to dislike. What to talk about? Hm..

    I dunno.

    I’ve had a cough for almost a year. It’s incredibly offensive and annoying, and people are annoyed by it.

    Dislike is not a good substitute for hate.

    Just sayin’.


    I’m hungry, I dislike that.

    I can’t breathe, my asthma’s acting up, time’s up, I dislike all of this.

    by BBB on 04.30.2009
  30. i dislike feeling monotonous in the morning. i hate and so dislike the feeling of emptiness everytime i desire the need to eat chocolate. i lied. i dislike you. most of the time.

    by didi on 04.30.2009
  31. Dislike….a term that should be used more but is often replaced by hate. Most people ignore the concept of dislike and skip straight hate.

    by Frank on 04.30.2009
  32. I dislike my job. There, I’ve said it. But you could have guessed. I have dislike written all over my face, all over my posture as I stoop over my keyboard. I dislike coming to this building every day, and I think it shows. I guess I’m sorry for that – don’t mean to punish you for my own unhappiness by showering you with eye-rolls and frowns and general dis-likability. I just dislike it here, so much.

    by Kristy on 04.30.2009
  33. My dislike is hard to earn and diffcult to shake. Being as I’m loathe to make decisions, those that do get made tend to stay made. Beware ye who contemplate crossing me. Beware…

    by Mark Clarke on 04.30.2009
  34. what a person hates or doesnt approve of

    by naureen on 04.30.2009
  35. There are a lot of things I dislike, but i prefer them to those I like on principle alone. If I were happy, how could I write? I need something to impel me, something to move me along like a giraffe to the leaves in the trees. The window glare gives me a headache. I still listen to Cradle of Filth. and yet I would not trade any of it for a single modicum of complacence.

    by david on 04.30.2009
  36. I never really liked you, you know. And it seems to me that you disliked me as well. It was all a lie. A hoax. A ruse. Whatever you call it, it was fake. Just like your supposed love for me. I’ve never hated anyone more. Although I suppose hate is a strong word. I guess I should say that I dislike you, but it just doesn’t quite feel the same when I say it. Not strong enough. Like me.

    by Kurekitsune on 04.30.2009
  37. dislike is a better word to use than hate.
    dislike is a nicer way of saying that you dont like something instead of saying that you hate something.
    dislike is a way to let somebody down a little bit easier. :-)

    by Mollie on 04.30.2009
  38. Everyone in the chapel had a sudden hatred for the man standing at the alter. They knew what he had done and why. They take such great pitty in the few moments people have left of life.

    by Shoni Jodway on 04.30.2009
  39. Dislike. If there’s one word that I dislike, it’s the word “hate”. That’s why I substitute it with the word dislike instead. Dislike is like a milder version of hate. Hating is too much of a burden.

    by Annie on 04.30.2009
  40. i try not to think of something so negative, but if i had to write about a dislike, i guess it would have to be about thinking about what i dislike…the state i’m in, the confusion, the uncertainty of who i am and what i want, but then the knowing, just not knowing how to put it together, the dreaming, just not knowing how to do the doing…it’s the dis i like, the dis i’m not comfy with

    by Angelique on 04.30.2009