
May 16th, 2010 | 408 Entries

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408 Entries for “destiny”

  1. Destiny. Kismet. Fate.
    Who can say what it is? Or even if it’s real?
    A path in the woods. A road in a town. A sidewalk in a park.
    Many different choices, many different places, different realities?
    Fate. Kismet. Destiny.

    by Kaleigh on 05.16.2010
  2. the way i live is not entirely based off of destiny. I believe that I make things happen in my life for the most part. it is comforting to believe also that whenever bad things happen that it is fate and that the best outcome will come from the situation. It all depends on if the situation is good or bad.

    by megan Munson on 05.16.2010
  3. fuck destiny. everyone makes their own decisions about things in life. every decision that you make will change your destiny. nobodies destiny is laid out for them. choose your own path and follow it. PERIOD.

  4. Air pollution falling heavy on our streams, on our planet on our souls. heavy.

    by thea cammie on 05.16.2010
  5. Not what I was expecting. I don’t regret it, though.

    by looped on 05.16.2010
  6. It’s something that i belive. Actually I desire a great destiny for the humanity. We need it to survivor and to keep living.

    by débora on 05.16.2010
  7. sometimes food is to dense and it makes my stomach hurt, and sometimes people are to dense which pisses me off because they don’t get anything.

    by Erin on 05.16.2010
  8. His name was Clint (as in Clint Eastwood) and he rode the fucking most tricked-out three-wheeler on the playground, with those flame decal stickers and everything. Sometimes we’d crush little red mites on concrete barrier by the sand box together, and their little bodies mushed into red star bursts on our fingertips. It was a whirlwind love-affair driven by our mutual love of sweet rides and arthropod extermination.

  9. The one thing propelling us to do exactly what it is that we want to do. We can’t stop it. We try our best to alter it. And yet, nature propels us on our way.

    by Charles A. on 05.16.2010
  10. Destiny is a myth in so far as it is fluid. When you decide something was destiny, you release your right and ability to make decisions or change and you give up your free choice and life. There is no destiny we do not make or allow.

    by Mary on 05.16.2010
  11. My friends all believe in destiny, that they were and are meant to be with this guy even though he’s across the world, treats her horribly, and they only knew each other for three days. I’m not sure I subcribe all of thier destinies seemed forced like they want so badly to have one that theyre searching for thier lives purpose at 17. I think I’ll just see what life brings me.

    by MeMe on 05.16.2010
  12. how can u control your destiny if someone else can seal your fate

  13. I don’t believe in destiny(ka).And if I did I would give it the bird.Destiny only works in the negative.Fuck Destiny!

    by on 05.16.2010
  14. I don’t know where this will take me. But I can only try.
    I jumped.
    And screamed and laughed. It was awesome! I flew threw the air and fell into the lake. I heard laughs all around me. And smiled. I’m glad I tried.

  15. I believe we create our own destiny. There’s nothing already written.
    Chose where you want to be.

    by Delphine on 05.16.2010
  16. Destiny. What a word. No one knows exactly what it is, but it’s mainly just here so that people can have at least some hope. Do we have a destiny? maybe.

    by Rebecca on 05.16.2010
  17. where am i going? what am i doing here…why cant i figure this stuff out. it’s like i want to believe there is something waiting for me that is wonderful. but up to this point i feel completely lost and not understood especially by the one who i thought loved me. so is it real?

    by Patty on 05.16.2010
  18. It’s the thing yo can’t avoid. It makes you be the person so are suppose to be. It is something you can’t avoid.

    by kim on 05.16.2010
  19. Destiny’s call is neither faint nor ear-splitting.
    Its song is sung in its lovely soprano
    drawing you in just as a siren call
    but danger is not so eminent.

  20. thats my friend i love her she means everything to me. destiny is also what i have in life it is also ver important. everyone has one! you me that old homeless guy. yepp, thats all tr

    by Rebecca on 05.16.2010
  21. Darth Vader said this to Luke Skywalker during their epic dual. “Luke, fulfill your destiny.” As it turns out, Luke’s destiny was not to join the dark side OR to kill his father.

    by Kris Nunn on 05.16.2010
  22. Someone once told me that I have a destiny. This was stated as were already laid out for me. I feel I have the.power to.change it

    by shana on 05.16.2010
  23. Our destiny is something that cannot be determined. By God, by us, by any entity or life force that will try and change our anything. Destiny does not exist no matter how you look at it, we are doomed and a failure waiting to exist somewhere else.

    by Arienette on 05.16.2010
  24. I can’t tell if it was destiny that you asked me to prom or a big mistake.
    I really like you.
    I wish I knew how you felt so I wouldn’t be in such darkness about it all.

  25. She got back up from where she fell and wiped the dust off of her shirt. The storm may have knocked her down, but she would not let destiny decide where she goes. This is her life, and she would not fear destiny.

  26. i don’t know what my destiny is; i just feel as if there’s more to it, there is something I still have to do – but i often think we probably all feel this way? “jeder denkt an sich, nur ich denk an mich!” And also of course, that I really have to live healthier if I really want to manifest my destiny.

    by marianne on 05.16.2010
  27. Manifest Destiny. As i listen to the history channel telling me about how we “settled” the west I realize that kids today have much better and more interesting ways to learn about history than i had. i wish i could be a kid again and learn in this brave new way.

    by m on 05.16.2010
  28. i heard that destiny was the main thing in life. i don’t know. is it? what about fate? what about making your own destiny?

    what about those who don’t believe in any of it?

    i think that life is what you make of it.

    your destiny is what you choose it to be.

    nothing more nothing less.

    by lara on 05.16.2010
  29. I don’t want to fulfill this destiny. It frightens me. But I suppose anyone’s destiny really does. The only thing we all know for certain is that we die. But now I know what will happen in between now and then.

  30. What is my destiny? Certainly not to be a drug addict or a felon..which is what I am to those who don/t know my hes rt and my soul? so what is destine for those like me that have nothing to show for this life they have lived except failure and heartache? I think my destiny is whatever I choose o to matter what others may think i deserve.

    by Tamara on 05.16.2010
  31. resolute yet wandering, free yet vaguely out of control. the truth is were all apart but none together. the meaning is hidden and at once within our grasp, too bad we all forget

    by taron on 05.16.2010
  32. Is there really destiny? Or do we just stumble through life the best we can. And when not wanting to claim the results we say, “It was destiny.”

    by Mary on 05.16.2010
  33. Like some goal I needed to reach. Guess what? I didn’t get to keep me. There is no story to tell at the end. I’m still teething on some existential bone, like a hopeful dog.

  34. you’re mine. you’re mine. you’re mine. you’re mine. you’re mine. you’re mine. you have to be mine. you must be. three years isn’t a coincidence. coming back and back and back ISN’T a coincidence.

    by Helen on 05.16.2010
  35. Do I believe in destiny? Of course not. Well, I thought i didn’t. Until the day I met him. The day I met him and he told me those words. The words that would become my destiny. But it’s just a load of bullshit. Isn’t it?

    by Sophie Henderson on 05.16.2010
  36. Our destiny is to be together. What can we accomplish together? Everything. We have to wake up and do something with our lives because we have to live to our fullest potential.

    by Andreya on 05.16.2010
  37. he may not be perfect. he may make me upset, angry, confused, livid, and frustrated. he may not say the right things at the right time. but he is my destiny. destiny is not an image of perfection. it is instead an image of realistic goals. life is not comprised of happy endings, so why should our destinies?

  38. Destiny is one of the best things ever. My destiny feels like it’ll be Kevin Lawrence, only because he is the one person I will never get over. Destiny. Is purple. It’s lowercase. It’s everything..

    by Taylor on 05.16.2010
  39. it was my destiny to be a harry potter freak i think. if i were not, i would have never become as close of friends with gillian, and i probably never even would have met brian and meredith. i would have had no idea what to write for my college essays, and i would would not know how to define myself.

    by syd on 05.16.2010
  40. it’s all about destiny what we live for and what we’re searching for. some people feel it’s a futile journey something that can’t be fought against, while others view it as a challenge, something that is to be avoided at all costs. the real question is whe

    by molly ladhoff on 05.16.2010