
May 16th, 2010 | 408 Entries

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408 Entries for “destiny”

  1. what God has planned for each of us. what we are all heading towards. what I hope will be brilliant for my son. the outcome. what is yet to be. the end of our journey.

    by gretchen on 05.16.2010
  2. is whatever you want it to be. what awaits is unknown so you must create your own. live fully for you are free. your destiny is your powerful choice in life.

    by cat on 05.16.2010
  3. if i could control my destiny i would never be sad and i would never see the world in distress

    by chelby on 05.16.2010
  4. 1destiny = determination evolves surrounding the infinite’s new ‘yarn’

    by on 05.16.2010
  5. I thought you abd I were meant to be, but not you’re being mean to me. I don’t understand, thought you were a good man, now I can’t seem to see. you’re a jerk pj

    by Annie Morino on 05.16.2010
  6. destiny means fate, or last destination. it can also be taken in the meanings that ‘future or last success’.

    by Atif Noor on 05.16.2010
  7. I can’t find my destiny. It’s not in the palettes of eyeshadow or underneath streetlights. The men don’t want me. “But I’m so pretty” I can’t see my self anymore. What happened? I had a heart.

    by cassidy on 05.16.2010
  8. A crossroad at which chance meets conviction, and the bounds of your willpower are tested. An inalienable potential to conquer or fail that you must rise to meet, or fall beneath the weight of.

  9. we all have some sort of destiny. large or small, it’s there. don’t doubt it. you’ll get there eventually. don’t lose faith. ever.

    by jess on 05.16.2010
  10. I believe the universe is one big fractal and in that all of our lives are circling into one big something- or nothing.

    by Claire on 05.16.2010
  11. It was hers. Her destiny. She must fulfill it. Before her stood the temples, rough hewn stone and craggy dirt clogs the size of a house. Inside lay her answers.

    by Christian Vosler on 05.16.2010
  12. Is the bullet with your name on it. It is the sword of the fallen soldier. It is the fist in you face when you can’t keep your mouth shut.

  13. something everyone strives for. what you are destined to do. what’s supposed to happen. fate. love. ultimate. god. happiness.

    by anna on 05.16.2010
  14. Doesn’t define me. I’ve battled my entire life and I have yet to gain what I want. I keep fighting.

    by Gerardo Quiroga on 05.16.2010
  15. Destiny is for the weak-minded, fearful majority of the world, of which I am not a part.

  16. it is my destiny to go there. it is my destiny to see the world as no one else sees it. the midnight sun is a symbol to me- it means that perhaps my day will never end. the days will consistently trade from today to tomorrow and that never ending cycle will be my journey, my destination.

    by Amanda on 05.16.2010
  17. destinys child is dead. sorry.

  18. The man thought for a moment and realized the concept was illogical. Well, maybe illogical was too harsh of a word. It had no merit. Time is already laid out. There’s no need to tie a label to it.

  19. destiny….thats a vague thing to right about, really vague. it could be considered a power beyond our imagining, as if all mankind were puppets on strings, or infact it could just be more of a religionesk type of attraction we cling to in hopes of explaining why things happen in life.

    by sean on 05.16.2010
  20. Destiny is for the weak-minded, fearful majority of the world’s population, of which I am not a part.

    by Leah on 05.16.2010
  21. Destiny is just as true as free will. It is just based on statistics. We are all machines, biological though we are, that have complex computing systems. These systems can be replicated, thus making the predictable.

    by Brian on 05.16.2010
  22. i have a destiny. it is to be the best person i can be. i am a pioneer of my time and have to push forward to fulfill the dreams of mankind.

    by brandon on 05.16.2010
  23. Destiny walked out of the strip club, greedily clutching the few dollars she had made. She crossed the street to the day care. She pondered how this must look the passersby, but then realized that it made more sense than she was willing to admit.

    by Brian on 05.16.2010
  24. I am lost in my own fantasy world. Discovering my ” destiny” seems to always be sidetracked by uncontrolled curiosity.

  25. Mannox knew that catching aliens was his destiny, but he was lazy. He procrastinated a lot. He liked reality television, wii sports, nintendo, even cooking shows, but his grades suffered and he really wanted to grow to fulfil his fathers claw marks, he was just too lazy to really get off the lounge and do the sword practice he needed to sharpen his skills.

    by on 05.16.2010
  26. Destiny, what a fun word to fanitsize about. What is our destiny? Mmmm defintly rolls off the tongue.

  27. is it my destiny to carry your heart on my sleeve as a reminder of yesterday and the time i spent wanting when i could have just plunked you from the bunch but was too afraid to do so

  28. Destiny is everything. It is what determines the direction your life takes. Some don’t believe in it, others do. Either way, it is thought about constantly. Are your decisions predetermined? If so, why then is there that struggle of making decisions. Is it just to give us that “life” experience? But then there’s that word…destiny. Do we then just sit back and leave our lives in the hands of an unseen omnipresent being? Or do we take our life into our own hands, even if we won’t be able to influence the outcomes? Yes, destiny. An ever important and ambiguous word. We’ve all heard it, but how many of us really know what it means? Does anyone?

    by AV on 05.16.2010
  29. there is no such thing. it is merely an excuse for the lazy and the coward. one decide’s by one’s actions what happens to him. on

    by barok on 05.16.2010
  30. What does that even mean? It can’t be real. We make our own destiny; too many people think it is predetermined. What a joke. There is no plan for you. You are what you make of yourself. Period. End of story. Anyone who tells you otherwise just wants to believe that there will be something to make up for their mistakes.

    by Kim on 05.16.2010
  31. Everyone has a destiny. It all depends if you choose to go there.

  32. I always knew I was different. Never could fit in. It was more than just figuring myself out, it was learning who I was, what I was. It took a while for me to learn to be comfortable in my own cold skin. It seemed like a dream, perhaps a nightmare.How could death be a gift? I should be seen as a monster. a killer. But to my kind I’m seen as a warrior. A leader. To the humans that trusted me, a savior. But now I knew it to be my truth. My life. It was my destiny. To protect those I could from the wicked of the world as I see fit. The taste of blood wasn’t so bad after all. Especially when it came with victory. I licked the last of blood from my lips and smiled. Maybe my destiny wasn’t so bad.

    by CatCat on 05.16.2010
  33. I love my destiny. I believe in love and life and it all meaning something. I believe in life after death, but not in the religious way. In the way that everything is important.

    by Laura on 05.16.2010
  34. destiny is predetermined. you dont make the descisions yourself. they are made for you. They are made before you are even born. before time. before life.

    by AV on 05.16.2010
  35. She knew she had a destiny, and she was 100% sure that this was not it. She wasn’t supposed to die in the middle of a street, she was supposed to go down fighting, make a difference, be someone. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be.

  36. my life and a never ending path to somewhere- doesnt necessarily mean ill like it but itll always be moving towards something and further away from a past I dont mind losing.

    by charity on 05.16.2010
  37. adam

    by sonja on 05.16.2010
  38. When i think of destiny, I immediately get a sense of weight, of being weighed down and trapped. I think that’s because of the connotations behind density. When we hear it, we immediately associate the word to a sense, a feeling. We then experience, subconsciously, that feeling whenever the word shows up

    by Jon rawski on 05.16.2010
  39. it was my destiny to one day become the greatest writer of all time. One day, i will rule the kingdom of books.

    by catherine on 05.16.2010
  40. what is destiny? there are so many things that people think are their destinies, but really, it’s just something that happens to them. is destiny controlled by God? are there really any coincidences in the world? the word destiny raises so many questions.

    by Jane on 05.16.2010