
August 18th, 2011 | 727 Entries

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727 Entries for “deer”

  1. Munch on grass, deer in the headlights, flashing eyes, doe and fawn, dappled sunlight, racing through the forest on well beaten paths, brown, speckled, soft, beady eyes, long legs, antlers.

    by Nellie Chung on 08.18.2011
  2. I once hit a deer with a car. It was pretty fucking weird I’ll tell ya… Of course I got out of the car to see if it was really dead. The thing is… It wasn’t. It was alive and kicking and it looked at me with its beady eyes and I swear it was crying or some shit because there were these weird dirt tracks coming from its eyes; and that’s the day I became a vegetarian

    by Lola N on 08.18.2011
  3. what an animal to be like, to have the eyes so large and saucer-like that you are in the headlights. a deer. how dear, how quiet, how adorable, how small, how gentle is this animal. Preyed upon by man and larger animals with sharper teeth, the deer sits quietly. it must be thinking a lot. What a lot it could think about with such big eyes and the amount of time it spends on the sides of hills and dodging the view of those in passing cars. Does it think about time? Does it think about space? Does it think about you? Does it think about me? Does it think at all? Maybe, there is nothing so interesting enough to entertain the mind of this creature, nothing at all, aside from the grass and the wind and the sky. What a pleasant existence.

    by g on 08.18.2011
  4. bambi’s mum was killed and everyone cries about it. I’ve never seen one, but i’m sure they are lovely and I would cry if someone killed my mother too, so I guess i get it bambi.
    You are cute.

    by Natalie on 08.18.2011
  5. Deer’s are strange fragile creature. The only thing I can think of is when I was younger at the crck of dawn almost every morning I used to go to my basement, stand on the toiletbowl look out the window and watch the deer graze prance and live. I thought maybe one day I could live life carelessly like a deer. So far, not happening. But what do we know, when we’re only six years old.

  6. it’s comparable to having one’s hair caught in a door, getting my antler stuck in a tree…

  7. my darling my love my life.
    i sincerly owe you the entire half of my soul and the other my heart.
    in which we can never be apart.

    i love you like a cookie in milk.
    and the sun after the rain.
    my dear my love my life…

    deer is spelled wrong.

    by Jes on 08.18.2011
  8. When I was little we had a home in Linwood Michigan and there was a deer park down the street. The pony of the Kennedy’s was there. It was odd in Michigan they preserve them and kill them also.

    by Myra Symons-Kazanci on 08.18.2011
  9. a fragile creature of the woods with a majestic beauty about them. very timid but so captivating. a powerful creature.

    by Kara Pichler on 08.18.2011
  10. Deer in the headlights. Startled and unsure of what to do. The light is to much for the heart to stand. Frozen like a mind with writer’s block.

    by Kiegan on 08.18.2011
  11. Stupid mammals. Why do they run in front of your car? My friends say after a few shots of tequila I look like a deer in the headlight. I guess, I glaze.

  12. A lonely deer was crying on the edge of a mountain feeling all alone. The weather had been awful that day and due to the storm the deer lost her parents. In hopes of seeing the parents from the top of the mountain it stood there waiting and waiting. then a rabbit appeared that offered his help in saving the small deer and finding it’s family.

    by Alex on 08.18.2011
  13. It is brown and the male have antlers. They usually have two fawns that have a series of white spots on their backs the have four legs one tail two eyes two nostrils one butt two ears they have four hooves at eat grains

    by Jade on 08.18.2011
  14. An animal. A deer has horns if it’s a male and no horns if it’s a female. A male deer is called a buck and a female deer is called dough.

    by Matthew on 08.18.2011
  15. green tractor and head lights bambi and john and open season and a bear and a redneck deer sex trees brown poop deer socks cotton tail forrest buck truck fawn rake shot gun farm deer jerky hunting elliott spots country disney pee scented pee rick james love story clothing lord of the rings gandalf dear john deer john letters

    by DeAnna on 08.18.2011
  16. I’ve never hunted a deer, but I always thought it’d be nice. I would shoot it and skin it just like anyone else, only I would be the one behind the gun. Though I’m sure I’d be afraid to actually shoot a deer. I tell myself that I’m brave enough to shoot one, but surely I’ve been desensitized to believe that.

    by Nick on 08.18.2011
  17. Oh dear dear me, a deer is a creature that is endearing and enduring. It is regal but vapid. It is an oxymoron. It’s eyes can emote wisdom and caution but also surprise and an unfortunate gullibility.

  18. it reminds me of the song by katie miccuci, dear deer, i am writing you a letter. tehe, its all cute cause shes cute, and its about her trying to save a deer. haha. that was only the beginning of course, but yeah. :DD i like deer, they’re cute :3

    by Teahelahn on 08.18.2011
  19. She ran like a deer towards the edge of the woods. And then I realized something, she actually was a deer. Her legs morphed into deer’s legs, her feet transformed into hooves and she practically flew into the woods.

    by Rosetta Quinn on 08.18.2011
  20. skiddish and frightened, alone and naive. we are all deer.

    by allison on 08.18.2011
  21. coffee colored fur, after you pour the milk swirls and settles into a languid and liquid tan, lighter & lean

    by lauren on 08.18.2011
  22. deer in dawn headlights on a summer morning. eyes wide and bleary, soft skin arched back snap crack, gone on slender legs through the backyard before the boy wakes for breakfast.

    by lauren on 08.18.2011
  23. fawn and tan and taupe. all different colors but all much the same. soft but sometimes strong and raging full of musk fueled hormones. cute but also powerful. deers are snow loving, mistletoe crunching animals that i have never even seen ni real life. but they seem friendly . generally,when they aren’t headbutting each other into oblivion.

    by M J Callaghan on 08.18.2011
  24. antelope moose alaska highway 99 69 sex hot mike love romance marriage wedding carribean honeymoon beach sun hot fun alcohol mixed drinks apartment single bachelorette music dubstep clubbing awesome life love tattoo

    by Brittany on 08.18.2011
  25. My brother hit a deer once. It came out of no where and took off the front of his car. Luckily he drove a Grand Marquee–a car that is like a gigantic black boat. That car probably saved his life. I think it was a buck that he hit, which is a shame because I always thought that the male deer was very regal looking. Even though deer aren’t particularly intelligent.

    by Casey on 08.18.2011
  26. I saw the deer, peering through the branches at us. As it peered at us, perhaps thinking it’s life was in danger, I wondered if it was lonely, if watching us made it feel like it wasn’t alone after all. Then a twig snapped under a hikers foot as he positioned himself to take a picture of the deer, but his subject was gone. Gone as quickly as he had come, into the trees and away from us.

    by paulie aragon on 08.18.2011
  27. dear or deer what has the meaning of life. the metaphoric gold that is the human society? tis not the dear of a dear john of such compassion or the timid life of a deer.

    by AJ on 08.18.2011
  28. Everything seemed to be an obstacle. He was so close to the end but it seemed like he would never reach the final destination. Everything was a hurdle that needed to be overcome. Is the reward worth the energy spent?

  29. As the deer panteth for the water, so my soul longeth after You.
    You alone are my heart’s desire and I long to worship You.
    You alone are my strength, my shield.
    To You alone may my spirit yield.
    You alone are my heart’s desire and I long to worship You.

  30. The deer didn’t stop. It just ran right into the truck. Not that it stopped the truck, or even slowed it down at all. The dead animal was thrown back into the ditch from the force of the impact, and twitched mindlessly as it started to cool.

    by Matt on 08.18.2011
  31. There are lots of deer around my house. They have gotten pretty brave. They think they can just run onto my perfectly manicured lawn (okay, I mow it once a month) and chomp on all of my grass. Well, they have another thing coming! I went to the Sportsman’s Warehouse yesterday and bought a BB gun. It’s go time.

    by Chelsea on 08.18.2011
  32. deer in the woods eating in the morning. looking out of the window looking at them. it’s foggy and even though it’s a common experience, it’s still something that gets your attention every time.

    by Denise Godleski on 08.18.2011
  33. I was on a run about two months ago when I last saw a deer in person. It was 6 A.M. and the Sun had just barely peeked through the cracks in the tops of the trees. I was about halfway home when I saw it, a doe at the top of the hill, standing in the middle of the dirt road. We were no more than 20 feet apart when I stopped, and after our brief moment of shared respect, she turned and jumped over the brush in a single leap.

  34. The small deer raced soundlessly through the think undergrowth. Her cloven hooves padded into the ground, through the brambles, with an alien-like precision. One second I saw her, I blinked, and she was gone.

  35. I saw him coming toward me, frenzied from Mating Hormones. My reaction time never was good. I swerved at the last second, but the wrong way. Right smack on the driver’s side of the windshield. He didn’t stand a chance.

  36. Hey I just did this one. I remember this time were a deer ran into my dad’s car. But it only hit it with its noes. There was no damage but there was deer snot down my dad’s car.

    by ZoeZoe on 08.18.2011
  37. cute but dumb and you feel bad for them because you always see them being killed but its their fault like just look out for the cars and I feel like a carcas is always sitting there too long and noone cares about the dead animal and just drives over or past it like it doesnt matter but it had a family and now its gone and their whole lives are impacted for survival

    by amber rosefelt on 08.18.2011
  38. A very graceful animal that is found in many places on our planet. Often found on the side of roads as well. They would be good for pets… Actually no. But they’re damn cute. I want one. In my yard. All the time. So I could pet it. And love it.

    by Stephen Kurz on 08.18.2011
  39. Tiny black hooves skittering across wet pavement. Hearts in throats. Awe and fear and hope all at once. Phew! She made it!

    by Cheryl on 08.18.2011
  40. my step grandpa ran over a deer and totaled his van and now the stupid guy and my grandma got a new car and apparently are due to arrive in five minutes kehraosiejroasierhaskejrlaskejra I AM GOING TO KILL MYSELF WHY IS IT THAT I AM THE ONE THAT HAS TO GIVE UP MY ROOM THERE IS NO LOGICAL EXPLANATION FOR THIS JUST ASLKERHALSERBKASEDJRLASEBRLAKSJERKLASJKLJ I hate everythinga sdkhrasedklrhsekldjralsjehrasklehrasklejrasklejrlaksej this sucks okay this is the dumbest thing to ever happen this summer I think.