
May 6th, 2008 | 529 Entries

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529 Entries for “cone”

  1. a cone is made of honey wax
    if its hot it will be soft
    not at all like tacks

    the heat is growing in my loft
    not from lit incense cones
    but from the burning of my bones

    this poem stinks quite a bit
    but i didn’t have more than a minute

    by casey on 05.08.2008
  2. boobies ni0pples titties oooh so nice, so catherine has nice titties, though her body needs work and idk maybe the face would be better later on. just talking is nice, kinda, but i bet in bed itd be more susceptible ice cream.

    by John on 05.08.2008
  3. ice cream dripping down my hand sticky sweet orange traffic screech loud ouch smelly bridge construction always never stops argh slow cone heads weird show vacuum cleaner

    by anna on 05.08.2008
  4. one word done hurriedly but there is no where to go i don’t know maybe there is a monster here that’s eating up all the things that make other people good. haha! maybe one word, just one can make the monsters go away. today, i might find the word. do i seek beyond the windows. but it’s a 46 floor building. may be i could push it down and out.

    by jules devon on 05.08.2008
  5. Sweet, tempting, gooey and crunchy. Should I get it? Should I taste it? Should I? It would satisfy in the heat. The cool, creamy crunch. But what to do? Vanilla, strawberry, chocolate, swirl? Butter Pecan? Oh ice cream cone.

    by Fred Kuhne on 05.08.2008
  6. I scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream.

    And then all of a sudden, Ice Cream Cones! Hundreds of them!

    Coneheads. WTF? Dan Ackroyd could have done better. I think. At least, I hold him in higher regard.

    I’m done. Cone is no fun.

    by ReefMastaFlex on 05.08.2008
  7. We used to think that cones were put by people with a purpose. Then, tonight actually, we stole some cones and set them up everywhere, and watched traffic get redirected. Don’t trust cones.

    by Charlie on 05.08.2008
  8. coneheads road cones

    the cone was orange and sat on the side of the soccer field. it was kicked over and the kids all screamed. hooray! the cone has been kicked over! then they took the cone and put it on a ledge. it fell off the ledge and into a deeeeep valley. once it got to the bottom of the valley a river sweeped it up and carried it all the way to the ocean. the end.

    by alan on 05.08.2008
  9. Cone is an ice cream accessory. It is the perfect nail polish for that girl we all know. It is the sunglasses we find from middle school. A cone is vital yet it is also superfluous when we take an ice cream cup. But who does that nowadays? we’re on the go on the move. Cones enable us to do that!

    by CJ Saraceno on 05.08.2008
  10. an ice cream cone is just what i want to have now. with you and our son. i’ll have coconut and chocolate. what would you like?

    by francesca on 05.08.2008
  11. It reminds me of ice cream. A cone that I had on Highcliffe Beach when I was a child. Of course a cone also has other properties, mathematical cones, etc. Then there is the cones on the motorway that hold me up nearly every night while the roadworkers take chances while repairing or messing up our roads. I think really I prefer the associations with ice cream the best. My memories are of buying two cones, one for Laurence, my son and one for Cathy, his friend, when instead of eating them, they threw them at each other with hysterical laughter. That was on King Author’s stone, I think now that stone and stoned maybe was the key to their behaviour. I also rememkber at Joe’s ice cream parlour in the mumbles, on hot sunny day, – like today. I have been tole that there is an ice cream place in Llandeilo which does wonderful cones and puts Joes ice cream into the shade. Maybe I will check it out as it’s a wonderful day today.

    by Avril Hughes on 05.08.2008
  12. I was walking down the street the other day and saw a cat contemplating whether to jump on a bird that was bathing in a puddle of rain water. I stood quietly by not

    by jcaprice on 05.08.2008
  13. Cones sometimes contain ice-cream. That’s the standard any way. However, aside from containing ice-cream, cones have other uses. They help regulate our traffic systems by providing boundaries to motorists- These can be to keep us safe, or to keep us from driving into holes in the ground. Either way-they serve a useful purpose.

    by Dominic Rout on 05.07.2008
  14. a spherical object usually for traffic or ice cream depends which you like more, I’d go for the ice cream myself, usually stolen by students or very drunk people on the way home from the pub my flats got a few in the cupboard, never nabbed one myself.

    by Charlie on 05.07.2008
  15. A cone is a 3 dimensional shape, if you send a plane through it you will likely get a triangle, it.. after a pyrimid is the second 3d shape I think of when asked to convert a triangle from 2d to 3d, which happens more than you might think…. Then you can put icecream in it, I like waffle cones the best, the ones dipped in chocolate, yummy, summer;s coming!

    by Coney on 05.07.2008
  16. cones are for the road. cones for ice cream. cones for hats. i like cones. waffle cone. orange cone. cone cone cone. little children like the shape of cones.

    by ana on 05.07.2008
  17. ice cream pine dunce
    construction orange potholes manholes your holes and my holes bugles yum tasty crunchy pour some sugar on me! don’t think about it too much a shape a shape simple geometry geometrics shapes donald duck on mathematics pool billiards table darkness in the background green light in sight insight line of deployment

    by michael marmion on 05.07.2008
  18. Cone… can mean different things. For me, it’s the orange traffic cones. You can see them on the freeways, alerting you to the presence of workers…or some kind of danger. I see those orange cones on the street, flattened either by accident or on purpose. My son uses those cones to mark off areas for his construction equipment. And also those cones marked off the path for skateboarders for the downhill races…my daughter was a skateboarder in her teens…won titles. Also I think of cones and the Wicked Witch of the West..who really was a symbol of Western Monies and a power struggle with the power brokers of the east.

    by Helen on 05.07.2008
  19. it’s a 3d shape
    many ice cream scoops come in it.
    it’s delicious in the ice cream cone form
    it’s used in math.
    many castles have cone shapes on the top of the towers.
    Cones are fun to make out of paper.
    They make good funnels for spices that you need to have precise.

    by Jessica on 05.07.2008
  20. ice cream mathematics prism ice blank fun random chocolate vanilla strawberry sprinkles Mr. Softy traffic orange sound amplifier

    by gordon on 05.07.2008
  21. ice cream filled or maybe those things you put in your bra, scratch that, videos of madonna’s old live performances and her cone streetwear. also in middle school we used to call each other “cone”, thas a “cone”, then maybe even act it out by making a cone on top of our heads. street cones, sky cones, sky pilot cones, berry cones, cherry cones, gettin coned, combing, coning.

    by alyssa on 05.07.2008
  22. I went to the store and bought myself a cone

    by stephen on 05.07.2008
  23. Ice cream is tasty and delicious. Sometimes it melts over the cone onto your hand and dribbles down past the pinky. My favorite flavor is Haigan Daaz Cherry Vanilla. Creamy and delious.

    by Jaime on 05.07.2008
  24. a shape that reminds me of ice cream. it makes me hungry and think of chocolate. it is also the shape of the orange traffic cones that warn drivers. theres nothing more i can think about. i ran over one once.

    by ashley on 05.07.2008
  25. flower,volcano,i dont know
    a thing
    or not it’s like..i don’t really know.feminine

    by anda on 05.07.2008
  26. ce cream candy pops up on a rooftop hahahaha up in arms boston open key west territory bugle pants boy hardy plants green of flower and mint of julip on the lips of sunburned vactionerers on the dock of my bay of pigs in a blanket for…

    by frank on 05.07.2008
  27. ice cream. dribbling down the side of a perfect waffle cone.

    the summer causes us to do many stupid things. thinking you were holding me down, i cut myself free from you. i wish you were here now, so i could apologize. and share part of this melting frozen creation with you.

    take me back.

    by eryn on 05.07.2008
  28. i like ice cream cones, usually i get it in a cup..which is kind of funny..after eating fatening ice cream, i am worried about carbs? its like eating greacy chinese food and getting a diet coke…i once had a professor who used to drink a slim fast with his was funny and kind of ironic..he ate a full meal and drank another one

    by Jessica on 05.07.2008
  29. Ice cream cones. The hot days of summer, lazy days in Harbor Beach. Walking down the resort, biking down the resort. Flip flops slung over handlebars, or walking on the moss. Hard pavement hurts the soles of the feet, until they’re properly calloused. You make it to town, and see the Anchorage, though everyone knows it should be properly called Norm’s, like when you were a little kid. You walk in and the smell of grease assaults you, disgusting, but somehow good from familiarity.

    by Finn on 05.07.2008
  30. donotthinkjustwrite

    by bob on 05.07.2008
  31. donotthinkjustwrite

    by boby on 05.07.2008
  32. donotthinkjusttipe

    by boby on 05.07.2008
  33. hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I’m bob

    by meow on 05.07.2008
  34. my favorite type of sub cyclindrial appendage to wear on my head is quite possibly the humble road cone which is enjoyed by not only the lubricated but the mentally retarded as well.

    by sam on 05.07.2008
  35. an ice cream cone on such a hot sticky day, what a nice break from life, from the world…me sitting here eating this ice cream cone, careful not to let it drip down the sides, making my fingers all sticky, i dont have enough napkins

    almost time to go back, the ice cream is almost over

    by ana on 05.07.2008
  36. it was a warn summer day. i had just gotten the first snow cone of the summer and it tasted divine, like nothing had ever done before despite the fact it was just colored ice. but to me it was beyond this world. it’s about how your mind wants to see it and taste it.

    by oneka on 05.07.2008
  37. Two scoops. I can handle it. Yeah. Peanut butter. Pack it in there, would ya. I know it’s gonna drip. There’s room. Pack. Pack. Denser is better. It’ll drip but so what. I can deal. This will be good.

    by Tate on 05.07.2008
  38. i like ice cream. yummy yummy ice cream. i enjoy the cones but not nearly as much as the ice cream.
    Cones are also fun for wearing. Or so Madonna thought. Who knew??!!

    Back to ice cream – I love me some ice cream, In a cone, in a dish in bowl (sounds like doctor seuss)

    by karla on 05.07.2008
  39. I want ice cream. On a hot summer day. Pink, strawberry ice cream. Meh. Chocolate. Meh. Vanilla is best. Soft served. Dripping. Just the way I like it.

    by Cellllllllooooooo on 05.07.2008
  40. As if that fact of the large basin could be covered , which turn inverted would be cone shaped.

    by JOe on 05.07.2008