
April 2nd, 2010 | 117 Entries

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117 Entries for “condition”

  1. learned behavior.
    I won’t be defined by only what I know.
    The world is too big for that.
    Go big or go home.

    by Joshua Murray (WordFlyer) on 04.02.2010
  2. it wss becoming a recurring condition: at home on friday night doing something ridiculously and oddly creative. but seriously, isn’t it time she had a date or something?

    by Janet on 04.02.2010
  3. It is that three word disease
    That reminds you of me
    and keeps me clean,
    spotless, dry.
    That keeps me there.

    by Nikki on 04.02.2010
  4. There was one condition in their relationship: he despised possession. There was a catch, though: he was easily jealous. How could their affair coexist with reality when it was contradictory of its self? He could not own her, but she belonged to him. A disgusting paradox in a beautiful love.

    by Gwen on 04.02.2010
  5. medical problems, conflicting reports are received from grim faced doctors who know not which disease to give name to your ailment. Instead, they only can call it some “condition” to give name to this faceless monster.

    by Deanna on 04.02.2010
  6. There are many different conditions in the world that people have to live in. However, many people believe they are always in the worst conditions. Wake up world. There are people who are living in far worse conditions than you are. Live your life and be aware of all the other people in the world.

    by C on 04.02.2010
  7. to condition or not to condition—that is the question, if I use too much my hair will frizzle frazzle and I will start to lose it slowly

    by Smith Robert David on 04.02.2010
  8. The condition of man is one of increasing despair; fraught with repression and superficial materialism. The only way to repair the current condition is through increased awareness, psychedelic experience, and a desire to enhance spirituality to increase universal unity.

    by becca on 04.02.2010
  9. I’ve been meaning to tell you something, but I’ll whisper it in your ear only under one condition: I want you to believe what I say. Just yesterday, whiule getting ready for bed, I heard something in my closet: a whisper. Just a tiny whisper, and the whisper was:
    I’ll whisper something thin your ear if you let me. The only condition is that you must believe what I say.
    And suddenly, there was there beside me, a small creature, brown and furry and yet somehow not cuddly. As I watched in surprised, he–it–scrambled under my bed. Now this happened when I was only 7,but I must admit to you: he’s still there. I call him when I need someone to talk to, and the first thing I always say to him is: I want to tell you somethiong, and I’ll whisper it in your ear, but I’ll tell you on only one condition: you must promise to believe everything I say. You can not laugh at me, or tease me later, or tell me that I’m hearing things.

    And I told him I wanted to bring YOU there with me tonight. And he said, not tonight, my friend, but if you’ll bring him tomorrow, I’ll tell him something. Something impossible to believe. And all he has to do is promise that he’ll believe everything I say. Thta’s the only condition I’m holding him to, just like I’ve always held you.

    and my GOD, but this 1 minute is taking FOREVER! I sholuld have run out of time by now, you’d think.

    OK, a bit more, but only on one condition….

    by Starr* R on 04.02.2010
  10. The condition of my mind is…

    by Ryan Beck on 04.02.2010
  11. There are many types of conditions in the world. they are claissifed into many different catergories and most people feel that people with conditions are below everyone else. it seems that people in our socity are very judgemental on people who have contions. conditions can also be silly.

    by grace on 04.02.2010
  12. I guess it all depends on what condition something is in that determines how much it is worth. Good condition

    by Andie on 04.02.2010
  13. Conditioning is one of the most important parts of being an athlete. Its not just physical condititioning either; it’s mental. You have to train your mind to react to situations instantaneously while you have to condition your opponents mind to the defeat it needs to grow used to.

    by mike on 04.02.2010
  14. Once upon a time, a man had a condition, where he could never speak to his wife again. He loved his darling very much, but he couldn’t ever talk to her. As much as he tried, not a single sound or word could come out. He couldn’t even utter a syllable. He stayed with her though, stood by her side, because she was his girl, his darling baby. He loved that girl, he loved his wife enough to stay with him.

    by Nicholas on 04.02.2010
  15. I never thought about the conditions of the agreement. The words “four years of legal custody” never really registered. Was it because I was afraid, or because I was cocky. The conditions meant nothing.

    by Josh on 04.02.2010
  16. Condition makes me feel like I’m going to die, or that I’m too fat. Condition your body and you won’t have to worry about all these current help bs issues. I just sneezed, is that a condition i should be worrying about?

    by Bre on 04.02.2010
  17. all acts are under condition of others.

    by ana on 04.02.2010
  18. mission im on a mission fucked up fridays wooo

    by tony on 04.02.2010
  19. “Is this condition permanent?” the girl’s worried mother frantically asked the doctor.
    “I’m afraid I don’t know. We’ve never seen something like this before,” the doctor explained. The woman sadly looked down at the newborn child in her arms, stroking her hair lovingly.
    “Maria is going to take your daughter to do some tests, alright Mrs. Benson?” the doctor asked gently. The woman nodded, handing her baby carefully to the nurse.

    by Isabelle on 04.02.2010
  20. i’m in a condition of repetition
    wash hair
    wash face
    man’s house
    pimp myself out
    touch dick
    fuck me
    sometimes i feel as though god wrote that on my forehead
    in the red lipstick i use
    that never rubs off on a man’s dick.

    by carolyn on 04.02.2010
  21. I have a certain condition..its called addiction and it sucks!! Its like a shadow that follows me each and every day of my life. When I open my eyes each day I never know if its going to be a shadow day or a good day..but I am always and forever aware that the shadow is subject to tap me on the shoulder at any time…

    by Tam on 04.02.2010
  22. On the condition of having an extraordinary amount of allergies, I really can’t eat much. It sucks. Ass. Really now, must I be allergic to APPLES for goodness sakes? What is this?! IT’S HORRIBLE, THAT’S WHAT IT IS!

    by Shiina on 04.02.2010
  23. Her condition is considered a bit narcissistic. She craves praise for the smallest accomplishments. Sadly, everyone sees this personality disorder of hers. In the end, she accomplishes nothing.

    by katie on 04.02.2010
  24. I’m in this condition, you see. It’s pretty awful. I’m nothing but a vegetable. I can’t think, can’t feel, can’t speak, can’t dream.

    No, that last one is a lie.

    Sometimes I dream that one day they’ll pull the plug and set me free.

    by Winnie on 04.02.2010
  25. Condition X, condition X. Bravo is down, repeat Bravo is down. Dispatch, deploy, execute. I want teams on the ground now. Get me the President. Ms. Henstridge, meet me in my office in five.

    by чэιιο on 04.02.2010
  26. one upon a time lived a girl called heather, she was crazy and had horrible hair!! all of this could be stopped if she bothered to use conditioner!

    by bat on 04.02.2010
  27. i hate it when someone promises you something then they say there’s a condition. which usually makes the whole situation pointless!!!

    by ella day on 04.02.2010
  28. All right then, chips it will be, but on one condition: absolutely no krinkle cut.

    by .___________________________. on 04.02.2010
  29. well this is a nice board and i think the main difference in these two things are very common in this planet called

    by pedro on 04.02.2010
  30. It was the one thing that would hold him back. He could take the man’s hand right now and seal the deal, but there was that one little issue, that one tiny block that would put a damper on any other plane he may have.
    The condition.
    He had to follow it, or the deal was moot. So he was stuck.

    by Jazzy on 04.02.2010
  31. Condition? Oh my gosh, like conditioner? I’m really picky about conditioner but my mom is the one who buys the conditioner so I gotta deal with what we get but OOoooh I love having silky smooth hair it’s wonderful to touch… but a little creepy when everyone else wants to touch my hair cause it’s so silky soft. O.O weird people, but it’s okay xD I’m weird too.

    by Detia on 04.02.2010
  32. lather. rinse. repeat. the conditioner’s instructions seemed clear enough, but as i stood in the shower, trying to really understand what it was to “condition”, i broke out in a sweat.

    by kat on 04.02.2010
  33. What kind of condition. Condition critical? Good condition? Bad? what? I want to know!!! Or, did you forget some letters and really meant conditioner. That stuff is pretty great!

    by rk on 04.02.2010
  34. to see what condition my condition was in. i condition for track. i use conditioner. i wait to see what condition my camera is in after you borrow it. its not that i dont trust you. its his fault for leaving me in this condition

    by esperanza on 04.02.2010
  35. The box was old, no doubt about that. The corners were all frayed and bare, revealing the shining metal beneath the ancient leather. The lock no longer functioned eithe.

    by mimi on 04.02.2010
  36. there is a familiar condition we are all used to. a condition of comfort that leads us to boredom. get out of your comfort zone and live a little and things wont be so boring, half the people wont be on anti depressants and people will be happier.

    by tom on 04.02.2010
  37. A limitation of what you really want. Conditional love, conditions to life. Learn to live without conditions. Follow your heart and free yourself. Give up conditions.

    by Coreena on 04.02.2010
  38. the condition is irrelevant, you should know that by now. Red lines on a white board and the dip and the peak all really comes out to shrapnel, you should know that. Davis went out of his head thinking this way. You should know that.

    by rummy on 04.02.2010
  39. I have a condition in which crabs attack me.they eat my ears and call upon the power of cataleptic stars to destroy the earth.

    by Andyyyyyy on 04.02.2010
  40. I have a condition with the life of a living dead man. If he there contains the life and soul of any other will he be alive? I think he will come to and be not that bound by the soul of him self but of the life of other.

    by Ace Ventura on 04.02.2010