
April 2nd, 2010 | 117 Entries

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117 Entries for “condition”

  1. His skin itched and his stomach felt cold. He knew this wasn’t some physical condition, even though he played along with the doctors, went to his appointments, looked concerned. He knew it was her.

    by Grace on 04.02.2010
  2. The condition of her yard was wild at this time, but soon it will be mowed and looking fine.

    by Mary Lou Wynegar on 04.02.2010
  3. What is condition? Conditioner…it doesn’t have anything to do with the meaning of condition, which is roughly a state of being.

    What is the condition of my writing ability? I think it’s better than I think, but nowhere near where I want to be.

    I have to continue writing…

    Though people often use the word ‘keep’ when they mean ‘to continue’ it is not a suitable replacement. From now one I will use the word continue when I mean to continue.

    Anyway, this exercise proved useful.

    by Lauren on 04.02.2010
  4. it is man’s universal condition to be unable to understand the world around him. it is vast and confusing…which is what makes it so special. Without our misunderstandings there would be no humor or life in the world, and humanity would not be what it is today. It is our condition to misunderstand and misinterpret.

    by Minerva on 04.02.2010
  5. you use it right after you shampoo. it untangles your hair. under one condition. condition. mine smells like coconuts. mmmm hawaii. so warm. lots of tourists. they all seem to dress the same. there should be a tourist shop. one that sell designer clothing :)

    by kathryn on 04.02.2010
  6. sad. depressed. angry. going no where fast. drowning. my nails are not done. my hair is two colors. I have no money. My truck don’t work. I can’t pay my rent. I’m 275 lbs. The worst condition of my life. and yet i will not change.

    by CatCat on 04.02.2010
  7. I didn’t think you would do it. I had no idea. My conditions were that if you couldn’t be honest and faithful you could leave. I never knew you would. It was just something to say. I had to many conditions. now your gone. leaving me in a condiotion of your own

    by CatCat on 04.02.2010
  8. too fat. too thin. too fun. too boring. If only if. Its not goth its emo. Its not rocker its punk. you don’t fit in you don’t belong. but you can. Its wrong it’s right. Everything comes with a condition.

    by CatCat on 04.02.2010
  9. what is the condition – al form for happiness? would you be happy if…? nonsense. take a deep breath. it’s now. it’s here. there’s no “if”. or “maybe one day”. just be. stop whining.

    by e. on 04.02.2010
  10. She knew what it would be like now, with the accident behind but so much left to face. She moved threw the halls as quickly as she could, tried to ingore the stares and whispers from behind her back, tried to ingore how she couldnt open her locker anymore without the assitent’s help.

    by matt on 04.02.2010
  11. The first word that leaps to mind is medical. I think about people having diseases and afflictions, and I think that condition euphemizes it, changes it into something more friendly and tame when it is not.

    by Sabrina on 04.02.2010
  12. she always did seem to be in a fragile condition. like, one little thing could push her over the edge, and break her. and i guess that thing was her mother. but, she just seems so much more breakable now. laying there, motionless, blood dripping down her arm.

    by jacqueline on 04.02.2010
  13. My condition is slowly, ever so slowly, getting better. I will one day free myself from the shackles of sickness, the chains of disease, and learn to truly smile again. I will unlock the door to opportunity, and look at a fresh new world and shout at the whole wide planet that now, for the first time in years, I have won.

    by Keena on 04.02.2010
  14. The human condition. It changes from day to day, but this one thing stays the same no matter what: despite our condition (mental, physical, emotional, financial, regional), we are all human. It is in that condition that we should remember each other every day and never forget that somehow, we’re all the same on the inside.

    by Amanda on 04.02.2010
  15. His condition was unstable. They had to pull the plug. He was getting out of control, dehumanized. He waited in the jungle for hours, searching for Vietnamese kids, women, men. He just sat there, chewing on grass, patient to kill. His assault rifle was his life, and if he lost it he thought he would drown in a sea of darkness, tigers pouncing him, chewing his flesh while his eyes are picked one by one by the ants, chewed until no more white shown. Til his pupils, black spheres, are the only thing left of him. And then he will see.

    by Scythe42 on 04.02.2010
  16. it’s a teapot. how can it lose its condition just like that? there won’t be any wear and tear visible from the outside, sure. but think inside, the remnants of ten thousand lazy afternoons seeping into the crockery. you wouldn’t want to take a teapot from a green-tea drinker, any more than you’d want to live in a yelloow-walled flat sublet from a smoker.

    by d on 04.02.2010
  17. AIR. IT’S ALL AROUND ME. I want to let music fly from my soul because it’s the same color as the sky. I’m tired of life without sunshine and breezes.

    by r.a. on 04.02.2010
  18. Condition rhymes with ignition, which is what I use to drive my car. Though I suppose that’s an irrelevant point. I guess condition really refers to how good or the quality of something. There’s nothing much to say that’s interesting about this. Though a condition is also a set of circumstances before something can happen. Condition ignition mortician petition.

    by Matthew Mosquera on 04.02.2010
  19. Under the same conditions you generated, I agreed to the terms and in the end found myself alone with myself and a jar of peanut butter.

    by Tiffany Chaney on 04.02.2010
  20. He had the strangest condition. Every time he fell asleep, he would talk to ghosts from the graveyard right behind my house. That’s how we met, actually. I mean, he came by to see the graveyard, and there I was, mowing my lawn, like a good homeowner. It was a match made in heaven.

    by Spellgirl on 04.02.2010
  21. you left me stupid and crazy head over heels over you.i dont want to be in a stupid situation but you left me in this condition. in love and crazy over you…. n love for nothing at all

    by bleed on 04.02.2010
  22. I just dropped in to describe the word condition, the condition of a thing is a description of its properties, alternatively condition can also be a noun used to describe a set of symptoms or effects with a common source or cause

    by John on 04.02.2010
  23. a feeling or place in time. a set of circumstances that uniquely describes a period of time. something that one is sympathized with, or is treated differently because of.

    by Lynie on 04.02.2010
  24. Right now, we are all in poor condition. Lacking propery conditioning mentally, physcially and emotionally. This lack of contdition shows up in our every day lives. How we treat others if affected by how we feel about ourselves. So if we condition ourselves to feel better about ourselves, then we will in turn treat others with the respect each human being deserves.

    by Amanda on 04.02.2010
  25. After she realized the condition that I was in, she stopped talking. The expression on her face suddenly went blank and was replaced by fear. She started to cry. Considering that this was no easier on her than it was on me, I cried with her. I have cancer.
    (This is just a story, not reality)

    by Owen Parra on 04.02.2010
  26. She was diagnosed with a very severe condition. Everybody, people that she had never met, had pity for her. “Poor Emma.” they all murmured in the mist of there gossip but she hated it. She was determined to vanish the pity that was unecessary.

    by Carmen on 04.02.2010
  27. She felt it one morning when she was getting ready for work. On went some lotion, and later that month, off came her breasts. It was cancer, and she was only 28.

    by Trish on 04.02.2010
  28. The conditioning of a soldiers body is a crude and arduous task. One most be fit in body and mind. The condition of a soldier is not in his strength or stamina, but with his skill and willingness to learn.

    by J. Baldwin on 04.02.2010
  29. I was only leaving on the condition that the conditioner I was buying wasn’t watered down, and I told the lady at the counter that.

    by Copland on 04.02.2010
  30. Several terms applied to this series. She pondered for a moment, chewing thoughtlessly on the tip of her pencil. One of the things that ate away at her memories the most was this reoccurring question of continuity – was there a condition behind it all?

    by Anne on 04.02.2010
  31. what is the nature of the human condition? Is it fear of death, fear of not having enough, fear of the unknown. Is the human condition delusion. By this I mean that we believe that we are separate individual human beings living in a body that is both destructible and temporary.

    by andrew on 04.02.2010
  32. Condition- A word for athletes, a word for contracts, a word for bargaining.

    Its also the word used to describe how my wife left the world this morning..

    by James on 04.02.2010
  33. “I have a condition…” she said.

    He looked away, wondering how bad it could be. He didn’t want to lose her again…

    by Jim on 04.02.2010
  34. We all have a condition. Some have happy conditions like pregnancy. Some have not so happy conditions like cancer. But all of us have a condition – for better or worse. My condition is generally happy and content with life as it is right this very moment. However, I am aware that life, as it is right this very moment, may not stay that way for very long. My 94 year old mother lives with me. Her condition is not as good as mine. She has health issues which are typical for her advanced age. But, generally she is content with her life, so her condition is usually ok. My children are all in a state of flux – their conditions ever changing, bringing new babies into the world, changing careers, moving, selling homes, etc. Life for them is always a surprise day to day – but their general condition is happy. For that I am ever grateful. So I’m happy to say – the condition is good.

    by Lynn on 04.02.2010
  35. I’m thinking a lot about the human condition. Not that I can tell you what that is, specifically. The Human Condition. Love, Loss. Mental harassment. That is of which I am dealing with, mental harassment. The human condition’s got me, it’s killing me.

    by Emma on 04.02.2010
  36. conditions limit our thinking and ideas. conditions should be altered by us, to make us stronger.

    by sara on 04.02.2010
  37. My hands, they shake… my head, it spins. Oh Brooklyn, Brooklyn, take me in…

    by melanie on 04.02.2010
  38. The doctor looks at me sadly. I already know what’s coming before he opens his mouth. I’ve heard this speech eightthousand, eight hundred times before.
    “You’ve got X months to live.”
    That’s what they say to me.
    My life is lived in sterile, white, dead rooms. I don’t care if I have x months to live, if this is living.

    by molly mcghee on 04.02.2010
  39. I’ll love you under one condition
    We reunite under strange renditions
    Of how our actions used to play
    Within your arms I’d always stay
    Our emotions dried up and were gone for good
    Until one night on my doorstep you stood

    by Ivy on 01.01.1970
  40. condition makes me think of conditioner. I use conditioner everytime I have a shower, some people only use it occasionally but like, whenever I don’t use it my hair goes all dry and gross. I can’t see how people don’t use it, your hair always seems silkier, nicer, softer and smells beter once you use conditioner.

    by Maeve on 01.01.1970