
July 19th, 2010 | 256 Entries

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256 Entries for “commit”

  1. Meh, this word is all right. A better word would be “wang” though. Wang is a hilarious word. I mean, even just saying it is funny. Wang, Wang, Wang. Look, I bet you’re smiling now, reading that word three times to yourself. What a ridiculous word. Do people still name their kids that?

    by Poops McGee on 07.19.2010
  2. “Well, I know one thing about you… You aren’t afraid of commitment.” I looked at him, startled. ‘What’s that supposed to mean?” He shrugged. “You aren’t afraid to commit.” I blinked. “Are you afraid of commitment?” He paused before answering, and I couldn’t see his face. “I’m not afraid of anything.”

    by JenJen on 07.19.2010
  3. I cannot commit to anything just yet. I’m not sure what I want to do, or where I want to be, so I can’t commit to something. I’m sure others feel the same way, but I feel so alone.

  4. Commit this to Memory…. I love Motion City Soundtrack. Commitments… committed…. it’s really all the same to me. I just have a hard time sticking to it.

    by Jessica on 07.19.2010
  5. Again with the commitment? Something new and spanky can’t come into my life? What a drag…Oh well. I’ll make due with the dull and never forgotten of commitment…Yawn.

  6. This wouldn’t have happened to you had you taken the proper training you were supposed to undergo before this mission. Jesus, man, you almost got yourself killed. I swear to you, the next time you go out with me to disembody someone, you had better be committed to the cause!

  7. I am committed to everything that makes him mine. I will do what I have to do just to make it in this world of crazy shenanigans just to make sure he will always be mine. For now it is calm, we may have our awkward moments, but we’ll just let time do it’s bidding.

    by Sunshine on 07.19.2010
  8. he threw himself into me like a commit hitting the earthen soil. We were one soul as we crashed to the covers together in each others arms. Destined to leave a crater in the others heart and fill it with their love.

  9. “Are you willing to commit to this relationship?” he said.
    “I, I, I don’t know.” I stuttered as tears rolled down my cheeks.

  10. To commit is to stick with something. I commit to orchestra, causing me to practice cello everyday. Some people commit to sports and go to all the practices for their sport. Good people commit to relationships. Whatever it is, committing is good and makes other people happy.

    by Olivia on 07.19.2010
  11. I tend to say that I will commit to things but I rarely do commit to such things. Commitment is a funny thing. The intent is always there, but rarely do I follow through.

    by Elisa on 07.19.2010
  12. “Komm mit,” he said.
    I saw him as a silhouette, broadened and narrowed by panning lights.

    by a on 07.19.2010
  13. brims of hats dip down low – obscuring those gentle eyes. no gentle eyes in this world, no room for them, no place. because those eyes can’t commit the crimes, so they stay hidden.

  14. I want commitment. I want a relationship I could give my whole heart for.

  15. I hate to commit because it causes me not to feel like I have any options in life, I wish I had more options but I think that committment is something we have to be able to follow through on and not be afraid

    by Jared Frye on 07.19.2010
  16. commitment. marriage ceremony. commited for life. commited to a mental hospital. locked away. broken commitements. commitments to God. broken apart. commiting to an ideal. commiting to leave. commiting to live. commiting to death. unsure commitment. commitment shy

    by Daniel on 07.19.2010
  17. be loyal and dedicated to some one or some thing. Make a decision and stick with it. Do not waiver under any circumstances. vow to keep your pledge.

    by Amy Hitchcock on 07.19.2010
  18. i’m afraid of commitment. it scares me. what happens if i change my mind? i dont want to hurt anyone else because of my own change of heart. What if i don’t know what i, myself, wants?

    by el on 07.19.2010
  19. I commit myself before thee openly and honestly giving you my all and nothing less as if I’ve known.

    by Jim on 07.19.2010
  20. Ha. Read that as “comet” at first. My mom always had a can of comet around for cleaning. Tall and green, the powder smelled good. I used it for the bathroom counters and the powder nearly disappeared into the green tiles.

    by click on 07.19.2010
  21. I have commited something horrible. I’ve committed myself to you, to all of you. I keep doing this to myself, so much I don’t even know who I am. I’m going to have to cut the strings, lose you all… I’m going to have to.

    by Auguste on 07.19.2010
  22. Commiting to a relationship scares me very much. I don’t think that I will ever be able to completely get over it. I don’t think that i sold my souls

  23. relationships. Fear. Much discussion. Smoking. Love. Etc.

    by Gog on 07.19.2010
  24. I will commit myself to the pen, to the keys, to the blank page on the screen and on the paper. I will commit myself to the words that form in my mind and I will write all of them down in a coherent, formulated way that will tell the world the story I set out to write.

  25. you can commit a relationship. you can commit a murder. when you commit to a relationship most people see it as a good act. but when you commit a murder, you’re pretty much punished for it. its wierd, huh?

    by bryan on 07.19.2010
  26. It’s not like he wanted it to be this way. He just couldn’t imagine his life waking up next to her everyday…watching her get fat and lazy.

  27. i know why you could never commit to me..and all of your reasons are right/correct..totally totally true..everything you know and feel about me is just and true…and I don’t blame you..not loving and being with me is the smartest thing you have ever ever done..and we both know it….i am soo flawed…but that never stops me from wondering if you would have loved me enough to stay anyway

    by on 07.19.2010
  28. Commit is something that people need to do more of. Whatever they are going to do whether it be a relationship, an activity, or a job they need to commit to and see it to the end.

  29. Committing is hard. We run from anything that denotes being “tied down”. Even if it is a commitment to something as banal as a favourite movie or band, we find ourselves indecisive.

  30. I cannot commit because I’m simply not here
    nor can i hear
    because I’m not here]\
    I went away
    and commited to that
    I ate my life
    And lied over THAT
    I cannot commit because
    I’m not here..
    So don’t tell me that’s the worse
    Because things happen at sea
    Worse things than even me.
    So don’t commit to making me commit
    You can fucking forget it

    by AnikaStewart on 07.19.2010
  31. commit is the name of something that I don’t know. so bye.

    and commit is the name of something I don’t know, I am only 6.

    by maxiemill on 07.19.2010
  32. Commit is something people need to do more often. Whatever job or project they are on they need to commit to it and get it done the right way. Too often people do not commit to a job and they leave it done wrong which causes more problems later and more money.

    by John on 07.19.2010
  33. She stands, hands sweating, a shining beacon. His eyes glisten as he gazes upon her flushed cheeks, the tears filling her eyes. Her voice shakes as she says the words, so final, so complete: “I do.”

    by Ashby on 07.19.2010
  34. to commit means to put you life or time towards something personal or important to you. Like Ive committed my life to a love that’s never going to be.

  35. You are here,
    the ground with soft pine needles under my head.
    You are
    the commitment to my enjoyment of the sky and air.
    You are
    my peace and joy.
    stay with me….


  36. Commit, It sounds somewhat like comet, which could either be something in the sky or an electrical store, I prefer the sky idea, there are clouds in the sky and I like clouds.

    by TimTim on 07.19.2010
  37. we constantly are urged to commit to things: daily responsibilities, routine, other people and our own identities. what would a world be like without commitment? one can only be so sure.

    by Cait on 07.19.2010
  38. commitment. i dont want to commit. what a bore. I can’t possible think of a thing i want to do less. Sports, school, books…..all things i’ve dabbled in but never a commitment. I’ll never learn.

    by Lilly Afshar on 07.19.2010
  39. Commit, sounds a tad like comet, which could either be a lump of rock in the sky or an electronics store, I prefer the sky idea; I like the sky, there are clouds and clouds are awesome.

    by Tim on 07.19.2010
  40. She did not want to commit to her. It was a painful realization. A person not willing to fully commit themseleves to someone can only mean one thing, that it is not real love.

    by Lindsay on 07.19.2010