
July 19th, 2010 | 256 Entries

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256 Entries for “commit”

  1. When you commit yourself to someone, you are allowing them access to your soul. They’re going to be exposed to the nitty gritty and the most beautimous sights of your life. The creation and sealing of your bond is priceless. Once you reach that point, you will know that they are the One.

  2. commitment.
    a lot of people are afraid of it.
    some people even commit to being afraid of commitment
    which is kind of silly, don’t you think?
    but I get it.
    no one wants to be bound to something
    that they may have no control of.
    no one wants to give up their freedom
    to stay in or back out
    and really, our freedom is all we have
    that makes us unique.

  3. Life is one step after another. I was committed to follow the snakes and ladder path.

  4. one and one. commited we are. tied together by bonds. i commit to you. i submit to you. am i yours? are you mine? no.

  5. i’ve never been afraid
    to commit to things.

    because in relationships?
    i’m always the one
    left out to dry
    and shaking with neglect
    in the dust.

  6. “Commit to quit!” read the billboard that shadowed over the street he was walking on. He smirked, dropping his spent cigarette on the ground and crushing it purposefully under the heel of his boot. We’re all dying anyway, and dying fast, he always said. Why not have some fun along the way?

  7. she committed her feet to tread slowly through the water. the emerald waves parted in lulling gushes as her pale white body sauntered into the watery abyss.

  8. I wish commitment was easy. i was I could just commit to one thing; anything. It could be finishing that poem with that one missing word or that three year relationship. I wish i could commit.

    by T on 07.19.2010
  9. Hmm. Reminds me of myspace. I liked myspace. It made me feel popular. I was always concerned who was on my top friends. Kinda stupid now. I met Scott via myspace. I wasted so much time on him. And money. And I lied alot because of him. Jerk.

    by Kaitlyn on 07.19.2010
  10. Usually what two people do in a relationship, form a commitment and stay true to one another. It also could be a jumping off point, giving yourself over to a particular desire or decision. Going forward without looking back and doubting.

    by Christopher on 07.19.2010
  11. I want to commit to it, but I’m afraid. What if tomorrow never happens?

  12. It only took the time for him to take off his shoes to commit to it. It made him chuckle. Why take off your shoes if you can’t swim anyway; if you want to sink anyway; if you could use the extra weight anyway? He took off his shoes as if he was about to dive in and save somebody. He watched the bubbles rise above him and left those shoes placed neatly at the jetty’s end, facing out to sea.

  13. to commit is such a commitment! are you ready?! let’s go! i’m committing to my own future, to the best i can dream of. i’m committing to helping the others around me. i am committing to helping to change the conditions in this planet, to changing the hearts and minds of people to be more aware of the environment, of all of life and its sacredness and preciousness. i commit to love as my ultimate arbiter in the affairs of my life. i am committed to always looking at ways i can increase the love and sacredness of each and every situation that arises. is it still under a minute? can’t imagine so… but i’m committing some more. i’ll commit to memory all the beauty that touches my life. i’ll commit to an insane asylum all those who have put money, greed, politics, and expediency in front of love and equality. alright, i’m done committing for the moment. i’ll need a committee to commit anymore.

    by Jaris Dreaming on 07.19.2010
  14. i have committed to a love that has no chance of existing. to commit, means to put your time and effort maybe even your life towards something you love, or are passionate about it.

    by Sarah on 07.19.2010
  15. When you commit its saying you will do something, like a prommis. you commit when you join the military, or when you say you will do something. some people dont keep there commitments…. but you always should!

  16. or commitment, to the trees and their air brushing through their fingers, through the window, squeezing in and breathing out, maneuvering against space.

    by tiffany on 07.19.2010
  17. the knife was heavy in her hand, and the blood around her was a sea of red. a sea of life and she let herself fall back into it, the salty wetness entering her through her mouth and nose and ears, joining with the other redness cursing through her.

  18. To commit is something I’ve never quite gotten a firm grasp on. It’s such a permanent word. A marriage is a commitment; a job is a commitment; college is a commitment. The whole notion of permanence stresses me out beyond measure.

  19. When you commit to something it means that you will do it. Many times people will commit to something and then never do it, sad but true. If you say you will commit todoing somthing you should always do it! Commiting means that you will do something, not saying you will think about it. You commit when you join the milatiry.

    by Jessica on 07.19.2010
  20. woah big word… in less letters! Wierdly i used to fear this word until recently having done it myself! Both to my studies and to a wonderful man who I love dearly! Martyn has brought so many wonderful things into my life and I can honestly say that my feelings for hime grow every day. My first love is a wonderful man!

    by Robyn on 07.19.2010
  21. i committed to someone but i am not sure if they are committed to me. Committed to our mutual growth not only as a couple, but as individuals. I am more committed to myself than any other.

    by Carita on 07.19.2010
  22. How do I accept
    That one great leap?
    How can I manage
    To give myself away
    So fully and completely?
    Will I be able to

  23. To anything but me
    tied to restrictions
    of time
    day or night
    i cannot
    will not

  24. commitment. to give yourself over to a cause. or a person. scaryyy. but usually has an impact and can be effective. like committing to bill aris for xc. or committing to a college for a sport. but often limiting as well. you gotta make sacrafice

  25. something i refuse to do. it’s not fear of hurt; it’s fear of confinement. people who commit also compromise and i’ve already proved my inability to do so. antonym: freedom.

  26. Why won’t you just tell me why you can’t like me? You’re afraid of what? Losing me as a friend? I promise. I love you, as a friend, or as something more. Just take the chance, you dummie. Live your life. Do it.

  27. I looked at Kamaru. Was I willing to commit to this project? We would have to gather a cast and camera people and music, just to reenact some miniature musical. Sure, it would be fun, but we were at a top rate boarding school. Would we remotely have the time for this?

  28. to commit to someone is to make them a priority. not just to say “oh sure let’s be together” but to make sure that their needs come before yours, that their happiness is more important than your own. when two people are able to do this that is when a relationship will be successful.

    by Aubrey Johnson on 07.19.2010
  29. How can I have her committed? After eight decades running loose, no one will believe she is mad and was always mad, even as the girl in the wool coat staring out and smiling a smile I have never seen in 60 years, looking as if she might want happiness but not knowing when it will come and not surely for 90 years or longer.

    by Nancy O'Neill on 07.19.2010
  30. He couldn’t commit. That, he thought, was his problem. When he met her, he tried to change. The problem was that she couldn’t commit. The more he tried, the more she pulled away. In the end it just didn’t work.

    by Lindsey on 07.19.2010
  31. commitment is confusing. no one wants to commit, but everyone needs it. women thrive on while men are terrified. if there were no commitment there would be no us.

    by Kevin Lindsay Jr. on 07.19.2010
  32. Commit. Oha. Kommitive. Die kommen und wollen was. Ich will’s aber nicht hergeben. “Wir wollen nur dein Bestes.” Na und? Ich soll mich kompromittieren. Für etwas, was s i e wollen, aber ich nicht.

    by EliEli on 07.19.2010
  33. i really dont know what does this word mean

  34. Committed to nothing, or something, is what? Us I tell you, we’re committed to living life and having fun, but never dying is also somewhere upon that list! Oh god, what have we done to ourselves? Planning for uncertainties, how can we commit when nothing is given back?! It’s life!

    by Wolf Cherrix on 07.19.2010
  35. I feel like I am looking at the world through a backwards pair of binoculars. I feel so disconnected. Everything feels so far away. I try to get closer to it but my efforts are fruitless. I am, in fact, getting farther away…

  36. Commitment takes courage. It takes self confidence. You need to know you’re making the right choice, or at least be willing to deal with the consequences when it isn’t. It take guts that a lot of people don’t have. Commitment means ending excuses and getting over you’re self. It’s just do it. Make a choice, run with it.

  37. “Sometimes you just have to decide mid-air. Am I going to jump or not? It’s scary as hell up there.” The acrobat’s “tips”, (if that’s what you’d call them) didn’t put me at ease. The trapeze barely moved, swinging dully above the center of the net, mocking me with its stillness. I don’t have the stomach for this.

  38. I can commit if my heart chooses to do so… I can not commit to what i don’t believe.. What a nasty word commit is.. commitment..

    by Gonçalo Pina on 07.19.2010
  39. Couldn’t commit to anything???? True Alora couldn’t keep a job for a month but anything? Alora thought this couldn’t possibly be true. How could Gavin say that? They went out for almost two months. Thats the longest relationship she’s had in a while. Now that she began to think about it that was the longest anything she done in a while. Well except for Steve, she had always been there for Steve. But that was different Steve really needed her, he just didn’t get things sometimes. She was his only friend, his best friend.

  40. love forever together ring carrying something through

    by Natalie on 07.19.2010