
July 19th, 2010 | 256 Entries

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256 Entries for “commit”

  1. He was afraid, but he wouldn’t admit it. He said it was the distance and the fact that they didn’t speak as much as they’d like, but it wasn’t that at all. He wouldn’t tell her the truth because he couldn’t even explain it to himself. He was falling in love with her more and more every second of every passing day.

    by diane on 07.19.2010
  2. I’m not afraid to commit anymore. Because I’m not doing it for anyone else; I’m doing it for me. This is what I want. This is what I know about myself. I’m clean of expectations. I finally feel free.

  3. Commit to a relationship. commitment. it is one of the hardest things to do. especially for our generation. a generation of pencils and erasers. we dont commit to an idea, a political, party, each other, anything. all we are is a generation of maybes.

    by Anna on 07.19.2010
  4. Commitment. Ventriloquism. Scarface. Batman. Robin. That horrible movie with George Clooney. I mean, really? Bat-nipples? And only on Batman and Robin? Not Batgirl?

    by CKM on 07.19.2010
  5. “This isn’t something you can throw off halfway through!” she screamed at him, throwing slippers and papers together at the wall. “You have to commit some of your own time if it’s going to work!”
    “I can’t help myself!” he shouted, ducking behind the sofa as the script hit the table and exploded.

  6. I shrugged my shoulders and tightened my belt. There was nothing else to do now but to continue to move forward. I started this thing and I’ll be damned if I give up now.

  7. I’m terrified to commit. To everything and anything. I don’t want to be bound down to one thing, one person, one place…I need room to spread my wings and fly and make mistakes and fuck up everything…so I can learn again.

  8. Commit lozenges spring to mind, as I contemplate quitting smoking. For another week. Will this be the week I do it? Beach with non-smokers is a good shot. And then there’s relationships.

    by annabear on 07.19.2010
  9. I’m terrified of commiting in relationships. I don’t want to give all of myself to someone else, I don’t want to get broken like that. All I want to do is get out or find someone who doesn’t want me to commit either. Max loves me, and I know that, but I can’t do anything about it because I’m too afraid.

    by Ella on 07.19.2010
  10. Marriage isn;t about love; it’s about commitment. Relationships are about love because each person feels like they have the freedo to walk out whenever they darn well want.

    by Adrianna on 07.19.2010
  11. suicide.


    to a relationship.


    to getting a good grade.

    -ted worker.

    a crime.


  12. suicide.


    to a relationship.


    getting a good grade.

    -ted worker.

  13. Commitment. Somehow, everyone fears it, yet we all want it. Why? Maybe it’s the basic human need for emotional connection. Maybe it’s just lust. Maybe we will never know.

    by Larra Brogdon on 07.19.2010
  14. you cannit commint to yourself. yahg. no marrigae foir joo. i want a ring when i am married and you will not give me one. you suck eggs. hahaha. the end. or not i have stull have a few seconds left. now the end? ummm isnt 60 seconds over? no? mgay then. ihave to keep writing

    by jasmine on 07.19.2010
  15. ‘I don’t know if I can ever really commit to this relationship.’ he said staring at the ground, hands in pockets. ‘I still love her. I think I always will.’ I blink and swallow hard, my heart splitting in two.

  16. suicide, maybe commitement to some values. Attachement to something that is valuable, that you would perhaps scarifice yourself doing it.

    by Clear on 07.19.2010
  17. I had to give up all of my worries and my fears to do this for you but you’re really not making this easy. Please, I need you to help me with this. It’s hard and I’m scared. But I love you and all I want is you, help me?

  18. oh my god…do I have to. What is it about that word that completely freaks me out. Commit…its might as well be give up. What if you change your mind? Then does that mean that you never committed or is ok to commit and then take it back.

    by Mello on 07.19.2010
  19. ohh commit. Make a choice and stick with it. A lack of commitment is a real problem in the world. And I don’t mean “relationships” I mean everywhere. It’s a lack of follow through. It’s how things fall between the cracks.

  20. I don’t commit. I have no commitment to anything or anyone. I’m very well aware you like me, but I’ll break your heart. I’ll make you feel bad. You’ll hate me.

    by Adam Yan on 07.19.2010
  21. Janice sat across from Stewart, she couldn’t believe he was telling their therapist that he was blaming his cheating on not being able to commit. It was more than that.

  22. Can you commit to what you have? Can you settle down to a life with saftey, or must you keep going this path? Commitment is truth.

  23. I decided, upon looking back to previous entries, that I am stuck firmly in the past. Today I commit to seeing beyond what I already know, to learn something new from the present.

  24. Impossible to commit to a beginning, she started at the end. Sam’s husband was found in bed one saturday morning still in his pajamas.

    by Jenn on 07.19.2010
  25. My dog has committed a crime of offense to the senses with her farty, farty self. Ugh. But I love her, dearly. Easy on the Beggin Strips, girl.

    by Anderson on 07.19.2010
  26. It’s hard to commit. Even for a girl. I know that goes against the stereotype in most guys’ minds, but….well, maybe I’m a strange girl. At least when it comes to commitment. Or maybe my standards are too high. Either way, boys are hard to pledge loyalty to.

    by Molly King on 07.19.2010
  27. love hold put yourself completely into something. marriage. often hard work but worth it!

    by rqegw on 07.19.2010
  28. Committing to something is really hard, I think. My stubborn nature forbids me to drop anything that I really wanted to do, yet my laziness makes me never want to do it anymore.

  29. I have no trouble making commitments, it’s the “keeping them” part I have issues with. Maybe I should be committed, eh?

    by damien_karras on 07.19.2010
  30. It was hard to say that he would commit and she was also on edge. But when she kissed his lips there was no questioning the matter. He loved her and for that he would ask her to be his wife.

  31. You commit. The Crime. The Time. A Sense of Honor. To a Relationship. To Yourself. To the Future. To an Idea.

  32. I’d commit to something but it’s hard to stay in something you don’t like very well like drama class that was just a mess at first but now I’m going to do it again next year because I had fun and met people and it was one of the greatest times ever because I committed.

    by Sarah on 07.19.2010
  33. He didn’t think he could commit and yet, he said he would. Said he was committed to their relationship. Said he was committed to her and yet, in her heart she knew that was not the truth. Now her heart aches when she hears the word commit…

  34. thing you should do when your in a relationship when that person is loving caring everything you ever asked for, it should be for a life time

    by blucid on 07.19.2010
  35. commit
    to an idea
    is something
    I have trouble doing
    and following through with a dream I had yesterday
    is an Idea
    that I will toss aside today
    for hopes of another commitment

  36. “So, are you ready to commit to this?” he said in an anxious manner, glancing at her from the corner of his eyes. “Hmm, not sure. Tough decision.” smirking, she twirled the Louboutins and Jimmy Choos between her fingers. Pertubed, he flopped over onto the chair, arm over his eyes, “I loathe shopping.”

  37. commit to life and love never deviate from the path you have chosen for yourself. To commit your entire being to a subject or object such as love or your profession is so to be truly one with the world about us.

    by Aaron on 07.19.2010
  38. I’ve never had a problem with the C-word. I can commit quite easily, to my love, to my career and to my life. The problem seems to be that they find a little more difficult to commit to me.

  39. marriage, a funny thing, you have to spend the rest of your lives together. it’s a commitment, a big one at that to be frank. together forvever, that’s how it is.

    by Jess Shering on 07.19.2010
  40. The crime he committed wasn’t that bad compared to the multitude the cops didn’t know about. So he sat in the metal chair, smiling smugly, wondering when his boss would bail him out.