
October 18th, 2009 | 571 Entries

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571 Entries for “collision”

  1. cars crashing, no time for thought.
    blood flowing from the wound, police on the scene before the noise stops
    don’t move
    stay still
    we’ll get you out
    like two atoms colliding in a vacuum of human nature,
    two cars crash
    avoid people
    avoid crashing
    don’t move, we’ll help
    but I’m scared!
    it’s OK.

    by wood on 10.19.2009
  2. BAM !
    that’s all that i remember when it happend
    i didnt know where i was, what i was doing,
    just that there was so much blood.

    it was everywhere
    on my lips
    on my arms
    on his chest . . .

    by Kari Sedwick on 10.19.2009
  3. I remember a dream where there was a collision and I wasn’t able to contact the police. The phone wouldn’t work. The numbers mixed up. The collision wasn’t bad.

    by Chris G on 10.19.2009
  4. the first car crash i ever got in was when I was 16. five days after i turned 16, in fact. i was driving my dad’s corvette to school because my mom needed my (very sturdy) volvo to go to work, and she was afraid of the corvette not working. I was dumb, made a sliiiightly illegal turn, ran into a huge truck, and well, the rest is fiberglass history :(

    by mandie on 10.19.2009
  5. Two cars collided at the crossroad and there were major injuries to both the drivers. Both of them had to be taken to the hospital.

    by on 10.19.2009

    by STAV on 10.19.2009
  7. I didn’t see her. Partly because I was scrolling through my iPod playlist, trying to find something to take my mind off the day. Partly because I was half a block from my apartment. I knew all the blind spots, I thought. Still, the collision was loud to my ears.

    by Alan T. Kercinik on 10.19.2009
  8. impact. death and destruction. creation. the universe colliding in on itself destroying the before and creating the after; the life and the new. meetings of hate, love, and ignorance.

    by Brandon on 10.19.2009
  9. My emotions are on a crash course collision these days. Please clear the roads. Weave, bob, and turn, and watch out for the impact!

    by actor on 10.19.2009
  10. It was cold and wet, our bodied twisted and mangled in the moonlight. Our minds thought of nothing but the pain and the future, but neither of us had the heart to think of the moments before our end.

    by Alk on 10.19.2009
  11. Its a collision of two strong tribes. However, one of them is much widely known and has a concrete support.

    by zain on 10.19.2009
  12. collision will end us all. collission ended dinosaurs, many other animals unknown to us, and numerous lifeforms. collission occurs everytime, bringing nothing but destruction. we can do nothing but wait for the collision. collision will end us all.

    by adilu on 10.19.2009
  13. the cars raced forward, careening towards a collision. it would be massive, and deadly, but the drivers didn’t care. they knew they wouldn’t be harmed. they would eject, at the last second. it was the passengers who would suffer.

    by d on 10.19.2009
  14. i have to be millioner and i will be. GOD PLEASE HELP ME TO BE A GOOD BUSINESS MAN.

    by JBH on 10.19.2009
  15. He hit her car she screamed it was the worst collision she had ever been in.; her head cracked open blood on the dash board the end was near I hope I made the best of it help she cried

    by Teaghanne on 10.19.2009
  16. Collision means crash, an impact. two people collide at various speeds, unaware of each other, unaware of the other’s existence. collisions are a way of life. a wake up call.

    by a_con on 10.19.2009
  17. a big old mess, things hit each other dam hard, two peoples opinions on very different parts

    by pook on 10.19.2009
  18. Driving along one day, I witnessed a horrible collision. I immediately pulled over and ran to see if I could help anyone. A man had been thrown from his car. I gave him CPR, saving his life, and he sued me.

    by Liane on 10.19.2009
  19. Remember that dorky Howie Day song? It had this melody that caused one to think that it was a very, VERY sweet song and was saying something terribly romantic… but I still do not understand the romantic significance to the concept of two people having a collision.

    by joelle on 10.19.2009
  20. ein augenblick. er ver

    by on 10.19.2009
  21. I wonder what will happen as soon as I click submit

    by on 10.19.2009
  22. it was dark, I was tired. I was stumbling down the hallway, trying to make my way to the bathroom. when seemingly out of nowhere, it hit me.

    the door to the bathroom was never closed at night! I rubbed my head as I fumbled about, trying to open the door. why had he closed it tonight? what was going on?

    by Denise on 10.19.2009
  23. Types of Collisions

    A collision is an event where momentum or kinetic energy is transferred from one object to another. Momentum (p) is the product of mass and velocity (p = mv). A large truck massing 10,000 kg and moving at 2 meters/sec has the same momentum as a 1,000 kg compact car moving at 20 meters/sec; they both have p = 20,000 kg m/sec. The other quantity that can be transferred in a collision is kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is the energy of motion; it is defined as K = (1/2) m v^2. The relationship between kinetic energy and mass is linear, which means that a vehicle massing twice as much has twice as much kinetic energy. The relationship between kinetic energy and velocity is exponential, which means that as you increase your speed, kinetic energy increases dramatically.

    There are two general types of collisions in physics: elastic and inelastic. An inelastic collisions occurs when two objects collide and do not bounce away from each other.

    Momentum is conserved, because the total momentum of both objects before and after the collision is the same. However, kinetic energy is not conserved. Some of the kinetic energy is converted into sound, heat, and deformation of the objects. A high speed car collision is an inelastic collision. In the above example, if you calculated the momentum of the cars before the collision and added it together, it would be equal to the momentum after the collision when the two cars are stuck together. However, if you calculated the kinetic energy before and after the collision, you would find some of it had been converted to other forms of energy.

    An elastic collision occurs when the two objects “bounce” apart when they collide. Two rubber balls are a good example.

    In an elastic collision, both momentum and kinetic energy are conserved. Almost no energy is lost to sound, heat, or deformation. The first rubber ball deforms, but then quickly bounces back to its former shape, and transfers almost all the kinetic energy to the second ball.

    A car’s bumper works by using this principle to prevent damage. In a low speed collision, the kinetic energy is small enough that the bumper can deform and then bounce back, transferring all the energy directly back into motion. Almost no energy is converted into heat, noise, or damage to the body of the car, as it would in an inelastic collision.

    However, car bumpers are often made to collapse if the speed is high enough, and not use the benefits of an elastic collision. The rational is that if you are going to collide with something at a high speed, it is better to allow the kinetic energy to crumple the bumper in an inelastic collision than let the bumper shake you around as your car bounces in an elastic collision. Making their bumpers this way benefits the car companies: they get to sell you a new bumper, and you can’t sue them for whiplash.

    by Bhala on 10.19.2009
  24. The collsion was always going to happen. It was destine din the stars as inevitable as it was tragic.
    He stared at her and breathed,

    by big guy on 10.19.2009
  25. Tim’s collision into Sally turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to him. Luckily she was fine, just a grazed knee, but one look at him and she didn’t even feel the pain. Three years and two children later he thinks daily how it was the best mistake of his life.

    by Helen on 10.19.2009
  26. i was walking down the street whjen i witnessed a head on collision between a bright red car and a cute little silver beamer. i was sad loking on and began to pray to godd that everyone in the accident was fine. woudl they be”? i hoped so. i continued on my poath and saw yet another collision of two birds as tjey swooped to capture a wriggling worm in there too hungry beaks. niether got the worm as a snake dove up to grab it.

    by judy on 10.19.2009
  27. blood was everywhere, safety glass littered in the street. I heard the sirens and knew it was time to run.

    by kyle truitt on 10.19.2009
  28. I’m not thinking just writing, I’m not thinking just writing, I’m not thinking just writing I’m not thinking just writing, I’m not thinking just writing, I’m not thinking just writing I’m not thinking just writing, I’m not thinking just writing, I’m not thinking just writing I’m not thinking just writing, I’m not thinking just writing, I’m not thinking just writing I’m not thinking just writing, I’m not thinking just writing, I’m not thinking just writing I’m not thinking just writing, I’m not thinking just writing, I’m not thinking just writing I’m not thinking just writing, I’m not thinking just writing, I’m not thinking just writing I’m not thinking just writing, I’m not thinking just writing, I’m not thinking just writing collision

    by elena on 10.19.2009
  29. even the best fall down sometimes
    even the wrong words seem to rhyme

    you somehow find
    you and I collide

    haha idk what to say. i wish we collided in a universe that wasn’t in this place and time, and that you were everything i wanted. i wish you weren’t just short of what mattered most to me, because colliding with you, was one of the best things that ever happened to me. i just wish i could say it was the best.

    by easiertolie on 10.19.2009
  30. There was definitely going to be a collision of personalaties here, there was no doubt. The two men were glaring at each other

    by blythswood on 10.19.2009
  31. poop. one time my poop got into a collision with a truck. it went everywhere. i wasn’t quite sure what to do. it was really bad. really really bad. oh no.

    by Jacob Hodge on 10.19.2009
  32. collision is what i having right now, collision of ideas, collision of feelings, collision of thoughts, i dont know what to do, say, or feel, im desperate!!!

    by BEKA on 10.19.2009
  33. collision is what i have been experiencing all my life, my gf colided with another man , my dog collided with a car, i collided with this site…

    by Harshad on 10.19.2009
  34. crashing into each other’s world’s this collision is a meeting of the minds on epic scale. like waves breaking on the shore, like a wind rippling grass,

    by on 10.19.2009
  35. To define simple is not simple. But what I defined of simple is only simple

    by GVS on 10.19.2009
  36. crash. bang. car crash. i’ve had a collision with the wall before.. and with other people. thatwasn’t fun. funny sometimes.. when its with other ppl.. i’ve had a collision with a bird. on my windshield. twice.
    within 5 min of each other. it was crazy. i was on my way back to college with my mother. talking about actually hitting something… she has a habit of hunting deer with her van. yup..

    by Jamie on 10.19.2009
  37. crash hurt ouch life excitement pain learning different speed two combinaton

    by stifoo on 10.19.2009
  38. Je regardai le paysage d

    by McTernell on 10.19.2009
  39. collision is a word that starts with c. you know what else starts with ‘c’? a lot of things. like “cunt” or “cock”, but those are extremely vulgar and inappropriate. i should probably watch my language on this site, but oh well. fuck it. it’s like 4:30 or something here.

    by nick on 10.19.2009
  40. there was a collision at the end of the road. as jack drove up, he slowed almost against his will.


    morbid curiosity?

    he wanted the car number to bet on later at the singapore pools counter?

    it could be me fear?

    or a rite of respect, a vehicle lowering its head in respect?

    it takes more than one simple tired heart to figure that out.

    by miho on 10.19.2009